How do Republicans ever win anything?

How do Republicans win anything? First, the Democrat war on white, male Christians doesn't do much to get the votes of white, male Christians, who still are a sizable minority in America.

Actually, the Democrat party became the anti--white party; not just Christians. The problem is the Surrender First whites are too brainwashed to see it and other whites don't pay enough attention to politics to know about it.

That California hag stood there for eight hours preaching on behalf of illegals in this country. It's like I've said before in this forum: if you want a representative that represents non-Americans, vote Democrat. If you want a representative that represents Americans, vote Republican.
Think about it...Liberal programming begins in our public schools and whatever programming may be considered “out of bounds” in schools is carried out on social media and television via MTV, The Kardashian’s....etc etc.
When you really stop to think about it and consider the reach advantage the DNC has over Republicans you have to wonder how Republicans own all of D.C.
Without “pitch-men” and indoctrinators at every corner of society you have to believe Republican values and ideology kinda sells itself to intelligent folks with the motivation to seek

(this is the part where Liberals will proclaim that millennials don’t seek enlightenment and will blindly follow protocol and programming moving forward)
God gays guns or they convince people voting doesn’t matter when it means everything

I thought it was God, girls, and guns.
by cheating & stealing.

“by cheating & stealing”
Here’s a real easy one...I bet you won’t offer a reasonable answer to.
How so?

How the Republicans rigged Congress — new documents reveal an untold story
Exclusive: Insider documents unveil Republicans’ years-long scheme to gerrymander America and undermine democracy[URL='']

How the Republicans rigged Congress — new documents reveal an unt...[/URL]
Pennsylvania Congressional District Map Is Ruled Unconstitutional
JAN. 22, 2018

Pennsylvania Congressional District Map Is Ruled Unconstitutional

NC congressional districts struck down as unconstitutional partisan gerrymanders
By Anne Blythe

January 09, 2018 05:45 PM

NC congressional districts struck down as unconstitutional partisan gerrymanders

Virginia Congressional map thrown out by judges for racial bias
By Andrew Prokop Oct 7, 2014, 4:50pm EDT

Virginia Congressional map thrown out by judges for racial bias

Court says Texas congressional districts gerrymandered to hurt minorities
By Robert Barnes March 11, 2017
Court says Texas congressional districts gerrymandered to hurt minorities
& i'll even throw this one in.... with an entire year left in office:

Republicans vow no hearings and no votes for Obama’s Supreme Court pick
By Mike DeBonis and Paul Kane February 23, 2016

Republicans vow no hearings and no votes for Obama’s Supreme Court pick

wow... that was just too damn easy. good thing you didn't wage any $ on that bet 'eh?

Think about it...Liberal programming begins in our public schools and whatever programming may be considered “out of bounds” in schools is carried out on social media and television via MTV, The Kardashian’s....etc etc.
When you really stop to think about it and consider the reach advantage the DNC has over Republicans you have to wonder how Republicans own all of D.C.
Without “pitch-men” and indoctrinators at every corner of society you have to believe Republican values and ideology kinda sells itself to intelligent folks with the motivation to seek

(this is the part where Liberals will proclaim that millennials don’t seek enlightenment and will blindly follow protocol and programming moving forward)
Think about it...maybe it just proves that your theories about 'liberal programming' are wrong.

Woaaahhh...maybe you've been 'conservative programmed' to believe all that!!!
by cheating & stealing.

Yep, straight from the liberal playbook. Gee... I wonder...
Gerrymandering and being better than the Democrats in terms of sticking to a singular message. Sometimes Democrats are all over the place.
Both parties gerrymander equally not an issue.

no they don't.
Gerrymandering has been there since the beginning equally by both parties… Fact
by cheating & stealing.

Yep, straight from the liberal playbook. Gee... I wonder...
Gerrymandering and being better than the Democrats in terms of sticking to a singular message. Sometimes Democrats are all over the place.
Both parties gerrymander equally not an issue.

no they don't.
Gerrymandering has been there since the beginning equally by both parties… Fact

children tend to think just because they say something is true- that it actually IS true.

lol.... you & president tinkles have that in common...
by cheating & stealing.

Yep, straight from the liberal playbook. Gee... I wonder...
Gerrymandering and being better than the Democrats in terms of sticking to a singular message. Sometimes Democrats are all over the place.
Both parties gerrymander equally not an issue.

no they don't.
Gerrymandering has been there since the beginning equally by both parties… Fact

children tend to think just because they say something is true- that it actually IS true.

lol.... you & president tinkles have that in common...
Both parties gerrymander… Live with it
Under "How do Republicans ever win anything", another obstacle Republicans face is drawing districts. Democrats can draw them however they want. But, when Republicans draw districts, they face accusations of racism and the chance a leftist judge will strike down the Republican lines as a violation of negro voting rights.

9 of the 10 most gerrymandered districts in America vote Democrat.
All that shit goes out the window when people leave school and get out in the real world and discover life is not that simple.

And the grads discover they're $60K in debt for student loans and didn't learn a damn thing they can use in a career outside of government make-work. Folks don't like being swindled...they don't forget. I don't worry about kids seeing the light...hell, I voted for Jimmy Peanut and might have again if I hadn't seen Reagan destroy him in a debate....been GOP, Perotista, and Tea Party conservative ever since.
Under "How do Republicans ever win anything", another obstacle Republicans face is drawing districts. Democrats can draw them however they want. But, when Republicans draw districts, they face accusations of racism and the chance a leftist judge will strike down the Republican lines as a violation of negro voting rights.

9 of the 10 most gerrymandered districts in America vote Democrat.

That's all part of the brainwashing by the party and MSM.

You see.....Democrats cannot be honest with their constituents. For years they've been telling them that the country is turning liberal. Republicans are old white guys that are soon dying off. Of course they've been telling their voters that for over 30 years now.

In any case, they can't tell their constituents that they lost an election. Otherwise if they told them conservatives are still alive and well, that would knock the wind out of their sails and they just might stop going to the polls on election day.

Instead, they tell them excuses:

Trump--Russia collusion.
Bush second election--Diebold machine rigging.
Bush first election--The Supreme Court selected Bush, punchcard ballots.

On top of that, they blame their other losses on gerrymandering, Voter-ID, voter roll purging, racial discrimination, not enough voting booths (as if Republicans actually controlled that in Democrat wards) Rush Limbaugh, Fox News, the electoral college, etc, etc.

You voted for the Democrat, and the Democrat actually won, it's just you got cheated somehow by the Republicans. See how it works now???

The Democrats are not smart enough to see this obvious pattern, so they await their marching orders for the newest excuse created by the Democrat party and the MSM. They not only believe it, but they relay that message here and across other social media outlets.
It's not that Republicans are that great, it's that they are the only option for most sane people.

The Democrats don't even hide their hatred of the country anymore. Their #1 priority appears to be citizens of other countries, not the United States. They actually say it openly. They shut down the government over non-citizens. How can any normal American support such a party?

It's not just immigration either. The Democrats are openly against the military, law enforcement, standing during the national anthem, historical statues, the flag, you name it. They want to ban salt and SUVs. They want to tax soda and plastic bags. They hate normal people who work for a living and celebrate single moms and gay people having kids. Now I'm not against single parents or even gay parents, but most rational people recognize that kids do best with a mom and a dad in their lives.

As long as the Democrats remain the party of insane fringe interest groups, I'll be voting against them. It's not that I'm voting for the Republicans necessarily, but today's Democrat Party is a threat to the country.
by cheating & stealing.

Yep, straight from the liberal playbook. Gee... I wonder...
Gerrymandering and being better than the Democrats in terms of sticking to a singular message. Sometimes Democrats are all over the place.
Both parties gerrymander equally not an issue.

no they don't.
Gerrymandering has been there since the beginning equally by both parties… Fact

children tend to think just because they say something is true- that it actually IS true.

lol.... you & president tinkles have that in common...
Both parties gerrymander… Live with it

when you can come up with enough examples of (D)s doing it - having court cases against them in the same amt.- then you have a point. until then, the only point you are making is that you make a lousy troll.
Under "How do Republicans ever win anything", another obstacle Republicans face is drawing districts. Democrats can draw them however they want. But, when Republicans draw districts, they face accusations of racism and the chance a leftist judge will strike down the Republican lines as a violation of negro voting rights.

9 of the 10 most gerrymandered districts in America vote Democrat.

where are the court cases that show that?
Think about it...Liberal programming begins in our public schools and whatever programming may be considered “out of bounds” in schools is carried out on social media and television via MTV, The Kardashian’s....etc etc.
When you really stop to think about it and consider the reach advantage the DNC has over Republicans you have to wonder how Republicans own all of D.C.
Without “pitch-men” and indoctrinators at every corner of society you have to believe Republican values and ideology kinda sells itself to intelligent folks with the motivation to seek

(this is the part where Liberals will proclaim that millennials don’t seek enlightenment and will blindly follow protocol and programming moving forward)
We cheat. Haven't you been paying attention?
Yep, straight from the liberal playbook. Gee... I wonder...
Both parties gerrymander equally not an issue.

no they don't.
Gerrymandering has been there since the beginning equally by both parties… Fact

children tend to think just because they say something is true- that it actually IS true.

lol.... you & president tinkles have that in common...
Both parties gerrymander… Live with it

when you can come up with enough examples of (D)s doing it - having court cases against them in the same amt.- then you have a point. until then, the only point you are making is that you make a lousy troll.
Na, both equally guilty
no they don't.
Gerrymandering has been there since the beginning equally by both parties… Fact

children tend to think just because they say something is true- that it actually IS true.

lol.... you & president tinkles have that in common...
Both parties gerrymander… Live with it

when you can come up with enough examples of (D)s doing it - having court cases against them in the same amt.- then you have a point. until then, the only point you are making is that you make a lousy troll.
Na, both equally guilty

show the proof....put up or shut up, troll boy..

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