How disturbing is it to you that you and your significant other are in some way related?

Pedro de San Patricio

Gold Member
Feb 14, 2015
Your husband just might be your aunt's sister's brother's cousin's nephew and you wouldn't even know. Your wife might be your cousin four times removed. No matter what, there really isn't any getting around the fact that you do share common descent from the same people at some point down the line. That's just a mathematical fact.
I know a couple who found something like that out.

Her mother was into the genealogy thing ... And had traced their family way back.
When the couple got married, her mother asked for his Grandparent's name and said she would go from there.

After a lot of generations had been worked out the mother started to notice some names.
As it turned out, the couple came from two sisters that had crossed on the actual Mayflower (Alice and Elizabeth).

How odd is that?

Your husband just might be your aunt's sister's brother's cousin's nephew and you wouldn't even know. Your wife might be your cousin four times removed. No matter what, there really isn't any getting around the fact that you do share common descent from the same people at some point down the line. That's just a mathematical fact.
Oh shit ....... I'm calling my lawyer TODAY !!! .............. thanks ....... you may have just saved me from leaving my entire estate to a damn relative ............ man, a million thanks ......
Tracing ancestors back to the Mayflower is a lot of work and dedication. Having the two sisters ancestors of the couple is extraordinary. Doesn't the DAR keep records such as this? They might be very interested.
Tracing ancestors back to the Mayflower is a lot of work and dedication. Having the two sisters ancestors of the couple is extraordinary. Doesn't the DAR keep records such as this? They might be very interested.

I only know about it because the lady who did the tracing was very thorough.
I mean they would visit towns and gravesites on their vacations to look through records and verify relations.

Also ... One of the sisters later married William Bradford and the other sister lived with them.
His status made it easier to trace due to his significance.

My mother did our genealogy as well ... And you can always find some awesome stories in your family's past.
She used to have a saying about doing genealogy ... "You will find half your family hanging in the family tree and the other half living under it".

How disturbing is it to you that you and your significant other are in some way related?
I don't think it's disturbing at all. Hell, I've had sex with a cousin and my half-sister. None of us felt like there was anything wrong with it.

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