How divisive would overturning RVW be at this point?

I'm not trying to start a discussion on whether or not Roe vs. Wade should be overturned, except if it is, how nasty could the controversy get at this point? Could the mobs of protestors get as numerous as the mobs that protested when Trump was elected?

It would be worse than Kavanaugh until it happened...and then, when women can still get abortions, people would ask what the big deal was...
How do you tell innocent babies it would be too traumatic for us to save your lives at this time?
The same way you tell them their social programs that feed them and keep them alive once they are out of the stomach are going to be cut. Whats the difference?
The reprehensible, authoritarian right can't wait to start forcing women to give birth against their will.

Funny way of looking at killing babies.....but you are a funny human being.
I'm not trying to start a discussion on whether or not Roe vs. Wade should be overturned, except if it is, how nasty could the controversy get at this point? Could the mobs of protestors get as numerous as the mobs that protested when Trump was elected?
We already know the right wing doesn't really care about natural rights.

Socialism on a national basis is what they prefer.

How does a belief in limited government, separation of powers and checks and balances in support of individual Rights, capitalism, and the rule of law get you to socialism....?
How do you tell innocent babies it would be too traumatic for us to save your lives at this time?
The same way you tell them their social programs that feed them and keep them alive once they are out of the stomach are going to be cut. Whats the difference?
The reprehensible, authoritarian right can't wait to start forcing women to give birth against their will.

Funny way of looking at killing babies.....but you are a funny human being.

I guess it's the same way that by preventing women from killing their ex-husbands, we're "forcing" them to be divorcees.
How do you tell innocent babies it would be too traumatic for us to save your lives at this time?
The same way you tell them their social programs that feed them and keep them alive once they are out of the stomach are going to be cut. Whats the difference?
The reprehensible, authoritarian right can't wait to start forcing women to give birth against their will.

Funny way of looking at killing babies.....but you are a funny human being.

I guess it's the same way that by preventing women from killing their ex-husbands, we're "forcing" them to be divorcees.
I didnt know women carried their husbands inside their womb.
I'm not trying to start a discussion on whether or not Roe vs. Wade should be overturned, except if it is, how nasty could the controversy get at this point? Could the mobs of protestors get as numerous as the mobs that protested when Trump was elected?
Liberal criminals would then go from murdering babies to murdering adults.
If it's not a life yet, you can't kill it. A protein source for vegans who can't stomach killing animals.

I'm not trying to start a discussion on whether or not Roe vs. Wade should be overturned, except if it is, how nasty could the controversy get at this point? Could the mobs of protestors get as numerous as the mobs that protested when Trump was elected?
We already know the right wing doesn't really care about natural rights.

Socialism on a national basis is what they prefer.

How does a belief in limited government, separation of powers and checks and balances in support of individual Rights, capitalism, and the rule of law get you to socialism....?
the right wing's insistence on alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror that they refuse to pay wartime taxes for; but claim we need to reduce the socialism of social spending.

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