How do Republicans get the White House in 2016?

The good news. Republicans are well positioned to take the White House in 2016, They have strong candidates while the Dems have no "next in line" to Obama

The bad news. They are still Republicans and are prone to forming circular firing squads

What they need to do

1. Get rid of Grover Norquist: This unelected tyrant has managed to place every Republican into a fiscal box with no flexibility. It limits the choices Republicans have to implement good policy

2. Widen the base: Stop attacking Hispanics. Accept gay marriage, it will win points with young voters who look at it as a civil rights issue. Tone down your anti-abortion rhetoric. Still oppose abortion but embrace birth control, allow abortion in cases of rape, incest and a mothers health.

3. Accept Immigration reform: 10 million undocumented aliens. Offer work permits that allow them to stay. Offer those who have skills and jobs a path towards citizenship.

4. Run good candidates: Newt Gingrich, Hermann Cain, Michele Bachmann are not good presidential candidates. Chris Christie, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio are good candidates with wide appeal. Allow them to run as moderates. Compassionate Conservatives.

5. Distance yourself from the nutcases in your party: You know who they are. Tell them to STFU

Republicans can do all these things and still be Republicans. It will make you look more human, less dictatorial, more "huggable"

Otherwise, prepare for another shock in 2016

Very good post. I agree with all except for CC, who threw Romney under the bus in order to enhance his chances in 2016.
Our political picture has become one of a two party system, one representing corporations and the other of representing the rank and file people. To this end nothing is wrong, we need healthy profitable corporations, corporations with some loyalty to the nation and offering incentive for creativity and opportunity with dollars.
I wonder if it would be better, however, for the Repubican party to drop the BS that they are trying to help the American people become stronger by ridding America of Social Security and other communistic social programs? They sound silly telling the people that these programs take away our independnce and manliness.
We need each other, business and people and the Republicans have an opportunity to exploit that need with an intelligent campaign.
The good news. Republicans are well positioned to take the White House in 2016, They have strong candidates while the Dems have no "next in line" to Obama

The bad news. They are still Republicans and are prone to forming circular firing squads

What they need to do

1. Get rid of Grover Norquist: This unelected tyrant has managed to place every Republican into a fiscal box with no flexibility. It limits the choices Republicans have to implement good policy

2. Widen the base: Stop attacking Hispanics. Accept gay marriage, it will win points with young voters who look at it as a civil rights issue. Tone down your anti-abortion rhetoric. Still oppose abortion but embrace birth control, allow abortion in cases of rape, incest and a mothers health.

3. Accept Immigration reform: 10 million undocumented aliens. Offer work permits that allow them to stay. Offer those who have skills and jobs a path towards citizenship.

4. Run good candidates: Newt Gingrich, Hermann Cain, Michele Bachmann are not good presidential candidates. Chris Christie, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio are good candidates with wide appeal. Allow them to run as moderates. Compassionate Conservatives.

5. Distance yourself from the nutcases in your party: You know who they are. Tell them to STFU

Republicans can do all these things and still be Republicans. It will make you look more human, less dictatorial, more "huggable"

Otherwise, prepare for another shock in 2016

I can't agree with the immigration thing, why should the ones who snuck in get an easier path than the ones who applied the legal way and are waiting in line? thats not fair, there are people right now in South Korea and India who have been waiting years for a green card.

That's how things work in progressive land, there is no incentive to do things the right, and honorable way because everyone gets their share anyway. Just don't ask them what happens when too many say "fuck it".
The good news. Republicans are well positioned to take the White House in 2016, They have strong candidates while the Dems have no "next in line" to Obama

The bad news. They are still Republicans and are prone to forming circular firing squads

I don't buy your premise at all. You added "Chris Christie, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio are good candidates with wide appeal. Allow them to run as moderates. Compassionate Conservatives." and I disagree here too.

Taking the party nomination is no guarantee of a 'good chance' of winning the White House. Some years the odds are stacked against one or another candidate, and only something extraordinary puts them on an equal footing with the front runner.

ex: I saw that Romney's chances of winning were low according to John Cassidy of Cassidy's Count, and Nate Silver's Blog. It was going to be a close race, but the odds did not favor Romney at all, ever.

No one knows what the jobs economy will look like by 2014/2015. That news will determine whether Rubio or Ryan or Christie have a chance of winning. A strong economic and jobs America will be because of the New Keynesians, and these three guys with their, cuts and spending rants, will look light yesterday's news. Plus Rubio, is window dressing for the GOP and the media narrative of Rising Latino Power. Rubio is so unlike the majority of latinos, I doubt he'd ever get their votes.

Jeb Bush? Media narrative again. I think America has moved on from the Bush brand. GW Bush is blamed for the current economy more than President Obama. ( :lol: )


Now the Democrats? WTF knows.
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The good news. Republicans are well positioned to take the White House in 2016, They have strong candidates while the Dems have no "next in line" to Obama

The bad news. They are still Republicans and are prone to forming circular firing squads

What they need to do

1. Get rid of Grover Norquist: This unelected tyrant has managed to place every Republican into a fiscal box with no flexibility. It limits the choices Republicans have to implement good policy

2. Widen the base: Stop attacking Hispanics. Accept gay marriage, it will win points with young voters who look at it as a civil rights issue. Tone down your anti-abortion rhetoric. Still oppose abortion but embrace birth control, allow abortion in cases of rape, incest and a mothers health.

3. Accept Immigration reform: 10 million undocumented aliens. Offer work permits that allow them to stay. Offer those who have skills and jobs a path towards citizenship.

4. Run good candidates: Newt Gingrich, Hermann Cain, Michele Bachmann are not good presidential candidates. Chris Christie, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio are good candidates with wide appeal. Allow them to run as moderates. Compassionate Conservatives.

5. Distance yourself from the nutcases in your party: You know who they are. Tell them to STFU

Republicans can do all these things and still be Republicans. It will make you look more human, less dictatorial, more "huggable"

Otherwise, prepare for another shock in 2016

Very good post. I agree with all except for CC, who threw Romney under the bus in order to enhance his chances in 2016.

Shrewd tactical move by Christie

It says "I don't give a shit about political parties, I have people who need help"

You don't think that will help him in 2016?
Seems like we just need to:

Pander to illegal aliens
Demonize rich people
Treat women as mindless, faceless vaginas
Sell people on the new norm... record deficits, unemployment, etc.
Etc., etc., etc.

5. Distance yourself from the nutcases in your party: You know who they are. Tell them to STFU

As should you.... the Dems have their share of Debbie Blabbermouth Schultz's, Mahar's, etc.

And oddly, you seems to accept 1 - 4 as the Dem's strategy.

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The good news. Republicans are well positioned to take the White House in 2016, They have strong candidates while the Dems have no "next in line" to Obama

The bad news. They are still Republicans and are prone to forming circular firing squads

What they need to do

1. Get rid of Grover Norquist: This unelected tyrant has managed to place every Republican into a fiscal box with no flexibility. It limits the choices Republicans have to implement good policy

2. Widen the base: Stop attacking Hispanics. Accept gay marriage, it will win points with young voters who look at it as a civil rights issue. Tone down your anti-abortion rhetoric. Still oppose abortion but embrace birth control, allow abortion in cases of rape, incest and a mothers health.

3. Accept Immigration reform: 10 million undocumented aliens. Offer work permits that allow them to stay. Offer those who have skills and jobs a path towards citizenship.

4. Run good candidates: Newt Gingrich, Hermann Cain, Michele Bachmann are not good presidential candidates. Chris Christie, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio are good candidates with wide appeal. Allow them to run as moderates. Compassionate Conservatives.

5. Distance yourself from the nutcases in your party: You know who they are. Tell them to STFU

Republicans can do all these things and still be Republicans. It will make you look more human, less dictatorial, more "huggable"

Otherwise, prepare for another shock in 2016

The "base" of the GOP will continue to believe it is superior to the rest of the country and will demand that their candidates continue moving further to the right. This "base" is either too stubborn or too ignorant to realize that the voters of this country simply are not in alignment with their right wing philosophies. The female vote will continue to be lost to the GOP due to their demands to control what a woman does with her own body. The Latino vote will continue to be lost to the GOP due to the GOP's "self deportation" immigration strategery. The white senior vote will continue to decline and yet the GOP will continue to count on it to lead them to victory. Stupid is as stupid does.

The White Senior vote? "Fifty-eight percent of seniors voted for Romney and 42 percent voted for Obama. Florida operatives say that two years of attacks on the president's Affordable Care Act were just too hard to beat back." - Florida seniors: Mitt Romney is winning a landslide with Florida’s oldest voters. - Slate Magazine

Obama and the Democrats can't win without a substantial percentage of the White Senior vote.
Seems like we just need to:

Pander to illegal aliens
Demonize rich people
Treat women as mindless, faceless vaginas
Sell people on the new norm... record deficits, unemployment, etc.
Etc., etc., etc.

5. Distance yourself from the nutcases in your party: You know who they are. Tell them to STFU

The nut cases in our party are those that continue to give the nomination to the guy that lost the time before. Our last 2 candidates have been Liberal lite.
In stead of running a real Conservative, our last 2 candidates have been wishy-washy moderates that can't really articulate a Conservative agenda.
We need a true Conservative candidate, hopefully, either one the MSM hates with a passion or one who is as passionate and optimistic as Reagan or who's race or heritage would make him immune to criticisms that could be labled "racist".
Marco Rubio is that candidate, Condoleeza Rice would fit, as well.

While I like Cristy, unless he can get his weight under control he doesn't have a chance with the large segment of the population that judges a candidate on physical appearance.
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Our political picture has become one of a two party system, one representing corporations and the other of representing the rank and file people. To this end nothing is wrong, we need healthy profitable corporations, corporations with some loyalty to the nation and offering incentive for creativity and opportunity with dollars.

I wonder if it would be better, however, for the Repubican party to drop the BS that they are trying to help the American people become stronger by ridding America of Social Security and other communistic social programs? They sound silly telling the people that these programs take away our independnce and manliness.

We need each other, business and people and the Republicans have an opportunity to exploit that need with an intelligent campaign.

You couldn't be more wrong if you tried.

the rest of your post is pukey platitudes about corps. people. blah, blah, blah...
The good news. Republicans are well positioned to take the White House in 2016, They have strong candidates while the Dems have no "next in line" to Obama

The bad news. They are still Republicans and are prone to forming circular firing squads

What they need to do

1. Get rid of Grover Norquist: This unelected tyrant has managed to place every Republican into a fiscal box with no flexibility. It limits the choices Republicans have to implement good policy

2. Widen the base: Stop attacking Hispanics. Accept gay marriage, it will win points with young voters who look at it as a civil rights issue. Tone down your anti-abortion rhetoric. Still oppose abortion but embrace birth control, allow abortion in cases of rape, incest and a mothers health.

3. Accept Immigration reform: 10 million undocumented aliens. Offer work permits that allow them to stay. Offer those who have skills and jobs a path towards citizenship.

4. Run good candidates: Newt Gingrich, Hermann Cain, Michele Bachmann are not good presidential candidates. Chris Christie, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio are good candidates with wide appeal. Allow them to run as moderates. Compassionate Conservatives.

5. Distance yourself from the nutcases in your party: You know who they are. Tell them to STFU

Republicans can do all these things and still be Republicans. It will make you look more human, less dictatorial, more "huggable"

Otherwise, prepare for another shock in 2016

They have to do more than just say these things.

They will have to believe them.

Fox will have to work on telling them to believe these things or they will have to completely hack off half of their voters.

I look for Fox to look different in the coming year
Republicans should forget the white house in 2016. By 2016 the number of leeches will be insurmountable. The nation will be like California.
The good news. Republicans are well positioned to take the White House in 2016, They have strong candidates while the Dems have no "next in line" to Obama

The bad news. They are still Republicans and are prone to forming circular firing squads

What they need to do

1. Get rid of Grover Norquist: This unelected tyrant has managed to place every Republican into a fiscal box with no flexibility. It limits the choices Republicans have to implement good policy

2. Widen the base: Stop attacking Hispanics. Accept gay marriage, it will win points with young voters who look at it as a civil rights issue. Tone down your anti-abortion rhetoric. Still oppose abortion but embrace birth control, allow abortion in cases of rape, incest and a mothers health.

3. Accept Immigration reform: 10 million undocumented aliens. Offer work permits that allow them to stay. Offer those who have skills and jobs a path towards citizenship.

4. Run good candidates: Newt Gingrich, Hermann Cain, Michele Bachmann are not good presidential candidates. Chris Christie, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio are good candidates with wide appeal. Allow them to run as moderates. Compassionate Conservatives.

5. Distance yourself from the nutcases in your party: You know who they are. Tell them to STFU

Republicans can do all these things and still be Republicans. It will make you look more human, less dictatorial, more "huggable"

Otherwise, prepare for another shock in 2016

Translation. Become miscreant democrats.

a voter Fox will have to reeducate
The good news. Republicans are well positioned to take the White House in 2016, They have strong candidates while the Dems have no "next in line" to Obama

The bad news. They are still Republicans and are prone to forming circular firing squads

What they need to do

1. Get rid of Grover Norquist: This unelected tyrant has managed to place every Republican into a fiscal box with no flexibility. It limits the choices Republicans have to implement good policy

2. Widen the base: Stop attacking Hispanics. Accept gay marriage, it will win points with young voters who look at it as a civil rights issue. Tone down your anti-abortion rhetoric. Still oppose abortion but embrace birth control, allow abortion in cases of rape, incest and a mothers health.

3. Accept Immigration reform: 10 million undocumented aliens. Offer work permits that allow them to stay. Offer those who have skills and jobs a path towards citizenship.

4. Run good candidates: Newt Gingrich, Hermann Cain, Michele Bachmann are not good presidential candidates. Chris Christie, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio are good candidates with wide appeal. Allow them to run as moderates. Compassionate Conservatives.

5. Distance yourself from the nutcases in your party: You know who they are. Tell them to STFU

Republicans can do all these things and still be Republicans. It will make you look more human, less dictatorial, more "huggable"

Otherwise, prepare for another shock in 2016

What needs to happen is all the IOU's democrats and fiscally challenged republicans have been writing have to come due. At that point, when democrats cannot "tax someone else" thier way out of it, (which is already happening) then people will realize what needs to be done.

Until then, democrats will continue to win by promising people something for nothing.

Keep telling yourself that. It will ensure that Democrats will continue to be elected for the next generation. How did that 47% stuff work out for you?

Yet, Republicans go right back to it after getting their asses kicked in Tuesdays election

I wish it wasnt the case, but evidently trying to tell the electorate that democrats ideas of government finances are all smoke and mirrors will not get you a win. We will need for it to crap out before we can make people see the truth.

and losing 50%-48% is not "getting your asses kicked", especially against and incumbent.
Seems like we just need to:

Pander to illegal aliens
Demonize rich people
Treat women as mindless, faceless vaginas
Sell people on the new norm... record deficits, unemployment, etc.
Etc., etc., etc.

5. Distance yourself from the nutcases in your party: You know who they are. Tell them to STFU

The nut cases in our party are those that continue to give the nomination to the guy that lost the time before. Our last 2 candidates have been Liberal lite.
In stead of running a real Conservative, our last 2 candidates have been wishy-washy moderates that can't really articulate a Conservative agenda.
We need a true Conservative candidate, hopefully, either one the MSM hates with a passion or one who is as passionate and optimistic as Reagan or who's race or heritage would make him immune to criticisms that could be labled "racist".
Marco Rubio is that candidate, Condoleeza Rice would fit, as well.

While I like Cristy, unless he can get his weight under control he doesn't have a chance with the large segment of the population that judges a candidate on physical appearance.


cant really articulate a conservative agenda?

dude the reason they cant is the Americans people HATE your little agenda
The good news. Republicans are well positioned to take the White House in 2016, They have strong candidates while the Dems have no "next in line" to Obama

The bad news. They are still Republicans and are prone to forming circular firing squads

What they need to do

1. Get rid of Grover Norquist: This unelected tyrant has managed to place every Republican into a fiscal box with no flexibility. It limits the choices Republicans have to implement good policy

2. Widen the base: Stop attacking Hispanics. Accept gay marriage, it will win points with young voters who look at it as a civil rights issue. Tone down your anti-abortion rhetoric. Still oppose abortion but embrace birth control, allow abortion in cases of rape, incest and a mothers health.

3. Accept Immigration reform: 10 million undocumented aliens. Offer work permits that allow them to stay. Offer those who have skills and jobs a path towards citizenship.

4. Run good candidates: Newt Gingrich, Hermann Cain, Michele Bachmann are not good presidential candidates. Chris Christie, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio are good candidates with wide appeal. Allow them to run as moderates. Compassionate Conservatives.

5. Distance yourself from the nutcases in your party: You know who they are. Tell them to STFU

Republicans can do all these things and still be Republicans. It will make you look more human, less dictatorial, more "huggable"

Otherwise, prepare for another shock in 2016

In other words, become just as grasping and evil as democrats! Good idea. If republicans actually did this, why even bother being republicans. Just call themselves democrats and be done with it.
2016 is a long way off, but I was very disappointed that Rubio or Christie didn't run this time. I could see myself voting for either of those men

I do think 2016 will be a bit of a gimme for the GOP, the country will be deep DEEP in debt by then and Americans will be itching for a change.

keeper post

prediction negative

Lol I'm good with that :)
5. Distance yourself from the nutcases in your party: You know who they are. Tell them to STFU

The nut cases in our party are those that continue to give the nomination to the guy that lost the time before. Our last 2 candidates have been Liberal lite.
In stead of running a real Conservative, our last 2 candidates have been wishy-washy moderates that can't really articulate a Conservative agenda.
We need a true Conservative candidate, hopefully, either one the MSM hates with a passion or one who is as passionate and optimistic as Reagan or who's race or heritage would make him immune to criticisms that could be labled "racist".
Marco Rubio is that candidate, Condoleeza Rice would fit, as well.

While I like Cristy, unless he can get his weight under control he doesn't have a chance with the large segment of the population that judges a candidate on physical appearance.


cant really articulate a conservative agenda?

dude the reason they cant is the Americans people HATE your little agenda

47% of them do, but what happens to all those votes when the well runs dry?
5. Distance yourself from the nutcases in your party: You know who they are. Tell them to STFU

The nut cases in our party are those that continue to give the nomination to the guy that lost the time before. Our last 2 candidates have been Liberal lite.
In stead of running a real Conservative, our last 2 candidates have been wishy-washy moderates that can't really articulate a Conservative agenda.
We need a true Conservative candidate, hopefully, either one the MSM hates with a passion or one who is as passionate and optimistic as Reagan or who's race or heritage would make him immune to criticisms that could be labled "racist".
Marco Rubio is that candidate, Condoleeza Rice would fit, as well.

While I like Cristy, unless he can get his weight under control he doesn't have a chance with the large segment of the population that judges a candidate on physical appearance.


cant really articulate a conservative agenda?

dude the reason they cant is the Americans people HATE your little agenda

X2, Ernie is a fucking moron.

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