How Do We Fix The Police Problem?

Something's gotta change here. This is getting absolutely out of control.

Better training? Body cams? Better psychological analysis? Should they screen for racist tendencies?

Cops sure do love killing people these days, and not just black people. Don't even get me started on Kelly Thomas.

Better selection process. Higher standards, and better training. Add to that mandatory body cameras and multiple angle cameras on the police cars themselves and you would stop the bad officers, and reduce the claims of police abuse of authority.

You know what part of the problem is Westwall? Before, the police didn't have cameras to show what had been going on, just what was on the report and was said by other officers that were there. In the days before cameras, the police could basically write their own narrative, because they were the ones that were trusted, and they were the ones enforcing the law. Only problem is, on occasion they would fudge the record so that no officers would get in trouble.

Now? With the rise in people claiming police brutality, the police decided to go with cameras, but they didn't change their institutional thinking of protecting their fellow officers, even when the camera showed different.

In order to get better officers, you have to change the thinking of the police institution, as well as take some of the power away from the unions so that state and local leaders can fire them if it's necessary.
Time for a new weapon of choice for police. Police are too quick on the trigger and Blacks will never comply with instructions. But what? Tazers are no good, tranquilizers are too slow. Maybe a gun that shoots something like a cherry bomb that disorients but isn't lethal.

Weapons are not the problem. The police should simply shoot the thugs who are looting and burning and throwing rocks and bottles at them. Do this once or twice and peace will be restored.

Or it could fuel the riots even more
Something's gotta change here. This is getting absolutely out of control.

Better training? Body cams? Better psychological analysis? Should they screen for racist tendencies?

Cops sure do love killing people these days, and not just black people. Don't even get me started on Kelly Thomas.

Better selection process. Higher standards, and better training. Add to that mandatory body cameras and multiple angle cameras on the police cars themselves and you would stop the bad officers, and reduce the claims of police abuse of authority.

You know what part of the problem is Westwall? Before, the police didn't have cameras to show what had been going on, just what was on the report and was said by other officers that were there. In the days before cameras, the police could basically write their own narrative, because they were the ones that were trusted, and they were the ones enforcing the law. Only problem is, on occasion they would fudge the record so that no officers would get in trouble.

Now? With the rise in people claiming police brutality, the police decided to go with cameras, but they didn't change their institutional thinking of protecting their fellow officers, even when the camera showed different.

In order to get better officers, you have to change the thinking of the police institution, as well as take some of the power away from the unions so that state and local leaders can fire them if it's necessary.

Cops have been getting progressively worse over the last three decades. Standards have been drastically lowered to get "diversity". Training has likewise been drastically lowered in firearms training and tactical survival skills. They get loads of report writing training but the skills to stay alive they have to pay for themselves. Cops have always had the ability to write crap reports, and 10% of them no doubt have done so since time began. However, the perjury is on the increase and I advise EVERYONE to have a camera going whenever they interact with the police now.

I have many friends who are cops and I still advise that.
Fix the biggest problem first. Give the Cops a better weapon to incapacitate and control without killing. No amount of training helps when the Cop has a fraction of a second to make a decision. And no amount of training will get Blacks to listen to Cops instructions.

Easier said than done. There's a multi billion dollar market waiting for the technology you're talking about. It's not that no one isn't trying to develop anything, it's that no one has been successful.
Something's gotta change here. This is getting absolutely out of control.

Better training? Body cams? Better psychological analysis? Should they screen for racist tendencies?

Cops sure do love killing people these days, and not just black people. Don't even get me started on Kelly Thomas.

The way to fix it is get a better president - one who won't deliberately fan the flames and call violent rioters "protesters."
Something's gotta change here. This is getting absolutely out of control.

Better training? Body cams? Better psychological analysis? Should they screen for racist tendencies?

Cops sure do love killing people these days, and not just black people. Don't even get me started on Kelly Thomas.

There are bad priests, there are bad ministers, there are bad doctors, there are bad lawyers, there are too many bad politicians, there are bad judges, there are bad dads, there are bad moms, there are bad soldiers, there are bad teachers, there are bad administrators ---- but the vast majority in all those groups are good people trying hard to do well but who will no doubt error at times.

So which of all those do you want to do away with and overhaul?

Your condemnation of police in general is unwarranted. The vast media network and internet finds those aberrations and parades them around to incite anger and what have you. This is wrong. The police put their lives on the line every day and protect citizens from criminals and unsafe situations. You are doing them and this nation a disservice by focusing on the few who do wrong and ignore the many and far greater problems that are causing great harm to our society and our moral make up.

The police are the ones shooting and killing people daily, those other groups don't. Your argument is ludicrous and fallacious.

And whenever all the facts are known its almost always the police who are vindicated. If You guys cry wolf enough no one will believe you when the wolf arrives
Bring back the use of the warning shot.

Cause stray bullets in their air is what we need.

Abstract: Many police departments have had a policy against warning shots for years. Such a policy is due to the concern that a warning shot may be misplaced and result in unintended injury or death to a suspect or bystander. On the other hand, there is evidence that a safely placed warning shot can shock a suspect into compliant behavior that precludes shooting the suspect. Thus, warning shots may prevent injury or death rather than cause it. In reviewing dozens of cases in which officers or civilians fired a warning shot, the authors found the shots were effective in the vast majority of cases, and no further shots were fired. Case after case showed that criminals ceased to flee and surrendered, even though they had committed serious crimes. In the cases where warning shots were fired, the arrests remained valid; and the courts were not concerned about the use of warning shots. Research shows that warning shots have resulted in little legal litigation. If an officer's option is to fire a safely placed warning shot or shoot to kill or incapacitate a suspect, the option of the warning shot is less likely to lead to a civil action against the department. Perhaps it is time to look at the possible use of warning shots in certain cases in which it would be an alternative to injury or death.

NCJRS Abstract - National Criminal Justice Reference Service
You are doing them and this nation a disservice by focusing on the few who do wrong --- and ignore the many and far greater problems that are causing great harm to our society and our moral make up.

What's that? Why don't you just fucking say it -- you're referring to "black people."

I am referring to black people,yes, but also that all lives matter. Including the 95%+ of good cops, the 500 lives shot dead in Chicago and the tens of thousands of Chicago kids terrified to walk to school or go outside. You are causing dissension and hatred with your rant, and in so doing, have added to the problem and offered no sensible solution at all.

If you did not extract one sentence of my comment, only, instead of considering the context, maybe my intended message would have become more apparent. But in such a manipulation, you chose to try to defend your misguided ideas instead.
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Something's gotta change here. This is getting absolutely out of control.

Better training? Body cams? Better psychological analysis? Should they screen for racist tendencies?

Cops sure do love killing people these days, and not just black people. Don't even get me started on Kelly Thomas.

There are bad priests, there are bad ministers, there are bad doctors, there are bad lawyers, there are too many bad politicians, there are bad judges, there are bad dads, there are bad moms, there are bad soldiers, there are bad teachers, there are bad administrators ---- but the vast majority in all those groups are good people trying hard to do well but who will no doubt error at times.

So which of all those do you want to do away with and overhaul?

Your condemnation of police in general is unwarranted. The vast media network and internet finds those aberrations and parades them around to incite anger and what have you. This is wrong. The police put their lives on the line every day and protect citizens from criminals and unsafe situations. You are doing them and this nation a disservice by focusing on the few who do wrong and ignore the many and far greater problems that are causing great harm to our society and our moral make up.

The police are the ones shooting and killing people daily, those other groups don't. Your argument is ludicrous and fallacious.

And whenever all the facts are known its almost always the police who are vindicated. If You guys cry wolf enough no one will believe you when the wolf arrives

People yell at the top of their lungs "there is a problem here" and you ignore it.

Then you get what you get and no crying about it. And cry wolf? This has been THE commanding meme in conservative heads since 9/11, 'the terrorists are cumun' to git' us'! Just go to your safe space cons with your blanky and go sleepy.
Something's gotta change here. This is getting absolutely out of control.

Better training? Body cams? Better psychological analysis? Should they screen for racist tendencies?

Cops sure do love killing people these days, and not just black people. Don't even get me started on Kelly Thomas.
Its not out of control. There are a million cops out there every day dealing with the worst people in society. Im absolutely shocked we dont see ten times as many shootings.

There will always be bad cops, bad teachers, bad parents, bad neighbors, bad kids, etc. That will NEVER change. Thats the problem... people have this expectation for perfection in the police force which will NEVER be achieved. Its not going to happen. Rioting and protesting is pointless, in fact, its very damaging, since people are being convinced that their protests will accomplish something which cant be accomplished, which enrages them even more.

If theres a bad cop (and there always will be bad cops), you bust them when they do wrong. There is no other solution. You treat them the same as every other criminal. What the fuck else are people expecting?
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How do you fix the minds of bigoted liberals (anarchists?) when they assume "Cops sure love killing people these days" while 90 brave Police Officers died in the line of duty so far this year? Who ya gonna call when you hear that bump in the night, the BLM or 911?
Here's what I see on a damn near weekly basis -- a cop shoots a black teen, an unarmed black man, a man who had his hands up in the air, this shit is endless.

No, you don't. You HEAR whiny, sniveling loony leftist BS and you bend over and say "stick it here!" As WH noted, next time the shit hits YOUR fan, call a fan repairman.
Actually Godboy, people DO expect the police to be held to account the same as everyone else.

Only problem is, they have the police unions behind them, which are a very powerful group with high priced excellent lawyers who will get them off even if they are guilty.

It's harder to fire a police officer than it is to get rid of a politician.
Something's gotta change here. This is getting absolutely out of control.

Better training? Body cams? Better psychological analysis? Should they screen for racist tendencies?

Cops sure do love killing people these days, and not just black people. Don't even get me started on Kelly Thomas.

There are bad priests, there are bad ministers, there are bad doctors, there are bad lawyers, there are too many bad politicians, there are bad judges, there are bad dads, there are bad moms, there are bad soldiers, there are bad teachers, there are bad administrators ---- but the vast majority in all those groups are good people trying hard to do well but who will no doubt error at times.

So which of all those do you want to do away with and overhaul?

Your condemnation of police in general is unwarranted. The vast media network and internet finds those aberrations and parades them around to incite anger and what have you. This is wrong. The police put their lives on the line every day and protect citizens from criminals and unsafe situations. You are doing them and this nation a disservice by focusing on the few who do wrong and ignore the many and far greater problems that are causing great harm to our society and our moral make up.

The police are the ones shooting and killing people daily, those other groups don't. Your argument is ludicrous and fallacious.

And whenever all the facts are known its almost always the police who are vindicated. If You guys cry wolf enough no one will believe you when the wolf arrives

People yell at the top of their lungs "there is a problem here" and you ignore it.

Then you get what you get and no crying about it. And cry wolf? This has been THE commanding meme in conservative heads since 9/11, 'the terrorists are cumun' to git' us'! Just go to your safe space cons with your blanky and go sleepy.

There is a problem here. Its just not with the police. Its with the people who think they can attack the police without consequence and the politicians and activists who wish to use these events to throw out nation into chaos for eventual overthrow.

There isn't a single death that would not have been avoided if the victims had respected the authority of the officer and not tried to attack them.
Actually Godboy, people DO expect the police to be held to account the same as everyone else.

Only problem is, they have the police unions behind them, which are a very powerful group with high priced excellent lawyers who will get them off even if they are guilty.

It's harder to fire a police officer than it is to get rid of a politician.

So lets abolish all unions.

Wait we cant
Actually Godboy, people DO expect the police to be held to account the same as everyone else.

Only problem is, they have the police unions behind them, which are a very powerful group with high priced excellent lawyers who will get them off even if they are guilty.

It's harder to fire a police officer than it is to get rid of a politician.
Cops go to the same courts as the rest of us when they fuck up. All the union lawyers in the world cant save a cop who is caught on camera shooting someone when they shouldnt have. If they are guilty, then they will be punished. Our court system isnt perfect, but the vast majority of court verdicts are correct.
Actually Godboy, people DO expect the police to be held to account the same as everyone else.

Only problem is, they have the police unions behind them, which are a very powerful group with high priced excellent lawyers who will get them off even if they are guilty.

It's harder to fire a police officer than it is to get rid of a politician.

So lets abolish all unions.

Wait we cant

Abolishing unions is big on the GOP to do list.
Actually Godboy, people DO expect the police to be held to account the same as everyone else.

Only problem is, they have the police unions behind them, which are a very powerful group with high priced excellent lawyers who will get them off even if they are guilty.

It's harder to fire a police officer than it is to get rid of a politician.
Cops go to the same courts as the rest of us when they fuck up. All the union lawyers in the world cant save a cop who is caught on camera shooting someone when they shouldnt have. If they are guilty, then they will be punished. Our court system isnt perfect, but the vast majority of court verdicts are correct.

Actually, they go before a grand jury first (usually closed session proceedings so that nobody knows what happened except those in the room), and if the grand jury determines a trial is warranted, THEN they go into the regular judiciary system.

Only problem is, the grand jury is about as far as most police prosecutions go, and if they make it past the grand jury, all the evidence used there is used in the regular court to get the police officer off.

Face it................the judicial system is biased to favor the police, even more than it favors those who are wealthy.

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