How do republicans make sense of Trump wanting to push for another round of stimulus payments yet pretends COVID isn’t a crisis?

Covid is a crisis...Dems helped to make it one...bigger and bigger and bigger...and then they sent in the rioters that infected who knows how many people....businesses need the nations help right now....we are always first on the scene with aid to tragic events all over the its time we help our own citizens....if you libs and debt fearing republicans want to make this a bad thing you do so at your own peril......its time to help Americans....agree or disagree?....
Lol so what you are saying is that it is the fault of democrats that people need more stimulus checks? Wow that is just precious lol.
Agree or disagree?....time to help our own countrymen? we do for people all around the world.....or not?....
Yeah agree, which is why it is the left who has said from the beginning that if someone really needs temporary assistance, they should be able to get food stamps. After all, most recipients are either single parents or children. You have opposed this program no matter what in the past. How is all this different?

Because government is the cause of unemployment. This absolutely ridiculous lock down, is the reason they need food stamps.

In any other situation, no. Get a job, and earn your own food.

But right now... NOW... when Democraps have spewed this end of the world nonsense, and used that to shut down the economy, in a bold attempt to use this as a political football to hammer Republicans with......

Now thanks to Democraps they need food stamps.
You should really look the BLS statistics because the #1 cause of jobs being lost is because of a lack of consumer demand - NOT government interference.

Get a job that pays well is not somehow practical advice for everyone. Why? Because higher wage jobs are in short supply. Therefore, mathematically, It is impossible for MOST poor people to get higher paying jobs regardless of how hard they try. Until they can find something better, it makes sense to offer them assistance. After all, like i said, most participants are children or single parents.

Why do you think there's suddenly a massive lack of economic demand, genius? Try to think of the economy the way you think of the ecosystem. If you go into an ecosystem and murder 15 percent of all the species within, you haven't only murdered those species. Eventually other species that rely on those missing ones for, for instance, food sources, are stretched thin. Depending on how large of a hole you've left in that ecosystem, a chain reaction can occur wherein other species die off from the resulting lack of resources, lacks of checks on their predators and competitors, etc. Now, if that chain reaction started when you murdered off that initial 15 percent, you COULD claim that the rest of the species dying was just about lack of resources, but the reality would be that the lack of resources was the direct and obvious result of your killing, and laying those secondary deaths at your feet would still be accurate.

When a sudden, massive government interference in the economy murders all disposable economic activity of a huge percentage of all potential consumers simultaneously, businesses that die several months down the line might accurately have their cause of death listed as a downturn in consumer demand, but saying that the actions that suddenly destroyed that demand killed those businesses is still entirely accurate.
Covid is a crisis...Dems helped to make it one...bigger and bigger and bigger...and then they sent in the rioters that infected who knows how many people....businesses need the nations help right now....we are always first on the scene with aid to tragic events all over the its time we help our own citizens....if you libs and debt fearing republicans want to make this a bad thing you do so at your own peril......its time to help Americans....agree or disagree?....
Lol so what you are saying is that it is the fault of democrats that people need more stimulus checks? Wow that is just precious lol.
Agree or disagree?....time to help our own countrymen? we do for people all around the world.....or not?....
Yeah agree, which is why it is the left who has said from the beginning that if someone really needs temporary assistance, they should be able to get food stamps. After all, most recipients are either single parents or children. You have opposed this program no matter what in the past. How is all this different?

Because government is the cause of unemployment. This absolutely ridiculous lock down, is the reason they need food stamps.

In any other situation, no. Get a job, and earn your own food.

But right now... NOW... when Democraps have spewed this end of the world nonsense, and used that to shut down the economy, in a bold attempt to use this as a political football to hammer Republicans with......

Now thanks to Democraps they need food stamps.
You should really look the BLS statistics because the #1 cause of jobs being lost is because of a lack of consumer demand - NOT government interference.

Get a job that pays well is not somehow practical advice for everyone. Why? Because higher wage jobs are in short supply. Therefore, mathematically, It is impossible for MOST poor people to get higher paying jobs regardless of how hard they try. Until they can find something better, it makes sense to offer them assistance. After all, like i said, most participants are children or single parents.

Why do you think there's suddenly a massive lack of economic demand, genius? Try to think of the economy the way you think of the ecosystem. If you go into an ecosystem and murder 15 percent of all the species within, you haven't only murdered those species. Eventually other species that rely on those missing ones for, for instance, food sources, are stretched thin. Depending on how large of a hole you've left in that ecosystem, a chain reaction can occur wherein other species die off from the resulting lack of resources, lacks of checks on their predators and competitors, etc. Now, if that chain reaction started when you murdered off that initial 15 percent, you COULD claim that the rest of the species dying was just about lack of resources, but the reality would be that the lack of resources was the direct and obvious result of your killing, and laying those secondary deaths at your feet would still be accurate.

When a sudden, massive government interference in the economy murders all disposable economic activity of a huge percentage of all potential consumers simultaneously, businesses that die several months down the line might accurately have their cause of death listed as a downturn in consumer demand, but saying that the actions that suddenly destroyed that demand killed those businesses is still entirely accurate.
You haven’t even explained what exactly it is the government is doing to hinder consumer demand lol.
Covid is a crisis...Dems helped to make it one...bigger and bigger and bigger...and then they sent in the rioters that infected who knows how many people....businesses need the nations help right now....we are always first on the scene with aid to tragic events all over the its time we help our own citizens....if you libs and debt fearing republicans want to make this a bad thing you do so at your own peril......its time to help Americans....agree or disagree?....
Lol so what you are saying is that it is the fault of democrats that people need more stimulus checks? Wow that is just precious lol.
Agree or disagree?....time to help our own countrymen? we do for people all around the world.....or not?....
Yeah agree, which is why it is the left who has said from the beginning that if someone really needs temporary assistance, they should be able to get food stamps. After all, most recipients are either single parents or children. You have opposed this program no matter what in the past. How is all this different?

Because government is the cause of unemployment. This absolutely ridiculous lock down, is the reason they need food stamps.

In any other situation, no. Get a job, and earn your own food.

But right now... NOW... when Democraps have spewed this end of the world nonsense, and used that to shut down the economy, in a bold attempt to use this as a political football to hammer Republicans with......

Now thanks to Democraps they need food stamps.
You should really look the BLS statistics because the #1 cause of jobs being lost is because of a lack of consumer demand - NOT government interference.

Get a job that pays well is not somehow practical advice for everyone. Why? Because higher wage jobs are in short supply. Therefore, mathematically, It is impossible for MOST poor people to get higher paying jobs regardless of how hard they try. Until they can find something better, it makes sense to offer them assistance. After all, like i said, most participants are children or single parents.

Why do you think there's suddenly a massive lack of economic demand, genius? Try to think of the economy the way you think of the ecosystem. If you go into an ecosystem and murder 15 percent of all the species within, you haven't only murdered those species. Eventually other species that rely on those missing ones for, for instance, food sources, are stretched thin. Depending on how large of a hole you've left in that ecosystem, a chain reaction can occur wherein other species die off from the resulting lack of resources, lacks of checks on their predators and competitors, etc. Now, if that chain reaction started when you murdered off that initial 15 percent, you COULD claim that the rest of the species dying was just about lack of resources, but the reality would be that the lack of resources was the direct and obvious result of your killing, and laying those secondary deaths at your feet would still be accurate.

When a sudden, massive government interference in the economy murders all disposable economic activity of a huge percentage of all potential consumers simultaneously, businesses that die several months down the line might accurately have their cause of death listed as a downturn in consumer demand, but saying that the actions that suddenly destroyed that demand killed those businesses is still entirely accurate.
You haven’t even explained what exactly it is the government is doing to hinder consumer demand lol.

So I lost my job, partly due to the lock down.

I can promise you I am not buying very much.

Any questions?
If it turned out that all the news was false and all of Covid19 was an absolute hoax (and mind you, I'm not saying that I believe this to be the case in the slightest), that wouldn't change the damage that the shutdown has done to the economy.

Trump is pushing for more stimulus payments because people are broke, not because they're sick. Whether or not Covid19 is as much of a health crisis as they say is irrelevant to the reality of peoples' finances, and Trump's opinions on the matter don't dictate whether or not state governers are going to shut down again/extend ongoing shutdown rules. Don't confuse the concept of "related" with the concept of "directly causal." It'll fuck your perceptions all up.
Because they are broke huh? So Trump arbitrarily decides people need money huh? Not because of the virus?
The virus didn't take everybody's money away, genius. The shutdown did. Viruses, in the biological sense of the word, don't have the capacity to raid your bank account or lift your wallet.

Sure, the governers shut down because of the virus, but since Trump isn't the one deciding on whether or not to shut down, the fact that he doesn't consider the virus to be the threat that the MSM does isn't in any sort of confliction with his recognition that the economy is in the shitter.

Stop being willfully dense about this, I know you're not as dumb as you're playing.

His body of work says that he is that dumb.
If it turned out that all the news was false and all of Covid19 was an absolute hoax (and mind you, I'm not saying that I believe this to be the case in the slightest), that wouldn't change the damage that the shutdown has done to the economy.

Trump is pushing for more stimulus payments because people are broke, not because they're sick. Whether or not Covid19 is as much of a health crisis as they say is irrelevant to the reality of peoples' finances, and Trump's opinions on the matter don't dictate whether or not state governers are going to shut down again/extend ongoing shutdown rules. Don't confuse the concept of "related" with the concept of "directly causal." It'll fuck your perceptions all up.
Because they are broke huh? So Trump arbitrarily decides people need money huh? Not because of the virus?
The virus didn't take everybody's money away, genius. The shutdown did. Viruses, in the biological sense of the word, don't have the capacity to raid your bank account or lift your wallet.

Sure, the governers shut down because of the virus, but since Trump isn't the one deciding on whether or not to shut down, the fact that he doesn't consider the virus to be the threat that the MSM does isn't in any sort of confliction with his recognition that the economy is in the shitter.

Stop being willfully dense about this, I know you're not as dumb as you're playing.

His body of work says that he is that dumb.
The way this convo has gone, I'm having trouble doubting you on that.
Covid is a crisis...Dems helped to make it one...bigger and bigger and bigger...and then they sent in the rioters that infected who knows how many people....businesses need the nations help right now....we are always first on the scene with aid to tragic events all over the its time we help our own citizens....if you libs and debt fearing republicans want to make this a bad thing you do so at your own peril......its time to help Americans....agree or disagree?....
Lol so what you are saying is that it is the fault of democrats that people need more stimulus checks? Wow that is just precious lol.
Agree or disagree?....time to help our own countrymen? we do for people all around the world.....or not?....
Yeah agree, which is why it is the left who has said from the beginning that if someone really needs temporary assistance, they should be able to get food stamps. After all, most recipients are either single parents or children. You have opposed this program no matter what in the past. How is all this different?

Because government is the cause of unemployment. This absolutely ridiculous lock down, is the reason they need food stamps.

In any other situation, no. Get a job, and earn your own food.

But right now... NOW... when Democraps have spewed this end of the world nonsense, and used that to shut down the economy, in a bold attempt to use this as a political football to hammer Republicans with......

Now thanks to Democraps they need food stamps.
You should really look the BLS statistics because the #1 cause of jobs being lost is because of a lack of consumer demand - NOT government interference.

Get a job that pays well is not somehow practical advice for everyone. Why? Because higher wage jobs are in short supply. Therefore, mathematically, It is impossible for MOST poor people to get higher paying jobs regardless of how hard they try. Until they can find something better, it makes sense to offer them assistance. After all, like i said, most participants are children or single parents.

Why do you think there's suddenly a massive lack of economic demand, genius? Try to think of the economy the way you think of the ecosystem. If you go into an ecosystem and murder 15 percent of all the species within, you haven't only murdered those species. Eventually other species that rely on those missing ones for, for instance, food sources, are stretched thin. Depending on how large of a hole you've left in that ecosystem, a chain reaction can occur wherein other species die off from the resulting lack of resources, lacks of checks on their predators and competitors, etc. Now, if that chain reaction started when you murdered off that initial 15 percent, you COULD claim that the rest of the species dying was just about lack of resources, but the reality would be that the lack of resources was the direct and obvious result of your killing, and laying those secondary deaths at your feet would still be accurate.

When a sudden, massive government interference in the economy murders all disposable economic activity of a huge percentage of all potential consumers simultaneously, businesses that die several months down the line might accurately have their cause of death listed as a downturn in consumer demand, but saying that the actions that suddenly destroyed that demand killed those businesses is still entirely accurate.
You haven’t even explained what exactly it is the government is doing to hinder consumer demand lol.

I know that you are one stupid mother fucker but even you can't be that stupid.
Covid is a crisis...Dems helped to make it one...bigger and bigger and bigger...and then they sent in the rioters that infected who knows how many people....businesses need the nations help right now....we are always first on the scene with aid to tragic events all over the its time we help our own citizens....if you libs and debt fearing republicans want to make this a bad thing you do so at your own peril......its time to help Americans....agree or disagree?....
Lol so what you are saying is that it is the fault of democrats that people need more stimulus checks? Wow that is just precious lol.
Agree or disagree?....time to help our own countrymen? we do for people all around the world.....or not?....
Yeah agree, which is why it is the left who has said from the beginning that if someone really needs temporary assistance, they should be able to get food stamps. After all, most recipients are either single parents or children. You have opposed this program no matter what in the past. How is all this different?

Because government is the cause of unemployment. This absolutely ridiculous lock down, is the reason they need food stamps.

In any other situation, no. Get a job, and earn your own food.

But right now... NOW... when Democraps have spewed this end of the world nonsense, and used that to shut down the economy, in a bold attempt to use this as a political football to hammer Republicans with......

Now thanks to Democraps they need food stamps.
You should really look the BLS statistics because the #1 cause of jobs being lost is because of a lack of consumer demand - NOT government interference.

Get a job that pays well is not somehow practical advice for everyone. Why? Because higher wage jobs are in short supply. Therefore, mathematically, It is impossible for MOST poor people to get higher paying jobs regardless of how hard they try. Until they can find something better, it makes sense to offer them assistance. After all, like i said, most participants are children or single parents.

Why do you think there's suddenly a massive lack of economic demand, genius? Try to think of the economy the way you think of the ecosystem. If you go into an ecosystem and murder 15 percent of all the species within, you haven't only murdered those species. Eventually other species that rely on those missing ones for, for instance, food sources, are stretched thin. Depending on how large of a hole you've left in that ecosystem, a chain reaction can occur wherein other species die off from the resulting lack of resources, lacks of checks on their predators and competitors, etc. Now, if that chain reaction started when you murdered off that initial 15 percent, you COULD claim that the rest of the species dying was just about lack of resources, but the reality would be that the lack of resources was the direct and obvious result of your killing, and laying those secondary deaths at your feet would still be accurate.

When a sudden, massive government interference in the economy murders all disposable economic activity of a huge percentage of all potential consumers simultaneously, businesses that die several months down the line might accurately have their cause of death listed as a downturn in consumer demand, but saying that the actions that suddenly destroyed that demand killed those businesses is still entirely accurate.
You haven’t even explained what exactly it is the government is doing to hinder consumer demand lol.
You're right, I didn't deliberately spell out what they did because I thought it was obvious.

So, when everybody started taking Covid19 seriously and the numbers started going up, I'm not sure if you remember, but the governers in SEVERAL states initiated shutdown orders which ordered people operating business that they deemed non-essential to shutter their businesses until further notice. As a result, those business owners had to continue to pay for the overhead costs of their infrastructure and insurance, but were unable to earn any profits in order to pay for these things.

Now, apparently when someone running a business has bills that they need to pay to maintain their operation, but doesn't have the necessary income to do so, they have to do two things: The first, they have to dedicate their personal savings toward making up the shortcomings on their expenses. This leaves them less money to spend on other things. You see, when you decide that you want, say, a Slurpee, mommy has to take some of the money that her boss at work paid her and give it to the man at 7-11 before he'll let her take the Slurpee out of the store, pour it in your sippy cup, and give it to you to drink on the way home from daycare. If mommy had to spend all that money on keeping her business alive, she wouldn't be able to buy the Slurpee, and the people who make the Slurpee would make less money.

The second thing these business owners have to do is what's called "downsizing". See, when grownups go to work for each other, they don't do it just for funzees. If a business owner wants someone like mommy or daddy to come in to work and help them run their company, they have to offer them money. If they have to spend that money on bills to keep the business open, then it's just like mommy and the Slurpee: They have less money to give to workers, so they can't get as many workers to come in and work for them.

Those workers that the business owner can no longer afford to compensate get what we call "laid off". That means that they have to try and find someone else who will give them money to go to work for them. While they're trying to find that arrangement, these "laid off" grown ups survive on a combination of money that they gave the people at the bank to hold onto for them, and money that the government (you know, that's the president and the congress people and the judges) allots to them. But, the government only gives them this money for a little while, and the money in the bank doesn't last forever, so people in this situation often have to use that big spooky D word. . . that's right, discipline! You're such a good guesser! They have to use discipline and not buy Slurpees for awhile so that they can make sure that they have enough money to give to the man at the supermarket so that they can have food, and to give to the landlord so they can keep living in their houses.

Anyway, when the business owners and the workers have to stop buying Slurpees and use. . . that's right, discipline!, to make sure that they have enough money for eating and having houses, then the people at the Slurpee company have to downsize, too!
Covid is a crisis...Dems helped to make it one...bigger and bigger and bigger...and then they sent in the rioters that infected who knows how many people....businesses need the nations help right now....we are always first on the scene with aid to tragic events all over the its time we help our own citizens....if you libs and debt fearing republicans want to make this a bad thing you do so at your own peril......its time to help Americans....agree or disagree?....
Lol so what you are saying is that it is the fault of democrats that people need more stimulus checks? Wow that is just precious lol.
Agree or disagree?....time to help our own countrymen? we do for people all around the world.....or not?....
Yeah agree, which is why it is the left who has said from the beginning that if someone really needs temporary assistance, they should be able to get food stamps. After all, most recipients are either single parents or children. You have opposed this program no matter what in the past. How is all this different?

Because government is the cause of unemployment. This absolutely ridiculous lock down, is the reason they need food stamps.

In any other situation, no. Get a job, and earn your own food.

But right now... NOW... when Democraps have spewed this end of the world nonsense, and used that to shut down the economy, in a bold attempt to use this as a political football to hammer Republicans with......

Now thanks to Democraps they need food stamps.
You should really look the BLS statistics because the #1 cause of jobs being lost is because of a lack of consumer demand - NOT government interference.

Get a job that pays well is not somehow practical advice for everyone. Why? Because higher wage jobs are in short supply. Therefore, mathematically, It is impossible for MOST poor people to get higher paying jobs regardless of how hard they try. Until they can find something better, it makes sense to offer them assistance. After all, like i said, most participants are children or single parents.

Why do you think there's suddenly a massive lack of economic demand, genius? Try to think of the economy the way you think of the ecosystem. If you go into an ecosystem and murder 15 percent of all the species within, you haven't only murdered those species. Eventually other species that rely on those missing ones for, for instance, food sources, are stretched thin. Depending on how large of a hole you've left in that ecosystem, a chain reaction can occur wherein other species die off from the resulting lack of resources, lacks of checks on their predators and competitors, etc. Now, if that chain reaction started when you murdered off that initial 15 percent, you COULD claim that the rest of the species dying was just about lack of resources, but the reality would be that the lack of resources was the direct and obvious result of your killing, and laying those secondary deaths at your feet would still be accurate.

When a sudden, massive government interference in the economy murders all disposable economic activity of a huge percentage of all potential consumers simultaneously, businesses that die several months down the line might accurately have their cause of death listed as a downturn in consumer demand, but saying that the actions that suddenly destroyed that demand killed those businesses is still entirely accurate.
You haven’t even explained what exactly it is the government is doing to hinder consumer demand lol.

So I lost my job, partly due to the lock down.

I can promise you I am not buying very much.

Any questions?
Well I feel yuh man because I lost my job too. I know that the federal benefits have been pretty generous I would say for me, that helped.
If it turned out that all the news was false and all of Covid19 was an absolute hoax (and mind you, I'm not saying that I believe this to be the case in the slightest), that wouldn't change the damage that the shutdown has done to the economy.

Trump is pushing for more stimulus payments because people are broke, not because they're sick. Whether or not Covid19 is as much of a health crisis as they say is irrelevant to the reality of peoples' finances, and Trump's opinions on the matter don't dictate whether or not state governers are going to shut down again/extend ongoing shutdown rules. Don't confuse the concept of "related" with the concept of "directly causal." It'll fuck your perceptions all up.
Good point
Covid is a crisis...Dems helped to make it one...bigger and bigger and bigger...and then they sent in the rioters that infected who knows how many people....businesses need the nations help right now....we are always first on the scene with aid to tragic events all over the its time we help our own citizens....if you libs and debt fearing republicans want to make this a bad thing you do so at your own peril......its time to help Americans....agree or disagree?....
Agree, time to help Americans... disagree with all the other fake garbage you spewed in that post.
If it turned out that all the news was false and all of Covid19 was an absolute hoax (and mind you, I'm not saying that I believe this to be the case in the slightest), that wouldn't change the damage that the shutdown has done to the economy.

Trump is pushing for more stimulus payments because people are broke, not because they're sick. Whether or not Covid19 is as much of a health crisis as they say is irrelevant to the reality of peoples' finances, and Trump's opinions on the matter don't dictate whether or not state governers are going to shut down again/extend ongoing shutdown rules. Don't confuse the concept of "related" with the concept of "directly causal." It'll fuck your perceptions all up.
Because they are broke huh? So Trump arbitrarily decides people need money huh? Not because of the virus?
The virus didn't take everybody's money away, genius. The shutdown did. Viruses, in the biological sense of the word, don't have the capacity to raid your bank account or lift your wallet.

Sure, the governers shut down because of the virus, but since Trump isn't the one deciding on whether or not to shut down, the fact that he doesn't consider the virus to be the threat that the MSM does isn't in any sort of confliction with his recognition that the economy is in the shitter.

Stop being willfully dense about this, I know you're not as dumb as you're playing.
Lol so let’s pretend we never did a shut down and every thing was just normal from the beginning. Just how much bigger do you think the death toll would be? I mean right now it is 130k. If we did NOTHING to slow the spread. How much higher would it be?
2 maybe 3 million dead according to Trump
Covid is a crisis...Dems helped to make it one...bigger and bigger and bigger...and then they sent in the rioters that infected who knows how many people....businesses need the nations help right now....we are always first on the scene with aid to tragic events all over the its time we help our own citizens....if you libs and debt fearing republicans want to make this a bad thing you do so at your own peril......its time to help Americans....agree or disagree?....
Lol so what you are saying is that it is the fault of democrats that people need more stimulus checks? Wow that is just precious lol.
Agree or disagree?....time to help our own countrymen? we do for people all around the world.....or not?....
Yeah agree, which is why it is the left who has said from the beginning that if someone really needs temporary assistance, they should be able to get food stamps. After all, most recipients are either single parents or children. You have opposed this program no matter what in the past. How is all this different?

Because government is the cause of unemployment. This absolutely ridiculous lock down, is the reason they need food stamps.

In any other situation, no. Get a job, and earn your own food.

But right now... NOW... when Democraps have spewed this end of the world nonsense, and used that to shut down the economy, in a bold attempt to use this as a political football to hammer Republicans with......

Now thanks to Democraps they need food stamps.
You should really look the BLS statistics because the #1 cause of jobs being lost is because of a lack of consumer demand - NOT government interference.

Get a job that pays well is not somehow practical advice for everyone. Why? Because higher wage jobs are in short supply. Therefore, mathematically, It is impossible for MOST poor people to get higher paying jobs regardless of how hard they try. Until they can find something better, it makes sense to offer them assistance. After all, like i said, most participants are children or single parents.

Why do you think there's suddenly a massive lack of economic demand, genius? Try to think of the economy the way you think of the ecosystem. If you go into an ecosystem and murder 15 percent of all the species within, you haven't only murdered those species. Eventually other species that rely on those missing ones for, for instance, food sources, are stretched thin. Depending on how large of a hole you've left in that ecosystem, a chain reaction can occur wherein other species die off from the resulting lack of resources, lacks of checks on their predators and competitors, etc. Now, if that chain reaction started when you murdered off that initial 15 percent, you COULD claim that the rest of the species dying was just about lack of resources, but the reality would be that the lack of resources was the direct and obvious result of your killing, and laying those secondary deaths at your feet would still be accurate.

When a sudden, massive government interference in the economy murders all disposable economic activity of a huge percentage of all potential consumers simultaneously, businesses that die several months down the line might accurately have their cause of death listed as a downturn in consumer demand, but saying that the actions that suddenly destroyed that demand killed those businesses is still entirely accurate.
You haven’t even explained what exactly it is the government is doing to hinder consumer demand lol.

So I lost my job, partly due to the lock down.

I can promise you I am not buying very much.

Any questions?
Well I feel yuh man because I lost my job too. I know that the federal benefits have been pretty generous I would say for me, that helped.

I was completely rejected from any benefits. Doesn't matter who is in office. These benefits are not for people who worked consistently their entire lives.

I was rejected for benefits back under Obama too, and that time it was worse. They sent me 2 checks, and then contacted me a week later, that they reviewed my application and rejected me, and now I needed to pay them back the money they sent me, and if I was late, they would penalize me with a late fee.

And I couldn't pay it obviously because I was unemployed, so I ended paying back more money than they gave me.

So I've learned that Unemployment is for left-wingers that don't work. Not for people like me who have worked hard their whole lives.

Nothing left-wing ever benefits me. They tax the crap out of me, and then deny me any benefits. Which is why I'm all for cutting taxes, and ending unemployment, welfare, food stamps, and public housing.

Why do I have to get up at 3 AM for years on end, to get nothing from all the money stolen from my check?
How do republicans make sense of Trump wanting to push for another round of stimulus payments yet pretends COVID isn’t a crisis?

To help Republicans use taxpayer funds to buy the November election. McConnell is also desperate to save his own ass in Kentucky. McConnell has two paychecks riding on the election - his and his wife's.
Covid is a crisis...Dems helped to make it one...bigger and bigger and bigger...and then they sent in the rioters that infected who knows how many people....businesses need the nations help right now....we are always first on the scene with aid to tragic events all over the its time we help our own citizens....if you libs and debt fearing republicans want to make this a bad thing you do so at your own peril......its time to help Americans....agree or disagree?....
Lol so what you are saying is that it is the fault of democrats that people need more stimulus checks? Wow that is just precious lol.
Agree or disagree?....time to help our own countrymen? we do for people all around the world.....or not?....
Yeah agree, which is why it is the left who has said from the beginning that if someone really needs temporary assistance, they should be able to get food stamps. After all, most recipients are either single parents or children. You have opposed this program no matter what in the past. How is all this different?

Because government is the cause of unemployment. This absolutely ridiculous lock down, is the reason they need food stamps.

In any other situation, no. Get a job, and earn your own food.

But right now... NOW... when Democraps have spewed this end of the world nonsense, and used that to shut down the economy, in a bold attempt to use this as a political football to hammer Republicans with......

Now thanks to Democraps they need food stamps.
You should really look the BLS statistics because the #1 cause of jobs being lost is because of a lack of consumer demand - NOT government interference.

Get a job that pays well is not somehow practical advice for everyone. Why? Because higher wage jobs are in short supply. Therefore, mathematically, It is impossible for MOST poor people to get higher paying jobs regardless of how hard they try. Until they can find something better, it makes sense to offer them assistance. After all, like i said, most participants are children or single parents.

Why do you think there's suddenly a massive lack of economic demand, genius? Try to think of the economy the way you think of the ecosystem. If you go into an ecosystem and murder 15 percent of all the species within, you haven't only murdered those species. Eventually other species that rely on those missing ones for, for instance, food sources, are stretched thin. Depending on how large of a hole you've left in that ecosystem, a chain reaction can occur wherein other species die off from the resulting lack of resources, lacks of checks on their predators and competitors, etc. Now, if that chain reaction started when you murdered off that initial 15 percent, you COULD claim that the rest of the species dying was just about lack of resources, but the reality would be that the lack of resources was the direct and obvious result of your killing, and laying those secondary deaths at your feet would still be accurate.

When a sudden, massive government interference in the economy murders all disposable economic activity of a huge percentage of all potential consumers simultaneously, businesses that die several months down the line might accurately have their cause of death listed as a downturn in consumer demand, but saying that the actions that suddenly destroyed that demand killed those businesses is still entirely accurate.
You haven’t even explained what exactly it is the government is doing to hinder consumer demand lol.
You're right, I didn't deliberately spell out what they did because I thought it was obvious.

So, when everybody started taking Covid19 seriously and the numbers started going up, I'm not sure if you remember, but the governers in SEVERAL states initiated shutdown orders which ordered people operating business that they deemed non-essential to shutter their businesses until further notice. As a result, those business owners had to continue to pay for the overhead costs of their infrastructure and insurance, but were unable to earn any profits in order to pay for these things.

Now, apparently when someone running a business has bills that they need to pay to maintain their operation, but doesn't have the necessary income to do so, they have to do two things: The first, they have to dedicate their personal savings toward making up the shortcomings on their expenses. This leaves them less money to spend on other things. You see, when you decide that you want, say, a Slurpee, mommy has to take some of the money that her boss at work paid her and give it to the man at 7-11 before he'll let her take the Slurpee out of the store, pour it in your sippy cup, and give it to you to drink on the way home from daycare. If mommy had to spend all that money on keeping her business alive, she wouldn't be able to buy the Slurpee, and the people who make the Slurpee would make less money.

The second thing these business owners have to do is what's called "downsizing". See, when grownups go to work for each other, they don't do it just for funzees. If a business owner wants someone like mommy or daddy to come in to work and help them run their company, they have to offer them money. If they have to spend that money on bills to keep the business open, then it's just like mommy and the Slurpee: They have less money to give to workers, so they can't get as many workers to come in and work for them.

Those workers that the business owner can no longer afford to compensate get what we call "laid off". That means that they have to try and find someone else who will give them money to go to work for them. While they're trying to find that arrangement, these "laid off" grown ups survive on a combination of money that they gave the people at the bank to hold onto for them, and money that the government (you know, that's the president and the congress people and the judges) allots to them. But, the government only gives them this money for a little while, and the money in the bank doesn't last forever, so people in this situation often have to use that big spooky D word. . . that's right, discipline! You're such a good guesser! They have to use discipline and not buy Slurpees for awhile so that they can make sure that they have enough money to give to the man at the supermarket so that they can have food, and to give to the landlord so they can keep living in their houses.

Anyway, when the business owners and the workers have to stop buying Slurpees and use. . . that's right, discipline!, to make sure that they have enough money for eating and having houses, then the people at the Slurpee company have to downsize, too!
Okay well you’re talking about COVID which is a pretty specific topic. And ideally, as the democrats wanted, the American people including businesses are meant to be compensated for that while the economy is closed down which is what the CARES act was meant to do. How much it succeeded is another topic.
Covid is a crisis...Dems helped to make it one...bigger and bigger and bigger...and then they sent in the rioters that infected who knows how many people....businesses need the nations help right now....we are always first on the scene with aid to tragic events all over the its time we help our own citizens....if you libs and debt fearing republicans want to make this a bad thing you do so at your own peril......its time to help Americans....agree or disagree?....
Lol so what you are saying is that it is the fault of democrats that people need more stimulus checks? Wow that is just precious lol.
Agree or disagree?....time to help our own countrymen? we do for people all around the world.....or not?....
Yeah agree, which is why it is the left who has said from the beginning that if someone really needs temporary assistance, they should be able to get food stamps. After all, most recipients are either single parents or children. You have opposed this program no matter what in the past. How is all this different?

Because government is the cause of unemployment. This absolutely ridiculous lock down, is the reason they need food stamps.

In any other situation, no. Get a job, and earn your own food.

But right now... NOW... when Democraps have spewed this end of the world nonsense, and used that to shut down the economy, in a bold attempt to use this as a political football to hammer Republicans with......

Now thanks to Democraps they need food stamps.
You should really look the BLS statistics because the #1 cause of jobs being lost is because of a lack of consumer demand - NOT government interference.

Get a job that pays well is not somehow practical advice for everyone. Why? Because higher wage jobs are in short supply. Therefore, mathematically, It is impossible for MOST poor people to get higher paying jobs regardless of how hard they try. Until they can find something better, it makes sense to offer them assistance. After all, like i said, most participants are children or single parents.

Why do you think there's suddenly a massive lack of economic demand, genius? Try to think of the economy the way you think of the ecosystem. If you go into an ecosystem and murder 15 percent of all the species within, you haven't only murdered those species. Eventually other species that rely on those missing ones for, for instance, food sources, are stretched thin. Depending on how large of a hole you've left in that ecosystem, a chain reaction can occur wherein other species die off from the resulting lack of resources, lacks of checks on their predators and competitors, etc. Now, if that chain reaction started when you murdered off that initial 15 percent, you COULD claim that the rest of the species dying was just about lack of resources, but the reality would be that the lack of resources was the direct and obvious result of your killing, and laying those secondary deaths at your feet would still be accurate.

When a sudden, massive government interference in the economy murders all disposable economic activity of a huge percentage of all potential consumers simultaneously, businesses that die several months down the line might accurately have their cause of death listed as a downturn in consumer demand, but saying that the actions that suddenly destroyed that demand killed those businesses is still entirely accurate.
You haven’t even explained what exactly it is the government is doing to hinder consumer demand lol.

So I lost my job, partly due to the lock down.

I can promise you I am not buying very much.

Any questions?
Well I feel yuh man because I lost my job too. I know that the federal benefits have been pretty generous I would say for me, that helped.

I was completely rejected from any benefits. Doesn't matter who is in office. These benefits are not for people who worked consistently their entire lives.

I was rejected for benefits back under Obama too, and that time it was worse. They sent me 2 checks, and then contacted me a week later, that they reviewed my application and rejected me, and now I needed to pay them back the money they sent me, and if I was late, they would penalize me with a late fee.

And I couldn't pay it obviously because I was unemployed, so I ended paying back more money than they gave me.

So I've learned that Unemployment is for left-wingers that don't work. Not for people like me who have worked hard their whole lives.

Nothing left-wing ever benefits me. They tax the crap out of me, and then deny me any benefits. Which is why I'm all for cutting taxes, and ending unemployment, welfare, food stamps, and public housing.

Why do I have to get up at 3 AM for years on end, to get nothing from all the money stolen from my check?
Um i can’t explain why you didn’t get benefits but it really didn’t take much info for me to get my benefits. Certainly not any digging into my political persuasion lol. This is the first time I have ever been on unemployment benefits so my work life has been solid. It sounds like the state you live in sucks for this is what it comes down to.
Covid is a crisis...Dems helped to make it one...bigger and bigger and bigger...and then they sent in the rioters that infected who knows how many people....businesses need the nations help right now....we are always first on the scene with aid to tragic events all over the its time we help our own citizens....if you libs and debt fearing republicans want to make this a bad thing you do so at your own peril......its time to help Americans....agree or disagree?....
Lol so what you are saying is that it is the fault of democrats that people need more stimulus checks? Wow that is just precious lol.
Agree or disagree?....time to help our own countrymen? we do for people all around the world.....or not?....
Yeah agree, which is why it is the left who has said from the beginning that if someone really needs temporary assistance, they should be able to get food stamps. After all, most recipients are either single parents or children. You have opposed this program no matter what in the past. How is all this different?

Because government is the cause of unemployment. This absolutely ridiculous lock down, is the reason they need food stamps.

In any other situation, no. Get a job, and earn your own food.

But right now... NOW... when Democraps have spewed this end of the world nonsense, and used that to shut down the economy, in a bold attempt to use this as a political football to hammer Republicans with......

Now thanks to Democraps they need food stamps.
You should really look the BLS statistics because the #1 cause of jobs being lost is because of a lack of consumer demand - NOT government interference.

Get a job that pays well is not somehow practical advice for everyone. Why? Because higher wage jobs are in short supply. Therefore, mathematically, It is impossible for MOST poor people to get higher paying jobs regardless of how hard they try. Until they can find something better, it makes sense to offer them assistance. After all, like i said, most participants are children or single parents.

Why do you think there's suddenly a massive lack of economic demand, genius? Try to think of the economy the way you think of the ecosystem. If you go into an ecosystem and murder 15 percent of all the species within, you haven't only murdered those species. Eventually other species that rely on those missing ones for, for instance, food sources, are stretched thin. Depending on how large of a hole you've left in that ecosystem, a chain reaction can occur wherein other species die off from the resulting lack of resources, lacks of checks on their predators and competitors, etc. Now, if that chain reaction started when you murdered off that initial 15 percent, you COULD claim that the rest of the species dying was just about lack of resources, but the reality would be that the lack of resources was the direct and obvious result of your killing, and laying those secondary deaths at your feet would still be accurate.

When a sudden, massive government interference in the economy murders all disposable economic activity of a huge percentage of all potential consumers simultaneously, businesses that die several months down the line might accurately have their cause of death listed as a downturn in consumer demand, but saying that the actions that suddenly destroyed that demand killed those businesses is still entirely accurate.
You haven’t even explained what exactly it is the government is doing to hinder consumer demand lol.

So I lost my job, partly due to the lock down.

I can promise you I am not buying very much.

Any questions?
Well I feel yuh man because I lost my job too. I know that the federal benefits have been pretty generous I would say for me, that helped.

I was completely rejected from any benefits. Doesn't matter who is in office. These benefits are not for people who worked consistently their entire lives.

I was rejected for benefits back under Obama too, and that time it was worse. They sent me 2 checks, and then contacted me a week later, that they reviewed my application and rejected me, and now I needed to pay them back the money they sent me, and if I was late, they would penalize me with a late fee.

And I couldn't pay it obviously because I was unemployed, so I ended paying back more money than they gave me.

So I've learned that Unemployment is for left-wingers that don't work. Not for people like me who have worked hard their whole lives.

Nothing left-wing ever benefits me. They tax the crap out of me, and then deny me any benefits. Which is why I'm all for cutting taxes, and ending unemployment, welfare, food stamps, and public housing.

Why do I have to get up at 3 AM for years on end, to get nothing from all the money stolen from my check?
Um i can’t explain why you didn’t get benefits but it really didn’t take much info for me to get my benefits. Certainly not any digging into my political persuasion lol. This is the first time I have ever been on unemployment benefits so my work life has been solid. It sounds like the state you live in sucks for this is what it comes down to.

That's funny. It's odd how I've never heard a left-winger year say when things go wrong, and a Republican is president, that "sounds likes your state sucks".
Covid is a crisis...Dems helped to make it one...bigger and bigger and bigger...and then they sent in the rioters that infected who knows how many people....businesses need the nations help right now....we are always first on the scene with aid to tragic events all over the its time we help our own citizens....if you libs and debt fearing republicans want to make this a bad thing you do so at your own peril......its time to help Americans....agree or disagree?....
Lol so what you are saying is that it is the fault of democrats that people need more stimulus checks? Wow that is just precious lol.
Agree or disagree?....time to help our own countrymen? we do for people all around the world.....or not?....
Yeah agree, which is why it is the left who has said from the beginning that if someone really needs temporary assistance, they should be able to get food stamps. After all, most recipients are either single parents or children. You have opposed this program no matter what in the past. How is all this different?

Because government is the cause of unemployment. This absolutely ridiculous lock down, is the reason they need food stamps.

In any other situation, no. Get a job, and earn your own food.

But right now... NOW... when Democraps have spewed this end of the world nonsense, and used that to shut down the economy, in a bold attempt to use this as a political football to hammer Republicans with......

Now thanks to Democraps they need food stamps.
You should really look the BLS statistics because the #1 cause of jobs being lost is because of a lack of consumer demand - NOT government interference.

Get a job that pays well is not somehow practical advice for everyone. Why? Because higher wage jobs are in short supply. Therefore, mathematically, It is impossible for MOST poor people to get higher paying jobs regardless of how hard they try. Until they can find something better, it makes sense to offer them assistance. After all, like i said, most participants are children or single parents.

Why do you think there's suddenly a massive lack of economic demand, genius? Try to think of the economy the way you think of the ecosystem. If you go into an ecosystem and murder 15 percent of all the species within, you haven't only murdered those species. Eventually other species that rely on those missing ones for, for instance, food sources, are stretched thin. Depending on how large of a hole you've left in that ecosystem, a chain reaction can occur wherein other species die off from the resulting lack of resources, lacks of checks on their predators and competitors, etc. Now, if that chain reaction started when you murdered off that initial 15 percent, you COULD claim that the rest of the species dying was just about lack of resources, but the reality would be that the lack of resources was the direct and obvious result of your killing, and laying those secondary deaths at your feet would still be accurate.

When a sudden, massive government interference in the economy murders all disposable economic activity of a huge percentage of all potential consumers simultaneously, businesses that die several months down the line might accurately have their cause of death listed as a downturn in consumer demand, but saying that the actions that suddenly destroyed that demand killed those businesses is still entirely accurate.
You haven’t even explained what exactly it is the government is doing to hinder consumer demand lol.

So I lost my job, partly due to the lock down.

I can promise you I am not buying very much.

Any questions?
Well I feel yuh man because I lost my job too. I know that the federal benefits have been pretty generous I would say for me, that helped.

I was completely rejected from any benefits. Doesn't matter who is in office. These benefits are not for people who worked consistently their entire lives.

I was rejected for benefits back under Obama too, and that time it was worse. They sent me 2 checks, and then contacted me a week later, that they reviewed my application and rejected me, and now I needed to pay them back the money they sent me, and if I was late, they would penalize me with a late fee.

And I couldn't pay it obviously because I was unemployed, so I ended paying back more money than they gave me.

So I've learned that Unemployment is for left-wingers that don't work. Not for people like me who have worked hard their whole lives.

Nothing left-wing ever benefits me. They tax the crap out of me, and then deny me any benefits. Which is why I'm all for cutting taxes, and ending unemployment, welfare, food stamps, and public housing.

Why do I have to get up at 3 AM for years on end, to get nothing from all the money stolen from my check?
Um i can’t explain why you didn’t get benefits but it really didn’t take much info for me to get my benefits. Certainly not any digging into my political persuasion lol. This is the first time I have ever been on unemployment benefits so my work life has been solid. It sounds like the state you live in sucks for this is what it comes down to.

That's funny. It's odd how I've never heard a left-winger year say when things go wrong, and a Republican is president, that "sounds likes your state sucks".
In terms of unemployment benefits, yeah, your state sucks regardless of who is president.
I mean which is it? Is it a crisis? Trump definitely doesn’t act like it. He is only pushing for more checks because he desperately wants voters to like him. It’s pretty pathetic.

Republicans generally complain about this kind of socialism yet they won’t with these stimulus checks for two reasons:

1) Trump wants it so therefore it’s a great idea.

2) Welfare like this is obviously excused by republicans because, well, they are people who are getting it lol. It’s not like any republican will say no to their check. They only complain when other people get free monies. They will gladly accept their check yet continue the double speak of COVID being no biggie.

First off I disagree with the lock down and the stimulus.

Second, I don't care about Trump.

Third, if the government forces a shutdown of the economy, then it is somewhat logical that the group causing the damage, should pay for the damage, does it not?

The real solution is stop all the nonsense, and end all restrictions on the economy.
A reckless, irresponsible, wrongheaded ‘solution’ that will only result in more dead Americans.

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