CDZ How do we prevent sociopaths from gaining power?

Lack of empathy is just a symptom of sociopathy as far as concerns this discussion.
I agree with you that modern human history is stained with multiple sociopathic leaders that caused human suffering on a massive scale. I just can't think of any way you could prevent the next sociopath in some random country from taking power by some global test organization.
Recognizing the problem i essential to resolving it.
It has often been suggested that some group seeks to control the rest and we now know who that group is. Self defense is only natural.
I agree with you that modern human history is stained with multiple sociopathic leaders that caused human suffering on a massive scale. I just can't think of any way you could prevent the next sociopath in some random country from taking power by some global test organization.
sociopaths and psychopaths are drawn to power and money----like moths to a flame they seek out government office for these reasons. On the other hand, normal people who care about others such as their families would never seek out government office and put their families through the trauma of the political games.
sociopaths and psychopaths are drawn to power and money----like moths to a flame they seek out government office for these reasons. On the other hand, normal people who care about others such as their families would never seek out government office and put their families through the trauma of the political games.
Precisely the conundrum. Just as women tend to be less confrontational and disagreeable as men, so men more easily dominate. Nature play a role, but our capacity to learn and improve on nature can be applied.
We know that the higher intelligence layer of the population always rules the rest.
Zeus v Prometheus

Nerds are despised and they are impotent. They are escapists who never grew up. They can't even rule themselves and are easy to push around. How can you believe that the wimps on the Big Bang Theory rule over the homo erectus Big Shots?
This newly found label for the type of people we've been discussing might be helpful: dissocial personality disorder.
sociopaths and psychopaths are drawn to power and money----like moths to a flame they seek out government office for these reasons. On the other hand, normal people who care about others such as their families would never seek out government office and put their families through the trauma of the political games.
Academics Are Full of a Sound and Fury That Signifies Nothing

Lord Acton, a guillotine-fodder aristocrat, was wrong and intentionally wrong. His real purpose was to imply that it is no use to revolt, because the revolution's leaders would be corrupted by power.

Same goes for the professors who interpret Macbeth for us. He was evil from the beginning and sought power in order to fulfill his nature. We are told that the Existentialist whining in his famous speech was admission that power and glory was empty.

No, that was the way he thought from the beginning, not only after learning it the hard way. If life is meaningless, so is death. And so is murder.
The convergence of an above-average-intelligence person having dissocial personality disorder and positions of power results in the exploitation of vulnerable spirits.
Putin is another profound example of the tragedy that occurs when an inhuman personality rises to power. The history of our race is one of similar catastrophic individuals. We have the means to identify such disorders. We have the interest to exclude them from gaining control. This is not a matter of ideology, religion, race, ethnicity or gender (though, obviously, men preponderate in the historical records). The sub-category of our fellow humans that lack the capacity to feel empathy must be controlled; that is the proposition.
Some men are born to privilege. They grow up isolated from the classical societal definitions of right and wrong, whether it's due to heritage or extreme wealth. When encouraged for a lifetime that they can do no wrong, development becomes arrested and the results are a toss up.
How do we prevent sociopaths from gaining power?
By promoting and defending democracy and the rule of law, by opposing enemies of democracy and the rule of law, such as Putin.

With democracy under attack in much of the West by the reactionary, authoritarian right, it makes it difficult to promote democracy in parts of the world without democratic institutions and without a tradition of respecting the rule of law, such as Russia.
The convergence of an above-average-intelligence person having dissocial personality disorder and positions of power results in the exploitation of vulnerable spirits.
Education Is Poisoned Mind-Candy

That's not what they are, but what they are made to be by the predatory plutocratic parasites, who groom High IQs so they will be easy to support.

Nevertheless, they must man up. Harass them as mercilessly as jocks do. They are traitors to Intelligence and should not be tolerated. Force them to change. I can't do it alone; I've been overwhelmed by the sissyboy nerds' desperate and stubborn acceptance of what they think they naturally are.
By promoting and defending democracy and the rule of law, by opposing enemies of democracy and the rule of law, such as Putin.

With democracy under attack in much of the West by the reactionary, authoritarian right, it makes it difficult to promote democracy in parts of the world without democratic institutions and without a tradition of respecting the rule of law, such as Russia.
With all the valid criticisms we could make of the "right", we must also recognize how the "left" has driven much of the population into its opposite camp. France is a good example of how misguided, superficial humanism on the part of numerous "left" governments has undermined its deep republican roots. This has been, and currently is, exploited by professional candidates on the "right".
Putin is another profound example of the tragedy that occurs when an inhuman personality rises to power. The history of our race is one of similar catastrophic individuals. We have the means to identify such disorders. We have the interest to exclude them from gaining control. This is not a matter of ideology, religion, race, ethnicity or gender (though, obviously, men preponderate in the historical records). The sub-category of our fellow humans that lack the capacity to feel empathy must be controlled; that is the proposition.
A strong democracy with checks and balances, and an educated electorate well versed in the concepts of that democracy.

There has never been a better system to prevent this sort of thing than the US Constitution, but it requires each of us to learn and follow its basic tenets and recognize and reject its threats, and the leaders of its institutions to retain our trust. Internationally, we need to support other similar democracies in opposition to authoritarianism.

Sadly, there are huge, influential parts of our society that are currently doing like shit on all three fronts.
A strong democracy with checks and balances, and an educated electorate well versed in the concepts of that democracy.

There has never been a better system to prevent this sort of thing than the US Constitution, but it requires each of us to learn and follow its basic tenets and recognize and reject its threats, and the leaders of its institutions to retain our trust. Internationally, we need to support other similar democracies in opposition to authoritarianism.

Sadly, there are huge, influential parts of our society that are currently doing like shit on all three fronts.
The U.S. republican democracy recognized early the need for an educated electorate. Something has gotten lost along the way. "Problems of Democracy", for example, was a required course in high school. It wasn't there to tear down, it was there to inoculate. The capacity to understand and participate in genuine debate is necessary in our system, yet it is currently in woeful lack.
We need a much better understanding in the general populace of how the mind works, how words channel thought, and how dangerous certain personalities can be.
A strong democracy with checks and balances, and an educated electorate well versed in the concepts of that democracy.

There has never been a better system to prevent this sort of thing than the US Constitution, but it requires each of us to learn and follow its basic tenets and recognize and reject its threats, and the leaders of its institutions to retain our trust. Internationally, we need to support other similar democracies in opposition to authoritarianism.

Sadly, there are huge, influential parts of our society that are currently doing like shit on all three fronts.
No Reason We Should Be Subjected to the Ignorant Politics of the Horse-and-Buggy Era

Your fundamentalist Constitution is an elitist manifesto against self-determination. It establishes totalitarian tyranny by an oligarchic clique.

Showing your conceited contempt for the citizens subjected to it, your pompous preaching indicates that you feel inadequate unless you associate yourself with an imaginary Higher Power. Your idols think you are a useful idiot.

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