How do we Know Human are Causing Climate Change?

Completely unsurprised that you have no answer...because only in climate science do people argue that consensus is evidence...
This just in....

Historic blizzard impacts 18 states and 50 million people
Up to 2 feet of snow is expected to impact many western states as winds strengthen.
but we are told that year after year, man keeps increasing the CO2 in the atmosphere and the temperature is going up and in 11 and 1/2 years now, we are all doomed. So if the temperature keeps going up year after year, how can you have "HISTORIC" blizzard....Liberals are and always will be the most stupid people on the planet.
That's why it's a "theory". When you factor in evidence that some universities are involved in bribery and corruption scandals at this time it isn't hard to conclude that universities are willing to fudge and skew data to keep lucrative global warming grant money flowing.
That's why it's a "theory". When you factor in evidence that some universities are involved in bribery and corruption scandals at this time it isn't hard to conclude that universities are willing to fudge and skew data to keep lucrative global warming grant money flowing.
It is the same reason why "cancer" will never have a cure.. Too much money is given for the research, the scientists dont want to kill the golden goose.
That's why it's a "theory". When you factor in evidence that some universities are involved in bribery and corruption scandals at this time it isn't hard to conclude that universities are willing to fudge and skew data to keep lucrative global warming grant money flowing.
It is the same reason why "cancer" will never have a cure.. Too much money is given for the research, the scientists dont want to kill the golden goose.
That is total crap. You obviously know nothing about cancer research.

They won't believe the data. They don't trust scientists. They trust oil companies and lobbyists.

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Fossil fuels — like oil, natural gas, and coal — “contain carbon that’s been locked away from the natural cycle for eons.” When we burn these fossil fuels, the carbon combines with oxygen to make carbon dioxide. This extra carbon dioxide (and other GHGs like methane) traps more and more heat in our atmosphere.

Humans started harnessing fossil fuels on a massive scale during the Industrial Revolution. The Industrial Revolution began about 1760 and most historians mark its end sometime before the middle of the next century.

Basically, it was a time of profound transformation. Before the Industrial Revolution, about 80 percent of the world’s population were rural farmers. But the Industrial Revolution changed how the world lived and worked, bringing millions to urban centers to work in factories.

Now add China, India, Mexico, Middle East, Africa to us industrialized nations. Now we are putting way too much up in the air. It was ok when it was just Europe and the USA but now it's the entire world that is industrialized.


The first bullet point is fine.
The second bullet point, change the word pollution to dioxide.
The third bullet point, not even close.

Why conservatives keep gaslighting the nation about climate change
Republican climate rhetoric shifts (again), but the goal remains the same.

In recent years, leaders of the Republican Party have become aware that denying the existence of global warming makes them look like idiots. Changes in climate have become obvious, not just to scientists, but to ordinary people — they can be directly measured, with such exotic instruments as a “thermometer.” Majorities of every group except the most conservative Republicans (who will trust their media over their lying eyes) believe it is happening.

Denying visible, tangible reality is a dicey business, even for the modern US right. It makes the party look like a death cult. So Republican climate-communication strategy has undergone something of an adjustment.

Not a large adjustment, mind you. The GOP remains dead set against doing anything about climate change, against any policy that would threaten the profits of fossil fuel companies. That is the non-negotiable baseline, despite a few fringe figures who signal otherwise (until the time comes for votes).

But front-line, hardcore denialism of the “it’s a hoax” variety has largely receded to the base. Republican leaders and spokespeople have moved back to the next line of defense: Yes, the climate is changing, but we don’t know to what extent humans are responsible.

Professional double-talker Marco Rubio, senator from the climate-battered state of Florida, ran a version of this on CNN’s Jake Tapper show earlier this month.

Why conservatives keep gaslighting the nation about climate change

Changes in climate have become obvious, not just to scientists, but to ordinary people

Do you have a 100 year period in history when "the climate did not change"?
How about a 20 year period?

Yea but the changes weren't as drastic as now. In fact we were going into an ice age but somehow we are warming.

I'm not going to argue with you. I'm just putting you down as a denier. Not even a good one. Republicans have gotten good at denying GW without actually denying it. They say we are contributing but now the question is, how much.

For 10 years they said we weren't contributing, now we are but the question how much.

This reminds me of the Corporations and Republicans who denied cigarettes caused cancer or that lead was bad for us.

You simply suck.
Yea but the changes weren't as drastic as now.

Excellent point!

What were the changes over this most recent 50 year period?
What about the 50 year period before that?
What about the eighteen 50 year periods before that?

Before we waste...err...invest trillions in windmills, we need to know more.

In fact we were going into an ice age but somehow we are warming.

Thank goodness. A bit of warming is much better than an ice age.
An ice age would kill billions.

I'm not going to argue with you.

That's good. I wouldn't want to make you cry.

Here are 197 bad arguments global warming deniers make and the scientific response to the stupid shit you say

Your bad arguments on on this list so stop making flawed arguments. Seriously.

The first bullet point is fine.
The second bullet point, change the word pollution to dioxide.
The third bullet point, not even close.

Why conservatives keep gaslighting the nation about climate change
Republican climate rhetoric shifts (again), but the goal remains the same.

In recent years, leaders of the Republican Party have become aware that denying the existence of global warming makes them look like idiots. Changes in climate have become obvious, not just to scientists, but to ordinary people — they can be directly measured, with such exotic instruments as a “thermometer.” Majorities of every group except the most conservative Republicans (who will trust their media over their lying eyes) believe it is happening.

Denying visible, tangible reality is a dicey business, even for the modern US right. It makes the party look like a death cult. So Republican climate-communication strategy has undergone something of an adjustment.

Not a large adjustment, mind you. The GOP remains dead set against doing anything about climate change, against any policy that would threaten the profits of fossil fuel companies. That is the non-negotiable baseline, despite a few fringe figures who signal otherwise (until the time comes for votes).

But front-line, hardcore denialism of the “it’s a hoax” variety has largely receded to the base. Republican leaders and spokespeople have moved back to the next line of defense: Yes, the climate is changing, but we don’t know to what extent humans are responsible.

Professional double-talker Marco Rubio, senator from the climate-battered state of Florida, ran a version of this on CNN’s Jake Tapper show earlier this month.

Why conservatives keep gaslighting the nation about climate change

Changes in climate have become obvious, not just to scientists, but to ordinary people

Do you have a 100 year period in history when "the climate did not change"?
How about a 20 year period?

Yea but the changes weren't as drastic as now. In fact we were going into an ice age but somehow we are warming.

I'm not going to argue with you. I'm just putting you down as a denier. Not even a good one. Republicans have gotten good at denying GW without actually denying it. They say we are contributing but now the question is, how much.

For 10 years they said we weren't contributing, now we are but the question how much.

This reminds me of the Corporations and Republicans who denied cigarettes caused cancer or that lead was bad for us.

You simply suck.
Yea but the changes weren't as drastic as now.

Excellent point!

What were the changes over this most recent 50 year period?
What about the 50 year period before that?
What about the eighteen 50 year periods before that?

Before we waste...err...invest trillions in windmills, we need to know more.

In fact we were going into an ice age but somehow we are warming.

Thank goodness. A bit of warming is much better than an ice age.
An ice age would kill billions.

I'm not going to argue with you.

That's good. I wouldn't want to make you cry.

Here are 197 bad arguments global warming deniers make and the scientific response to the stupid shit you say

Your bad arguments on on this list so stop making flawed arguments. Seriously.

Your bad arguments on on this list

I can see why asking you to prove your claims makes you sad.

so stop making flawed arguments.

You first, seriously.
#503: But sooner or later the perpetrators run out of options as knowledge about cancer accumulates even though one discovery may lead to further complexity. This is the beauty of scientific method: cancer cells cannot recognize radiation damage, though healthy cells can, and do repair it.
Energy Secretary Rick Perry contradicts Trump, says humans do play a role in causing climate change
Matthew J. Belvedere@MATT_BELVEDERE

  • “The climate is changing. Are we part of the reason? Yeah, it is,” says Energy Secretary Rick Perry.
  • Veering off the Trump administration message, Perry adds, “I’ll let people debate on who’s the bigger problem here.”
  • Perry says that it’s worth developing Zero-Emissions technology and that the Trump administration has made great strides. (abu afak: LOL on that last point. He's gone backwards)
Energy Secretary Rick Perry contradicts Trump, says humans do play a role in causing climate change
Matthew J. Belvedere@MATT_BELVEDERE

  • “The climate is changing. Are we part of the reason? Yeah, it is,” says Energy Secretary Rick Perry.
  • Veering off the Trump administration message, Perry adds, “I’ll let people debate on who’s the bigger problem here.”
  • Perry says that it’s worth developing Zero-Emissions technology and that the Trump administration has made great strides. (abu afak: LOL on that last point. He's gone backwards)

So contact him and ask if he can provide you with some actual physical evidence to support the claim....none of you warmer wackos has any...and my bet is that he doesn't have any either...
Energy Secretary Rick Perry contradicts Trump, says humans do play a role in causing climate change
Matthew J. Belvedere@MATT_BELVEDERE

  • “The climate is changing. Are we part of the reason? Yeah, it is,” says Energy Secretary Rick Perry.
  • Veering off the Trump administration message, Perry adds, “I’ll let people debate on who’s the bigger problem here.”
  • Perry says that it’s worth developing Zero-Emissions technology and that the Trump administration has made great strides. (abu afak: LOL on that last point. He's gone backwards)
That is an odd switch for the Trump administration.
I thought Trump was supposed to choose administrators who agree with him and disagree with science and common sense.

Energy Secretary Rick Perry contradicts Trump, says humans do play a role in causing climate change
Matthew J. Belvedere@MATT_BELVEDERE

  • “The climate is changing. Are we part of the reason? Yeah, it is,” says Energy Secretary Rick Perry.
  • Veering off the Trump administration message, Perry adds, “I’ll let people debate on who’s the bigger problem here.”
  • Perry says that it’s worth developing Zero-Emissions technology and that the Trump administration has made great strides. (abu afak: LOL on that last point. He's gone backwards)
That is an odd switch for the Trump administration.
I thought Trump was supposed to choose administrators who agree with him and disagree with science and common sense.

No, you didn't think.
This just in:


Film at 11
Well we don't. We don't know its human caused. No, But it might be the wiser to assume it IS. Wouldn't that just be prudent until it is disproven? Ok course, there are the Pollyanna's that throw caution to the winds and think happy thoughts and ignore bad stuff. Not practical way to live.

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