How do we fix obamacare?

Repeal it, along with SS, Medicare, Medicaid, DoEducation and so on... Then markets can make us a great nation again due to free people. Until then the quality of everything listed will in fact, as proven by the history of the world since the inception of human society, deteriorate.

There is simply no debate. If you want more of something subsidize it. If you subsidize HC, you will get more people using HC... Demanding more of something will create a lower quality at higher cost.
How do we fix obamacare?

Implement a single payer system, allowing health insurance companies to go back to being health insurance companies, getting them out of the business of health maintenance, for which they are wholly unsuited.

Those who wish to and can afford it may purchase health insurance to supplement Medicare for all.
Obamacare hasn't even begun yet. Nobody will be taking your advice about Obamacare, we will see soon how well it works for everyone.

As for letting the free market take over, we've seen how well that doesn't work. You're forgetting the greed factor. It is what led us to creating Obamacare in the first place.

Affordable healthcare is necessary for a robust economy to finally take hold.
Obamacare hasn't even begun yet. Nobody will be taking your advice about Obamacare, we will see soon how well it works for everyone.

As for letting the free market take over, we've seen how well that doesn't work. You're forgetting the greed factor. It is what led us to creating Obamacare in the first place.

Affordable healthcare is necessary for a robust economy to finally take hold.

I 100% agree, Greed is the defining fact as to why Obama and his friends crated and then voted for Obamacare. Greed for power and money, and they all have both.

And for the record you have at no moment in your life seen what free markets in healthcare do for you, but you can thank mostly or semi free markets in HC for just about if not everything you have ever used in regards to that HC. Get ready for another gigantic slowing in HC progression.
Repeal it, along with SS, Medicare, Medicaid, DoEducation and so on... Then markets can make us a great nation again due to free people. Until then the quality of everything listed will in fact, as proven by the history of the world since the inception of human society, deteriorate.

There is simply no debate. If you want more of something subsidize it. If you subsidize HC, you will get more people using HC... Demanding more of something will create a lower quality at higher cost.

Yup, the less people using our healthcare system the better.
Already fixed, especially in comparison with the alternative, Pub dupes. Romney care proves it works, and O-care is better. Total Pubcrappe. None of their horrors has ever happened- a disgrace...
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Obamacare hasn't even begun yet. Nobody will be taking your advice about Obamacare, we will see soon how well it works for everyone.

As for letting the free market take over, we've seen how well that doesn't work. You're forgetting the greed factor. It is what led us to creating Obamacare in the first place.

Affordable healthcare is necessary for a robust economy to finally take hold.

I 100% agree, Greed is the defining fact as to why Obama and his friends crated and then voted for Obamacare. Greed for power and money, and they all have both.

And for the record you have at no moment in your life seen what free markets in healthcare do for you, but you can thank mostly or semi free markets in HC for just about if not everything you have ever used in regards to that HC. Get ready for another gigantic slowing in HC progression.

2014 is nearing. Life will be so much better for so many.
OBAMA CARE is better than the old system of REPUBL+I+CANNOT+ CARE+LESS!

WTF? My insurance premiums have already doubled since that retarded piece of shit pushed the lobby group's piece of crap ObamaCare. Medical care in the US sucks, is ridiculously expensive for folks with money and free for unemployed Obama dumbasses, and has gotten worse even before the full implementation. What "old" system is worse?
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Repeal it, along with SS, Medicare, Medicaid, DoEducation and so on... Then markets can make us a great nation again due to free people. Until then the quality of everything listed will in fact, as proven by the history of the world since the inception of human society, deteriorate.

There is simply no debate. If you want more of something subsidize it. If you subsidize HC, you will get more people using HC... Demanding more of something will create a lower quality at higher cost.

you disagree with Mitt then? Or do you like compelled health insurance on the state level.

If you dislike compelled health insurance what are you for?

I am sick of them socialists and commies who liked the old system where since Eisenhower they could show up at the hospital and get treated on my dime. Talk about a group of folks who can not follow a dollar as it circulates the economy.
How do we fix Obamacare? To do.
1. Lower the cost for the avg man
2. Improve quality?
3. Increase Medical research???

I want to read a serious debate on getting the 3.

Far as fixing it goes, I dunno yet. Will have to see it in action.

My medical records need to be easier for me to get my hands on. I should be able to get a DVD or micro SD with the whole lot of them on it. Sure someone might steal it but boy would that be handy in an emergency.

Increasing medical research...I suppose we could offer a tax break and spend more of the next stimulus for and on medical research. How about the tax breaks and spending on research towards how to make technology more affordable instead of creating more exotic treatments that costs $$$$'s and stretch the insurance system thinner.
OBAMA CARE is better than the old system of REPUBL+I+CANNOT+ CARE+LESS!

WTF? My insurance premiums have already doubled since that retarded piece of shit pushed the lobby group's piece of crap ObamaCare. Medical care in the US sucks, is ridiculously expensive for folks with money and free for unemployed Obama dumbasses, and has gotten worse even before the full implementation. What "old" system is worse?

That's strange, I took early retirement and had no insurance but found some very affordable health insurance simply because the insurance companies are beginning to realize that they need to work with people now.

If I had taken the group insurance offered by my company when I left, I would have had to pay $600 a month. That is criminal. We needed Obamacare and Obama put it in place. It's a go and will help people who have needed it for so long.

Even Obamacare can be made more affordable. Perhaps when Hillary gets in the WH, she can go even further.
Obamacare hasn't even begun yet. Nobody will be taking your advice about Obamacare, we will see soon how well it works for everyone.

As for letting the free market take over, we've seen how well that doesn't work. You're forgetting the greed factor. It is what led us to creating Obamacare in the first place.

Affordable healthcare is necessary for a robust economy to finally take hold.

Majority of Americans don't want it



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