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Rising Seas Are Flooding Norfolk Naval Base, and There’s No Plan to Fix It

By Nicholas Kusnetz
October 25, 2017


This story was co-published with The Weather Channel.

NORFOLK, Virginia—The one-story brick firehouse at Naval Station Norfolk sits pinched between a tidal inlet and Willoughby Bay. The station houses the first responders to any emergency at the neighboring airfield. Yet when a big storm hits or the tides surge, the land surrounding it floods. Even on a sunny day this spring, with the tide out, the field beside the firehouse was filled with water.
“It’s not supposed to be a pond,” said Joe Bouchard, a retired captain and former base commander. “It is now.”

Naval Station Norfolk, home to the Atlantic Fleet, floods not just in heavy rains or during hurricanes. It floods when the sun is shining, too, if the tide is high or the winds are right. It floods all the time.
“It is an impediment to the base accomplishing its mission,” Bouchard said.

Joe Bouchard, a retired captain and former base commander, has become a proponent for helping Norfolk adapt to sea level rise. Credit: Weather Channel
Joe Bouchard, a retired captain and former base commander, has become a proponent for helping Norfolk adapt to sea level rise. Credit: Weather Channel

Once or twice a month, seawater subsumes steam lines that run along the bottom of the piers where the fleet’s ships are moored. It bubbles up through storm drains and closes roads. “It can actually shut down operations, or make it very difficult for people to get around,” Bouchard said.

Climate change poses an immediate threat to Norfolk. The seas are rising at twice the global average here, due to ocean currents and geology. Yet while the region is home to the densest collection of military facilities in the nation,
the Pentagon has barely begun the hard work of adaptation. A detailed study in 2014 by the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center identified about 1.5 feet of sea level rise as a “tipping point” for the base that would dramatically increase the risk of serious damage to infrastructure. But there is no plan to address this level of rise, which scientists expect within a few decades.

The city of Norfolk, which surrounds the base, is also under siege. Sections of the main road that leads to the base become impassable several times a year. Some residents check tide charts before leaving for work or parking their cars for the night.


The Weather Channel ... really? ...
The Weather Channel ... really? ...
Weather Channel and Inside Climate News Quoting the former Base Commander and "A detailed study in 2014 by the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center" isn't valid?
You pathetic No Rebuttal Moron.
I meme it like suggesting "moar guns!" used to taunt a gun nut clearly advocating for more guns obviously based upon some quick, sloppy sampling of cherrypicked data as opposed to someone offering "the results of large numbers of peer reviewed studies based on careful, empirical observations conducted over decades."

Satire. Parody.
Okay. Thx.


Rising Seas Are Flooding Norfolk Naval Base, and There’s No Plan to Fix It

By Nicholas Kusnetz
October 25, 2017


This story was co-published with The Weather Channel.

NORFOLK, Virginia—The one-story brick firehouse at Naval Station Norfolk sits pinched between a tidal inlet and Willoughby Bay. The station houses the first responders to any emergency at the neighboring airfield. Yet when a big storm hits or the tides surge, the land surrounding it floods. Even on a sunny day this spring, with the tide out, the field beside the firehouse was filled with water.
“It’s not supposed to be a pond,” said Joe Bouchard, a retired captain and former base commander. “It is now.”

Naval Station Norfolk, home to the Atlantic Fleet, floods not just in heavy rains or during hurricanes. It floods when the sun is shining, too, if the tide is high or the winds are right. It floods all the time.
“It is an impediment to the base accomplishing its mission,” Bouchard said.

Joe Bouchard, a retired captain and former base commander, has become a proponent for helping Norfolk adapt to sea level rise. Credit: Weather Channel
Joe Bouchard, a retired captain and former base commander, has become a proponent for helping Norfolk adapt to sea level rise. Credit: Weather Channel

Once or twice a month, seawater subsumes steam lines that run along the bottom of the piers where the fleet’s ships are moored. It bubbles up through storm drains and closes roads. “It can actually shut down operations, or make it very difficult for people to get around,” Bouchard said.

Climate change poses an immediate threat to Norfolk. The seas are rising at twice the global average here, due to ocean currents and geology. Yet while the region is home to the densest collection of military facilities in the nation,
the Pentagon has barely begun the hard work of adaptation. A detailed study in 2014 by the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center identified about 1.5 feet of sea level rise as a “tipping point” for the base that would dramatically increase the risk of serious damage to infrastructure. But there is no plan to address this level of rise, which scientists expect within a few decades.

The city of Norfolk, which surrounds the base, is also under siege. Sections of the main road that leads to the base become impassable several times a year. Some residents check tide charts before leaving for work or parking their cars for the night.


Six years later... nothing.

We get these type of "headlines" by the same demographic over and over, and they NEVER pan out...

In fact, this is like Arctic will be ice free by 2020.... 6 years later STILL NOTHING...
How about 100 Pictures you DOPE. You can't use Google?


Same shit - photos of TS/Cane storm surge used to suggest ocean rise.

Right now, there is no flooding... sorry...

Pictures of Norfolk Naval sorted by PAST YEAR...

This photo is dated YESTERDAY...

USS Truxtun returns to Norfolk after extended deployment |

Every time we check on these sick treasonous liars, it is always the same answer...

Sounds like most of the rise is being reversed by Antarctica. That’s why there is no flooding on the ocean shores. Good to know 👍

There is no rise. They've been lying about that all along, that Antarctic ice has grown EVERY YEAR since Algore first blabbered on the subject, and hence if 90% of Earth ice is growing... duh.... THERE IS NO OCEANS RISE... duh...
Same shit - photos of TS/Cane storm surge used to suggest ocean rise.

Right now, there is no flooding... sorry...

Pictures of Norfolk Naval sorted by PAST YEAR...

This photo is dated YESTERDAY...

USS Truxtun returns to Norfolk after extended deployment |

Every time we check on these sick treasonous liars, it is always the same answer...

Yep, in a storm surge the water rises. How logical. Duh!!!
How about 100 Pictures you DOPE. You can't use Google?

norfolk naval air station flooding - Google Search


Your side takes one storm 6 years ago and lies and claims that is ocean rise.

It is not.

Endlessly cutting and pasting photos of it changes nothing.

Yesterday's photo is above, and that is what Norfolk looked like yesterday, because there was NO STORM SURGE yesterday, and Norfolk has NO OCEAN RISE...

MENTAL CASE RESPONSE = keep posting photos and links lying about a 2017 storm...
Same shit - photos of TS/Cane storm surge used to suggest ocean rise.

Right now, there is no flooding... sorry...

Pictures of Norfolk Naval sorted by PAST YEAR...

norfolk naval station - Bing

Intelligent search from Bing makes it easier to quickly find what you’re looking for and rewards you.

This photo is dated YESTERDAY...

USS Truxtun returns to Norfolk after extended deployment |

Every time we check on these sick treasonous liars, it is always the same answer...


How about 100 Pictures you DOPE. You can't use Google?

norfolk naval air station flooding - Google Search

Insanity = posting the same photos of a 2017 storm and insisting that is ocean rise when photos on the same page show the Naval Station with no flooding YESTERDAY... and ALL THE PAST 12 MONTHS

Before the screams of "fudge" begin, these data are based on satellite readings that are fully accessible to the public and always have been.

And once again the answer is FUDGE, not ONE SINGLE PHOTO.

Nothing on Earth is sinking except islands in the South Pacific approaching Pacific Ring of Fire....

We know why that chart is fudge, because the warmers have been lying all along about Antarctic ice "melting." The data has always shown Antarctic ice continuing to grow. That is the British Court conclusion in 2007. That is NASA's documented DATA. There is NO OCEAN RISE as long as the 90% piece of Earth ice is GROWING....

Before the screams of "fudge" begin, these data are based on satellite readings that are fully accessible to the public and always have been.

Agreed ... sea level has risen 3/4" in the past six years ... I have a scientific paper that confirms Chick's post above ... why would anyone pay money to plan on fixing this? ... if Norfolk is in crises if sea levels rise 2 feet, then they have other problems unrelated to flooding ... but go ahead and tie up a warship to the docks there, see if two feet sea level rise is catastrophic ... I dare you ...

Actual climatologists speaking to one another ... and note the sections on error correction ... something important to climatology ...

Weather Channel as a citation ... too funny ... what next, VooDoo TV? ... ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ...
Agreed ... sea level has risen 3/4" in the past six years ...
25mm, closer to 1".
I have a scientific paper that confirms Chick's post above ...
Dozens of papers confirm that data.
why would anyone pay money to plan on fixing this? ...
Why would they not?
if Norfolk is in crises if sea levels rise 2 feet, then they have other problems unrelated to flooding ...
That is just an ignorant statement. Norfolk and hundreds of other locations could easily be in crisis if sea level were to rise 2 inches and, of course, you provide no time span. And to what problem unrelated to flooding do you refer?
but go ahead and tie up a warship to the docks there, see if two feet sea level rise is catastrophic ... I dare you ...
You have a very limited view of what two feet of sea level rise would do.
Actual climatologists speaking to one another ... and note the sections on error correction ... something important to climatology ...
Error correction is an important subject in virtually ANY field of study.
Weather Channel as a citation ... too funny ... what next, VooDoo TV? ... ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ...
Would you care to explain what makes you think they are an unreliable source?

Since I don't see your posts much these last few days, I'll ask you here: what do you perceive as the differences between my AGW theory and that of published climate scientists and, have you or have you not boned up on correlation and it's applications in climate science?
Weather Channel as a citation ... too funny ... what next, VooDoo TV? ... ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ...

Weather Channel and (the link at) InsideClimateNews quoting the former Base Commander and "A detailed study in 2014 by the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center."
Lying little clown.
While 95% of your posts are just you.

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Weather Channel and (the link at) InsideClimateNews quoting the former Base Commander and "A detailed study in 2014 by the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center."
Lying little clown.
While 95% of your posts are just you.


Chick agrees with me ... sea levels raised 0.042 mm/yr^2 ( 6 years )^2 + 3.4 mm/yr ( 6 years ) = 22 mm ... 7/8th of an inch ...

I know ... algebra lies ...
Chick agrees with me ... sea levels raised 0.042 mm/yr^2 ( 6 years )^2 + 3.4 mm/yr ( 6 years ) = 22 mm ... 7/8th of an inch ...

I know ... algebra lies ...

Actually no one is lying and no one 'disagrees.'
You're just Ignorant of the dynamics.
What happened to your physics BS boy?

Sea level doesn't rise evenly for Many reasons from subsidence or rising, to gravity, to ocean dynamics.
""..Between 1993 and 2018, sea level rose 12 to 15 millimeters per year (about Half an inch per year) in Some regions, and went Down by that amount in others. But on Average, it has gone up by about 3 millimeters per year (about 28 millimeters, or 1-1/8 inches, per decade) in that same period. Most of this unevenness is caused by ocean dynamics."..."

You can't debate me BOY!
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Chick agrees with me ... sea levels raised 0.042 mm/yr^2 ( 6 years )^2 + 3.4 mm/yr ( 6 years ) = 22 mm ... 7/8th of an inch ...

I know ... algebra lies ...
I do not agree with your math at all. 3.4 mm/yr is the average rate over the entire graph not exactly 6 years ago. If you want to do some interpolation to try to figure out what the rate was 6 years ago, be my guest, but you're going to have to take some guesses as to the endpoint values first and then assume that provided acceleration is constant (which I doubt). Not worth the time. Just use 3.4mm/yr * 6 years. That gives you 20.4mm or 0.803 inches.

In any case, the several posters here that claim the ocean isn't rising because they've gone to the beach every summer and haven't seen the change are shown to be the ignorant bullshitters we always knew they were.
And once again the answer is FUDGE, not ONE SINGLE PHOTO.

Nothing on Earth is sinking except islands in the South Pacific approaching Pacific Ring of Fire....

We know why that chart is fudge, because the warmers have been lying all along about Antarctic ice "melting." The data has always shown Antarctic ice continuing to grow. That is the British Court conclusion in 2007. That is NASA's documented DATA. There is NO OCEAN RISE as long as the 90% piece of Earth ice is GROWING....
You and ALL your photos are useless/STUPID.
No one is claiming more than a foot in the last hundred years, and tides vary at least 4' daily.
So unless you know at what stage the tides were, ALL you pictures are useLess.
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