How do we Know Human are Causing Climate Change?

Really ? You’re that stupid ? That’s clear evidence idiot, that humans did not survive and evolve easily with such high co2 levels. Bubba, every statement you make supports co2 pollution.
humans didn't survive? were they there? do you know? Are you stupid? yes.
humans didn't survive? were they there? do you know? Are you stupid? yes.
ha ha dumbo. Guess evolution isn’t your thing is it.
Dumb shit, survival of the precursor is the key element of evolution.
Another tried to say Norfolk, Virginia was underwater because of the rising sea level. Yet, here are some stats that suggest before the large supposedly sea level changes the high tides and flooding were worse earlier in the 20th century.

Historic tides at Sewells Point:​

  • Chesapeake-Potomac Hurricane (1933) -- 8.02 feet
  • Hurricane Isabel (2003) -- 7.89 feet
  • Nor'ida (2009) -- 7.73 feet
  • Hurricane Irene (2011) -- 7.56 feet
  • Ash Wednesday (1962) -- 7.22 feet
Yikes!!! 1933 was 8.02 feet! Flooding for sure since the town is 7 feet above sea level and some of the town below sea level.
Are you brain dead ? This is YOUR reference that you are making fake news claims about bubba.

It's Seasonal and getting WORSE by the Year.
Not storms.
I live on the SE Coast of Florida, and my little city, like most, has worse floods yearly and builds ever higher concrete walls.
The flooding is mostly due to Sea Level, and happens adjacent to the rising Inland Waterway, not ocean.

BTW, F-U you lying clown.
You've gotten destroyed on every point.
Ah so it's not the sea level rising. It's the way the waterway is built. Like I said, the table I put on there says it all. 1933 the surge was more than now.
Are you brain dead ? This is YOUR reference that you are making fake news claims about bubba.

Historic tides at Sewells Point:​

  • Chesapeake-Potomac Hurricane (1933) -- 8.02 feet
  • Hurricane Isabel (2003) -- 7.89 feet
  • Nor'ida (2009) -- 7.73 feet
  • Hurricane Irene (2011) -- 7.56 feet
  • Ash Wednesday (1962) -- 7.22 feet
1933 was 8.02!!! Yikes!!! So, is it getting worse? Doesn't seem that way.
Love your lines. Tell me, has any coastal communities had to move their buildings back or do anything out of the ordinary for the past 500 years? Nope. Nothing.
You seem to have no idea what you're talking about.
Why? you alarmists keep throwing these charts that are just more "hockey stick" crapola. Meaningless.
They are not meaningless crapola. They are the results of large numbers of peer reviewed studies based on careful, empirical observations conducted over decades.
So, where are the rises? We have the same beaches and water levels here in our surfing neck of California that we've always had. Oh ya, Antarctica is growing. That's right. THE SKY IS FALLING THE SKY IS FALLING!!!
Globally, sea level has risen 250 mm, or 9.9 inches, in the last 140 years. That's a rate of 1.7mm or 9/128ths of an inch per year. And that, of course is on top of a diurnal tidal range of several feet depending on your location. Do you actually think you could see that going to the beach on weekends? Don't be foolish.
And we still cannot produce one single photo of a landmark on Earth sinking, not one...

They show after storm surge photos in FLA as evidence of ocean "rise."

They lie about islands in the South Pacific approaching the PROF.

The lie about 90% of Earth ice on Antarctica... which explains it fully...

The good news is that Antarctica is not currently contributing to sea level rise, but is taking 0.23 millimeters per year away,” Zwally said. “But this is also bad news. If the 0.27 millimeters per year of sea level rise attributed to Antarctica in the IPCC report is not really coming from Antarctica, there must be some ...”

And we still cannot produce one single photo of a landmark on Earth sinking, not one...

They show after storm surge photos in FLA as evidence of ocean "rise."

They lie about islands in the South Pacific approaching the PROF.

The lie about 90% of Earth ice on Antarctica... which explains it fully...

The good news is that Antarctica is not currently contributing to sea level rise, but is taking 0.23 millimeters per year away,” Zwally said. “But this is also bad news. If the 0.27 millimeters per year of sea level rise attributed to Antarctica in the IPCC report is not really coming from Antarctica, there must be some ...”

You're Mental Case and a LIAR
See my 3 posts at the top of the last page.
It is NOT "Storms."
High Tide Flooding is Regular Now in Many places and growing Yearly.
All over Florida and the East Coast, including Norfolk Naval air station.

You're Mental Case and a LIAR
See my 3 posts at the top of the last page.
It is NOT "Storms."
High Tide Flooding is Regular Now in Many places and growing Yearly.
All over Florida and the East Coast, including Norfolk Naval air station.



Show us ONE PHOTO of a landmark sinking.

We have

Statue of Liberty 150 years old = no ocean rise
Hawaii 5-0 Beach = 50 years = no ocean rise
Venice = LOL!!! = canals running dry


Show us ONE PHOTO of a landmark sinking.

We have

Statue of Liberty 150 years old = no ocean rise
Hawaii 5-0 Beach = 50 years = no ocean rise
Venice = LOL!!! = canals running dry


Rising Seas Are Flooding Norfolk Naval Base, and There’s No Plan to Fix It

By Nicholas Kusnetz
October 25, 2017


This story was co-published with The Weather Channel.

NORFOLK, Virginia—The one-story brick firehouse at Naval Station Norfolk sits pinched between a tidal inlet and Willoughby Bay. The station houses the first responders to any emergency at the neighboring airfield. Yet when a big storm hits or the tides surge, the land surrounding it floods. Even on a sunny day this spring, with the tide out, the field beside the firehouse was filled with water.
“It’s not supposed to be a pond,” said Joe Bouchard, a retired captain and former base commander. “It is now.”

Naval Station Norfolk, home to the Atlantic Fleet, floods not just in heavy rains or during hurricanes. It floods when the sun is shining, too, if the tide is high or the winds are right. It floods all the time.
“It is an impediment to the base accomplishing its mission,” Bouchard said.

Joe Bouchard, a retired captain and former base commander, has become a proponent for helping Norfolk adapt to sea level rise. Credit: Weather Channel
Joe Bouchard, a retired captain and former base commander, has become a proponent for helping Norfolk adapt to sea level rise. Credit: Weather Channel

Once or twice a month, seawater subsumes steam lines that run along the bottom of the piers where the fleet’s ships are moored. It bubbles up through storm drains and closes roads. “It can actually shut down operations, or make it very difficult for people to get around,” Bouchard said.

Climate change poses an immediate threat to Norfolk. The seas are rising at twice the global average here, due to ocean currents and geology. Yet while the region is home to the densest collection of military facilities in the nation,
the Pentagon has barely begun the hard work of adaptation. A detailed study in 2014 by the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center identified about 1.5 feet of sea level rise as a “tipping point” for the base that would dramatically increase the risk of serious damage to infrastructure. But there is no plan to address this level of rise, which scientists expect within a few decades.

The city of Norfolk, which surrounds the base, is also under siege. Sections of the main road that leads to the base become impassable several times a year. Some residents check tide charts before leaving for work or parking their cars for the night.

And we still cannot produce one single photo of a landmark on Earth sinking, not one...

They show after storm surge photos in FLA as evidence of ocean "rise."

They lie about islands in the South Pacific approaching the PROF.

The lie about 90% of Earth ice on Antarctica... which explains it fully...

The good news is that Antarctica is not currently contributing to sea level rise, but is taking 0.23 millimeters per year away,” Zwally said. “But this is also bad news. If the 0.27 millimeters per year of sea level rise attributed to Antarctica in the IPCC report is not really coming from Antarctica, there must be some ...”

Sounds like most of the rise is being reversed by Antarctica. That’s why there is no flooding on the ocean shores. Good to know 👍
What does "moar cherrypicked" meam?
I meme it like suggesting "moar guns!" used to taunt a gun nut clearly advocating for more guns obviously based upon some quick, sloppy sampling of cherrypicked data as opposed to someone offering "the results of large numbers of peer reviewed studies based on careful, empirical observations conducted over decades."

Satire. Parody.
It's as though scientific method is suddenly no longer being taught to children respectfully. Perhaps the opposite instead. The stupid seems infectious at times.. threatening a dullard pandemic. Then you get away from idiotic social media zones like this and soon hope returns.. Ahh, fresh lemon tea!

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