How do we Know Human are Causing Climate Change?

We know there is no man made global warming because the yahoos that says it is are the ones creating false data to prove it.

That's a great deal of false data over a great many years. Do you have some evidence supporting that contention?
They won't believe the data. They don't trust scientists. They trust oil companies and lobbyists.


Fossil fuels — like oil, natural gas, and coal — “contain carbon that’s been locked away from the natural cycle for eons.” When we burn these fossil fuels, the carbon combines with oxygen to make carbon dioxide. This extra carbon dioxide (and other GHGs like methane) traps more and more heat in our atmosphere.

Humans started harnessing fossil fuels on a massive scale during the Industrial Revolution. The Industrial Revolution began about 1760 and most historians mark its end sometime before the middle of the next century.

Basically, it was a time of profound transformation. Before the Industrial Revolution, about 80 percent of the world’s population were rural farmers. But the Industrial Revolution changed how the world lived and worked, bringing millions to urban centers to work in factories.

Now add China, India, Mexico, Middle East, Africa to us industrialized nations. Now we are putting way too much up in the air. It was ok when it was just Europe and the USA but now it's the entire world that is industrialized.
We know there is no man made global warming because the yahoos that says it is are the ones creating false data to prove it.

That's a great deal of false data over a great many years. Do you have some evidence supporting that contention?

Go read the Climategate emails. The stupid principal climate scientists were giggling among themselves at how they were falsifying actual data because it was for "the good of mankind". Actually it was only good for their research grants.

Then we had the UN falsifying data and under the filthy ass Obama administration NASA and NOAA were corrupted into producing bogus data.

AGW is nothing more than a Moon Bat scam. Only idiots fall for it. If it wasn't a scam then they scientists wouldn't have to falsify data. Also, maybe their predictions would actually come true every once in awhile. That never happens.
so many clowns, new and old here, say it's all natural

Funny words from the chief ringleader, BOZO himself. Man is part of his environment so sure he has an influence. The question is to what degree are his actions contributing to what the Earth does otherwise and what will the Earth do once man eventually moves past carbon fuels toward greener energies in the next century?

And the historical record is clear: despite the worst calamities of Super Volcanoes, Deccan Traps, Chicxulub asteroids or Mars-size impactors, each time the Earth rights itself back to a happy planet again. You can't argue with history.

More so, just as bovine farting or algae in the sea effect change, man is but one more natural biological function of the Earth. We are not screwing it up, we are merely exerting the normal technological pressure that any advanced life form will advance on affecting its climate on its way towards becoming a multi-planet species, and whatever the consequences, whether we can take it or the planet, 99% of the Earth's species were already extinct before man ever walked the face of the Earth, and there will be a million million new ones long after we are gone. Life marches on (except for whiny liberals who do nothing but cry, complain and shout the sky is falling).
We know there is no man made global warming because the yahoos that says it is are the ones creating false data to prove it.

That's a great deal of false data over a great many years. Do you have some evidence supporting that contention?
They won't believe the data. They don't trust scientists. They trust oil companies and lobbyists.

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Fossil fuels — like oil, natural gas, and coal — “contain carbon that’s been locked away from the natural cycle for eons.” When we burn these fossil fuels, the carbon combines with oxygen to make carbon dioxide. This extra carbon dioxide (and other GHGs like methane) traps more and more heat in our atmosphere.

Humans started harnessing fossil fuels on a massive scale during the Industrial Revolution. The Industrial Revolution began about 1760 and most historians mark its end sometime before the middle of the next century.

Basically, it was a time of profound transformation. Before the Industrial Revolution, about 80 percent of the world’s population were rural farmers. But the Industrial Revolution changed how the world lived and worked, bringing millions to urban centers to work in factories.

Now add China, India, Mexico, Middle East, Africa to us industrialized nations. Now we are putting way too much up in the air. It was ok when it was just Europe and the USA but now it's the entire world that is industrialized.

When are you going to give it up Silly booboo and stop with the Fucking propaganda about fossil fuel?

1. They Spent billions since the 1970's on Green technology

2. They came out and admitted that Fossil fuel and deforestation is a contributor

We know there is no man made global warming because the yahoos that says it is are the ones creating false data to prove it.

That's a great deal of false data over a great many years. Do you have some evidence supporting that contention?
They won't believe the data. They don't trust scientists. They trust oil companies and lobbyists.

View attachment 252864

Fossil fuels — like oil, natural gas, and coal — “contain carbon that’s been locked away from the natural cycle for eons.” When we burn these fossil fuels, the carbon combines with oxygen to make carbon dioxide. This extra carbon dioxide (and other GHGs like methane) traps more and more heat in our atmosphere.

Humans started harnessing fossil fuels on a massive scale during the Industrial Revolution. The Industrial Revolution began about 1760 and most historians mark its end sometime before the middle of the next century.

Basically, it was a time of profound transformation. Before the Industrial Revolution, about 80 percent of the world’s population were rural farmers. But the Industrial Revolution changed how the world lived and worked, bringing millions to urban centers to work in factories.

Now add China, India, Mexico, Middle East, Africa to us industrialized nations. Now we are putting way too much up in the air. It was ok when it was just Europe and the USA but now it's the entire world that is industrialized.


The first bullet point is fine.
The second bullet point, change the word pollution to dioxide.
The third bullet point, not even close.

1. We don't really know the chemistry of CO2 in the atmosphere. They predict CO2 being a greenhouse gas in computer models but measured data doesn't prove it. That is one of the reasons that these assholes have to make up data. We do know that the earth was warmer with less CO2 and cooler with ten times as much CO2. We also know that CO2 emissions typical lags temperature increased.

2. True but nature also produces CO2 emissions. Much more than humans. By the way, pollution is a different term than greenhouse gases. They are not the same.

3. There is no scientific conclusion to be drawn, only a weak correlation. Like saying you can predict the performance of the stock market by the length of women's skirts.

When these yokels stop making this a political discussion on redistribution of wealth and technology being destroyed and stop falsifying data we can have a real scientific discussion. But until then it all going to be moot with the coming solar minimum that will put us in a mini ice age for the next 50 years or so.
We know there is no man made global warming because the yahoos that says it is are the ones creating false data to prove it.

That's a great deal of false data over a great many years. Do you have some evidence supporting that contention?
They won't believe the data. They don't trust scientists. They trust oil companies and lobbyists.

View attachment 252864

Fossil fuels — like oil, natural gas, and coal — “contain carbon that’s been locked away from the natural cycle for eons.” When we burn these fossil fuels, the carbon combines with oxygen to make carbon dioxide. This extra carbon dioxide (and other GHGs like methane) traps more and more heat in our atmosphere.

Humans started harnessing fossil fuels on a massive scale during the Industrial Revolution. The Industrial Revolution began about 1760 and most historians mark its end sometime before the middle of the next century.

Basically, it was a time of profound transformation. Before the Industrial Revolution, about 80 percent of the world’s population were rural farmers. But the Industrial Revolution changed how the world lived and worked, bringing millions to urban centers to work in factories.

Now add China, India, Mexico, Middle East, Africa to us industrialized nations. Now we are putting way too much up in the air. It was ok when it was just Europe and the USA but now it's the entire world that is industrialized.


The first bullet point is fine.
The second bullet point, change the word pollution to dioxide.
The third bullet point, not even close.

Why conservatives keep gaslighting the nation about climate change
Republican climate rhetoric shifts (again), but the goal remains the same.

In recent years, leaders of the Republican Party have become aware that denying the existence of global warming makes them look like idiots. Changes in climate have become obvious, not just to scientists, but to ordinary people — they can be directly measured, with such exotic instruments as a “thermometer.” Majorities of every group except the most conservative Republicans (who will trust their media over their lying eyes) believe it is happening.

Denying visible, tangible reality is a dicey business, even for the modern US right. It makes the party look like a death cult. So Republican climate-communication strategy has undergone something of an adjustment.

Not a large adjustment, mind you. The GOP remains dead set against doing anything about climate change, against any policy that would threaten the profits of fossil fuel companies. That is the non-negotiable baseline, despite a few fringe figures who signal otherwise (until the time comes for votes).

But front-line, hardcore denialism of the “it’s a hoax” variety has largely receded to the base. Republican leaders and spokespeople have moved back to the next line of defense: Yes, the climate is changing, but we don’t know to what extent humans are responsible.

Professional double-talker Marco Rubio, senator from the climate-battered state of Florida, ran a version of this on CNN’s Jake Tapper show earlier this month.

Why conservatives keep gaslighting the nation about climate change

Watch what liars Republicans are

“Sea level rise and changes in the climate, those are measurable,” Rubio said. “I don’t think there’s a debate about whether that’s happening because you can measure that.” See? He’s a reasonable guy! Not some crazy denier.

“The secondary aspect,” he adds, “is how much of that is due to human activity...”

Tapper pushes on: “Do you believe it is man-made?”

“Humanity and its behavior, scientists say, is contributing to that,” Rubio acknowledged. “I can’t tell you to what percentage is contributing and many scientists would debate the percentage is contributable to man versus normal fluctuations, but there’s a rise in sea level, temperatures are warmer in the waters than they were 50, 80, 100 years ago. That’s measurable.”

In short: The climate is changing but we’re not sure why.

Make note of what policy might follow from this perspective. We don’t really know how much humans are contributing to climate change, so there’s no sense in trying hard to reduce our emissions.

Rubio’s is not a new rhetorical ploy, of course, nor is it unique to him. But it has helped the GOP wriggle out from under the uncomfortable “denier” label. Conservative leaders who pull this move tend to get the headlines they want: “Republican acknowledges climate change.”

There are two things to say about this rhetorical move by the GOP.

First, this is still denialism. It doesn’t get Republicans out of the trap like they think it does, unless the media is incredibly lazy. (Ahem.) Second, and more broadly, the ever-shifting rhetoric of climate denial reveals that particular arguments about science were never really offered in good faith. The fact is, the GOP is the party of fossil fuels; it recognizes, accurately, that to acknowledge climate change is to empower its opponents.
We know there is no man made global warming because the yahoos that says it is are the ones creating false data to prove it.

That's a great deal of false data over a great many years. Do you have some evidence supporting that contention?
They won't believe the data. They don't trust scientists. They trust oil companies and lobbyists.

View attachment 252864

Fossil fuels — like oil, natural gas, and coal — “contain carbon that’s been locked away from the natural cycle for eons.” When we burn these fossil fuels, the carbon combines with oxygen to make carbon dioxide. This extra carbon dioxide (and other GHGs like methane) traps more and more heat in our atmosphere.

Humans started harnessing fossil fuels on a massive scale during the Industrial Revolution. The Industrial Revolution began about 1760 and most historians mark its end sometime before the middle of the next century.

Basically, it was a time of profound transformation. Before the Industrial Revolution, about 80 percent of the world’s population were rural farmers. But the Industrial Revolution changed how the world lived and worked, bringing millions to urban centers to work in factories.

Now add China, India, Mexico, Middle East, Africa to us industrialized nations. Now we are putting way too much up in the air. It was ok when it was just Europe and the USA but now it's the entire world that is industrialized.


The first bullet point is fine.
The second bullet point, change the word pollution to dioxide.
The third bullet point, not even close.

Why conservatives keep gaslighting the nation about climate change
Republican climate rhetoric shifts (again), but the goal remains the same.

In recent years, leaders of the Republican Party have become aware that denying the existence of global warming makes them look like idiots. Changes in climate have become obvious, not just to scientists, but to ordinary people — they can be directly measured, with such exotic instruments as a “thermometer.” Majorities of every group except the most conservative Republicans (who will trust their media over their lying eyes) believe it is happening.

Denying visible, tangible reality is a dicey business, even for the modern US right. It makes the party look like a death cult. So Republican climate-communication strategy has undergone something of an adjustment.

Not a large adjustment, mind you. The GOP remains dead set against doing anything about climate change, against any policy that would threaten the profits of fossil fuel companies. That is the non-negotiable baseline, despite a few fringe figures who signal otherwise (until the time comes for votes).

But front-line, hardcore denialism of the “it’s a hoax” variety has largely receded to the base. Republican leaders and spokespeople have moved back to the next line of defense: Yes, the climate is changing, but we don’t know to what extent humans are responsible.

Professional double-talker Marco Rubio, senator from the climate-battered state of Florida, ran a version of this on CNN’s Jake Tapper show earlier this month.

Why conservatives keep gaslighting the nation about climate change

Changes in climate have become obvious, not just to scientists, but to ordinary people

Do you have a 100 year period in history when "the climate did not change"?
How about a 20 year period?
We know there is no man made global warming because the yahoos that says it is are the ones creating false data to prove it.

That's a great deal of false data over a great many years. Do you have some evidence supporting that contention?
They won't believe the data. They don't trust scientists. They trust oil companies and lobbyists.

View attachment 252864

Fossil fuels — like oil, natural gas, and coal — “contain carbon that’s been locked away from the natural cycle for eons.” When we burn these fossil fuels, the carbon combines with oxygen to make carbon dioxide. This extra carbon dioxide (and other GHGs like methane) traps more and more heat in our atmosphere.

Humans started harnessing fossil fuels on a massive scale during the Industrial Revolution. The Industrial Revolution began about 1760 and most historians mark its end sometime before the middle of the next century.

Basically, it was a time of profound transformation. Before the Industrial Revolution, about 80 percent of the world’s population were rural farmers. But the Industrial Revolution changed how the world lived and worked, bringing millions to urban centers to work in factories.

Now add China, India, Mexico, Middle East, Africa to us industrialized nations. Now we are putting way too much up in the air. It was ok when it was just Europe and the USA but now it's the entire world that is industrialized.


The first bullet point is fine.
The second bullet point, change the word pollution to dioxide.
The third bullet point, not even close.

Why conservatives keep gaslighting the nation about climate change
Republican climate rhetoric shifts (again), but the goal remains the same.

In recent years, leaders of the Republican Party have become aware that denying the existence of global warming makes them look like idiots. Changes in climate have become obvious, not just to scientists, but to ordinary people — they can be directly measured, with such exotic instruments as a “thermometer.” Majorities of every group except the most conservative Republicans (who will trust their media over their lying eyes) believe it is happening.

Denying visible, tangible reality is a dicey business, even for the modern US right. It makes the party look like a death cult. So Republican climate-communication strategy has undergone something of an adjustment.

Not a large adjustment, mind you. The GOP remains dead set against doing anything about climate change, against any policy that would threaten the profits of fossil fuel companies. That is the non-negotiable baseline, despite a few fringe figures who signal otherwise (until the time comes for votes).

But front-line, hardcore denialism of the “it’s a hoax” variety has largely receded to the base. Republican leaders and spokespeople have moved back to the next line of defense: Yes, the climate is changing, but we don’t know to what extent humans are responsible.

Professional double-talker Marco Rubio, senator from the climate-battered state of Florida, ran a version of this on CNN’s Jake Tapper show earlier this month.

Why conservatives keep gaslighting the nation about climate change

Changes in climate have become obvious, not just to scientists, but to ordinary people

Do you have a 100 year period in history when "the climate did not change"?
How about a 20 year period?

Yea but the changes weren't as drastic as now. In fact we were going into an ice age but somehow we are warming.

I'm not going to argue with you. I'm just putting you down as a denier. Not even a good one. Republicans have gotten good at denying GW without actually denying it. They say we are contributing but now the question is, how much.

For 10 years they said we weren't contributing, now we are but the question how much.

This reminds me of the Corporations and Republicans who denied cigarettes caused cancer or that lead was bad for us.

You simply suck.
That's a great deal of false data over a great many years. Do you have some evidence supporting that contention?
They won't believe the data. They don't trust scientists. They trust oil companies and lobbyists.

View attachment 252864

Fossil fuels — like oil, natural gas, and coal — “contain carbon that’s been locked away from the natural cycle for eons.” When we burn these fossil fuels, the carbon combines with oxygen to make carbon dioxide. This extra carbon dioxide (and other GHGs like methane) traps more and more heat in our atmosphere.

Humans started harnessing fossil fuels on a massive scale during the Industrial Revolution. The Industrial Revolution began about 1760 and most historians mark its end sometime before the middle of the next century.

Basically, it was a time of profound transformation. Before the Industrial Revolution, about 80 percent of the world’s population were rural farmers. But the Industrial Revolution changed how the world lived and worked, bringing millions to urban centers to work in factories.

Now add China, India, Mexico, Middle East, Africa to us industrialized nations. Now we are putting way too much up in the air. It was ok when it was just Europe and the USA but now it's the entire world that is industrialized.


The first bullet point is fine.
The second bullet point, change the word pollution to dioxide.
The third bullet point, not even close.

Why conservatives keep gaslighting the nation about climate change
Republican climate rhetoric shifts (again), but the goal remains the same.

In recent years, leaders of the Republican Party have become aware that denying the existence of global warming makes them look like idiots. Changes in climate have become obvious, not just to scientists, but to ordinary people — they can be directly measured, with such exotic instruments as a “thermometer.” Majorities of every group except the most conservative Republicans (who will trust their media over their lying eyes) believe it is happening.

Denying visible, tangible reality is a dicey business, even for the modern US right. It makes the party look like a death cult. So Republican climate-communication strategy has undergone something of an adjustment.

Not a large adjustment, mind you. The GOP remains dead set against doing anything about climate change, against any policy that would threaten the profits of fossil fuel companies. That is the non-negotiable baseline, despite a few fringe figures who signal otherwise (until the time comes for votes).

But front-line, hardcore denialism of the “it’s a hoax” variety has largely receded to the base. Republican leaders and spokespeople have moved back to the next line of defense: Yes, the climate is changing, but we don’t know to what extent humans are responsible.

Professional double-talker Marco Rubio, senator from the climate-battered state of Florida, ran a version of this on CNN’s Jake Tapper show earlier this month.

Why conservatives keep gaslighting the nation about climate change

Changes in climate have become obvious, not just to scientists, but to ordinary people

Do you have a 100 year period in history when "the climate did not change"?
How about a 20 year period?

Yea but the changes weren't as drastic as now. In fact we were going into an ice age but somehow we are warming.

I'm not going to argue with you. I'm just putting you down as a denier. Not even a good one. Republicans have gotten good at denying GW without actually denying it. They say we are contributing but now the question is, how much.

For 10 years they said we weren't contributing, now we are but the question how much.

This reminds me of the Corporations and Republicans who denied cigarettes caused cancer or that lead was bad for us.

You simply suck.
Yea but the changes weren't as drastic as now.

Excellent point!

What were the changes over this most recent 50 year period?
What about the 50 year period before that?
What about the eighteen 50 year periods before that?

Before we waste...err...invest trillions in windmills, we need to know more.

In fact we were going into an ice age but somehow we are warming.

Thank goodness. A bit of warming is much better than an ice age.
An ice age would kill billions.

I'm not going to argue with you.

That's good. I wouldn't want to make you cry.

I think if anybody has proved to be an idiot it is you. You actually believe this silly AGW scam.

I am not a climate expert but I am an Environmental Engineer. Worked in the field for 30 years. I actually know what pollution really is. I have cleaned up more pollution in my career than you and ten thousand of your Moon Bat buddies will ever see in your lifetimes.

While not an expert I am very well read on the subject because in post retirement I taught college courses in Environmental Science and had to well versed on it for the course.

Global warming and climate change is real. No doubt about it. It has been the case since the end of the last ice age. However, there is absolutely no proof that man has altered the climate with greenhouse gasses. We have polluted the hell out of a lot of things but absolutely no proof we have altered the atmosphere.

The reason these yokels have to make up data and none of their predictions ever come true is because there is no substance to the scam.

You are either an idiot or you are gullible. Maybe even both.
They won't believe the data. They don't trust scientists. They trust oil companies and lobbyists.

View attachment 252864

Fossil fuels — like oil, natural gas, and coal — “contain carbon that’s been locked away from the natural cycle for eons.” When we burn these fossil fuels, the carbon combines with oxygen to make carbon dioxide. This extra carbon dioxide (and other GHGs like methane) traps more and more heat in our atmosphere.

Humans started harnessing fossil fuels on a massive scale during the Industrial Revolution. The Industrial Revolution began about 1760 and most historians mark its end sometime before the middle of the next century.

Basically, it was a time of profound transformation. Before the Industrial Revolution, about 80 percent of the world’s population were rural farmers. But the Industrial Revolution changed how the world lived and worked, bringing millions to urban centers to work in factories.

Now add China, India, Mexico, Middle East, Africa to us industrialized nations. Now we are putting way too much up in the air. It was ok when it was just Europe and the USA but now it's the entire world that is industrialized.


The first bullet point is fine.
The second bullet point, change the word pollution to dioxide.
The third bullet point, not even close.

Why conservatives keep gaslighting the nation about climate change
Republican climate rhetoric shifts (again), but the goal remains the same.

In recent years, leaders of the Republican Party have become aware that denying the existence of global warming makes them look like idiots. Changes in climate have become obvious, not just to scientists, but to ordinary people — they can be directly measured, with such exotic instruments as a “thermometer.” Majorities of every group except the most conservative Republicans (who will trust their media over their lying eyes) believe it is happening.

Denying visible, tangible reality is a dicey business, even for the modern US right. It makes the party look like a death cult. So Republican climate-communication strategy has undergone something of an adjustment.

Not a large adjustment, mind you. The GOP remains dead set against doing anything about climate change, against any policy that would threaten the profits of fossil fuel companies. That is the non-negotiable baseline, despite a few fringe figures who signal otherwise (until the time comes for votes).

But front-line, hardcore denialism of the “it’s a hoax” variety has largely receded to the base. Republican leaders and spokespeople have moved back to the next line of defense: Yes, the climate is changing, but we don’t know to what extent humans are responsible.

Professional double-talker Marco Rubio, senator from the climate-battered state of Florida, ran a version of this on CNN’s Jake Tapper show earlier this month.

Why conservatives keep gaslighting the nation about climate change

Changes in climate have become obvious, not just to scientists, but to ordinary people

Do you have a 100 year period in history when "the climate did not change"?
How about a 20 year period?

Yea but the changes weren't as drastic as now. In fact we were going into an ice age but somehow we are warming.

I'm not going to argue with you. I'm just putting you down as a denier. Not even a good one. Republicans have gotten good at denying GW without actually denying it. They say we are contributing but now the question is, how much.

For 10 years they said we weren't contributing, now we are but the question how much.

This reminds me of the Corporations and Republicans who denied cigarettes caused cancer or that lead was bad for us.

You simply suck.
Yea but the changes weren't as drastic as now.

Excellent point!

What were the changes over this most recent 50 year period?
What about the 50 year period before that?
What about the eighteen 50 year periods before that?

Before we waste...err...invest trillions in windmills, we need to know more.

In fact we were going into an ice age but somehow we are warming.

Thank goodness. A bit of warming is much better than an ice age.
An ice age would kill billions.

I'm not going to argue with you.

That's good. I wouldn't want to make you cry.

It's worse now because of all the fossil fuels we are burning
No, it's not good that we are warming the planet. That's a very ignorant thing to say.
You already make me cry you are so stupid.

I think if anybody has proved to be an idiot it is you. You actually believe this silly AGW scam.

I am not a climate expert but I am an Environmental Engineer. Worked in the field for 30 years. I actually know what pollution really is. I have cleaned up more pollution in my career than you and ten thousand of your Moon Bat buddies will ever see in your lifetimes.

While not an expert I am very well read on the subject because in post retirement I taught college courses in Environmental Science and had to well versed on it for the course.

Global warming and climate change is real. No doubt about it. It has been the case since the end of the last ice age. However, there is absolutely no proof that man has altered the climate with greenhouse gasses. We have polluted the hell out of a lot of things but absolutely no proof we have altered the atmosphere.

The reason these yokels have to make up data and none of their predictions ever come true is because there is no substance to the scam.

You are either an idiot or you are gullible. Maybe even both.
You wasted you time typing to me. I read the first 2 sentences and then just stopped. Don't waste your time idiot. Bye

The first bullet point is fine.
The second bullet point, change the word pollution to dioxide.
The third bullet point, not even close.

Why conservatives keep gaslighting the nation about climate change
Republican climate rhetoric shifts (again), but the goal remains the same.

In recent years, leaders of the Republican Party have become aware that denying the existence of global warming makes them look like idiots. Changes in climate have become obvious, not just to scientists, but to ordinary people — they can be directly measured, with such exotic instruments as a “thermometer.” Majorities of every group except the most conservative Republicans (who will trust their media over their lying eyes) believe it is happening.

Denying visible, tangible reality is a dicey business, even for the modern US right. It makes the party look like a death cult. So Republican climate-communication strategy has undergone something of an adjustment.

Not a large adjustment, mind you. The GOP remains dead set against doing anything about climate change, against any policy that would threaten the profits of fossil fuel companies. That is the non-negotiable baseline, despite a few fringe figures who signal otherwise (until the time comes for votes).

But front-line, hardcore denialism of the “it’s a hoax” variety has largely receded to the base. Republican leaders and spokespeople have moved back to the next line of defense: Yes, the climate is changing, but we don’t know to what extent humans are responsible.

Professional double-talker Marco Rubio, senator from the climate-battered state of Florida, ran a version of this on CNN’s Jake Tapper show earlier this month.

Why conservatives keep gaslighting the nation about climate change

Changes in climate have become obvious, not just to scientists, but to ordinary people

Do you have a 100 year period in history when "the climate did not change"?
How about a 20 year period?

Yea but the changes weren't as drastic as now. In fact we were going into an ice age but somehow we are warming.

I'm not going to argue with you. I'm just putting you down as a denier. Not even a good one. Republicans have gotten good at denying GW without actually denying it. They say we are contributing but now the question is, how much.

For 10 years they said we weren't contributing, now we are but the question how much.

This reminds me of the Corporations and Republicans who denied cigarettes caused cancer or that lead was bad for us.

You simply suck.
Yea but the changes weren't as drastic as now.

Excellent point!

What were the changes over this most recent 50 year period?
What about the 50 year period before that?
What about the eighteen 50 year periods before that?

Before we waste...err...invest trillions in windmills, we need to know more.

In fact we were going into an ice age but somehow we are warming.

Thank goodness. A bit of warming is much better than an ice age.
An ice age would kill billions.

I'm not going to argue with you.

That's good. I wouldn't want to make you cry.

It's worse now because of all the fossil fuels we are burning
No, it's not good that we are warming the planet. That's a very ignorant thing to say.
You already make me cry you are so stupid.

It's worse now because of all the fossil fuels we are burning

What's worse? How do you know?

No, it's not good that we are warming the planet.

If the alternative is a new ice age, you're damn right warming the planet is good.

I think if anybody has proved to be an idiot it is you. You actually believe this silly AGW scam.

I am not a climate expert but I am an Environmental Engineer. Worked in the field for 30 years. I actually know what pollution really is. I have cleaned up more pollution in my career than you and ten thousand of your Moon Bat buddies will ever see in your lifetimes.

While not an expert I am very well read on the subject because in post retirement I taught college courses in Environmental Science and had to well versed on it for the course.

Global warming and climate change is real. No doubt about it. It has been the case since the end of the last ice age. However, there is absolutely no proof that man has altered the climate with greenhouse gasses. We have polluted the hell out of a lot of things but absolutely no proof we have altered the atmosphere.

The reason these yokels have to make up data and none of their predictions ever come true is because there is no substance to the scam.

You are either an idiot or you are gullible. Maybe even both.

Don't make her cry. She's stupid and fragile.
I believe man is responsible for at least some damage and potential climate changes to the environment. I also believe with pressure, science and Free Market principles, this damage can be reversed and minimized.

Look, America has cut emissions the most in the world, China and expanding economies like India are a greater threat to pollution than America is. This isn't the 1950's America has cleaner processes of extraction and use of natural gas. You can't see the sun in some cities in China.

I have no problem with using alternative sources of energy, I say, develop it, make it cost affordable and effectively functional for use. That's the free market. I support tax breaks for those putting their own money into a project, I do not support boondoggles, it has destroyed an already weak economic environment in Ontario.
That is a very rational and doable idea.

Brilliant idea.
We know there is no man made global warming because the yahoos that says it is are the ones creating false data to prove it.

That's a great deal of false data over a great many years. Do you have some evidence supporting that contention?
They won't believe the data. They don't trust scientists. They trust oil companies and lobbyists.

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Fossil fuels — like oil, natural gas, and coal — “contain carbon that’s been locked away from the natural cycle for eons.” When we burn these fossil fuels, the carbon combines with oxygen to make carbon dioxide. This extra carbon dioxide (and other GHGs like methane) traps more and more heat in our atmosphere.

Humans started harnessing fossil fuels on a massive scale during the Industrial Revolution. The Industrial Revolution began about 1760 and most historians mark its end sometime before the middle of the next century.

Basically, it was a time of profound transformation. Before the Industrial Revolution, about 80 percent of the world’s population were rural farmers. But the Industrial Revolution changed how the world lived and worked, bringing millions to urban centers to work in factories.

Now add China, India, Mexico, Middle East, Africa to us industrialized nations. Now we are putting way too much up in the air. It was ok when it was just Europe and the USA but now it's the entire world that is industrialized.


The first bullet point is fine.
The second bullet point, change the word pollution to dioxide.
The third bullet point, not even close.

The first part is wrong since C02 doesn't absorb "heat" they absorb IR, which they release immediately.

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