How do we Know Human are Causing Climate Change?

All I've ever asked of you is links you lying troll
And I've always provided them. You seem to want to deny even that fact.

I gave you Friends of Science link, Heartland link and video's of poofooing the IPCC report. you lie about our discussions for favor.
And I've always provided them. You seem to want to deny even that fact.

I gave you Friends of Science link, Heartland link and video's of poofooing the IPCC report. you lie about our discussions for favor.
You and I have never had a discussion. You're a troll and that is all you EVER do.
You and I have never had a discussion. You're a troll and that is all you EVER do.
exactly what someone says that can't back up the data one provides to a message board. The fact you can't concede I do indeed present links as arguments in here is again consistent with you.
exactly what someone says that can't back up the data one provides to a message board. The fact you can't concede I do indeed present links as arguments in here is again consistent with you.
No. It's exactly what someone says to a troll.
"Japan wants to dump more than 1,000,000 cubic meters of Fukushima wastewater into the Pacific Ocean - enough to fill 500 Olympic-sized swimming pools."

But, why isn't Greta the "world leader" in a hysterical fit?
You and I have never had a discussion. You're a troll and that is all you EVER do.
That's correct.
And you're an OCD azzhole for indulging ALL/ANY of his posts.
I only use/'reply' to him (andToasterParrot), to bump up threads.
That's correct.
And you're an OCD azzhole for indulging ALL/ANY of his posts.
I only use/'reply' to him (andToasterParrot), to bump up threads.
I went for a short while replying to every post of his with "Troll" but management didn't care for it.
"Japan wants to dump more than 1,000,000 cubic meters of Fukushima wastewater into the Pacific Ocean - enough to fill 500 Olympic-sized swimming pools."

But, why isn't Greta the "world leader" in a hysterical fit?

Sounds awful!
How much actual radioactive material is involved?
so many clowns, new and old here, say it's all natural
"it goes up, it goes down"
but scientists have actually looked into WHY this cycle is different than the others.

How We Know Today's Climate Change Is Not Natural 4, 2017 - Last week, the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology, chaired by climate contrarian Lamar Smith, R-Texas, held a hearing on ...

How do we know global warming is not a natural cycle? | Climate ... 7, 2009 - Answer. If the Earth's temperature had been steady for millions of years and only started rising in the past half century or so, the answer would ...

How do we know? - Evidence | Facts – Climate Change: Vital Signs of ... Signs of the Planet: Global Climate Change and Global Warming. ...Not only was 2016 the warmest year on record, but eight of the 12 months that make up .... the Earth's natural greenhouse effect and suggested that slight changes in the ...

Human fingerprints on climate change rule out natural cycles, internal forces do not cause climate change. ... and oceanic emissions of CO2 and know that they are small compared to anthropogenic emissions, but ...
How Do We Know Humans Are Causing Climate Change? | Climate ... 1, 2019 - Yes, we know humans are responsible for the climate changewe see ... as if we're wrapping another, not-so-natural blanket around the Earth.

Global warming isn't just a natural cycle » Yale Climate Connections 18, 2018 - Here's how we know that. ... Global warming isn't just anatural cycle. By Sara Peach on Sep ... The earth's temperature changesnaturally over time. Variations ... Earth's warming: How scientists know it'snot the sun. From Yale ...

How Do We Know that Humans Are the Major Cause of Global ... to Natural and human factors that influence the climate (known as ...- Natural climate drivers include the energy ... in snow and ice cover thatchange how much ... if it were not for these human-made and natural tiny particles.

According to science, CO2 LEADS temperature by 600 years in the other cycles. Is it possible that a CO2 increase during this cycle is following the same way?
Both functions of CO2 operate continuously. The solubility of CO2 in the world's oceans is ALWAYS temperature dependent and the presence of CO2 in the atmosphere ALWAYS supports the greenhouse effect. In all the cases where the Milankovitch Cycle(s) have warmed the planet, the CO2 increase from warmed oceans contributes to an increased greenhouse effect to further warm the planet.
Both functions of CO2 operate continuously. The solubility of CO2 in the world's oceans is ALWAYS temperature dependent and the presence of CO2 in the atmosphere ALWAYS supports the greenhouse effect. In all the cases where the Milankovitch Cycle(s) have warmed the planet, the CO2 increase from warmed oceans contributes to an increased greenhouse effect to further warm the planet.
The only factual piece of your statement is that as oceans warm, they release more CO2 into the atmosphere. That's why CO2 lags temperature. Little of the Oceans are warming. Again, you got nothing to back your claim.
The only factual piece of your statement is that as oceans warm, they release more CO2 into the atmosphere. That's why CO2 lags temperature. Little of the Oceans are warming. Again, you got nothing to back your claim.
Little of the oceans are warming? What is that supposed to mean and what is your source?

Little of the oceans are warming? What is that supposed to mean and what is your source?

from your link...

The same calculations have been extended to keep the fields current and include fields of salinity anomalies, and steric sea level components. Explanation of differences in heat content between published work and online values is outlined in the comments (pdf, 4.2 MB). Information regarding erroneous values is outlined in the notes.

Calculated, not observed. Published work and Online values. interesting. That isn't evidence of anything observed.
from your link...

The same calculations have been extended to keep the fields current and include fields of salinity anomalies, and steric sea level components. Explanation of differences in heat content between published work and online values is outlined in the comments (pdf, 4.2 MB). Information regarding erroneous values is outlined in the notes.

Calculated, not observed. Published work and Online values. interesting. That isn't evidence of anything observed.
Really? That's what you think? Pray tell, how do you directly measure HEAT CONTENT?
You are a fucking idiot. Heat content is calculated from temperature. This is a fucking empiric observation you ignoramus.

Methodology Data Collection Figure 1 of this indicator reports on the amount of heat stored in the ocean from sea level to a depth of 700 meters, which accounts for approximately 17.5 percent of the total global ocean volume (calculation from Catia Domingues, CSIRO). Figure 2 reports on the amount of heat stored to a depth of 2,000 meters, which accounts for approximately 48.5 percent of the total global ocean volume (calculation from Catia Domingues, CSIRO). Each of the studies used to develop this indicator uses several ocean temperature profile data sets to calculate an ocean heat content trend line. Several different devices are used to sample temperature profiles in the ocean. Primary methods used to collect data for this indicator include XBT; mechanical bathythermographs (MBT); Argo profiling floats; reversing thermometers; and conductivity, temperature, and depth sensors (CTD). These instruments produce temperature profile measurements of the ocean water column by recording data on temperature and depth. The exact methods used to record temperature and depth vary. For instance, XBTs use a fall rate equation to determine depth, whereas other devices measure depth directly.

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