How Do We Fix The Police Problem?

Actually Godboy, people DO expect the police to be held to account the same as everyone else.

Only problem is, they have the police unions behind them, which are a very powerful group with high priced excellent lawyers who will get them off even if they are guilty.

It's harder to fire a police officer than it is to get rid of a politician.
Cops go to the same courts as the rest of us when they fuck up. All the union lawyers in the world cant save a cop who is caught on camera shooting someone when they shouldnt have. If they are guilty, then they will be punished. Our court system isnt perfect, but the vast majority of court verdicts are correct.

Actually, they go before a grand jury first (usually closed session proceedings so that nobody knows what happened except those in the room), and if the grand jury determines a trial is warranted, THEN they go into the regular judiciary system.

Only problem is, the grand jury is about as far as most police prosecutions go, and if they make it past the grand jury, all the evidence used there is used in the regular court to get the police officer off.

Face it................the judicial system is biased to favor the police, even more than it favors those who are wealthy.
Its not biased towards them. They are just more thorough when it comes to cops. They have a tough job, and no one would want to do it if they were put on trial every time they are forced to shoot a criminal.
1) dont act in a way that threatens an officers life. 2) respect their authority 3) teach your children to respect their authority.

Each of which require a level of thoughtfulness, rationality and responsibility that just doesn't exist in da hood.
Something's gotta change here. This is getting absolutely out of control.

Better training? Body cams? Better psychological analysis? Should they screen for racist tendencies?

Cops sure do love killing people these days, and not just black people. Don't even get me started on Kelly Thomas.
we stop it with facts

the cops do the changing, they know what they need to do.

nothing is out of control, that's a lie perpetrated by moronic leftists.

it's high end
they work
leftist gibberish
moronic leftists bullshit
that's a lie and even more so

those are facts, leftists are fucking morons so facts don't work.
Something's gotta change here. This is getting absolutely out of control.

Better training? Body cams? Better psychological analysis? Should they screen for racist tendencies?

Cops sure do love killing people these days, and not just black people. Don't even get me started on Kelly Thomas.

police brutality is down by a lot. Whites are killed much more than blacks.
Something's gotta change here. This is getting absolutely out of control.

Better training? Body cams? Better psychological analysis? Should they screen for racist tendencies?

Cops sure do love killing people these days, and not just black people. Don't even get me started on Kelly Thomas.

Stop ALL federal funding of police.

Demilitarize the police, change the focus from waging war on the public back to actually policing the various cities and towns.

stop all welfare to blacks.
Cops have been getting progressively worse over the last three decades. Standards have been drastically lowered to get "diversity"

Cops haven't gotten worse. In fact, they've gotten way better and better educated. It is the criminals - the thugs - who have not only become more brazen and more dangerous but are better armed than their predecessors and often better armed than the cops.

The thugs now have the bleeding-heart loony left media and loony lefties in general to champion their "cause."

The only ethnic group having consistent, violent incidents with police are - drum roll, please - black males between 15 and 40 years of age. Maybe, just maybe, the problem isn't the cops.
Actually Godboy, people DO expect the police to be held to account the same as everyone else. Only problem is, they have the police unions behind them, which are a very powerful group with high priced excellent lawyers who will get them off even if they are guilty. It's harder to fire a police officer than it is to get rid of a politician.
So lets abolish all unions.
Wait we cant

Maybe not all unions but certainly public sector unions. We are required by law to provide certain public services and then we give those who accept those jobs the power to withhold those services. It's lunacy.

From what? You don't see the role of the police being the protection of personal and public property and the overall safety of a community's citizens? That's their damn job. Their job is not to turn their backs and allow mobs to loot and burn at will.

The job of the police is to investigate crime and move people to the courts to be judged.

They don't need tanks and M-16's to do that. In my lifetime, the role of the police has changed from law enforcement to that of an occupying army.

Demilitarize the police.

Totally wrong. The rank and file police officer does not investigate crimes. They have detectives in each respective division that does criminal investigations. Most officers police or patrol a particular beat or area.
Something's gotta change here. This is getting absolutely out of control.

Better training? Body cams? Better psychological analysis? Should they screen for racist tendencies?

Cops sure do love killing people these days, and not just black people. Don't even get me started on Kelly Thomas.

for a while i've thought that police should come from the communities they police so there is a real relationship between the community and the police instead of police going back to the suburbs after their shift.

what i can say is that it's my understanding that things have been getting better in New York since they stopped stop and frisk. that was undermining relationships in a big way with very little net change in crime
Actually Godboy, people DO expect the police to be held to account the same as everyone else.

Only problem is, they have the police unions behind them, which are a very powerful group with high priced excellent lawyers who will get them off even if they are guilty.

It's harder to fire a police officer than it is to get rid of a politician.

So lets abolish all unions.

Wait we cant

Abolishing unions is big on the GOP to do list.

BullShit. When you say such silly things you make clear you are just a mindless, whiny shill.
If the thugs have become more brazen and dangerous, then why has violent crime been on the decline over the past decade or so?

Yanno, I find it difficult to imagine the level of ignorance required to ask such a question. I would provide the answer but instead of wasting everyone's time posting your lo-info POV, try looking it up yourself. The fact is if you weren't so ignorant, you'd probably be a whole lot less leftist.
Something's gotta change here. This is getting absolutely out of control.

Better training? Body cams? Better psychological analysis? Should they screen for racist tendencies?

Cops sure do love killing people these days, and not just black people. Don't even get me started on Kelly Thomas.

There are bad priests, there are bad ministers, there are bad doctors, there are bad lawyers, there are too many bad politicians, there are bad judges, there are bad dads, there are bad moms, there are bad soldiers, there are bad teachers, there are bad administrators ---- but the vast majority in all those groups are good people trying hard to do well but who will no doubt error at times.

So which of all those do you want to do away with and overhaul?

Your condemnation of police in general is unwarranted. The vast media network and internet finds those aberrations and parades them around to incite anger and what have you. This is wrong. The police put their lives on the line every day and protect citizens from criminals and unsafe situations. You are doing them and this nation a disservice by focusing on the few who do wrong and ignore the many and far greater problems that are causing great harm to our society and our moral make up.

The police are the ones shooting and killing people daily, those other groups don't. Your argument is ludicrous and fallacious.

And whenever all the facts are known its almost always the police who are vindicated. If You guys cry wolf enough no one will believe you when the wolf arrives

People yell at the top of their lungs "there is a problem here" and you ignore it.

Then you get what you get and no crying about it. And cry wolf? This has been THE commanding meme in conservative heads since 9/11, 'the terrorists are cumun' to git' us'! Just go to your safe space cons with your blanky and go sleepy.

All you need do is post the number of unjustified police shootings this year and the argument, according to you, will be settled. When will you be forthcoming with that number?
If the thugs have become more brazen and dangerous, then why has violent crime been on the decline over the past decade or so?

In New York City it declined markedly under Guiliani and Bloomberg because they got much tougher on law and order, and they initiated search and frisk. And guess what? The black communities, among others, rejoiced and were very much appreciative.

But when the cops backed off in Baltimore, New York and Chicago because of some stupid mayor directive or because of fear of being sued or targeted unfairly, crime rose dramatically in those particular cities.
People yell at the top of their lungs "there is a problem here" and you ignore it.
Then you get what you get and no crying about it. And cry wolf? This has been THE commanding meme in conservative heads since 9/11, 'the terrorists are cumun' to git' us'! Just go to your safe space cons with your blanky and go sleepy.

The same people are yelling for better education but fail to look in the mirror when it's time to identify the prob. If you don't provide your kids with a stable home life, help them with their homework, and teach them to respect others, their property, and the law, YOU failed them.
Something's gotta change here. This is getting absolutely out of control.

Better training? Body cams? Better psychological analysis? Should they screen for racist tendencies?

Cops sure do love killing people these days, and not just black people. Don't even get me started on Kelly Thomas.

There are bad priests, there are bad ministers, there are bad doctors, there are bad lawyers, there are too many bad politicians, there are bad judges, there are bad dads, there are bad moms, there are bad soldiers, there are bad teachers, there are bad administrators ---- but the vast majority in all those groups are good people trying hard to do well but who will no doubt error at times.

So which of all those do you want to do away with and overhaul?

Your condemnation of police in general is unwarranted. The vast media network and internet finds those aberrations and parades them around to incite anger and what have you. This is wrong. The police put their lives on the line every day and protect citizens from criminals and unsafe situations. You are doing them and this nation a disservice by focusing on the few who do wrong and ignore the many and far greater problems that are causing great harm to our society and our moral make up.

The police are the ones shooting and killing people daily, those other groups don't. Your argument is ludicrous and fallacious.

And whenever all the facts are known its almost always the police who are vindicated. If You guys cry wolf enough no one will believe you when the wolf arrives

People yell at the top of their lungs "there is a problem here" and you ignore it.

Then you get what you get and no crying about it. And cry wolf? This has been THE commanding meme in conservative heads since 9/11, 'the terrorists are cumun' to git' us'! Just go to your safe space cons with your blanky and go sleepy.

All you need do is post the number of unjustified police shootings this year and the argument, according to you, will be settled. When will you be forthcoming with that number?

Count them yourself, you fucking lazy rightist. Why should anyone have to spoonfeed you?

"protecting" And "serving"
Actually Godboy, people DO expect the police to be held to account the same as everyone else.

Only problem is, they have the police unions behind them, which are a very powerful group with high priced excellent lawyers who will get them off even if they are guilty.

It's harder to fire a police officer than it is to get rid of a politician.

So lets abolish all unions.

Wait we cant

Abolishing unions is big on the GOP to do list.

BullShit. When you say such silly things you make clear you are just a mindless, whiny shill.

really? the right has done nothing but try to undermine unions. or do you think the police union is exempt?

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