How do we Know Human are Causing Climate Change?

We know there is no man made global warming because the yahoos that says it is are the ones creating false data to prove it.

That's a great deal of false data over a great many years. Do you have some evidence supporting that contention?
They won't believe the data. They don't trust scientists. They trust oil companies and lobbyists.

View attachment 252864

Fossil fuels — like oil, natural gas, and coal — “contain carbon that’s been locked away from the natural cycle for eons.” When we burn these fossil fuels, the carbon combines with oxygen to make carbon dioxide. This extra carbon dioxide (and other GHGs like methane) traps more and more heat in our atmosphere.

Humans started harnessing fossil fuels on a massive scale during the Industrial Revolution. The Industrial Revolution began about 1760 and most historians mark its end sometime before the middle of the next century.

Basically, it was a time of profound transformation. Before the Industrial Revolution, about 80 percent of the world’s population were rural farmers. But the Industrial Revolution changed how the world lived and worked, bringing millions to urban centers to work in factories.

Now add China, India, Mexico, Middle East, Africa to us industrialized nations. Now we are putting way too much up in the air. It was ok when it was just Europe and the USA but now it's the entire world that is industrialized.


The first bullet point is fine.
The second bullet point, change the word pollution to dioxide.
The third bullet point, not even close.

The first part is wrong since C02 doesn't absorb "heat" they absorb IR, which they release immediately.

they absorb IR, which they release immediately.

Release how, precisely?
We know there is no man made global warming because the yahoos that says it is are the ones creating false data to prove it.

That's a great deal of false data over a great many years. Do you have some evidence supporting that contention?
They won't believe the data. They don't trust scientists. They trust oil companies and lobbyists.

View attachment 252864

Fossil fuels — like oil, natural gas, and coal — “contain carbon that’s been locked away from the natural cycle for eons.” When we burn these fossil fuels, the carbon combines with oxygen to make carbon dioxide. This extra carbon dioxide (and other GHGs like methane) traps more and more heat in our atmosphere.

Humans started harnessing fossil fuels on a massive scale during the Industrial Revolution. The Industrial Revolution began about 1760 and most historians mark its end sometime before the middle of the next century.

Basically, it was a time of profound transformation. Before the Industrial Revolution, about 80 percent of the world’s population were rural farmers. But the Industrial Revolution changed how the world lived and worked, bringing millions to urban centers to work in factories.

Now add China, India, Mexico, Middle East, Africa to us industrialized nations. Now we are putting way too much up in the air. It was ok when it was just Europe and the USA but now it's the entire world that is industrialized.


The first bullet point is fine.
The second bullet point, change the word pollution to dioxide.
The third bullet point, not even close.

The first part is wrong since C02 doesn't absorb "heat" they absorb IR, which they release immediately.

they absorb IR, which they release immediately.

Release how, precisely?
Who cares. You’re not a scientist are you? Stop pretending to understand. And you’re just trying to stall the progress with stupid irrelevant questions. Republicans tactic.
That's a great deal of false data over a great many years. Do you have some evidence supporting that contention?
They won't believe the data. They don't trust scientists. They trust oil companies and lobbyists.

View attachment 252864

Fossil fuels — like oil, natural gas, and coal — “contain carbon that’s been locked away from the natural cycle for eons.” When we burn these fossil fuels, the carbon combines with oxygen to make carbon dioxide. This extra carbon dioxide (and other GHGs like methane) traps more and more heat in our atmosphere.

Humans started harnessing fossil fuels on a massive scale during the Industrial Revolution. The Industrial Revolution began about 1760 and most historians mark its end sometime before the middle of the next century.

Basically, it was a time of profound transformation. Before the Industrial Revolution, about 80 percent of the world’s population were rural farmers. But the Industrial Revolution changed how the world lived and worked, bringing millions to urban centers to work in factories.

Now add China, India, Mexico, Middle East, Africa to us industrialized nations. Now we are putting way too much up in the air. It was ok when it was just Europe and the USA but now it's the entire world that is industrialized.


The first bullet point is fine.
The second bullet point, change the word pollution to dioxide.
The third bullet point, not even close.

The first part is wrong since C02 doesn't absorb "heat" they absorb IR, which they release immediately.

they absorb IR, which they release immediately.

Release how, precisely?
Who cares. You’re not a scientist are you? Stop pretending to understand. And you’re just trying to stall the progress with stupid irrelevant questions. Republicans tactic.

Who cares

I care.

Stop pretending to understand.

What do you feel I'm pretending to understand?

And you’re just trying to stall the progress with stupid irrelevant questions.

The progress of what?

I think if anybody has proved to be an idiot it is you. You actually believe this silly AGW scam.

I am not a climate expert but I am an Environmental Engineer. Worked in the field for 30 years. I actually know what pollution really is. I have cleaned up more pollution in my career than you and ten thousand of your Moon Bat buddies will ever see in your lifetimes.

While not an expert I am very well read on the subject because in post retirement I taught college courses in Environmental Science and had to well versed on it for the course.

Global warming and climate change is real. No doubt about it. It has been the case since the end of the last ice age. However, there is absolutely no proof that man has altered the climate with greenhouse gasses. We have polluted the hell out of a lot of things but absolutely no proof we have altered the atmosphere.

The reason these yokels have to make up data and none of their predictions ever come true is because there is no substance to the scam.

You are either an idiot or you are gullible. Maybe even both.
Nice. It’s my opinion the pollution problem triggered all this AGW nonsense. It’s a, see we polluted therefore we affect the atmosphere. Nope, no evidence
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We know there is no man made global warming because the yahoos that says it is are the ones creating false data to prove it.

That's a great deal of false data over a great many years. Do you have some evidence supporting that contention?
They won't believe the data. They don't trust scientists. They trust oil companies and lobbyists.

View attachment 252864

Fossil fuels — like oil, natural gas, and coal — “contain carbon that’s been locked away from the natural cycle for eons.” When we burn these fossil fuels, the carbon combines with oxygen to make carbon dioxide. This extra carbon dioxide (and other GHGs like methane) traps more and more heat in our atmosphere.

Humans started harnessing fossil fuels on a massive scale during the Industrial Revolution. The Industrial Revolution began about 1760 and most historians mark its end sometime before the middle of the next century.

Basically, it was a time of profound transformation. Before the Industrial Revolution, about 80 percent of the world’s population were rural farmers. But the Industrial Revolution changed how the world lived and worked, bringing millions to urban centers to work in factories.

Now add China, India, Mexico, Middle East, Africa to us industrialized nations. Now we are putting way too much up in the air. It was ok when it was just Europe and the USA but now it's the entire world that is industrialized.


The first bullet point is fine.
The second bullet point, change the word pollution to dioxide.
The third bullet point, not even close.

The first part is wrong since C02 doesn't absorb "heat" they absorb IR, which they release immediately.

they absorb IR, which they release immediately.

Release how, precisely?
Collisions, 99%

I think if anybody has proved to be an idiot it is you. You actually believe this silly AGW scam.

I am not a climate expert but I am an Environmental Engineer. Worked in the field for 30 years. I actually know what pollution really is. I have cleaned up more pollution in my career than you and ten thousand of your Moon Bat buddies will ever see in your lifetimes.

While not an expert I am very well read on the subject because in post retirement I taught college courses in Environmental Science and had to well versed on it for the course.

Global warming and climate change is real. No doubt about it. It has been the case since the end of the last ice age. However, there is absolutely no proof that man has altered the climate with greenhouse gasses. We have polluted the hell out of a lot of things but absolutely no proof we have altered the atmosphere.

The reason these yokels have to make up data and none of their predictions ever come true is because there is no substance to the scam.

You are either an idiot or you are gullible. Maybe even both.
Nice. It’s my opinion the pollution problem triggered all this AGW nonsense. It’s a, see we polluted therefore we affect the atmosphere. Nope, no evidence

Most of these stupid Moon Bats don't even know the difference between the terms "pollution" and "greenhouse gasses". They think the terms are synonymous and they aren't.

The seven billion humans have done a significant amount of polluting of the planet. No doubt about it. However, that does not mean burning fossil fuels has altered the climate.

Contrary of what these stupid Moon Bats have been brainwashed on there is absolutely no real indisputable evidence that man made CO2 has altered the climate of the earth.

There is evidence that the earth's climate changes. That has been going on since the formation of the earth. There is evidence that the earth is getting warmer but that has been going on since the end of the last ice age.

If there was evidence of AGW then the AGW alarmists wouldn't have to fabricate data and maybe even some of their predictions would come true. None of their predictions ever come true.

This AGW bullshit is probably the biggest hoax every put on mankind. Nothing more than a scam and these stupid Moon Bats fall for it hook, line and sinker.

Of course generally these are the same people that think socialism is peachy keen so they aren't exactly the brightest bulbs in the chandelier.

I think if anybody has proved to be an idiot it is you. You actually believe this silly AGW scam.

I am not a climate expert but I am an Environmental Engineer. Worked in the field for 30 years. I actually know what pollution really is. I have cleaned up more pollution in my career than you and ten thousand of your Moon Bat buddies will ever see in your lifetimes.

While not an expert I am very well read on the subject because in post retirement I taught college courses in Environmental Science and had to well versed on it for the course.

Global warming and climate change is real. No doubt about it. It has been the case since the end of the last ice age. However, there is absolutely no proof that man has altered the climate with greenhouse gasses. We have polluted the hell out of a lot of things but absolutely no proof we have altered the atmosphere.

The reason these yokels have to make up data and none of their predictions ever come true is because there is no substance to the scam.

You are either an idiot or you are gullible. Maybe even both.
Nice. It’s my opinion the pollution problem triggered all this AGW nonsense. It’s a, see we polluted therefore we affect the atmosphere. Nope, no evidence

Most of these stupid Moon Bats don't even know the difference between the terms "pollution" and "greenhouse gasses". They think the terms are synonymous and they aren't.

The seven billion humans have done a significant amount of polluting of the planet. No doubt about it. However, that does not mean burning fossil fuels has altered the climate.

Contrary of what these stupid Moon Bats have been brainwashed on there is absolutely no real indisputable evidence that man made CO2 has altered the climate of the earth.

There is evidence that the earth's climate changes. That has been going on since the formation of the earth. There is evidence that the earth is getting warmer but that has been going on since the end of the last ice age.

If there was evidence of AGW then the AGW alarmists wouldn't have to fabricate data and maybe even some of their predictions would come true. None of their predictions ever come true.

This AGW bullshit is probably the biggest hoax every put on mankind. Nothing more than a scam and these stupid Moon Bats fall for it hook, line and sinker.

Of course generally these are the same people that think socialism is peachy keen so they aren't exactly the brightest bulbs in the chandelier.

For you to reject AGW, you must:

a) Reject the greenhouse effect
b) Reject that CO2 absorbs IR radiation and is therefore a greenhouse gas
c) That humans are responsible for the rise in atmospheric CO2 levels from 280 ppm to 411 ppm

all three of which are beliefs founded on mountains of evidence.

So, on which of these topics have you chosen to either spread your ignorance or spread you lies?

I think if anybody has proved to be an idiot it is you. You actually believe this silly AGW scam.

I am not a climate expert but I am an Environmental Engineer. Worked in the field for 30 years. I actually know what pollution really is. I have cleaned up more pollution in my career than you and ten thousand of your Moon Bat buddies will ever see in your lifetimes.

While not an expert I am very well read on the subject because in post retirement I taught college courses in Environmental Science and had to well versed on it for the course.

Global warming and climate change is real. No doubt about it. It has been the case since the end of the last ice age. However, there is absolutely no proof that man has altered the climate with greenhouse gasses. We have polluted the hell out of a lot of things but absolutely no proof we have altered the atmosphere.

The reason these yokels have to make up data and none of their predictions ever come true is because there is no substance to the scam.

You are either an idiot or you are gullible. Maybe even both.
Nice. It’s my opinion the pollution problem triggered all this AGW nonsense. It’s a, see we polluted therefore we affect the atmosphere. Nope, no evidence

Most of these stupid Moon Bats don't even know the difference between the terms "pollution" and "greenhouse gasses". They think the terms are synonymous and they aren't.

The seven billion humans have done a significant amount of polluting of the planet. No doubt about it. However, that does not mean burning fossil fuels has altered the climate.

Contrary of what these stupid Moon Bats have been brainwashed on there is absolutely no real indisputable evidence that man made CO2 has altered the climate of the earth.

There is evidence that the earth's climate changes. That has been going on since the formation of the earth. There is evidence that the earth is getting warmer but that has been going on since the end of the last ice age.

If there was evidence of AGW then the AGW alarmists wouldn't have to fabricate data and maybe even some of their predictions would come true. None of their predictions ever come true.

This AGW bullshit is probably the biggest hoax every put on mankind. Nothing more than a scam and these stupid Moon Bats fall for it hook, line and sinker.

Of course generally these are the same people that think socialism is peachy keen so they aren't exactly the brightest bulbs in the chandelier.

For you to reject AGW, you must:

a) Reject the greenhouse effect
b) Reject that CO2 absorbs IR radiation and is therefore a greenhouse gas
c) That humans are responsible for the rise in atmospheric CO2 levels from 280 ppm to 411 ppm

all three of which are beliefs founded on mountains of evidence.

So, on which of these topics have you chosen to either spread your ignorance or spread you lies?

a. There are some greenhouse gasses.

b. There is no proof that man made level of COs has caused a warming of the earth.

c. There is no proof that man is responsible for the increase amounts of CO2. Besides, that doesn't make a damn of difference. The earth has been warmer with less CO2 and the earth has been colder with more CO2. In addition, historically CO2 increased lags a warming climate.

There is no mountain of evidence. Most of what you stupid Moon Bats think is evidence is based upon bogus data.

You ignorance of real verifiable science contributes to your acceptance of this silly scam.

I think if anybody has proved to be an idiot it is you. You actually believe this silly AGW scam.

I am not a climate expert but I am an Environmental Engineer. Worked in the field for 30 years. I actually know what pollution really is. I have cleaned up more pollution in my career than you and ten thousand of your Moon Bat buddies will ever see in your lifetimes.

While not an expert I am very well read on the subject because in post retirement I taught college courses in Environmental Science and had to well versed on it for the course.

Global warming and climate change is real. No doubt about it. It has been the case since the end of the last ice age. However, there is absolutely no proof that man has altered the climate with greenhouse gasses. We have polluted the hell out of a lot of things but absolutely no proof we have altered the atmosphere.

The reason these yokels have to make up data and none of their predictions ever come true is because there is no substance to the scam.

You are either an idiot or you are gullible. Maybe even both.
Nice. It’s my opinion the pollution problem triggered all this AGW nonsense. It’s a, see we polluted therefore we affect the atmosphere. Nope, no evidence

Most of these stupid Moon Bats don't even know the difference between the terms "pollution" and "greenhouse gasses". They think the terms are synonymous and they aren't.

The seven billion humans have done a significant amount of polluting of the planet. No doubt about it. However, that does not mean burning fossil fuels has altered the climate.

Contrary of what these stupid Moon Bats have been brainwashed on there is absolutely no real indisputable evidence that man made CO2 has altered the climate of the earth.

There is evidence that the earth's climate changes. That has been going on since the formation of the earth. There is evidence that the earth is getting warmer but that has been going on since the end of the last ice age.

If there was evidence of AGW then the AGW alarmists wouldn't have to fabricate data and maybe even some of their predictions would come true. None of their predictions ever come true.

This AGW bullshit is probably the biggest hoax every put on mankind. Nothing more than a scam and these stupid Moon Bats fall for it hook, line and sinker.

Of course generally these are the same people that think socialism is peachy keen so they aren't exactly the brightest bulbs in the chandelier.

For you to reject AGW, you must:

a) Reject the greenhouse effect
b) Reject that CO2 absorbs IR radiation and is therefore a greenhouse gas
c) That humans are responsible for the rise in atmospheric CO2 levels from 280 ppm to 411 ppm

all three of which are beliefs founded on mountains of evidence.

So, on which of these topics have you chosen to either spread your ignorance or spread you lies?
I reject AGW . Now what?
You have been shown large amounts of date supporting AGW. What you refer to is the bullshit, rhetorical question you ask over and over again and then reject any answer given - just like your idol SSDD. You have been shown the amount of warming that human GHG emissions has produced. What else are you pretending to need?
You have been shown large amounts of date supporting AGW. What you refer to is the bullshit, rhetorical question you ask over and over again and then reject any answer given - just like your idol SSDD. You have been shown the amount of warming that human GHG emissions has produced. What else are you pretending to need?
Nope. Nothing agw
Over that same period, deniers have been predicting a cooling climate, recovering Arctic ice, recovering glaciers and increased agricultural productivity from CO2 fertilization. Where might those be Mr Flash?

In the mean time, the world has gotten warmer at an increasing pace, sea level rise has accelerated, CO2 levels continue to increase and now we look to be facing the 6th mass extinction event in the last half billion years. Who has been more correct: Deniers or mainstream science?

You get three chances and the first two don't count.
Over that same period, deniers have been predicting a cooling climate, recovering Arctic ice, recovering glaciers and increased agricultural productivity from CO2 fertilization. Where might those be Mr Flash?

In the mean time, the world has gotten warmer at an increasing pace, sea level rise has accelerated, CO2 levels continue to increase and now we look to be facing the 6th mass extinction event in the last half billion years. Who has been more correct: Deniers or mainstream science?

You get three chances and the first two don't count.
Or not . Northern hemisphere winter worse in decades where humans exist. D’oh
Global temperatures have been rising

That’s all made up. Admitted as as well.over two thirds of the planet has no thermometers. I guess you didn’t understand the earth is mostly water. And humans don’t live there
JC456, you're a bot produced by Venezuelan oil companies to spout anti-AGW propaganda.

No one has admitted those data are fake. Ocean temperatures are taken by ships and satellites. Military and research vessels drop XBT buoys at least daily providing a huge library of data to several thousand feet of depth. If you'd like to calculate the area of the Earth's surface physically occupied by thermometers, I'm sure it is a tiny fraction of 1%. If you'd like to calculate the area of the Earth's surface accurately monitored by thermometers, you will come to a much, much larger number.





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