How do we Know Human are Causing Climate Change?

Earth’s spin, tilt and orbit

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Earth’s spin, tilt, and orbit Affect the amount of solar energy received by any particular region of the globe, depending on latitude, time of day, and time of year. Small changes in the angle of Earth’s tilt and the shape of its orbit around the Sun Cause Changes in Climate over a span of 10,000 to 100,000 years, and are Not Causing climate change today.

Daily changes in light and temperature are caused by the rotation of the Earth, and seasonal changes are caused by the tilt of the Earth. As the Earth orbits the Sun, the Earth is pulled by the gravitational forces of the Sun, Moon, and large planets in the solar system, primarily Jupiter and Saturn. Over long periods of time, the gravitational pull of other members of our solar system slowly change Earth’s spin, tilt, and orbit. Over approximately 100,000 – 400,000 years, gravitational forces slowly change Earth’s orbit between more circular and elliptical shapes, as indicated by the blue and yellow dashed ovals in the figure to the right.

Over 19,000 – 24,000 years, the direction of Earth’s tilt shifts (spins). Additionally, how much Earth’s axis is tilted towards or away from the Sun changes through time, over approximately 41,000 year cycles. Small changes in Earth’s spin, tilt, and orbit over these long periods of time can change the amount of sunlight received (and therefore absorbed and re-radiated)
by different parts of the Earth. Over 10s to 100s of thousands of years, these small changes in the position of the Earth in relationship to the Sun can change the amount of solar radiation, also known as insolation, received by different parts of the Earth. In turn, changes in insolation over these long periods of time can change regional climates and the length and intensity of the seasons.The Earth’s spin, tilt, and orbit continue to change today, but do Not explain the Current Rapid climate change.

Adapted from Universe Today.

Changes in insolation result in cycles of ice ages, during which ice sheets expand (glacial periods) and contract (interglacial periods). These patterns of ice ages, also called Milankovitch cycles, were predicted by the Serbian scientist Milutin Milankovitch. Milankovitch predicted that glacial periods occur during times of low summer insolation at high latitudes in the northern hemisphere, which would allow ice sheets to remain from year to year without melting. Subsequently, scientists have found extensive evidence of Milankovitch cycles preserved in the geologic record, especially in layers of sediment and fossils in ocean basins that preserve chemical changes in the ocean and atmosphere during glacial and interglacial periods. Although a major cause of change over long periods of time in the past, Earth’s spin, tilt and orbit changes so slowly that it is not a cause of global warming and climate change today.
Changes in Earth’s spin, tilt, and orbit have affected the Earth system in the past on various scales. Some of these ways include:

    • Increasing or decreasing amount of sunlight that is absorbed by different areas of the surface of the Earth. This can affect Earth’s temperature.
    • Increasing or decreasing temperatures, which can alter the distribution of snow and ice cover. By increasing snow and ice cover, especially at high latitudes, the reflection of sunlight can increase, which in turn decreases the amount of light that is absorbed by Earth’s surface.
    • Changes in the Earth system that are affected by snow and ice cover, including the carbon cycle, and how much carbon (including the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide) is transferred between the atmosphere, biosphere, and ocean.
Visit the solar radiation and Earth’s energy budget pages to learn more about how changes in the amount of energy in the Earth system can affect global processes and phenomena.

Earth's spin, tilt and orbit - Understanding Global Change
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Radiation-in has not changed as the earth warmed. (Scientists directly measure this)
Radiation reflected back out is being blocked at the exact spectral wavelengths of the GHGs (Greenhouse gases)

CO2 is not the only GHG. (water vapor, Methane, etc)
Methane/CH4 is 20-80 as powerful. (from livestock), and the snowball effect of other GHG warming which releases more methane from the warming oceans and melting tundra.
CO2 is up from 280 PPM to 410, mainly in the last 70 (of 170) years.
Methane has Tripled.

Previous warming cycles were caused by orbital changes of angle or distance leading to more radiation-in, aka 'solar forcing.'
We/they know that is/was Not the case this time.

GHGs, as serious Deniers know/use, usually LAG that solar forcing... but this time Led! Because they also contribute to warming even in a natural cycle. (GHG definition).
This cycle was not caused by increased solar energy but rather those gases increased/blanket thickened at an unprecedented rate (100+x) Compared to natural cycles.

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Radiation-in has not changed as the earth warmed.
Radiation reflected back out is being blocked at the exact spectral wavelengths of the GHGs (Greenhouse gases)

CO2 is not the only GHG. (water vapor, Methane, etc)
Methane/CH4 is 20-80 as powerful. (from livestock), and the snowball effect of other GHG warming which releases more methane from the warming oceans and melting tundra.
CO2 is up from 280 PPM to 410, mainly in the last 70 (of 170) years.
Methane has Tripled.

Previous warming cycles were caused by orbital changes of angle or distance leading to more radiation-in, aka 'solar forcing.'
We/they know that is/was Not the case this time.

GHGs, as serious Deniers know/use, usually LAG that solar forcing... but this time Led! Because they also contribute to warming even in a natural cycle. (GHG definition).
This cycle was not caused by increased solar energy but rather those gases increased/blanket thickened at an unprecedented rate (100+x) Compared to natural cycles.

Agreed there's nothing normal about climate change ; man has upset the natural balance of things.
Radiation-in has not changed as the earth warmed. (Scientists directly measure this)
Radiation reflected back out is being blocked at the exact spectral wavelengths of the GHGs (Greenhouse gases)

CO2 is not the only GHG. (water vapor, Methane, etc)
Methane/CH4 is 20-80 as powerful. (from livestock), and the snowball effect of other GHG warming which releases more methane from the warming oceans and melting tundra.
CO2 is up from 280 PPM to 410, mainly in the last 70 (of 170) years.
Methane has Tripled.

Previous warming cycles were caused by orbital changes of angle or distance leading to more radiation-in, aka 'solar forcing.'
We/they know that is/was Not the case this time.

GHGs, as serious Deniers know/use, usually LAG that solar forcing... but this time Led! Because they also contribute to warming even in a natural cycle. (GHG definition).
This cycle was not caused by increased solar energy but rather those gases increased/blanket thickened at an unprecedented rate (100+x) Compared to natural cycles.

I am still having a hard time understanding that a clear odorless gas, CO2 reflects sunlight back into space. O3 which is Ozone, keeps the radiation from penetrating into the Earth.

Ozone absorbs UV-B radiation from the sun. When an ozone molecule absorbs UV-B, it comes apart into an oxygen molecule (O 2) and a separate oxygen atom (O). Later, the two components can reform the ozone molecule (O 3). By absorbing UV-B in the stratosphere, the ozone layer prevents harmful levels of this radiation from reaching Earth’s surface.

Ozone and You | Ozone Secretariat
Thanks for the Chart!
But I'm already in a few HighQ groups.
Thus, my posts.

Here's 100+? Graphics explaining it.
The thing about 98% of the people here is they don't have the IQ or attitude to use google
ie, You could just type your query/puzzlement into google and Find the answer. WTF!
So what is your issue?
Are you too stupid, or do you just want to keep your politics?

Highlighting one for the beginner from the many (hundreds?) at the link:


etc, etc, etc, with more complex breakdowns as to which ones, how much, wavelengths, etc.

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Don't tell me you're one of the crazy new republicans that denies everything including climate change. Doesn't matter what you believe the disastrous effects of man-made climate change is getting stronger each day and we did not achieve the reduction goals so the worst scenario is now in play. It isn't an immediate effect, what we're experiencing now is the result of events occurring about a decade ago. So give it 10 more years and hold on to your ass because it's going to be a wild ride with no brakes at all.
I am still having a hard time understanding that a clear odorless gas, CO2 reflects sunlight back into space. O3 which is Ozone, keeps the radiation from penetrating into the Earth.

Ozone absorbs UV-B radiation from the sun. When an ozone molecule absorbs UV-B, it comes apart into an oxygen molecule (O 2) and a separate oxygen atom (O). Later, the two components can reform the ozone molecule (O 3). By absorbing UV-B in the stratosphere, the ozone layer prevents harmful levels of this radiation from reaching Earth’s surface.

Ozone and You | Ozone Secretariat

View attachment 772783

I am still having a hard time understanding that a clear odorless gas, CO2 reflects sunlight back into space.

Clouds reflect sunlight back into space.
CO2 absorbs outgoing infrared radiation.
How? Explain
You can't burn fossil fuels at the rate the world is using them up and not expect climate change. The latest figures I could find were from 2021 when we were using 97 million barrels of oil a day and coal's new record for 2022 was 8 billion tonnes a year, up 1.2%. The wrong direction if we really want to prevent future disasters But of you're one of the crazy climate change deniers, all I can say is you're wasting your time and mine. You can't argue with facts. It is here and it's going to get a whole lot worse. There is no denying that.
You can't burn fossil fuels at the rate the world is using them up and not expect climate change. The latest figures I could find were from 2021 when we were using 97 million barrels of oil a day and coal's new record for 2022 was 8 billion tonnes a year, up 1.2%. The wrong direction if we really want to prevent future disasters But of you're one of the crazy climate change deniers, all I can say is you're wasting your time and mine. You can't argue with facts. It is here and it's going to get a whole lot worse. There is no denying that.

2021 when we were using 97 million barrels of oil a day and coal's new record for 2022 was 8 billion tonnes a year, up 1.2%. The wrong direction if we really want to prevent future disasters

Tell that to the poor, third-world countries.
The US has been reducing our CO2 emissions.

You can't argue with facts. It is here and it's going to get a whole lot worse.

Poor people, stop trying to grow your economies, Stann says things will get worse if you do.
What changed?
I'm not playing your stupid games. Man-made climate change has been going on since the Industrial Revolution started. First noted by Swedish scientist Svante Arrhenius in 1896. We're long past overdue on dealing with the problem. Have a good evening.

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