How do we Know Human are Causing Climate Change?

Very interesting. They keep saying CO2 is rising at rates never seen. But, looking at this graph, that is not true. What happened 130,000 years ago? Did cavemen drive Flintstone cars with oil from underneath the ground? Could there be other reasons for the spike from 1950? I think so. And, there is no evidence other than opinionated conclusions of why there was that mass extinction back in 200,000,000 years ago. Could have been an asteroid or possibly lots of volcanos as well. 414 ppm is actually not a bad number. There will be less desserts, more food and there you go.

How do we know the build-up of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is caused by humans?


"Fossil fuels are the only source of carbon dioxide large enough to raise atmospheric carbon dioxide amounts so high so quickly.

""...The increase between the year 1800 and today is 70% Larger than the increase that occurred when Earth climbed out of the last ice age between 17,500 and 11,500 years ago, and it occurred 100-200 times Faster.

In addition, fossil fuels are the only source of carbon consistent with the isotopic fingerprint of the carbon present in today’s atmosphere.
That analysis indicates it must be coming from terrestrial plant matter, and it must be very, very old. These and other lines of evidence leave no doubt that fossil fuels are the primary source of the carbon dioxide building up in Earth’s atmosphere."...""

How do we know the build-up of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is caused by humans? | NOAA

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...And, there is no evidence other than opinionated conclusions of why there was that mass extinction back in 200,000,000 years ago. Could have been an asteroid or possibly lots of volcanos as well.

That was 70 million Years ago, and there is Overwhelming evidence that coats the whole planet at the same K-T boundary/layer.

414 ppm is actually not a bad number. There will be less desserts, more food and there you go.

The last time CO2 was over 400 PPM was 3 Million years ago/The Pleistocene and Sea Level was 50' higher.
There's nothing on your 800,000 yr graph over 300PPM. Ooops.

WOW, you were a complete wipe out on on EVERY Claim.
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Yes, there is. This first graph goes back 22,000 years. Note that it begins with temperatures going down for about 4,000 years, then they rise for about 10,000 years and then very slowly fall till the sudden increase beginning with the Industrial Revolution. Note the change in the time scale at the right end.


Here is a graph - going now in the other direction - for the last 400,000 years. Note that it contains five major spikes. Those are the warm interglacials. The cold periods between then are the much cooler glacial periods. Note at the present, at the far left end of this graph, we are at the top of one of those spikes. And note that you can see a slight decline in the last segment of temperature data.


Technically, we are already IN an Ice Age: the Pleistocene ice age, and have been for about 2.5 million years. What we are seeing in this last graph are the glacial and interglacial periods within the ice age. But almost everyone thinks of those glacial periods as the ice ages for obvious reasons. So then, given the pattern we see in this last graph - and it actually carried on just like that for close to a million years, what do you think is coming up for us. We were at the warm interglacial peak and temperatures were just beginning to slide downwards. Rather obviously, we were just about to slide right down to the next glacial period and it looks rather overdue to me, but what do I know. What happened, though, is that global warming overwhelmed the gradual cooling that was taking place. We are getting warmer DESPITE the fact that we had been sliding into a glacial period.

Any faster? The issue is that it is rising at all and there are very clear "indications" that is taking place: tidal gauge and satellite data, balanced against localized uplift and subsidence, changes in basin volume and other arcanities tell a very clear story. Sea level is rising both from thermal expansion and from the melting of land-based ice.

You left out H2S, CO, methyl isocyanate, ammonia, phosgene, methyl bromide and all the heavy metal gases. ; - ) This is the the third time I've had to say this, but the problem with CO2 is NOT its toxicity; it is its participation in the greenhouse effect.

The world got along swimmingly for 3 million years (including 2,800,000 years before the appearance of homo sapiens) with CO2 never getting above 300 ppm. Humanity has NEVER faced CO2 levels anywhere near their current value.

It has not.
During the dinosaurs period, the CO2 was as high as 6,000 ppm. Possibly even more! Not sure why you would say it never got above 300 ppm.
And, CO2 really doesn't affect the greenhouse affect. Water and water vapor do most of that.

How do we know the build-up of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is caused by humans?


"Fossil fuels are the only source of carbon dioxide large enough to raise atmospheric carbon dioxide amounts so high so quickly.

""...The increase between the year 1800 and today is 70% Larger than the increase that occurred when Earth climbed out of the last ice age between 17,500 and 11,500 years ago, and it occurred 100-200 times Faster.

In addition, fossil fuels are the only source of carbon consistent with the isotopic fingerprint of the carbon present in today’s atmosphere.
That analysis indicates it must be coming from terrestrial plant matter, and it must be very, very old. These and other lines of evidence leave no doubt that fossil fuels are the primary source of the carbon dioxide building up in Earth’s atmosphere."...""

How do we know the build-up of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is caused by humans? | NOAA

I don't trust our Government or the world's governments either. They have specific agendas to create a new one world order of socialism. The figures I've seen is man contributes at most 25% of the CO2. Nature does the rest.
That was 70 million Years ago, and there is Overwhelming evidence that coats the whole planet at the same K-T boundary/layer.

The last time CO2 was over 400 PPM was 3 Million years ago/The Pleistocene and Sea Level was 50' higher.
There's nothing on your 800,000 yr graph over 300PPM. Ooops.

WOW, you were a complete wipe out on on EVERY Claim.
Well, is the sea level gone up 50 feet? Nope. And, even if the Artic has lost ice, the Antarctica hasn't. Its' gained ice. Again, why hasn't the sea level gone up with ppm at 414? Al Gore said the shores around the world should all be 20 feet under water. And, he said that 30 years ago.
I don't trust our Government or the world's governments either. They have specific agendas to create a new one world order of socialism. The figures I've seen is man contributes at most 25% of the CO2. Nature does the rest.
I refuted YOUR GRAPH, and Your STUPID claims, and all your Info which Also comes from the Govt, it's Researchers, or accepted history.

But what the Hell, you Embarrassed MORON....
Feel Free to make up your own numbers, years, temps, and graphs!
You can say anything!

It's 10 degrees colder this year right! WTH!

What a total @ss F**k**g you got.

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I refuted YOUR GRAPH, and Your STUPID claims, and all your Info which Also comes from the Govt, it's Researchers, or accepted history.

But what the Hell, you Embarrassed MORON....
Feel Free to make up your own numbers, years, temps, and graphs!
You can say anything!

It's 10 degrees colder this year right! WTH!

What a total @ss F**k**g you got.

Actually, your finger points back three to you. It's you that should be embarrassed. The graph I presented is accurate and as applicable as the one's you use to try and create the need for population control. That's what the global warming crowd wants. Genocide.
What are you stupid ? You can’t even read your own graph ?
That's no big up tick since the effects haven't been seen. No uptick in natural calamities either. Sea levels aren't high nor destroying the coasts. Even the lowest islands aren't being affected. Al Gore and the rest of you are just socialist alarmists trying to gain world wide dominance and steal people's money. Admit it.
That's no big up tick since the effects haven't been seen. No uptick in natural calamities either. Sea levels aren't high nor destroying the coasts. Even the lowest islands aren't being affected. Al Gore and the rest of you are just socialist alarmists trying to gain world wide dominance and steal people's money. Admit it.
You’re babbling again. Why did you reference a graph that refutes you ? It’s because all of them do.
During the dinosaurs period, the CO2 was as high as 6,000 ppm.
It was not. It has never gotten above 2,000 ppm and that was hundreds of millions of years ago. And I'd highly suggest never again using the term "dinosaurs period" if you don't want to look like a 4th grader.
Possibly even more! Not sure why you would say it never got above 300 ppm.
I said it has not gotten above 300 ppm for the 3 million years prior to the Industrial Revolution because that is a fact.
And, CO2 really doesn't affect the greenhouse affect. Water and water vapor do most of that.
I'm sorry but that is incorrect. Water vapor is a greenhouse gas and there is a lot of it, but humans cannot change its level in the atmosphere because it is a precipitable compound and thus it cannot affect global temperatures directly. Water vapor levels are temperature dependent and so it acts as a positive feedback. It is responsible for most of the temperature affect of increasing CO2.

CO2 most assuredly participates in the greenhouse effect. From the latest IPCC assessment report

That's no big up tick since the effects haven't been seen.
Really ? See that long skinny line running near vertical on the far right ? That represents a change in the rate. It’s much steeper for a longer interval than anywhere else on the graph. Hence, in math, the rate of change is greater.

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