How do we Know Human are Causing Climate Change?

I would never deny.......that you've never posted any evidence.


I'm a Zionist Fascist and I work for Mossad/Goldman/Sachs/NWO/Rothschilds/CIA and we get $1 for every solar panel sold... even by the Chinese.
We (Jews) breathe CO2 and try and make everyone else try to stop using it so we can get it more of it cheap.
I can breathe for one week sucking on a single CO2 cartridge.

You need to be [back] in an institution.
I know this because Freud is one of us.:. Yes he's still alive here in Langley.


Not a denial.

A true unmasking would reveal all those pushing the Co2 fraud on USMB are indeed Zionist Fascists.

Crick for example claims to be from Florida but never heard of the word Canes because his HEBREW to ENGLISH translation software didn't define it...
Ex Mating Hebrews

Hebrew this...

Hebrew this...

Ah, so he too Loved Banging Jews! :itsok:
NATVAN/National Vanguard is the successor to the American Nazi Party.
I even posted on their mb for a while.
Nice link Adolph, but you posting it is like USMB allowing you to be here.

ALL Your posts belong in the CONSPIRACY SECTION... along with NWO MisterShlmeale.


Who ordered the Israeli attack of the USS Liberty, FASCIST???
Technically, you haven't. Sorry, that's just the truth. You keep posting pictures without links.

That's bull. It is the entire sum of the data. When did it begin. How long does it take ice age glacier to start in northern Canada and get down to Chicago. How thick is the ice and how long did it take for it to get that thick. One of the maps did have the 50,000,000 year old "early glaciation" stat. That one appears to have been deleted - our "pals" here at work. The one above shows 20k years ago for the end, but not the beginning - convenient, as if Toddster called BING and got the beginning estimate censored. The issue of WHAT CAUSED the GREAT LAKES has been linked over and over. That answered crick's claim ice age glaciers DO NOT DIG... YES THEY DO... Maps of sea level for AA and Greenland also linked over and over. They both look like Northern Canada does now, what a coincidence... NOT. Also the tectonic plate movement showing that Greenland and NA are both moved by the same fault on the same vector... which explains where northern North America was and why it went into ice age and approximated WHEN it did - 30-50 million years ago.

They have refuted precisely NOTHING of the above, NOTHING.

The term "North American Ice Age" was all over the internet 15 years ago. That changed after this

and the McBullshit cycles then replaced NAIA.

McBullshit claims 2.5 mile thick ice age glacier from northern Canada covering Chicago was 75k years from the start of the Laurentine ice sheet. Sound reasonable to you?? It might to "climate scientist" Dennis Quaide... but not to anyone who understands glaciers.

What is funny is that "North American Ice Age" used as a search now gets nothing, but click on IMAGES and all of those maps are still there....

gets nothing

click on images and presto

maps galore, most of them done before 2010...

They censored the internet, but NOT THE MAPS....
and we the US taxpayer paid for them to do that....
Hebrew this...

Einstein didn't like a political party in Israel.

So what?
That's bull. It is the entire sum of the data. When did it begin. How long does it take ice age glacier to start in northern Canada and get down to Chicago. How thick is the ice and how long did it take for it to get that thick. One of the maps did have the 50,000,000 year old "early glaciation" stat. That one appears to have been deleted - our "pals" here at work. The one above shows 20k years ago for the end, but not the beginning - convenient, as if Toddster called BING and got the beginning estimate censored. The issue of WHAT CAUSED the GREAT LAKES has been linked over and over. That answered crick's claim ice age glaciers DO NOT DIG... YES THEY DO... Maps of sea level for AA and Greenland also linked over and over. They both look like Northern Canada does now, what a coincidence... NOT. Also the tectonic plate movement showing that Greenland and NA are both moved by the same fault on the same vector... which explains where northern North America was and why it went into ice age and approximated WHEN it did - 30-50 million years ago.

They have refuted precisely NOTHING of the above, NOTHING.

The term "North American Ice Age" was all over the internet 15 years ago. That changed after this

and the McBullshit cycles then replaced NAIA.

McBullshit claims 2.5 mile thick ice age glacier from northern Canada covering Chicago was 75k years from the start of the Laurentine ice sheet. Sound reasonable to you?? It might to "climate scientist" Dennis Quaide... but not to anyone who understands glaciers.

What is funny is that "North American Ice Age" used as a search now gets nothing, but click on IMAGES and all of those maps are still there....

gets nothing

click on images and presto

maps galore, most of them done before 2010...

They censored the internet, but NOT THE MAPS....
and we the US taxpayer paid for them to do that....

You can't post any evidence....because Obama erased everything that backs your claims?

Then why do you keep lying and saying you posted it?

Is that because you're a big fat liar?
You can't post any evidence....because Obama erased everything that backs your claims?

Then why do you keep lying and saying you posted it?

Is that because you're a big fat liar?


homO went silent for two years - WHY?

The concept is simple and has been totally documented here over and over. The competing claim, now your claim, is that

2.5 mile thick ice age glacier in Chicago originated in northern Canada 75k years earlier...

And THAT is complete BULLSHIT.

Where are glaciers 2.5 miles thick on Earth today, and how old are they?

Documented over and over

40+ million years

homO went silent for two years - WHY?

The concept is simple and has been totally documented here over and over. The competing claim, now your claim, is that

2.5 mile thick ice age glacier in Chicago originated in northern Canada 75k years earlier...

And THAT is complete BULLSHIT.

Where are glaciers 2.5 miles thick on Earth today, and how old are they?

Documented over and over

40+ million years

2.5 mile thick ice age glacier in Chicago originated in northern Canada 75k years earlier...

And THAT is complete BULLSHIT.

Post your evidence to the contrary.
We are still waiting for an answer as to how Co2 melted North America and froze Greenland at the same time....

The citation you posted 51 times doesn't explain this ... maybe if you keep posting it, after a few hundred times, maybe you'll read it and find out the citation doesn't back your claim here ... the affairs of Antarctica have very little to do with Northern Hemisphere glaciation ...

For equal latitude, and equal continentuallity, we'll have equal ice cover ... Climatology 301 ...
2.5 mile thick ice age glacier in Chicago originated in northern Canada 75k years earlier...

And THAT is complete BULLSHIT.

Post your evidence to the contrary.

Ok, at least you are no longer denying that it was there. You AGREE that 2.5 mile thick ice age glacier in Chicago took 75k years to originate in northern Canada, move to Chicago and grow that tall...


Point 1 - Earth has one continent with 2.5 mile thick glaciers today = Antarctica - documented age of Antarctic Ice Age - 40+ million years

Point 2 - Greenland's ice age is between 500k and 2 million years old, and that ice has not yet gotten to 2 miles thick anywhere, and is not a mile thick south of the Arctic Circle

Point 3 - there is precisely no reason to believe the North American Ice Age was any different = NONE

Point 4 - you have no evidence for your claim other than parroting McBullshit, and McBullshit is outed as fraud by the truth that Greenland froze while North America thawed
The citation you posted 51 times doesn't explain this ... maybe if you keep posting it, after a few hundred times, maybe you'll read it and find out the citation doesn't back your claim here ... the affairs of Antarctica have very little to do with Northern Hemisphere glaciation ...

For equal latitude, and equal continentuallity, we'll have equal ice cover ... Climatology 301 ...


So, why is Alaska green and covered with trees and moose north of the Arctic Circle, while Greenland has ice age glacier south of the Arctic Circle....

Start the Jeopardy! music.... this one won't get an answer soon....

So, why is Alaska green and covered with trees and moose north of the Arctic Circle, while Greenland has ice age glacier south of the Arctic Circle....

Start the Jeopardy! music.... this one won't get an answer soon....

The citation for Antarctica is silent ... do you have another citation or are you just making up facts as you go ... northern Alaska is covered in reindeer, not trees or moose ...

Do you know why they call Alaska "the land of the midnight Sun"? ... hint, it has to do with the Arctic Circle ...

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