How divisive would overturning RVW be at this point?


Platinum Member
May 22, 2017
I'm not trying to start a discussion on whether or not Roe vs. Wade should be overturned, except if it is, how nasty could the controversy get at this point? Could the mobs of protestors get as numerous as the mobs that protested when Trump was elected?
I'm not trying to start a discussion on whether or not Roe vs. Wade should be overturned, except if it is, how nasty could the controversy get at this point? Could the mobs of protestors get as numerous as the mobs that protested when Trump was elected?

The libs would flip out. The feminists would flip out. There would be mass protests.

Then the Blue States would pass abortion laws, allowing abortions up to the point the "fetus" is running out the hospital door.

While the Red states, would put various limits on it.

The swing states would be a little more dramatic, but not by much.
I'm not trying to start a discussion on whether or not Roe vs. Wade should be overturned, except if it is, how nasty could the controversy get at this point? Could the mobs of protestors get as numerous as the mobs that protested when Trump was elected?

Probably not a good idea, as the the prospect of mass suicides would would adversely effect our economy.

Well maybe it would stimulate the undertaker's and funeral home's economies but damn, there just aren't that many body bags in stock right now.
I'm not trying to start a discussion on whether or not Roe vs. Wade should be overturned, except if it is, how nasty could the controversy get at this point? Could the mobs of protestors get as numerous as the mobs that protested when Trump was elected?

You mean, as opposed to how divisive forcing it on the country by judicial fiat has been so far?

I don't think it's any of the actual policies or events that cause the division. I think it's the mindset; the policies and events are just excuses.
as the the prospect of mass suicides would would adversely effect our economy.

Prius sales would plummet.

How do you tell innocent babies it would be too traumatic for us to save your lives at this time?
I'm not trying to start a discussion on whether or not Roe vs. Wade should be overturned, except if it is, how nasty could the controversy get at this point? Could the mobs of protestors get as numerous as the mobs that protested when Trump was elected?

The libs would flip out. The feminists would flip out. There would be mass protests.

Then the Blue States would pass abortion laws, allowing abortions up to the point the "fetus" is running out the hospital door.

While the Red states, would put various limits on it.

The swing states would be a little more dramatic, but not by much.

Do you think the mass protests would be on par with the protests we saw when Trump took office?
If the national press would keep their damn trap shut and let every state decide for themselves.

But no, the corporate press just HAS to create as much drama as possible.
I'm not trying to start a discussion on whether or not Roe vs. Wade should be overturned, except if it is, how nasty could the controversy get at this point? Could the mobs of protestors get as numerous as the mobs that protested when Trump was elected?

The libs would flip out. The feminists would flip out. There would be mass protests.

Then the Blue States would pass abortion laws, allowing abortions up to the point the "fetus" is running out the hospital door.

While the Red states, would put various limits on it.

The swing states would be a little more dramatic, but not by much.

Do you think the mass protests would be on par with the protests we saw when Trump took office?

Probably more. Here you would have some imminent real world impact on people's lives.
How would we let genetic garbage dispose of itself?

Sorry, but getting rid of liberals is a good thing. Planned Unparenthood performs a vital service to the gene pool.

I'm not trying to start a discussion on whether or not Roe vs. Wade should be overturned, except if it is, how nasty could the controversy get at this point? Could the mobs of protestors get as numerous as the mobs that protested when Trump was elected?

Good question.

Dims never have any set backs.

In fact, they were never suppose to lose another Presidential election.
Probably would be the noted start to a long march toward civil war.

Which IMO would happen at some point anyway. There will be violence no matter what.
I'm not trying to start a discussion on whether or not Roe vs. Wade should be overturned, except if it is, how nasty could the controversy get at this point? Could the mobs of protestors get as numerous as the mobs that protested when Trump was elected?
We already know the right wing doesn't really care about natural rights.

Socialism on a national basis is what they prefer.
How do you tell innocent babies it would be too traumatic for us to save your lives at this time?
The same way you tell them their social programs that feed them and keep them alive once they are out of the stomach are going to be cut. Whats the difference?
I'm not trying to start a discussion on whether or not Roe vs. Wade should be overturned, except if it is, how nasty could the controversy get at this point? Could the mobs of protestors get as numerous as the mobs that protested when Trump was elected?
No, there will only be more ridiculous rightwing lies, such as this post.
How do you tell innocent babies it would be too traumatic for us to save your lives at this time?
The same way you tell them their social programs that feed them and keep them alive once they are out of the stomach are going to be cut. Whats the difference?
The reprehensible, authoritarian right can't wait to start forcing women to give birth against their will.

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