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How do people survive on minimum wage?

when we first moved to Maine, we paid cash for our house, and owned outright our cars but neither Matt or I had a job....Matt looked for one for about 6 months and couldn't find one so my husband at 45 years old, took a minimum wage job at a department store in the shoe area...he hadn't actually sold shoes in over 22 years....but he took this job, to get health care insurance for me...Matt is a disabled Vet and his Health Care was covered with the VA....but my insurance at the time was costing over $900 a month and was eating in to our savings and retirement....that we worked so hard to build up....

Ya gotta do, what ya gotta do, and matt did it for me, for the health Insurance...within 3 months of him working there he got promoted and they more than doubled the minimum wage that he was making when they hired him and in the last 5 years he got several other moves up and promotions which we are grateful for....he still doesn't make anywhere near what he was making before we moved here....about 1/3 of what he used to make and if you calculate what I was making in Massachusetts when working, our family income is less than 10% of what it was in Massachusetts....but because we had saved money those previous 20 years and were able to pay cash for our home and cash for the cars, we still live a very comfortable life.....

HOWEVER, even at 2-3 times the minimum wage, we would be STRUGGLING right now, if we didn't own our home and had to pay a mortgage...

I have no idea how people on Minimum wage survive that have to pay rent without gvt assistance....and they certainly do not and can not, afford their own health Insurance....

My father was career Air Force. For many, many years, they paid in extra so my mother would be covered by the va the same way my father was. They had that program back then, but the right after my father retired, the government did away with that program. They didn't give my parents back one dime of the money they paid in so my mom could be covered when they retired.

My mom died of lung cancer. Her doctor had left the business and she couldn't find a doctor that would take a new medicare patient even with tricare adn another insurance. I found out after she'd gone a year without seeing a doctor and was in great pain. I took her to my doctor and by the time we found out what was wrong it was too late. She'd been taken to the emergency room more than 5 times and they refused to admit her. When she was finally admitted, it turned out she had lung cancer. She died 10 DAYS later.

I remember all those times at the emergency room seeing Hispanics come in, not speaking English and they would be admitted until they could find an interpreter, but they couldn't seem to find room to admit my mother. They would attach her to machines and the alarm would go off every 5 minutes and instead of doing something about it, they'd turn off the machines. My mother, an American citizen, wife of a career vet and she had 3 different insurances and she was treated like crap while people who spoke no English were treated with kid gloves. I don't know if the Hispanics were legal or illegal but I'm 90% sure they spoke English. It's amazing what not speaking our language can get you. You better have your kids fluent in another language it may save their life one day in our country.

All they'd do for my mom was give her pain killers and send her home. We'd repeat the process a couple of days later.

Do you know how long it takes lung cancer to kill you? A hell of a lot longer than 10 days. No wonder she was in such pain.

Sorry, went off on a tangent there, usually I'd erase it but this time, I think I'll leave it up for discussion.
My Father was in the Air force for 22 years and my mother's health care has been paid for to this day and she is in her 70's, she and my father are covered by TriCare, my parents have never gone without health care benefits from the AF and due to this, my parents are living long healthy lives, even though my father has had 3 different cancers, due to his health care benefit they caught all of them early so he's beat all 3 Cancers, so far....

I'm so sorry about what your family has gone through and although I've had a fairly 'charmed' life, we too have gone through some periods of very hard luck as well, and you are right, you do what you have to do....

I have not had nearly the struggles that you have had Sheila, with your son's illness, and your husband being unemployed for 3 years and all the other hard times you've gone through....and NOT ONCE have I ever thought you were some lowlife scum of the earth loser as many on the right seem to think about people who have gone through struggles or people that are making minimum wage....

I have a gift of empathy, I can feel what others feel....some say this is not a gift and that it only brings a person down, when they have this ability and I admit, I am sad a lot, not for me, but for others and yes, my husband and I do know our neighbors and would help our neighbors if and when they needed help, and they too have helped us as well....

and here in Maine, people are different, it's such a small community of people, we all help each other...many have no health insurance at all here, it's just unaffordable, about $12,000 a year now per person, when people in maine are lucky to make 25k a year per family...most are farmers or lobstermen where I live...but when anybody is sick with cancer or their house burned down with no insurance or the cripled woman down the street needs a ramp to go up to her house, we all have a collection to give to these people...we have coat drives for the kids, and canned food drives for the foodbanks and whenever someone is in need, our local news covers it and gives the number to call so we can donate or help....

THIS IS WHY I LOVE LIVING HERE, I've never ever, in my whole life lived in a situation where everyone knows everybody, and they all watch each others back....It is God's land here, poor and all, these people are lovely....and the hardest working people I have ever met, from dawn to dusk, they are working....

My husband and I have also supported my husband's brother and family for years....from when his brother was in Seminary, we paid for his school, to when he married and had my nieces and struggling while trying to find a Minister's job, we paid for their rent, and when their only car broke down, we gave them a used car....

With his other nephew, who was born to his crack head and prostitute sister, we help pay for his rearing and with his college....my very poor mother and father in law actually were raising him, his sister was no where to be found, and my nephew's father was in jail....but he turned out to be a fine young man regardless of what his parents were, and is a firefighter now for Tampa, plus he runs his own landscape business to make extra money....he's a clean ace too....we are very proud of him.

So Please don't think I don't know how just one thing, when people are living on the edge of existence, can throw them in to turmoil and more and more struggles as each day goes by....it's like dominos falling and their is no stopping it when it happens...

and as poor as people are here in Maine, Maine was still rated the Number 1 most peaceful State to live, this year!

the sign coming in to the state reads, "Maine, the Way Life Should Be"
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Are you stupid or something? Your link VALIDATES WHAT I POSTED.
You claimed that my pay was 1/3 more in 1979 when I made $2.90 AND THE DAMN LINK POSTED showed that the worker now gets 2/3 MORE NOW adjusted for inflation.

You need a lesson in math and economics big time. Your link is the one I used to begin with.
no, it's you that can't logically interpret the chart...in 2007 the minimum wage was worth only $4.41 an hour, in 1979 min wage was worth $6.27 an hour, approximately 1/3 less in value for minimum wage in 2007 vs 1979....

sheesh, and you are a lawyer?

You have it BACKWARDS dumbass.
I have a BBA and am a private detective.
MW in 2007 was $6.27 an hour on average in the United States, $5.85 on that chart.
Life is a struggle. The government doesn't exist to eradicate the difficulty of life.

Why not?

We pay enough into it. They may well do something useful with the money.

We are broke Clean. Don't you know?
43 cents of every dollar you pass on to your kids and grandkids to pay for because you want "something useful" for yourself so we borrow it.
Suck it up and quit the demands that you want and have no $$ to pay for.
keeping minimum wages down, just puts more people on the government dole....

But, but - there are so many well paying jobs to be had and people are just too lazy to get a decent job because they prefer living off welfare!!!!!!!!!!

According to conservatives anyway.

Unfortunately, in our society, there will always be people who can't think for themselves. We call them republicans and democrats, conservatives and liberals. To these people the party is everything and they are too blind to see. It is to them that we can give credit for the downfall of America. They refuse to stand up and stop anything because they foollishly believe if they don't vote for the dems or the reps they are wasting their votes. They have been taught this by the dems and the reps who in reality are the same people. Sadly, it's a self fulfilling prophesy.

Post of the year right there. I agree 1000%.
Very well said. :clap2:
Well, my sister has lung cancer for the 2nd time and quit smoking 40 years ago. My brother is a handicapped Nam vet with mental problems and my sister has schizophrenia. Mom is 89 years old and I take care of her.
Yes, government needs to be there but what does our Santa Claus giveaway govrnment do? When my sister had cancer the 1st time they stepped in and paid her $2200 a month ON TOP of the full pay she received from her job on leave as disability. CRAZY. And get this, when they started the 1st payment what did our give away spend government do? They looked and saw her diagnosis listed that she probably had it 1 year before it was diagnosed so they sent her a $24K check for back payments! For someone that did not need any $$$. Multiply that times millions sports fans.
---(They don't they just exist after 3 years they become zombies)----

Article> One of my clients recently reported getting a job at a fast-food restaurant. Since she's been unemployed and desperately looking for work for nearly a year, I was thrilled for her. She was very excited that she'll be making $7.50 an hour -– a whole quarter more than minimum wage.

After she left my office, I got out a calculator. I've never worked for minimum wage, so I didn't know exactly how much -- or how little -- money that is.

Assuming 80 hours per pay period, my client will be bringing home around $462 every two weeks. That's with no health insurance or retirement contributions.

If I brought home $924 a month, would I even be able to survive? I decided to find out.

read more How do people survive on minimum wage?- MSN Money

Yeah--I know those ADULTS have been stealing after school jobs from teens and working for minimum wage.

With real unemployment standing at 11% what would you expect them to do?


"When you don't have a record to run on, you paint your opponent as someone people should run from"--Barack Obama
So they take a loss on the $1.39 a meal, and wind up eating Tbones and shrimp?

I think you're a piece of human garbage, racist pig. I could be wrong. Do some homework. Go to Walmart on the first of the month and midnight. You'll find a crowded store, and carts filled with loaves of crappy white bread, cheap bologna, cheap hot dogs, etc.

I still don't believe you're an honest caring person, but the fact remains that you made the claim that people are eating like kings on foodstamps, in spite of the simple math showing that your claim breaks down to $1.39 a meal, on those 30 months.

I do not care what you think. I focus on providing for my family and community as I work with and donate to every charity here including Habitat for Humanity.
How are my comments racist in any way.
This ought to be rich. He calls me racist and I have made no comments about race whatsoever.

So you've been lucky enough not to be stuck in a minimum wage job. You are arrogant enough to suggest that those who receive $1.39 per meal are eating like the galloping freaking gourmet. You provided the numbers, and claimed that those receiving food stamps were eating tbones and shrimp, not me.

Well, folks, that just says it all about the liberal mindset, doesn't it? If you're not stuck in a minimum wage job, it's not because you got an education, earned work experience, kept yourself out of trouble, or made good life choices. It's only because you were LUCKY. There, but for the grace of an unspecified, random fluctuation in the fabric of the universe (because we wouldn't want to mention God, right?), goes you, galumphing along to the welfare office.
I do not care what you think. I focus on providing for my family and community as I work with and donate to every charity here including Habitat for Humanity.
How are my comments racist in any way.
This ought to be rich. He calls me racist and I have made no comments about race whatsoever.

So you've been lucky enough not to be stuck in a minimum wage job. You are arrogant enough to suggest that those who receive $1.39 per meal are eating like the galloping freaking gourmet. You provided the numbers, and claimed that those receiving food stamps were eating tbones and shrimp, not me.

Well, folks, that just says it all about the liberal mindset, doesn't it? If you're not stuck in a minimum wage job, it's not because you got an education, earned work experience, kept yourself out of trouble, or made good life choices. It's only because you were LUCKY. There, but for the grace of an unspecified, random fluctuation in the fabric of the universe (because we wouldn't want to mention God, right?), goes you, galumphing along to the welfare office.

Coach sometines said "73 you lazy worm sum bitch, you stand too high, you gap too wide, you are a worthless piece of shit. Work your ass off and one day you may amount to something but I doubt it."
Hear that 1001 times and go through that and sure enough he was right. And I was a lazy ball player compared to most. I made it in the business world. But without that work ethic from Dad, coach and many others I would be a moocher also.
“During this time in [President] Reagan’s first term, our economy was growing at six percent … unemployment was dropping like a rock from double-digits under Carter. We were creating 600,000 jobs a month,” he said.

“And when Reagan was done, we had created over 20 million news job; economic growth for 25 years like the nation had not seen in a century. So, yeah,” Limbaugh continued, “that’s what Obama says we can’t go back to

‘Ideological Straitjacket’: Limbaugh Goes After Obama For Being a ‘Close-Minded Economic Bigot’ | TheBlaze.com
Just talked to my neighbor and thought about this thread. He was laid off from a 60K job about a year ago and now is working for a little over the MW at $8.50 an hour with no benefits. He is 58 years old.
He went to every HVAC and plumbing company within a 20 mile radius looking for weekend work.
And guess what happened after about 30 visits to different companies?
He was just hired to work Saturdays from 8-6, 10 hours, at $12.50 an hour crawling under houses, doing the dirty work and manual labor with a shovel, etc.
And get this!!! They are willing to train him to do the other work and state that within 12-18 months he will be able to make $20 an hour.
No cry babies.
Just talked to my neighbor and thought about this thread. He was laid off from a 60K job about a year ago and now is working for a little over the MW at $8.50 an hour with no benefits. He is 58 years old.
He went to every HVAC and plumbing company within a 20 mile radius looking for weekend work.
And guess what happened after about 30 visits to different companies?
He was just hired to work Saturdays from 8-6, 10 hours, at $12.50 an hour crawling under houses, doing the dirty work and manual labor with a shovel, etc.
And get this!!! They are willing to train him to do the other work and state that within 12-18 months he will be able to make $20 an hour.
No cry babies.

I have a friend that's been in construction for more than 30 years. He can't get a job. They say he's too old, that if he were younger they'd higher him. He's 55. He doesn't have enough to retire and he can't get a job. Worse, they're are paying less for construction workers now than they were when he got hired right after high school and I'm not talking about "adjusting for inflation". They were paying 15-30 bucks and hour in the mid 70's and now they're paying 10-15 bucks and hour.
“During this time in [President] Reagan’s first term, our economy was growing at six percent … unemployment was dropping like a rock from double-digits under Carter. We were creating 600,000 jobs a month,” he said.

“And when Reagan was done, we had created over 20 million news job; economic growth for 25 years like the nation had not seen in a century. So, yeah,” Limbaugh continued, “that’s what Obama says we can’t go back to

‘Ideological Straitjacket’: Limbaugh Goes After Obama For Being a ‘Close-Minded Economic Bigot’ | TheBlaze.com

I don't care how big of a font you put this in, I don't believe it. The first thing Reagan did to reduce the increase in the cost of living was take housing out of the figures. Then he changed the food they'd always used to determine cost of living. They also changed the questions on the unemployment survey, anything to make things "look" better. That's why our unemployment seems so much lower today than it REALLY is....
Just talked to my neighbor and thought about this thread. He was laid off from a 60K job about a year ago and now is working for a little over the MW at $8.50 an hour with no benefits. He is 58 years old.
He went to every HVAC and plumbing company within a 20 mile radius looking for weekend work.
And guess what happened after about 30 visits to different companies?
He was just hired to work Saturdays from 8-6, 10 hours, at $12.50 an hour crawling under houses, doing the dirty work and manual labor with a shovel, etc.
And get this!!! They are willing to train him to do the other work and state that within 12-18 months he will be able to make $20 an hour.
No cry babies.

I have a friend that's been in construction for more than 30 years. He can't get a job. They say he's too old, that if he were younger they'd higher him. He's 55. He doesn't have enough to retire and he can't get a job. Worse, they're are paying less for construction workers now than they were when he got hired right after high school and I'm not talking about "adjusting for inflation". They were paying 15-30 bucks and hour in the mid 70's and now they're paying 10-15 bucks and hour.

"does not have enough to retire" is bad planning on his part.
They were not paying 15-30 bucks in the 70s. I was around then and they were not.
Your friend must have no skills. Man laying tile right now in my house gets $300 a day for his labor.
No skills = low pay. Something about personal responsibility.
Just talked to my neighbor and thought about this thread. He was laid off from a 60K job about a year ago and now is working for a little over the MW at $8.50 an hour with no benefits. He is 58 years old.
He went to every HVAC and plumbing company within a 20 mile radius looking for weekend work.
And guess what happened after about 30 visits to different companies?
He was just hired to work Saturdays from 8-6, 10 hours, at $12.50 an hour crawling under houses, doing the dirty work and manual labor with a shovel, etc.
And get this!!! They are willing to train him to do the other work and state that within 12-18 months he will be able to make $20 an hour.
No cry babies.

I have a friend that's been in construction for more than 30 years. He can't get a job. They say he's too old, that if he were younger they'd higher him. He's 55. He doesn't have enough to retire and he can't get a job. Worse, they're are paying less for construction workers now than they were when he got hired right after high school and I'm not talking about "adjusting for inflation". They were paying 15-30 bucks and hour in the mid 70's and now they're paying 10-15 bucks and hour.

"does not have enough to retire" is bad planning on his part.
They were not paying 15-30 bucks in the 70s. I was around then and they were not.
Your friend must have no skills. Man laying tile right now in my house gets $300 a day for his labor.
No skills = low pay. Something about personal responsibility.

He has plenty of skills. He painted my house last summer and did a damn good job. I got a deal at $100 a day for labor and the cost of the paint. My sister paid a whole lot more to get her house painted and then when she found out who'd painted mine she wished she'd hired him too. He's not bonded, but he's darn good, and he's a friend for life. How many of those do you ever get?

Oh, and it's easy to plan for retirement when you make a lot of money, not so easy when you live paycheck to paycheck.
I have a friend that's been in construction for more than 30 years. He can't get a job. They say he's too old, that if he were younger they'd higher him. He's 55. He doesn't have enough to retire and he can't get a job. Worse, they're are paying less for construction workers now than they were when he got hired right after high school and I'm not talking about "adjusting for inflation". They were paying 15-30 bucks and hour in the mid 70's and now they're paying 10-15 bucks and hour.

"does not have enough to retire" is bad planning on his part.
They were not paying 15-30 bucks in the 70s. I was around then and they were not.
Your friend must have no skills. Man laying tile right now in my house gets $300 a day for his labor.
No skills = low pay. Something about personal responsibility.

He has plenty of skills. He painted my house last summer and did a damn good job. I got a deal at $100 a day for labor and the cost of the paint. My sister paid a whole lot more to get her house painted and then when she found out who'd painted mine she wished she'd hired him too. He's not bonded, but he's darn good, and he's a friend for life. How many of those do you ever get?

Oh, and it's easy to plan for retirement when you make a lot of money, not so easy when you live paycheck to paycheck.

So YOU FUCKED HIM and do not have any clue that YOU, THE MARKET SET THE PRICE!
How come you did not pay him what you believe he is worth?
Take a look in the mirror. YOU decided to pay what YOU thought he was worth.
And you want government to tell YOU what to do.
Damn girl, wake the hell up. YOU are the market and set the price at what YOU wanted to pay. NO ONE forced you not to pay him the $30 an hour YOU want OTHER people to pay.
Typical liberal. "Do as I say, not as I do."
You need to practice what you preach.
Well, my sister has lung cancer for the 2nd time and quit smoking 40 years ago. My brother is a handicapped Nam vet with mental problems and my sister has schizophrenia. Mom is 89 years old and I take care of her.
Yes, government needs to be there but what does our Santa Claus giveaway govrnment do? When my sister had cancer the 1st time they stepped in and paid her $2200 a month ON TOP of the full pay she received from her job on leave as disability. CRAZY. And get this, when they started the 1st payment what did our give away spend government do? They looked and saw her diagnosis listed that she probably had it 1 year before it was diagnosed so they sent her a $24K check for back payments! For someone that did not need any $$$. Multiply that times millions sports fans.

Why did they do this and what program was she under? Do they do that for all cancer patients? Or just second time cancer patients? Or just your sister.

Were you really REALLY pissed at her for accepting all that money. Or did she need it?

Just curious.
"does not have enough to retire" is bad planning on his part.
They were not paying 15-30 bucks in the 70s. I was around then and they were not.
Your friend must have no skills. Man laying tile right now in my house gets $300 a day for his labor.
No skills = low pay. Something about personal responsibility.

He has plenty of skills. He painted my house last summer and did a damn good job. I got a deal at $100 a day for labor and the cost of the paint. My sister paid a whole lot more to get her house painted and then when she found out who'd painted mine she wished she'd hired him too. He's not bonded, but he's darn good, and he's a friend for life. How many of those do you ever get?

Oh, and it's easy to plan for retirement when you make a lot of money, not so easy when you live paycheck to paycheck.

So YOU FUCKED HIM and do not have any clue that YOU, THE MARKET SET THE PRICE!
How come you did not pay him what you believe he is worth?
Take a look in the mirror. YOU decided to pay what YOU thought he was worth.
And you want government to tell YOU what to do.
Damn girl, wake the hell up. YOU are the market and set the price at what YOU wanted to pay. NO ONE forced you not to pay him the $30 an hour YOU want OTHER people to pay.
Typical liberal. "Do as I say, not as I do."
You need to practice what you preach.

Please, he worked for us under the table. I couldn't afford a professional and he needed the work, it was a win win. We could have painted ourselves, but I wanted him to have some money and so I gave him a job, only you would turn it into me taking advantage of him. BTW, $100 a day is MORE than minimum wage.
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Just talked to my neighbor and thought about this thread. He was laid off from a 60K job about a year ago and now is working for a little over the MW at $8.50 an hour with no benefits. He is 58 years old.
He went to every HVAC and plumbing company within a 20 mile radius looking for weekend work.
And guess what happened after about 30 visits to different companies?
He was just hired to work Saturdays from 8-6, 10 hours, at $12.50 an hour crawling under houses, doing the dirty work and manual labor with a shovel, etc.
And get this!!! They are willing to train him to do the other work and state that within 12-18 months he will be able to make $20 an hour.
No cry babies.

You seem to think he is living the dream, as they say. I say it is amazing what the threat of losing everything you ever worked for will make you do.

I am about the same age, work construction and would hate to HAVE to be doing what a 20 year old should do.

And of course, your neighbor has no health insurance and has to hope that, IF injured on the job that the company has workers comp.

Don't get me wrong. I think that survival is more important than chasing a dream, but I ain't gonna celebrate it. And I wouldn't tell anyone that after 58 years I had to work for minimum wage.

It says a lot about us as a society that we have people that worked all their lives trying to do the right thing for themselves and theirs and now find that working for survival wages is what they have come to.

But by the Grace of God and all that stuff. It is what it is.
On the other hand. HVAC is a good profession and he can probably work till he is 70 - 75.
Good for your neighbor.

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