CDZ How do we prevent sociopaths from gaining power?

Sociopaths will always seek and gain power. The best we can do is set up a framework that is designed to limit their power. That's why the Founders of the U.S. set up a Constitution, 3 separate branches of government, a system of voting so that The People can vote them out, limiting their term in office so they have to go back to The People if they want to continue in office and set up a representative republic. Even with all this framework, sociopaths still slip in from time to time. They are relentless.
No Reason We Should Be Subjected to the Ignorant Politics of the Horse-and-Buggy Era

Your fundamentalist Constitution is an elitist manifesto against self-determination. It establishes totalitarian tyranny by an oligarchic clique.

Showing your conceited contempt for the citizens subjected to it, your pompous preaching indicates that you feel inadequate unless you associate yourself with an imaginary Higher Power. Your idols think you are a useful idiot.
Associating oneself with a higher power precludes humans from elevating themselves to god status. The agreed upon definition of that higher power can be good or bad for humanity.
Lack of empathy or, more specifically, lack of empathy for the things someone else feels important, is no indicator of how successful or failed a leader, or anyone else, may be.

Take for example, Alexandria Cortez, Congressperson from New York. According to the press, she literally oozes empathy from every pore. She will cry at the drop of a hat, as long as the cameras are around, for whatever cause seems to be politically advantageous.

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However, there is very little indication she would be an effective or successful leader. Many people believe just the opposite.
It is known that narcissists are frequently very good as Managers. All people who are incapable of empathy like to control. Most people seem to have empathy some of the time but the need to control which the person incapable of it has tends to make them go and get top jobs which allow them to do a lot of controlling.
Empathy was never proposed as a means of judging. It is merely an aspect of evaluating the sociopath mentality. There is no need to get entangled in that word and it is not the question. We have the means of identifying sociopaths and psychopaths and it is necessary to exclude them from power. It is a group to be recognized and regulated.

Most of the time there seems to be sufficient feeling/empathy in the population in general to spot someone that is a bit off. It seems to be when society is going a bit off like now or before WW2 when people are feeling vulnerable, that they can slip in. The only way to keep them out is society having the ability to at least feel there is something not quite right about them.
Education Is Poisoned Mind-Candy

That's not what they are, but what they are made to be by the predatory plutocratic parasites, who groom High IQs so they will be easy to support.

Nevertheless, they must man up. Harass them as mercilessly as jocks do. They are traitors to Intelligence and should not be tolerated. Force them to change. I can't do it alone; I've been overwhelmed by the sissyboy nerds' desperate and stubborn acceptance of what they think they naturally are.
They can't change by force. Indeed the ability of them to change has usually been denied. They lack the ability to feel with and for others. A psychiatrist in a British Prison worked with them. He took them back to where they felt unimaginable pain and was there for them then as the responsible adult they had never known. He admitted it was very scary and he had two guards outside the room but they all changed. Everyone said they had changed and started to care about others. The Prison stopped his work due to 'lack of funds'. Some people claim the inability to feel/have empathy is innate. It is either that or horrific treatment as a child which these prisoners had had or a mixture of the two.
Sociopaths will always seek and gain power. The best we can do is set up a framework that is designed to limit their power. That's why the Founders of the U.S. set up a Constitution, 3 separate branches of government, a system of voting so that The People can vote them out, limiting their term in office so they have to go back to The People if they want to continue in office and set up a representative republic. Even with all this framework, sociopaths still slip in from time to time. They are relentless.

but for whatever reason did not limit the amount of money the wealthy could give them leaving Democracy at the mercy of the wallet.
Putin is another profound example of the tragedy that occurs when an inhuman personality rises to power. The history of our race is one of similar catastrophic individuals. We have the means to identify such disorders. We have the interest to exclude them from gaining control. This is not a matter of ideology, religion, race, ethnicity or gender (though, obviously, men preponderate in the historical records). The sub-category of our fellow humans that lack the capacity to feel empathy must be controlled; that is the proposition.

It can;t be done.
No Reason We Should Be Subjected to the Ignorant Politics of the Horse-and-Buggy Era

Your fundamentalist Constitution is an elitist manifesto against self-determination. It establishes totalitarian tyranny by an oligarchic clique.

Showing your conceited contempt for the citizens subjected to it, your pompous preaching indicates that you feel inadequate unless you associate yourself with an imaginary Higher Power. Your idols think you are a useful idiot.
Well said communist!
This type cannot be hidden.

Sweetie ... There hasn't been a national scale leader who isn't at least marginally off the chart.
It's a job requirement in a way, although more sociopathic than psychopathic.

If a major leader cannot irrationally deal with crisis involving circumstance that would make the normal person lose their mind ...
Then they would be ineffective in everyday operations.

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Sweetie ... There hasn't been a national scale leader who isn't at least marginally off the chart.
It's a job requirement in a way, although more sociopathic than psychopathic.

If a major leader cannot irrationally deal with crisis involving circumstance that would make the normal person lose their mind ...
Then they would be ineffective in everyday operations.

Sociopathy at the Stalin/Hitler level must be detected and avoided. Today's means exceed those available in the past, and they were already devastating.

Sweetie ... There hasn't been a national scale leader who isn't at least marginally off the chart.
It's a job requirement in a way, although more sociopathic than psychopathic.

If a major leader cannot irrationally deal with crisis involving circumstance that would make the normal person lose their mind ...
Then they would be ineffective in everyday operations.

I read this a few times to allow it to sink in. It is extremely sound sounding, I have wondered sometimes why they do not lose their minds when major things are going on.. However the reality is the majority of leaders in most countries do not act in this way. They also do not drag the world and their people into situations which could destroy both them and others. There seem to be a few things which happen and which allow these people to be elected. One. the people are not trusting those who rule them. This was the situation in the 1930's in most countries as well as today. In both situations the economy was not giving them the opportunities which they had been led to believe it would. In such a situation the people start looking for a 'strong man' or with Le Pen women but it is usually men. If such a person also speaks against the system they are enduring and they do not trust, he stands a good chance of being voted in. The population will even be prepared to accept the unacceptable in this person - for instance with Putin killing journalists and opposition members. In normal times the people would never vote for such people. They would see them for what they are...but in these times, when their system appears to be failing they are drawn to them for the strong man they believe will save them. The only way in a democracy to keep such people out of office is not to vote for them.
Putin is another profound example of the tragedy that occurs when an inhuman personality rises to power. The history of our race is one of similar catastrophic individuals. We have the means to identify such disorders. We have the interest to exclude them from gaining control. This is not a matter of ideology, religion, race, ethnicity or gender (though, obviously, men preponderate in the historical records). The sub-category of our fellow humans that lack the capacity to feel empathy must be controlled; that is the proposition.

The best way is to have Proportional Representation.

It's a lot harder for someone like that to get to power and stay in power because it's a lot easier for people to vote them out, and it's a lot harder to make a total power grab.

Bizarrely though, Putin's first legislature election was half PR half FPTP and then he changed it to full PR. This was because he did better under PR than FPTP. Usually it's the other way around, in Germany and Denmark, for example, the larger parties do worse with PR.
Putin is another profound example of the tragedy that occurs when an inhuman personality rises to power. The history of our race is one of similar catastrophic individuals. We have the means to identify such disorders. We have the interest to exclude them from gaining control. This is not a matter of ideology, religion, race, ethnicity or gender (though, obviously, men preponderate in the historical records). The sub-category of our fellow humans that lack the capacity to feel empathy must be controlled; that is the proposition.

Stip voting for democrats and the majority of the problem is solved
I read this a few times to allow it to sink in. It is extremely sound sounding, I have wondered sometimes why they do not lose their minds when major things are going on.. However the reality is the majority of leaders in most countries do not act in this way. They also do not drag the world and their people into situations which could destroy both them and others. There seem to be a few things which happen and which allow these people to be elected. One. the people are not trusting those who rule them. This was the situation in the 1930's in most countries as well as today. In both situations the economy was not giving them the opportunities which they had been led to believe it would. In such a situation the people start looking for a 'strong man' or with Le Pen women but it is usually men. If such a person also speaks against the system they are enduring and they do not trust, he stands a good chance of being voted in. The population will even be prepared to accept the unacceptable in this person - for instance with Putin killing journalists and opposition members. In normal times the people would never vote for such people. They would see them for what they are...but in these times, when their system appears to be failing they are drawn to them for the strong man they believe will save them. The only way in a democracy to keep such people out of office is not to vote for them.

If you noticed in my comment, I avoided trying to identify anyone in particular ... It wasn't meant just to provide ambiguity either.
For instance ... Any soldier that crosses a battlefield and stabs someone in the heart has demonstrated anti-social and sociopathic behavior.

It doesn't mean that they are damaged beyond effectiveness ...
It means they cannot be effective unless they can actually kill the enemy.

People often think about all the things they could accomplish if they were some great world leader,
and don't realize they would crumble to dust the first day on the job, because carrying the world on your shoulders is not that easy mentally.

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How do we prevent sociopaths from gaining power?​

Well, many of us were smart enough to vote against Biden.
Turns out we were outnumbered by the sociopaths who voted for a sociopath.
Sociopathy at the Stalin/Hitler level must be detected and avoided. Today's means exceed those available in the past, and they were already devastating.

If you think you can do the job better ... Run for office.

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If you noticed in my comment, I avoided trying to identify anyone in particular ... It wasn't meant just to provide ambiguity either.
For instance ... Any soldier that crosses a battlefield and stabs someone in the heart has demonstrated anti-social and sociopathic behavior.

It doesn't mean that they are damaged beyond effectiveness ...
It means they cannot be effective unless they can actually kill the enemy.

People often think about all the things they could accomplish if they were some great world leader,
and don't realize they would crumble to dust the first day on the job, because carrying the world on your shoulders in not that easy mentally.

Yes, I should not have included a name. I thought it would not belong to anyone but I am from the UK and I just a bit of thought tells me it is different in the US. Thanks for not doing so yourself.

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