How do we stop "the poor" from being so problematic?

Only the right wing is that dumb.

Simply financing tax cuts and adding them to the national debt, is socialized Income Redistribution.

Only the right wing, never gets it.

The tax cuts aren't the wealth redistribution. The part where the government is spending more than it is taking in taxes, that's the wealth redistribution. Right wingers don't want the government to give us the future's money. We want them to stop taking our money AND to bang back with the spending, only the second part of that equation can't happen because politicians don't have the balls to reel in the handouts to their friends or the handouts to their voting bases.
Oh no, Liberals can only be as noble as YOUR checking account will allow them to be.
They/we want us all to chip in. Your side won so we’ll do it your way you greedy bastards.

Wanting people to chip in isn't the problem. Forcing people to chip in is the problem.
I pay for nuclear bombs. I’m forced to. Why? Because collectively we decided we need them or want them.

You’re “forced” to pay for lots of things you don’t want to pay for. Trump trips to Mara largo for example

You pay for military protection not because my morals demand that you do so, but because you share in the direct benefits of being protected from threats outside the country, and you're paying for your share of that benefit.

When you take my money and give it to people you've deemed as being needy enough to obligate my charity, that doesn't benefit me directly. That's you taking money from me to assuage your guilt at the fact that there exist people less well off than you are. They benefit, because they get money, and you benefit, because your moral values are perpetuated, but I don't benefit despite having to pay.

See the difference?
You may never go to war and you may never be homeless. But if either happen, you will be ok because the government has thought ahead.

Hey, I didn't decide to have a progressive tax system. The rich people who ran our country a long time ago did. They weren't as greedy as the rich who run this country now.

I'm ok with greed. I'll be ok with an every man for himself society. So lets try it your way and see.

And if the poor don't like the tax system they can show up and vote to have it changed. Since they don't vote we get to try it your way. I'm not bashing you guys. You won the election. Lets do it your way.
I prefer, "harassing the Judicature to do their job".
Only the right wing is that dumb.

Simply financing tax cuts and adding them to the national debt, is socialized Income Redistribution.

Only the right wing, never gets it.

The tax cuts aren't the wealth redistribution. The part where the government is spending more than it is taking in taxes, that's the wealth redistribution. Right wingers don't want the government to give us the future's money. We want them to stop taking our money AND to bang back with the spending, only the second part of that equation can't happen because politicians don't have the balls to reel in the handouts to their friends or the handouts to their voting bases.
It isn't Your money; it is money that is not going to fund Government.
Only the right wing is that dumb.

Simply financing tax cuts and adding them to the national debt, is socialized Income Redistribution.

Only the right wing, never gets it.

The tax cuts aren't the wealth redistribution. The part where the government is spending more than it is taking in taxes, that's the wealth redistribution. Right wingers don't want the government to give us the future's money. We want them to stop taking our money AND to bang back with the spending, only the second part of that equation can't happen because politicians don't have the balls to reel in the handouts to their friends or the handouts to their voting bases.
It isn't Your money; it is money that is not going to fund Government.

If it's wealth that I earned or created, it is, in fact, my money. I don't buy into the notion that all wealth belongs to "the people". "The people" don't create it. Particular individuals do. If the government doesn't have the funds, maybe they should stop buying votes with the wealth of the unborn. At any rate, it's a greater priority to me that they don't do it with mine, so I'll take the tax cuts. If the assholes in Washington decide to keep spending anyway, the theft of the future is on their heads, not on my head for not funding their stupidity.
Only the right wing is that dumb.

Simply financing tax cuts and adding them to the national debt, is socialized Income Redistribution.

Only the right wing, never gets it.

The tax cuts aren't the wealth redistribution. The part where the government is spending more than it is taking in taxes, that's the wealth redistribution. Right wingers don't want the government to give us the future's money. We want them to stop taking our money AND to bang back with the spending, only the second part of that equation can't happen because politicians don't have the balls to reel in the handouts to their friends or the handouts to their voting bases.
It isn't Your money; it is money that is not going to fund Government.

Holy shit Danny....when are you gonna get a job?
You really need to stop thinking like a bottom feeding leech.
Is this the shit they teach you in Mexico?
“In the United States people are FORCED to share their checking accounts with lowlife parasites.”
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We gave charity a chance after the Great Depression. Charity failed

Charity does fail when nobody has money to give. However charities often have guidelines and regulations that those who receive charity must follow.

Social programs are political. Democrats need people on social programs so they try to get as many on them as they can. You will find very few if any conservatives that don't want to help those truly in need. But way too often we see those programs abused by people who are perfectly capable of taking care of themselves.
What can and or will be done about it politically?
In keeping with current board rhetoric let's not be scared to get real honest here.
Our poor are our worst parents...they create more of their same.
Our poor suck the most government tit.
Our poor commits the most crime.
Our poor does the most drugs.
Our poor drinks and smokes the most.
Our poor have the most children they can't afford.
Our poor litters and vandalizes the most.
Our poor drives uninsured.
Our poor commits the most animal cruelty.
I could go on and on...and no Libby's, let's not deflect and divert to Wall Street criminals, big corporations..blah, blah, blah...Let's get real, let's get serious about our taxpayer draining bottom feeders....Whatta ya say?

I think liberals should support the poor. But notice none of their programs will work unless they lasso everyone in.

Oh no, Liberals can only be as noble as YOUR checking account will allow them to be.
They/we want us all to chip in. Your side won so we’ll do it your way you greedy bastards.

Wanting people to chip in isn't the problem. Forcing people to chip in is the problem.
Then you have a problem with social security too then I assume?

If we didn’t have the rich pay a little more to help the poor, to pay for social programs that help the poor, can you imagine how bad things would be if our government did zero for the poor and just hope charity did enough?

After welfare reform was passed the Democrats predicted the end of the world. They claimed that we would be seeing bodies in the street, starving children, crime like we've never seen it before because hungry people would have no choice but to commit crimes to eat. It never happened.

What happened was the exact opposite.

Which horse will run faster, the one with the carrot dangling in front of him or the one you feed bushels of carrots to?

"If you pay people not to work, don't be too surprised when people don't."
Rush Limbaugh
The one sure way to eliminate the problem of the poor is to enable them to rise above poverty. Don't offer them another shitty government welfare program, just give them the opportunity. No one WANTS to be poor.
The one sure way to eliminate the problem of the poor is to enable them to rise above poverty. Don't offer them another shitty government welfare program, just give them the opportunity. No one WANTS to be poor.

What opportunities are poor people deprived of?
The one sure way to eliminate the problem of the poor is to enable them to rise above poverty. Don't offer them another shitty government welfare program, just give them the opportunity. No one WANTS to be poor.

It seems like there has never been more opportunity and available resources for the poor. I’m seriously trying to understand.
The one sure way to eliminate the problem of the poor is to enable them to rise above poverty. Don't offer them another shitty government welfare program, just give them the opportunity. No one WANTS to be poor.

What opportunities are poor people deprived of?

You should spend a year in poverty and find out.

Where are we headed if we start taking responsibility for the decisions made by people?
Low iQ leads to poor decision making which leads to poverty.
We offer free education, after school programs, job placement...etc etc
Taxpayers can’t parent for the lowlifes that refuse to parent on their own...they create more of their filthy same....what gives?
The one sure way to eliminate the problem of the poor is to enable them to rise above poverty. Don't offer them another shitty government welfare program, just give them the opportunity. No one WANTS to be poor.

What opportunity don't they have now?

Poverty is the situation of having little or no money.
The solution to poverty is money.
How does one obtain money? By getting a job.
What does one do to retain money? Don't start a family you can't afford to support.

On top of that, graduate high school, learn a trade if any way possible, stay away from drugs, don't get into trouble with police, and don't get involved with illegal activities.

So how is anybody in poverty unable to do these simple things?
We gave charity a chance after the Great Depression. Charity failed

Charity does fail when nobody has money to give. However charities often have guidelines and regulations that those who receive charity must follow.

Social programs are political. Democrats need people on social programs so they try to get as many on them as they can. You will find very few if any conservatives that don't want to help those truly in need. But way too often we see those programs abused by people who are perfectly capable of taking care of themselves.

All I know is I judge a country for how well it’s citizens are doing. Can you afford healthcare? Are you gonna retire at 65? I bet your not.

In fact republicans talk about raising the retirement and cutting retirement benefits. Is that doing as good as our parents or worse?

You American cons keep arguing to cut all the social programs. Many of you don’t believe they’ll cut yours. I wouldn’t be surprised and you’ll defend them. In fact you’ll blame democrats
I think liberals should support the poor. But notice none of their programs will work unless they lasso everyone in.

Oh no, Liberals can only be as noble as YOUR checking account will allow them to be.
They/we want us all to chip in. Your side won so we’ll do it your way you greedy bastards.

Wanting people to chip in isn't the problem. Forcing people to chip in is the problem.
Then you have a problem with social security too then I assume?

If we didn’t have the rich pay a little more to help the poor, to pay for social programs that help the poor, can you imagine how bad things would be if our government did zero for the poor and just hope charity did enough?

After welfare reform was passed the Democrats predicted the end of the world. They claimed that we would be seeing bodies in the street, starving children, crime like we've never seen it before because hungry people would have no choice but to commit crimes to eat. It never happened.

What happened was the exact opposite.

Which horse will run faster, the one with the carrot dangling in front of him or the one you feed bushels of carrots to?

"If you pay people not to work, don't be too surprised when people don't."
Rush Limbaugh
He makes $50 million and said people on drugs should be executed then was caught with OxyContin. My fucking hero
Oh no, Liberals can only be as noble as YOUR checking account will allow them to be.
They/we want us all to chip in. Your side won so we’ll do it your way you greedy bastards.

Wanting people to chip in isn't the problem. Forcing people to chip in is the problem.
Then you have a problem with social security too then I assume?

If we didn’t have the rich pay a little more to help the poor, to pay for social programs that help the poor, can you imagine how bad things would be if our government did zero for the poor and just hope charity did enough?

After welfare reform was passed the Democrats predicted the end of the world. They claimed that we would be seeing bodies in the street, starving children, crime like we've never seen it before because hungry people would have no choice but to commit crimes to eat. It never happened.

What happened was the exact opposite.

Which horse will run faster, the one with the carrot dangling in front of him or the one you feed bushels of carrots to?

"If you pay people not to work, don't be too surprised when people don't."
Rush Limbaugh
He makes $50 million and said people on drugs should be executed then was caught with OxyContin. My fucking hero

Lol..he never said people on drugs should be executed.
We gave charity a chance after the Great Depression. Charity failed

Charity does fail when nobody has money to give. However charities often have guidelines and regulations that those who receive charity must follow.

Social programs are political. Democrats need people on social programs so they try to get as many on them as they can. You will find very few if any conservatives that don't want to help those truly in need. But way too often we see those programs abused by people who are perfectly capable of taking care of themselves.

All I know is I judge a country for how well it’s citizens are doing. Can you afford healthcare? Are you gonna retire at 65? I bet your not.

In fact republicans talk about raising the retirement and cutting retirement benefits. Is that doing as good as our parents or worse?

You American cons keep arguing to cut all the social programs. Many of you don’t believe they’ll cut yours. I wouldn’t be surprised and you’ll defend them. In fact you’ll blame democrats

Omg so much bs in such a short post.

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