How do people survive on minimum wage?

Awww, looks like little Miss "My minimum wage should be $17 an hour" got her wittle feewings hurt that no one cares how idiots in Australia are paid and went away to cry.

Good freaking riddance. We have enough trouble with homegrown fools, without adding fools from other countries.

I'm sorry but it was night time in Australia and some people need to sleep, so that is why I wasn't here to respond.

I get the sense you don't respect the opinions of others, specifically those who live outside the US. That is a shame.
What is also a shame is the fact that you don't know me, know nothing about me, yet have determined that I am a troll, and not simply someone interested in discussion.

At least I can still remain civil, even though we obviously disagree.

I will ask you just one question, though - footballers earn hundreds of thousands of dollars. They can earn millions if they play well enough. Yet they simply entertain people and kick a ball around.
Paramedics, doctors, firefighters and police officers earn next to nothing compared to footballers.

If you ask me, those who have a job that saves lives should be paid more money than those who simply have a lot of energy - would you agree?
Awww, looks like little Miss "My minimum wage should be $17 an hour" got her wittle feewings hurt that no one cares how idiots in Australia are paid and went away to cry.

Good freaking riddance. We have enough trouble with homegrown fools, without adding fools from other countries.

I'm sorry but it was night time in Australia and some people need to sleep, so that is why I wasn't here to respond.

I get the sense you don't respect the opinions of others, specifically those who live outside the US. That is a shame.
What is also a shame is the fact that you don't know me, know nothing about me, yet have determined that I am a troll, and not simply someone interested in discussion.

At least I can still remain civil, even though we obviously disagree.

I will ask you just one question, though - footballers earn hundreds of thousands of dollars. They can earn millions if they play well enough. Yet they simply entertain people and kick a ball around.
Paramedics, doctors, firefighters and police officers earn next to nothing compared to footballers.

If you ask me, those who have a job that saves lives should be paid more money than those who simply have a lot of energy - would you agree?

Your assertion is without basis. I am willing to bet you have no idea what the top 100 doctors in the world actually make (particularly when some most likely own their own practices) That's the problem here, you are dealing with the TOP people in their profession. Not only that but the value is based on both scale and competition. In the NFL, there are hundreds of people that can do those jobs in the entire world. That's it. The Mc Job minimum wage earner makes that wage because virtually anyone anywhere is capable of that job. On the scale end of things, those hundreds of players service MILLIONS of MILLIONS of fans. That makes them that much more valuable.

Those wages are not connected to your miniscule vision of what they are worth. It is tied to what everyone believes they are worth. That football player is worth a small amount of money from millions of people and is compensated to reflect that.
Awww, looks like little Miss "My minimum wage should be $17 an hour" got her wittle feewings hurt that no one cares how idiots in Australia are paid and went away to cry.

Good freaking riddance. We have enough trouble with homegrown fools, without adding fools from other countries.

I'm sorry but it was night time in Australia and some people need to sleep, so that is why I wasn't here to respond.

I get the sense you don't respect the opinions of others, specifically those who live outside the US. That is a shame.
What is also a shame is the fact that you don't know me, know nothing about me, yet have determined that I am a troll, and not simply someone interested in discussion.

At least I can still remain civil, even though we obviously disagree.

I will ask you just one question, though - footballers earn hundreds of thousands of dollars. They can earn millions if they play well enough. Yet they simply entertain people and kick a ball around.
Paramedics, doctors, firefighters and police officers earn next to nothing compared to footballers.

If you ask me, those who have a job that saves lives should be paid more money than those who simply have a lot of energy - would you agree?

Actually, Sparky, I was referring to your last post, not the time.

And I can remain civil. I choose to do so only with people who've earned it, and you haven't. Please don't attempt to hold yourself up to me as an example I should emulate, because nothing you've said or done indicates to me that I want to be ANYTHING like you. Don't flatter yourself.

"Simply" entertain people? You think it's simple, do you? Can YOU do it? How many people in the world do you think can perform the "simple" task of playing football - or any sport, for that matter - well enough to do so professionally?

As to who should be paid more, no one DID ask you. Nor is anyone going to, because only damned fools and children think that there's some sort of overall governing board deciding who "deserves" to be paid more, or that there should be.

I think jobs pay according to several things, none of which are "Noomi's personal opinion of what is and isn't important". Among the deciding factors are:

1) How many people in the population are capable of doing that job at that level; and

2) How much revenue that job generates for whomever is writing the paychecks.

Now then, let's consider. Working with American football (I assume that when you say "football", you're actually talking about what we call soccer, which is a lot less popular here), specifically the National Football League - and someone help me out if I go wrong, because I don't follow sports - the NFL has 32 teams. During the regular season, they have a 53-man roster. That would be 1,696 players. Total.

How many doctors do you suppose there are in the United States? Hell, there are hundreds just in my city. And that's a job that requires some very stringent requirements and huge amounts of education, but there are STILL huge numbers of people out there who have actually acquired the necessary license to do that job, and even more who COULD have, and chose to do something else.

Moving on to paramedics, police officers and firefighters, the requirements and education become much broader and easier to meet, and the number of qualified possibles goes up exponentially.

Furthermore, those 1,696 NFL players generate about $6 billion a year in revenue. If my math isn't off, that would be $3,537,735 per player. The median NFL salary is about $1.4 million a year, which sounds a lot more reasonable in that perspective.

Of course, we all know that EVERY player on an NFL roster isn't bringing in the same amount of revenue, and not every player is getting paid like that. The NFL has its own minimum wage, which according to the most recent figures I can find, is about $310,000.

By contrast, how much revenue does each and every doctor out there generate for the people writing his paycheck? Every paramedic, firefighter, and cop?

Like it or don't, but you can't pay people with money you don't have, and there's going to be an upwards cap on what's paid to people who generate little or no revenue because (in the case of firefighters and cops) they're government employees, or to people who are relatively easy to replace. If your city has a shortage of police officers (as mine does), it's not from a lack of qualifed applicants; it's because your city is too busy spending the money on other shit . . . perhaps some of those social programs you leftists are so fond of. You don't even want to KNOW how much useless bullshit my city council spends its money on instead of putting more cops on the street.
Awww, looks like little Miss "My minimum wage should be $17 an hour" got her wittle feewings hurt that no one cares how idiots in Australia are paid and went away to cry.

Good freaking riddance. We have enough trouble with homegrown fools, without adding fools from other countries.

I'm sorry but it was night time in Australia and some people need to sleep, so that is why I wasn't here to respond.

I get the sense you don't respect the opinions of others, specifically those who live outside the US. That is a shame.
What is also a shame is the fact that you don't know me, know nothing about me, yet have determined that I am a troll, and not simply someone interested in discussion.

At least I can still remain civil, even though we obviously disagree.

I will ask you just one question, though - footballers earn hundreds of thousands of dollars. They can earn millions if they play well enough. Yet they simply entertain people and kick a ball around.
Paramedics, doctors, firefighters and police officers earn next to nothing compared to footballers.

If you ask me, those who have a job that saves lives should be paid more money than those who simply have a lot of energy - would you agree?

What is your problem with football players salaries? they get paid so much because the NFL generates billions of dollars in revenue, what would you prefer they break their backs for pennies while the owners rake in all the cash?:eusa_hand:
California Girl said:

So cheap prices are more important than paying employees a wage they can survive on? That's ridiculous. There is nothing wrong with paying an extra few dollars if it means the employes are paid a decent wage.

Over here, our prices are more expensive, but our employees are paid generously. The minimum wage here is around $650 a week. Yet the article mentions you would have to work 80 hours a week (I assume the author means an 80 hour working week) to earn two hundred dollars LESS. That is just wrong no matter how you look at it.

A casual worker at McDonalds, over 21, will make close to $17 an hour. You can work just 20 hours for the week and take home the same, if not more, than the same person working 80 hours at McDonalds in America.

America needs to raise its minimum wage. The cost of living goes up every year, yet the minimum wage doesn't go up enough to cover this - why not?

$17 an hour for an unskilled worker at Mc D's? Excuse me but I think you people are over cooking your shrimp on the barbie....Or your brains are clogged up with Vegemite.
Now way in hell would a fast food joint pay those wages. The prices for the food would match or even exceed those at sit down eateries. People would stop going to Mickey D's.
In this country, That kind of money is paid to skilled labor and educated people.

And there is your problem. We have people who want to turn up for work because they earn a decent wage. If I was in the US and couldn't find a job that paid me more than $10 an hour, I wouldn't bother working. I'd live off welfare because there is no way I am working for a couple of bucks an hour.Our prices are more expensive, but each store will still bring in customers. Whenever I visit my local McDonalds, I don't see any fewer customers there, in fact, I probably see more!

Thats a terrible attitude to have.
$17 an hour for an unskilled worker at Mc D's? Excuse me but I think you people are over cooking your shrimp on the barbie....Or your brains are clogged up with Vegemite.
Now way in hell would a fast food joint pay those wages. The prices for the food would match or even exceed those at sit down eateries. People would stop going to Mickey D's.
In this country, That kind of money is paid to skilled labor and educated people.

And there is your problem. We have people who want to turn up for work because they earn a decent wage. If I was in the US and couldn't find a job that paid me more than $10 an hour, I wouldn't bother working. I'd live off welfare because there is no way I am working for a couple of bucks an hour.Our prices are more expensive, but each store will still bring in customers. Whenever I visit my local McDonalds, I don't see any fewer customers there, in fact, I probably see more!

Thats a terrible attitude to have.

It is arrogance.
And there is your problem. We have people who want to turn up for work because they earn a decent wage. If I was in the US and couldn't find a job that paid me more than $10 an hour, I wouldn't bother working. I'd live off welfare because there is no way I am working for a couple of bucks an hour.Our prices are more expensive, but each store will still bring in customers. Whenever I visit my local McDonalds, I don't see any fewer customers there, in fact, I probably see more!

Thats a terrible attitude to have.

It is arrogance.

Sad thing is there are plenty of people in this country with that exact type of attitude, they want to get paid like CEO's but they only have the skills of a paperboy or fry cook.
Awww, looks like little Miss "My minimum wage should be $17 an hour" got her wittle feewings hurt that no one cares how idiots in Australia are paid and went away to cry.

Good freaking riddance. We have enough trouble with homegrown fools, without adding fools from other countries.

I'm sorry but it was night time in Australia and some people need to sleep, so that is why I wasn't here to respond.

I get the sense you don't respect the opinions of others, specifically those who live outside the US. That is a shame.
What is also a shame is the fact that you don't know me, know nothing about me, yet have determined that I am a troll, and not simply someone interested in discussion.

At least I can still remain civil, even though we obviously disagree.

I will ask you just one question, though - footballers earn hundreds of thousands of dollars. They can earn millions if they play well enough. Yet they simply entertain people and kick a ball around.
Paramedics, doctors, firefighters and police officers earn next to nothing compared to footballers.

If you ask me, those who have a job that saves lives should be paid more money than those who simply have a lot of energy - would you agree?

First off, and only speaking for myself, while I have tended to disagree with you on most things I've seen you post on here I have no problem with you voicing your opinion. I prefer a civil debate too.

As for your point about footballers and emergency workers. I understand your point, but I can't agree. If we follow your reasoning opera singers, rock stars, actors, etc. are also grossly overpaid. In some cases they are. But it's because theirs is a rare skill that finds a higher monetary reward in the market place. That's just plain economic sense.
Awww, looks like little Miss "My minimum wage should be $17 an hour" got her wittle feewings hurt that no one cares how idiots in Australia are paid and went away to cry.

Good freaking riddance. We have enough trouble with homegrown fools, without adding fools from other countries.

I'm sorry but it was night time in Australia and some people need to sleep, so that is why I wasn't here to respond.

I get the sense you don't respect the opinions of others, specifically those who live outside the US. That is a shame.
What is also a shame is the fact that you don't know me, know nothing about me, yet have determined that I am a troll, and not simply someone interested in discussion.

At least I can still remain civil, even though we obviously disagree.

I will ask you just one question, though - footballers earn hundreds of thousands of dollars. They can earn millions if they play well enough. Yet they simply entertain people and kick a ball around.
Paramedics, doctors, firefighters and police officers earn next to nothing compared to footballers.

If you ask me, those who have a job that saves lives should be paid more money than those who simply have a lot of energy - would you agree?

First off, and only speaking for myself, while I have tended to disagree with you on most things I've seen you post on here I have no problem with you voicing your opinion. I prefer a civil debate too.

As for your point about footballers and emergency workers. I understand your point, but I can't agree. If we follow your reasoning opera singers, rock stars, actors, etc. are also grossly overpaid. In some cases they are. But it's because theirs is a rare skill that finds a higher monetary reward in the market place. That's just plain economic sense.

Call me Ms. Silly, but I think a person's paycheck should be decided by the person writing it, from whose actual bank account the money is drawn, not by someone who doesn't own the money, didn't earn the money, and really has no legitimate interest in the subject.
Thats a terrible attitude to have.

I both agree and disagree. If I was in the US earning, say, $7 an hour, and I worked for 8 hours a day, 7 days a week, I would be earning $393 a week. How would I find a place to live and pay the bills on that? I couldn't.
If I worked 12 hours a day, 7 days a week, I not only wouldn't have a life, but I'd be pulling in just $588 a week. That is what my average paycheck is working just 25 hours a week!

I couldn't work for such a small amount of money because I couldn't survive on it!

What is the point of having a job when that job doesn't enable you to pay the bills, or have the heating on in winter? Granted, being on welfare sucks (I have been on it once before and I hope never to end up on it again) but so does working for hours and hours every day, but never earning enough to pay the rent.

That is why I think the US should raise the minimum wage, although I know the majority of you would disagree.
I went to college and kept a full time job while telling a full time family that dinner is some assembly required. It isn't pretty, but it can be done, Problem is, once I got the BA, there weren't any jobs for it, so I went for the MA. Hopefully I can get into a teaching position at the local community college, and a couple of public service positions. The whole idea was to make my little corner a smidge better anyway, but it'd be nice to make enough to pay back the student loans.

With a BA you may have gotten a teaching position at a public school.......:eusa_eh:....or you could have joined the military.

And what sort of course of study prepares someone for a job when they ENTER the program, but there are no jobs available 4 years later, when they exit? Why would anyone finance such an enterprise?

Federal loan programs, Community Colleges, and State Universities provide training for the workforce that industry and commerce take from, and often respond to the communicated needs of industries in formulating and choosing curriculum, and the government lends the funding to the students for that training. Where staff is seen as insufficient in some professions, students are encouraged to pursue a degree that will enable them to participate in the next “hot market.” Two to six years later, too many graduates compete for the same jobs. Because there is an overabundance in the labor supply (See how they do that?), wages in that industry decline.

When unemployment is high, those with higher education and skills are also at greater risk of unemployment, sub-employment, or underemployment, because employers inflate their demands for education and experience for lower wage work. These factors also degrade the economic value of higher education.

Education (an educated workforce funded or subsidized by taxes) is only one of a host of government expenditures included within the welfare state that benefit the wealthy and corporations to a greater degree than they do ordinary citizens. Two examples are research and development for drugs pharmaceutical giants have patented and sold back to the public, and the medical and ecological agencies that cure, alleviate, or clean up after corporate damage, malfeasance, and waste.
Honorable mention must also go to the courts that regulate and litigate business transactions, the US military, which is used to control and “stabilize” the world for global trade, and the police who protect the uppity crust from the ever more disenfranchised, disenchanted, and disgruntled rabble down here at the bottom.
Last edited:
I'm sorry but it was night time in Australia and some people need to sleep, so that is why I wasn't here to respond.

I get the sense you don't respect the opinions of others, specifically those who live outside the US. That is a shame.
What is also a shame is the fact that you don't know me, know nothing about me, yet have determined that I am a troll, and not simply someone interested in discussion.

At least I can still remain civil, even though we obviously disagree.

I will ask you just one question, though - footballers earn hundreds of thousands of dollars. They can earn millions if they play well enough. Yet they simply entertain people and kick a ball around.
Paramedics, doctors, firefighters and police officers earn next to nothing compared to footballers.

If you ask me, those who have a job that saves lives should be paid more money than those who simply have a lot of energy - would you agree?

First off, and only speaking for myself, while I have tended to disagree with you on most things I've seen you post on here I have no problem with you voicing your opinion. I prefer a civil debate too.

As for your point about footballers and emergency workers. I understand your point, but I can't agree. If we follow your reasoning opera singers, rock stars, actors, etc. are also grossly overpaid. In some cases they are. But it's because theirs is a rare skill that finds a higher monetary reward in the market place. That's just plain economic sense.

Call me Ms. Silly, but I think a person's paycheck should be decided by the person writing it, from whose actual bank account the money is drawn, not by someone who doesn't own the money, didn't earn the money, and really has no legitimate interest in the subject.

I don't really have a problem with that, so I'll leave off calling you Ms. Silly if you don't mind. On the other hand, in reality in many if not most cases the paycheck is decided by managers, CEO's etc., not really by shareholders or owners.
I'm sorry but it was night time in Australia and some people need to sleep, so that is why I wasn't here to respond.

I get the sense you don't respect the opinions of others, specifically those who live outside the US. That is a shame.
What is also a shame is the fact that you don't know me, know nothing about me, yet have determined that I am a troll, and not simply someone interested in discussion.

At least I can still remain civil, even though we obviously disagree.

I will ask you just one question, though - footballers earn hundreds of thousands of dollars. They can earn millions if they play well enough. Yet they simply entertain people and kick a ball around.
Paramedics, doctors, firefighters and police officers earn next to nothing compared to footballers.

If you ask me, those who have a job that saves lives should be paid more money than those who simply have a lot of energy - would you agree?

First off, and only speaking for myself, while I have tended to disagree with you on most things I've seen you post on here I have no problem with you voicing your opinion. I prefer a civil debate too.

As for your point about footballers and emergency workers. I understand your point, but I can't agree. If we follow your reasoning opera singers, rock stars, actors, etc. are also grossly overpaid. In some cases they are. But it's because theirs is a rare skill that finds a higher monetary reward in the market place. That's just plain economic sense.

Call me Ms. Silly, but I think a person's paycheck should be decided by the person writing it, from whose actual bank account the money is drawn, not by someone who doesn't own the money, didn't earn the money, and really has no legitimate interest in the subject.

I don't really have a problem with that, so I'll leave off calling you Ms. Silly if you don't mind. On the other hand, in reality in many if not most cases the paycheck is decided by managers, CEO's etc., not really by shareholders or owners.
---(They don't they just exist after 3 years they become zombies)----

Article> One of my clients recently reported getting a job at a fast-food restaurant. Since she's been unemployed and desperately looking for work for nearly a year, I was thrilled for her. She was very excited that she'll be making $7.50 an hour -– a whole quarter more than minimum wage.

After she left my office, I got out a calculator. I've never worked for minimum wage, so I didn't know exactly how much -- or how little -- money that is.

Assuming 80 hours per pay period, my client will be bringing home around $462 every two weeks. That's with no health insurance or retirement contributions.

If I brought home $924 a month, would I even be able to survive? I decided to find out.

read more How do people survive on minimum wage?- MSN Money

Here in Australia we know well how dreadful the wages are in the US,here the minimum wage is $25 per hour,the average wage is $1700 per week,not forgetting its all free health care,etc,.

$7.50 per hour really is 3rd world wages,I just don't know how folk manage!!!! well they don't do they,they just live on their credit cards.

Here in Australia we know well how dreadful the wages are in the US,here the minimum wage is $25 per hour,the average wage is $1700 per week,not forgetting its all free health care,etc,.

$7.50 per hour really is 3rd world wages,I just don't know how folk manage!!!! well they don't do they,they just live on their credit cards.


I think you may be a little off with the figures. $1700 per week seems like an awful lot, as does $25 an hour. Do you have a source for that? If that is true, I hope I can get a job that pays that much!

And yes, you are correct. The US pays its workers poorly, and not only do they have the rent to pay, they also have to pay for their own health insurance, while we simply pay more taxes, and those taxes mean that everyone has the right to 'free' health care.
Here in Australia we know well how dreadful the wages are in the US,here the minimum wage is $25 per hour,the average wage is $1700 per week,not forgetting its all free health care,etc,.

$7.50 per hour really is 3rd world wages,I just don't know how folk manage!!!! well they don't do they,they just live on their credit cards.


I think you may be a little off with the figures. $1700 per week seems like an awful lot, as does $25 an hour. Do you have a source for that? If that is true, I hope I can get a job that pays that much!

And yes, you are correct. The US pays its workers poorly, and not only do they have the rent to pay, they also have to pay for their own health insurance, while we simply pay more taxes, and those taxes mean that everyone has the right to 'free' health care.

Do you think more people try to emigrate from Australia to the US or the other way round? What does that tell you?
Here in Australia we know well how dreadful the wages are in the US,here the minimum wage is $25 per hour,the average wage is $1700 per week,not forgetting its all free health care,etc,.

$7.50 per hour really is 3rd world wages,I just don't know how folk manage!!!! well they don't do they,they just live on their credit cards.


I think you may be a little off with the figures. $1700 per week seems like an awful lot, as does $25 an hour. Do you have a source for that? If that is true, I hope I can get a job that pays that much!

And yes, you are correct. The US pays its workers poorly, and not only do they have the rent to pay, they also have to pay for their own health insurance, while we simply pay more taxes, and those taxes mean that everyone has the right to 'free' health care.

Hi Noomi,I can speak for ourselves,we are in manufacturing and retail no one in our businesses earn less that $25 bucks per hour,most much more,all supa paid for plus all loading,moreover we have incentive schemes where our team members can earn a lot more,mind you we expect the best and their remuneration reflects this.

Without our work force,we are nothing,any business who thinks they can pay low wages these days are completely on the back foot and lose custom eventually.........I know some are tight fisted but here in the west,we realised years ago to pay well,it keeps a happy staff and importantly retains continuity of quality and service.

Over the years we have watched businesess pare staff numbers to the bone,when things get tough,they never recover and eventually go out of business,we think differently.

The problem in the future is internet sales,but for example I told certain business to charge for fitting of the items they sell(it doesn't affect our business) as although their traffic flow had grown,their sales were well down.

I told them that they were merely being used by people to get their size and then they'd buy in the US or Asian where they pay shit wages and the goods are cheaper to buy,yet the folk in Australia,invest in training staff,pay high street rents and give personal service etc,.

So said you can't charge for fitting,I said you can deduct the fitting charge when they purchase........those that went with it are busier that ever,those that didn't have's as harsh and as simple as that.

Now if someone come in who has bought overseas....they get charged $350 per hour......take it or leave it,because these US warehouses just send any size if it's not in stock,and the wait for items can take months,anyway it's working.

Most companies here won't repair anything that has bought internet componitry(sic) They have rightly the attitude that these people are not loyal clients just users...and are treated as such.

Internet Wars hey.

Always like your comments Noomi....You must know some of the huge wages in the West at the moment......that's why so many people are coming here.

Keep Well and I'm really looking forward to seeing Sally Pearson in the hurdles in LONDON in a couple of weeks. Australia GOLD,GOLD,GOLD.

Here in Australia we know well how dreadful the wages are in the US,here the minimum wage is $25 per hour,the average wage is $1700 per week,not forgetting its all free health care,etc,.

$7.50 per hour really is 3rd world wages,I just don't know how folk manage!!!! well they don't do they,they just live on their credit cards.


I think you may be a little off with the figures. $1700 per week seems like an awful lot, as does $25 an hour. Do you have a source for that? If that is true, I hope I can get a job that pays that much!

And yes, you are correct. The US pays its workers poorly, and not only do they have the rent to pay, they also have to pay for their own health insurance, while we simply pay more taxes, and those taxes mean that everyone has the right to 'free' health care.

Do you think more people try to emigrate from Australia to the US or the other way round? What does that tell you?

Art I do know that over 7000 US citizens have come to work in Australia in the past 3 years,this is a massive increase compared to the past,this dosen't include folk on a holiday visa(1 year)which I think would double that amount.I know a lot of Guys have come because of the high wages,they are well educated and a great asset to Australias future,many in the mining and related industries.

I don't know how many Aussies have moved permanantly to the US,but there would be quite a few......both the Brits and the Americans like Aussies,saying that Aussies travel everywhere as folk like America has come here from all over the world and the children of these migrants often like to expeirence(sic) their parents culture.

But I think most Americans like Aussies like to travel,always remember Americans are always WELCOME AT OUR TABLE..:clap2::clap2:..just saying steve
---(They don't they just exist after 3 years they become zombies)----

Article> One of my clients recently reported getting a job at a fast-food restaurant. Since she's been unemployed and desperately looking for work for nearly a year, I was thrilled for her. She was very excited that she'll be making $7.50 an hour -– a whole quarter more than minimum wage.

After she left my office, I got out a calculator. I've never worked for minimum wage, so I didn't know exactly how much -- or how little -- money that is.

Assuming 80 hours per pay period, my client will be bringing home around $462 every two weeks. That's with no health insurance or retirement contributions.

If I brought home $924 a month, would I even be able to survive? I decided to find out.

read more How do people survive on minimum wage?- MSN Money

Here in Australia we know well how dreadful the wages are in the US,here the minimum wage is $25 per hour,the average wage is $1700 per week,not forgetting its all free health care,etc,.

$7.50 per hour really is 3rd world wages,I just don't know how folk manage!!!! well they don't do they,they just live on their credit cards.


The minimum wage is $25 per hour? so if you work in McDonalds thats what you make?
---(They don't they just exist after 3 years they become zombies)----

Article> One of my clients recently reported getting a job at a fast-food restaurant. Since she's been unemployed and desperately looking for work for nearly a year, I was thrilled for her. She was very excited that she'll be making $7.50 an hour -– a whole quarter more than minimum wage.

After she left my office, I got out a calculator. I've never worked for minimum wage, so I didn't know exactly how much -- or how little -- money that is.

Assuming 80 hours per pay period, my client will be bringing home around $462 every two weeks. That's with no health insurance or retirement contributions.

If I brought home $924 a month, would I even be able to survive? I decided to find out.

read more How do people survive on minimum wage?- MSN Money

Here in Australia we know well how dreadful the wages are in the US,here the minimum wage is $25 per hour,the average wage is $1700 per week,not forgetting its all free health care,etc,.

$7.50 per hour really is 3rd world wages,I just don't know how folk manage!!!! well they don't do they,they just live on their credit cards.


The minimum wage is $25 per hour? so if you work in McDonalds thats what you make?

Can't really believe that.

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