How did we get to this point?

They're not the same, but they're both deeply pathetic options for the leader of the most powerful country on Earth.

Or we just spend so much time navel gazing no one looks good.

Come on, every election of my lifetime, I've heard the "Lesser of two evils" crap. The reality, with the exception of Trump, most people who've run for President have been highly qualified for the job. But we keep coming up with reasons to not like them, we put them and their families through the meat grinder, and we don't like the result.
The growing tribalism and division that is tearing the country apart and pointing at a desperate need for a third party

We've tried third-parties before in our history, Libertarian Party, Socialist Party, Black Panther Party, Legalize Marijuana Party, Reform Party, Pirate Party (a personal fave).

We don't have a Parliamentary System that allows minority parties to create coalitions so we're pretty much doomed to two-party politics until a) we grow up and start acting like Americans instead of Democrats and Republicans or b) the whole thing devolves into a game show hosted by Ryan Seacrest that picks the President by phone in votes (only $53,000 per call, get your parent's permission).
They're not the same, but they're both deeply pathetic options for the leader of the most powerful country on Earth.

Or we just spend so much time navel gazing no one looks good.

Come on, every election of my lifetime, I've heard the "Lesser of two evils" crap. The reality, with the exception of Trump, most people who've run for President have been highly qualified for the job. But we keep coming up with reasons to not like them, we put them and their families through the meat grinder, and we don't like the result.

No dude. Joe Biden is almost 80 years old. People are the sharpest between the ages of 30 and 50. He's 30 years or more past his prime. That rich dinosaur can't empathize with and understand everyday people any better than Trump can.
Joe Biden is old and impotent. I'm so tired of these fucking dinosaurs running for office.

You mean as opposed to a young person who has no idea how the game is played? Frankly we had that with Jimmy Carter and Barack Obama.

Obama wasn't my favorite but his youthful energy and enthusiasm is exactly what's needed in a good president. Presidents should be young and have a stake in the future they're helping to carve out.
I hope you are not suggesting they are one and the same? That would be ridiculous.
How in the world can two people be "one and the same"?

Humans are different from each other. That doesn't mean they can fall into the same general category now and then.
You dodged it.
Do you believe that Trump and Biden suffer EQUALLY from senility or not?
No dude. Joe Biden is almost 80 years old. People are the sharpest between the ages of 30 and 50. He's 30 years or more past his prime. That rich dinosaur can't empathize with and understand everyday people any better than Trump can.

I know a lot of people in their 70's who are sharp as tacks.

Biden isn't a good speaker, but he wasn't a good speaker in his 40's.

That said, Trump is such a clear danger, that really, you can't make a convincing argument against Biden in any case.
Obama wasn't my favorite but his youthful energy and enthusiasm is exactly what's needed in a good president. Presidents should be young and have a stake in the future they're helping to carve out.

Um, actually, Obama's youth was his biggest liability. He didn't realize how things in Washington worked, which is why he really didn't get a lot done in his first two years when he had control of Congress. Pelosi and Reid were calling the shots... the exact kind of thing you all say will happen with Biden.

Most voters don’t see Trump and Biden as mentally fit to be president, new poll shows

I realize that, for a majority here, their candidate is fine and it's just the other that's the problem. For those who can think a bit more clearly, any guesses? I'll toss out a few:

1. A distorted political system that needs review and adjustments
2. The growing tribalism and division that is tearing the country apart and pointing at a desperate need for a third party
3. Culturally-based lowered standards for pretty much everything

Other ideas/thoughts?
Your link:

"The findings in the pivotal states of Arizona, Florida, Michigan, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin were released Thursday amid a sustained push by the Trump campaign to portray Biden as incapable of handling the demands of office. Most respondents in those states, which will play a huge role in determining the presidential election winner, do not have confidence in Trump’s ability to take on the job, either. "

It appears a handful of voters in a fraction of states will once again determine who becomes POTUS?

It's time to award the office to the candidate who wins the most votes nationally.

2020 Candidates Are Only Campaigning in a Small Number of Closely Divided Battleground States
I hope you are not suggesting they are one and the same? That would be ridiculous.
How in the world can two people be "one and the same"?

Humans are different from each other. That doesn't mean they can fall into the same general category now and then.
You dodged it.
Do you believe that Trump and Biden suffer EQUALLY from senility or not?
I really thought I answered that.

I'll try to make it simpler: No.

Their unfitness is based on different qualities.
I know a lot of people in their 70's who are sharp as tacks.

I don't know a lot of people pushing 80 that have not lost a lot of what they once had cognitively. If somebody is sharp in their 70s and 80s they would have been even sharper in their 30s, 40s and 50s.

Biden isn't a good speaker, but he wasn't a good speaker in his 40's.

You're not making a very good case for the man right now.

That said, Trump is such a clear danger, that really, you can't make a convincing argument against Biden in any case.

I'm not a binary person. Anybody that wants my vote has to earn it.
Um, actually, Obama's youth was his biggest liability. He didn't realize how things in Washington worked, which is why he really didn't get a lot done in his first two years when he had control of Congress. Pelosi and Reid were calling the shots... the exact kind of thing you all say will happen with Biden.

Does ancient Joe seem like a real get shit done kind of guy to you? I'm sure Obama's youth came with its own set of challenges, but I'll take an energetic and youthful president over somebody like Biden every time.
Most voters are stupid. Many are desperate.
We also let the duopoly control our elections.
The media is also a major part of it.
Good question.

What's truly stunning, is Dimocrats had the opportunity to nominate someone younger, dynamic, good speaker, and would have been a good counter to Trump's style.
Instead, they went in the opposite direction and nominated an old school doddering fool, that is likely to decline rapidly once the real stress of being president is on his shoulders.
The truth is, if elected, the real power will be held by people who are radically different than Biden, and will be fooling him behind his back every day.

WTF were Dimocrats thinking? If Covid hadn't come along, Trump would have steamrolled them.
As I predicted.

What about the fact that so many think Trump is unfit? I assume your opinion is that they're lying, conned by the media, or both.
Trump might be the greatest president in the history of America how is he not fit?

Most voters don’t see Trump and Biden as mentally fit to be president, new poll shows

I realize that, for a majority here, their candidate is fine and it's just the other that's the problem. For those who can think a bit more clearly, any guesses? I'll toss out a few:
Polls are still stupid.

1. A distorted political system that needs review and adjustments
I agree.
2. The growing tribalism and division that is tearing the country apart and pointing at a desperate need for a third party
We don't need more. We have plenty of parties, there are just two with a stranglehold on government. And BOTH of those parties want it that way. That's the problem.

3. Culturally-based lowered standards for pretty much everything
I don't think the standards were lowered, they just were never met. Both the DNC and RNC are guilty of undermining the votes of the people to influence the parties direction.

I know I've said this before, but I'll say it again... I don't know who controls the RNC and DNC... But it's not the voters or the people who the voters installed.

The warmongering establishment does not like Trump. When I say establishment, I'm talking RNC and DNC. I'm good with that. This makes me happy.
I hope you are not suggesting they are one and the same? That would be ridiculous.
How in the world can two people be "one and the same"?

Humans are different from each other. That doesn't mean they can fall into the same general category now and then.
You dodged it.
Do you believe that Trump and Biden suffer EQUALLY from senility or not?
I really thought I answered that.

I'll try to make it simpler: No.

Their unfitness is based on different qualities.
Too funny.
Trump is no different than he was 10 years ago. He was and is an egomaniac. At the same time he has a terrible speaking style. Abysmal. Speaks off the cuff, spitballs ideas live in front of a mic... you can't do that shit being President. But he does it.
POLICY wise - he has not been that bad. Actually quite good. The things he has done have certainly been better than the past two Presidents who made America the dining room table of the world.

I don't like Trump. If the Democrats would have put up someone other than a man 10 years past his prime who, at the very least, is senile... and quite possibly has early dementia or Alzheimer.
That is not a good choice against Trump.

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