How do you expand the middle class

No there is interest. The above is just an example. ...

I hate to say this not a bad idea except how much would it cost us a trillion fricking dollars over 5 years? we need more technical high schools.

It won't cost anywhere near a trillion dollars. IF the money is spent though, it will be going to other state entities in a lot of cases; not as if it just disappears. So you get a bit of a relief on the funding front for these colleges.

A technical high school...I agree. Lets put more vocational training back into school. I like the idea. Of course opening more technical high schools would cost quite a bit too.

I think training those already in the workforce is a good idea as well.

Sorry just pulled that number out of my butt, but dont you think like a poster said above it would flood colleges? heck I would like to go back part time, checked into pell grants and stuff but make to much $.... and dont even want to take any courses to expand my job skills, just classes on political science, history and stuff and oh yea speliing and grammer..... lol
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"When the rungs of the ladder of success grow further apart, it undermines the very essence of what makes America great"

What more do you need to know?
yea I think we fucked up bad with American High schools, I know we had technical high schools for a bit, but the majority of High schools is geared towards a four year college degree. we lost a generation of highly skilled workers in manufacturing.There is so many highly paid middle class jobs out there that they can not fill the demand. This is how Germany is beating us and why they have like a 5% UE....
I hate to say this not a bad idea except how much would it cost us a trillion fricking dollars over 5 years? we need more technical high schools.

It won't cost anywhere near a trillion dollars. IF the money is spent though, it will be going to other state entities in a lot of cases; not as if it just disappears. So you get a bit of a relief on the funding front for these colleges.

A technical high school...I agree. Lets put more vocational training back into school. I like the idea. Of course opening more technical high schools would cost quite a bit too.

I think training those already in the workforce is a good idea as well.

Sorry just pulled that number out of my butt, but dont you think like a poster said above it would flood colleges? heck I would like to go back part time, checked into pell grants and stuff but make to much $.... and dont even want to take any courses to expand my job skills, just classes on political science, history and stuff and oh yea speliing and grammer..... lol

And classes will fill up if that happens; its not as if it's elementary or junior high school and it's compulsory that districts provide the instruction regardless of class size. Some classes will fill up; I can only hope all of them do.

And I think there is our real benefit; skilled workers will seek to enhance their skills making their companies more competitive eventually and making themselves more employable, hopefully earning more...
It won't cost anywhere near a trillion dollars. IF the money is spent though, it will be going to other state entities in a lot of cases; not as if it just disappears. So you get a bit of a relief on the funding front for these colleges.

A technical high school...I agree. Lets put more vocational training back into school. I like the idea. Of course opening more technical high schools would cost quite a bit too.

I think training those already in the workforce is a good idea as well.

Sorry just pulled that number out of my butt, but dont you think like a poster said above it would flood colleges? heck I would like to go back part time, checked into pell grants and stuff but make to much $.... and dont even want to take any courses to expand my job skills, just classes on political science, history and stuff and oh yea speliing and grammer..... lol

And classes will fill up if that happens; its not as if it's elementary or junior high school and it's compulsory that districts provide the instruction regardless of class size. Some classes will fill up; I can only hope all of them do.

And I think there is our real benefit; skilled workers will seek to enhance their skills making their companies more competitive eventually and making themselves more employable, hopefully earning more...

I guess I can not really argue with you about this. It would benifit the entire country if they do something in their lesiure time then just watch T.V. or fuck off on the net...
It won't cost anywhere near a trillion dollars. IF the money is spent though, it will be going to other state entities in a lot of cases; not as if it just disappears. So you get a bit of a relief on the funding front for these colleges.

A technical high school...I agree. Lets put more vocational training back into school. I like the idea. Of course opening more technical high schools would cost quite a bit too.

I think training those already in the workforce is a good idea as well.

Sorry just pulled that number out of my butt, but dont you think like a poster said above it would flood colleges? heck I would like to go back part time, checked into pell grants and stuff but make to much $.... and dont even want to take any courses to expand my job skills, just classes on political science, history and stuff and oh yea speliing and grammer..... lol

And classes will fill up if that happens; its not as if it's elementary or junior high school and it's compulsory that districts provide the instruction regardless of class size. Some classes will fill up; I can only hope all of them do.

And I think there is our real benefit; skilled workers will seek to enhance their skills making their companies more competitive eventually and making themselves more employable, hopefully earning more...

Just like all those kids today clamoring for more education, right?
No. They will get out of school no more employable than before and just get on welfare or disability. Because people tend to take the path of least resistence.
Sorry just pulled that number out of my butt, but dont you think like a poster said above it would flood colleges? heck I would like to go back part time, checked into pell grants and stuff but make to much $.... and dont even want to take any courses to expand my job skills, just classes on political science, history and stuff and oh yea speliing and grammer..... lol

And classes will fill up if that happens; its not as if it's elementary or junior high school and it's compulsory that districts provide the instruction regardless of class size. Some classes will fill up; I can only hope all of them do.

And I think there is our real benefit; skilled workers will seek to enhance their skills making their companies more competitive eventually and making themselves more employable, hopefully earning more...

Just like all those kids today clamoring for more education, right?
No. They will get out of school no more employable than before and just get on welfare or disability. Because people tend to take the path of least resistence.

people grow up in their 30's..... just saying. thats why folks still vote Republican.
And classes will fill up if that happens; its not as if it's elementary or junior high school and it's compulsory that districts provide the instruction regardless of class size. Some classes will fill up; I can only hope all of them do.

And I think there is our real benefit; skilled workers will seek to enhance their skills making their companies more competitive eventually and making themselves more employable, hopefully earning more...

Just like all those kids today clamoring for more education, right?
No. They will get out of school no more employable than before and just get on welfare or disability. Because people tend to take the path of least resistence.

people grow up in their 30's..... just saying. thats why folks still vote Republican.
People grow up at all kinds of ages. My great grandfather came to this country at 16 by himself and was completely responsible for every aspect of his existence.
But he had to. There was no one to help him.
Today there is an industry of bureaucrats seeking to convince people they need gov't help, which beats working. Allowing people a free ride through school for 8 years or whatever won't help with that.
Sorry just pulled that number out of my butt, but dont you think like a poster said above it would flood colleges? heck I would like to go back part time, checked into pell grants and stuff but make to much $.... and dont even want to take any courses to expand my job skills, just classes on political science, history and stuff and oh yea speliing and grammer..... lol

And classes will fill up if that happens; its not as if it's elementary or junior high school and it's compulsory that districts provide the instruction regardless of class size. Some classes will fill up; I can only hope all of them do.

And I think there is our real benefit; skilled workers will seek to enhance their skills making their companies more competitive eventually and making themselves more employable, hopefully earning more...

Just like all those kids today clamoring for more education, right?
No. They will get out of school no more employable than before and just get on welfare or disability. Because people tend to take the path of least resistence.

Student debt has surpassed consumer credit card debt....yes, they are clamoring for more education.

Everyone else seems to think that colleges are going to be swamped with students.

Which is it?
Sorry just pulled that number out of my butt, but dont you think like a poster said above it would flood colleges? heck I would like to go back part time, checked into pell grants and stuff but make to much $.... and dont even want to take any courses to expand my job skills, just classes on political science, history and stuff and oh yea speliing and grammer..... lol

And classes will fill up if that happens; its not as if it's elementary or junior high school and it's compulsory that districts provide the instruction regardless of class size. Some classes will fill up; I can only hope all of them do.

And I think there is our real benefit; skilled workers will seek to enhance their skills making their companies more competitive eventually and making themselves more employable, hopefully earning more...

I guess I can not really argue with you about this. It would benifit the entire country if they do something in their lesiure time then just watch T.V. or fuck off on the net...

The details are yet to be determined; there are many ways to go about this but I think we can agree that more education is better than less education. The sole things that prevent acquisition of more education is cost and access. Access is a problem but we can do something about cost.
Just like all those kids today clamoring for more education, right?
No. They will get out of school no more employable than before and just get on welfare or disability. Because people tend to take the path of least resistence.

people grow up in their 30's..... just saying. thats why folks still vote Republican.
People grow up at all kinds of ages. My great grandfather came to this country at 16 by himself and was completely responsible for every aspect of his existence.
But he had to. There was no one to help him.
Today there is an industry of bureaucrats seeking to convince people they need gov't help, which beats working. Allowing people a free ride through school for 8 years or whatever won't help with that.

Idk, what Candy is proposing is a 40 year or so loan, you want to go back to school you can....We need strong/smart workers, what we have now is folks who graduated from high school that can not even read. again people grow up in their 30's...they could be making 6 figures and dont even know how to balance a check book.
And classes will fill up if that happens; its not as if it's elementary or junior high school and it's compulsory that districts provide the instruction regardless of class size. Some classes will fill up; I can only hope all of them do.

And I think there is our real benefit; skilled workers will seek to enhance their skills making their companies more competitive eventually and making themselves more employable, hopefully earning more...

I guess I can not really argue with you about this. It would benifit the entire country if they do something in their lesiure time then just watch T.V. or fuck off on the net...

The details are yet to be determined; there are many ways to go about this but I think we can agree that more education is better than less education. The sole things that prevent acquisition of more education is cost and access. Access is a problem but we can do something about cost.

if I know how how to give a postive rep I would candy.... your on to some thing...
Without freeing up the engine that is capitalist corporations/businesses?

For progtards propaganda see:

**Building the Middle Class

Because "demand" doesn't create jobs, right. Jobs are created by rich people. They trickle down and what they trickle creates a middle class, right?

1. Raise minimum wages to what it would be if indexed to inflation. Then make future min income increases automatic to inflation, in order to take the power away from any greed-based GOP dominated government to undo it or stop it.

2. Limit imports, weaken "free trade" agreements, use anti-dumping laws as an end-around on the trade agreements that sadly do exist. If it's worth selling here, it's worth making here, end of debate.

3. Increase union power. Mandate union membership for all companies with 50 employees or above.

4. Increase income taxes. We need more rates and higher rates, up to 50% of income on anything over 3 million/year. And scrap the needless "capital gains" rate too. The people who "earn" capital gains spend it the same way they spend income, so it should be taxed the same way too. The new government revenue from this positive change should be spent on shoring up social spending programs, especially in poor, black neighborhoods. This will also help bring down the crime rates that white conservatives are supposedly so worried about.
You sell heroin for a living, don't you?
And classes will fill up if that happens; its not as if it's elementary or junior high school and it's compulsory that districts provide the instruction regardless of class size. Some classes will fill up; I can only hope all of them do.

And I think there is our real benefit; skilled workers will seek to enhance their skills making their companies more competitive eventually and making themselves more employable, hopefully earning more...

Just like all those kids today clamoring for more education, right?
No. They will get out of school no more employable than before and just get on welfare or disability. Because people tend to take the path of least resistence.

Student debt has surpassed consumer credit card debt....yes, they are clamoring for more education.

Everyone else seems to think that colleges are going to be swamped with students.

Which is it?
Colleges are swamped with students. That is why the UE rate for recent grads resembles the Palestinian Authority. That is exactly the problem.
Students are clamoring for mroe time in college, esp now with no jobs out there. That does not equal more education though.
Personally I think corporations should recruit high school students and open their own "universities", just as some already do.
During the economic expansion between 2002 and 2007, the income of the top 1% grew 10 times faster than the income of the bottom 90%. In this period 66% of total income gains went to the 1%, who in 2007 had a larger share of total income than at any time since 1928.

Distribution of wealth - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
How do you expand the middle class

The decline of the American middle class is unfolding in just the way that our "friends" in the top !% who bankroll the Republican Party envisioned.

The "66% of total income gains" that went to the top 1% between 2002 and 2007 had to come from somewhere!
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Just like all those kids today clamoring for more education, right?
No. They will get out of school no more employable than before and just get on welfare or disability. Because people tend to take the path of least resistence.

Student debt has surpassed consumer credit card debt....yes, they are clamoring for more education.

Everyone else seems to think that colleges are going to be swamped with students.

Which is it?
Colleges are swamped with students. That is why the UE rate for recent grads resembles the Palestinian Authority. That is exactly the problem.
Students are clamoring for mroe time in college, esp now with no jobs out there. That does not equal more education though.
Personally I think corporations should recruit high school students and open their own "universities", just as some already do.

you have a link? that prove kids want to stay in college? bullshit I say, kids want a great job and a family...and they want out as fast as this is written...
And classes will fill up if that happens; its not as if it's elementary or junior high school and it's compulsory that districts provide the instruction regardless of class size. Some classes will fill up; I can only hope all of them do.

And I think there is our real benefit; skilled workers will seek to enhance their skills making their companies more competitive eventually and making themselves more employable, hopefully earning more...

I guess I can not really argue with you about this. It would benifit the entire country if they do something in their lesiure time then just watch T.V. or fuck off on the net...

The details are yet to be determined; there are many ways to go about this but I think we can agree that more education is better than less education. The sole things that prevent acquisition of more education is cost and access. Access is a problem but we can do something about cost.

Candy you should really start a thread on this subject.... because I think your on to something. who could dissagree? hell we blew dollars on useless wars...we blew dollars on useless welfare...
I guess I can not really argue with you about this. It would benifit the entire country if they do something in their lesiure time then just watch T.V. or fuck off on the net...

The details are yet to be determined; there are many ways to go about this but I think we can agree that more education is better than less education. The sole things that prevent acquisition of more education is cost and access. Access is a problem but we can do something about cost.

Candy you should really start a thread on this subject.... because I think your on to something. who could dissagree? hell we blew dollars on useless wars...we blew dollars on useless welfare...

And now we're going to blow even more dollars on useless entitlements. Yay!
Just like all those kids today clamoring for more education, right?
No. They will get out of school no more employable than before and just get on welfare or disability. Because people tend to take the path of least resistence.

people grow up in their 30's..... just saying. thats why folks still vote Republican.
People grow up at all kinds of ages. My great grandfather came to this country at 16 by himself and was completely responsible for every aspect of his existence.
But he had to. There was no one to help him.
Today there is an industry of bureaucrats seeking to convince people they need gov't help, which beats working. Allowing people a free ride through school for 8 years or whatever won't help with that.


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