How do current events in the US affect you viscerally these days?


Diamond Member
Oct 5, 2021
Well, here are the adjectives that describe yours truly... you can add your own

disillusioned (though admittedly, its been a LONG time since I was "illusioned"-- [the red squiggly lines say this is not a word... Who knew?])
hateful (toward the Left)
energized (to do whatever I can to make voting just again)
prayerful (praying for elite liberals to take a collective flying leap off a ....

OK... I guess that wasn't such a Christian thought... sigh
Jubilant over the incredible stand the Canadian truckers are taking.
Eager to see American truckers to do the same.
Secure that I have done a pretty good job of preparing for the unrest coming.
Amused, as I watch the leftists screwing themselves and screeching in desperation.
Optimistic that the political pendulum is starting to swing back to common sense.

Great thread idea rightnow909
I'm fairly convinced i'm little more than a subjugated sheep looking up at what is an empire cloaked in freedom(s) we really no longer have


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