How do you explain a ordered universe without a Creator?

It is a concentration camp, because "you" arrest people in a lawless situation.

Gitmo is NOT a concentration camp.

Concentration Camp- a place where large numbers of people, especially political prisoners or members of persecuted minorities, are deliberately imprisoned in a relatively small area with inadequate facilities, sometimes to provide forced labor or to await mass execution.

Guantanamo bay is a concentration camp. Everyone who is not a citizen of the USA can come in such a camp for the rest of his life. This camp exists because of the crirninal energy of the country USA - on no other reason. And if a citizen of the USA should think "not my problem" then this can change very fast, if the makers and supporters of Guantanamo ignore this just simple in the same way how they ignore reasonability and justice.

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Some people think the hell will be full of lawyers. Why the people "you" arrest have rights in the USA but don't have the same rights in Guantanamo is a mystery for everyone who is able to think.

Because Gitmo is not on US soil and no one was arrested.

Good. If no one is arrested in Guantanamo - open the cages - close the camp.

Guantanamo bay is a concentration camp.

Well I just posted the definition of a concentration camp and it doesn't fit what Gitmo is. So you can continue to CLAIM that's what it is... that's your opinion and I disagree with you.

Just so you are aware of this... Most other countries, when faced with the dilemma of what to do with captured enemy combatants who aren't subject to Geneva Convention protections will simply give them a military tribunal then execute them. So, if we close Gitmo, that will be what we'll also have to do in the future. It doesn't really matter that much to me... in fact that might be a better solution.
Guantanamo is a concentration camp. You know this, because I said to you why. You deny what you know. Let it not any longer destroy you. Close it.

Well no, it's NOT a concentration camp because it doesn't fit the definition of a concentration camp.

Concentration Camp- a place where large numbers of people, especially political prisoners or members of persecuted minorities, are deliberately imprisoned in a relatively small area with inadequate facilities, sometimes to provide forced labor or to await mass execution.

1. There are not a large number of people there.
2. They are not political prisoners.
3. They are not persecuted minorities.
4. The area is neither small or inadequate.
5. They do not provide forced labor.
6. They are not awaiting execution.

So in what way is Gitmo a concentration camp?

And IF you want it closed, you need to tell me what we can do with the people who are there. We cannot return them where we captured them, Afghanistan and Iraq don't want them there. Pakistan and Saudi Arabia doesn't want them either. We're not going to bring them into the US, we sure as hell don't want them here.
Guantanamo is a concentration camp. You know this, because I said to you why. You deny what you know. Let it not any longer destroy you. Close it.

Well no, it's NOT a concentration camp because it doesn't fit the definition of a concentration camp.

Concentration Camp- a place where large numbers of people, especially political prisoners or members of persecuted minorities, are deliberately imprisoned in a relatively small area with inadequate facilities, sometimes to provide forced labor or to await mass execution.

1. There are not a large number of people there.
2. They are not political prisoners.
3. They are not persecuted minorities.
4. The area is neither small or inadequate.
5. They do not provide forced labor.
6. They are not awaiting execution.

So in what way is Gitmo a concentration camp?

And IF you want it closed, you need to tell me what we can do with the people who are there. We cannot return them where we captured them, Afghanistan and Iraq don't want them there. Pakistan and Saudi Arabia doesn't want them either. We're not going to bring them into the US, we sure as hell don't want them here.
We can make Iraq take them and imprison them. How much money do we give Iraq?

If trump can get mexico build a wall we can get Iraq to take those prisoners. Or afganistan
Guantanamo is a concentration camp. You know this, because I said to you why. You deny what you know. Let it not any longer destroy you. Close it.

Well no, it's NOT a concentration camp because it doesn't fit the definition of a concentration camp.

Concentration Camp- a place where large numbers of people, especially political prisoners or members of persecuted minorities, are deliberately imprisoned in a relatively small area with inadequate facilities, sometimes to provide forced labor or to await mass execution.

1. There are not a large number of people there.
2. They are not political prisoners.
3. They are not persecuted minorities.
4. The area is neither small or inadequate.
5. They do not provide forced labor.
6. They are not awaiting execution.

So in what way is Gitmo a concentration camp?

And IF you want it closed, you need to tell me what we can do with the people who are there. We cannot return them where we captured them, Afghanistan and Iraq don't want them there. Pakistan and Saudi Arabia doesn't want them either. We're not going to bring them into the US, we sure as hell don't want them here.

I guess someone should write in the english speaking world a good book about the concentration camp Dachau - the prototype of the concentration and extermination camps of the Nazis - and what were the reasons to build it and why no one protested against it after it was once installed, until it became impossible to protest against. Guantanamo is a concentration camp. I don't repeat now the reasons why I say so. If something stinks like a concentration camp then someone need not a good nose to smell it. And it stinks over the whole Atlantic and destroys everywhere in the world the credibility of the western world and helps every dictator to justify every violent nonsense.

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And could you PLEASE stop posting a video with every post you make... it's annoying and pointless.

No. And I also will never avoid to speak about an uncomfortable truth if necessary. The universe will forgive us not find out in the next 1000 years what was going on when it was created - but the universe today needs the decision and will to close Guantanamo. Find a way to do so.

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I guess someone should write in the english speaking world a good book about the concentration camp Dachau - the prototype of the concentration and extermination camps of the Nazis - and what were the reasons to build it and why no one protested against itm after it was once installed, until it became impossible to protest against. Guantanamo is a concentration camp. I don't repeat now the reasons why I say so. If something stinks like a concentration camp then someone need not a good nose to smell it. And it stinks over the whole Atlantic and destroys everywhere in the world the credibility of the western world and helps every dictator to justify every violent nonsense.

Well, I have rationally explained to you how it is not a concentration camp, nor does it fit the definition of one. I can't make you accept my explanation because you don't care to be rational. You have apparently been brainwashed by anti-American European media on this subject and there is no getting through to you now. It's unfortunate, but it has long been a problem with people from Europe. You don't want to listen to us, you don't want to heed our warnings, you think that you know better than us and eventually, you get your asses caught in a wringer and we have to come save you from yourselves.

Nazi concentration camps were built for the extermination of Jews. We're not exterminating anyone... in fact, the reason we have people detained at Gitmo is compassion... you know, the opposite of extermination? We could have executed these people in the deserts of Afghanistan and Iraq but we didn't. We took them to Gitmo where they are treated humanely, fed and clothed, provided with medical care and allowed to exercise.... it's a fucking resort compared to a Nazi concentration camp. And the worst part is, you are a German who should be ashamed of yourself for daring to make the comparison you're making, knowing intimately the history of your country. I can understand a mush-brain young liberal punk in America saying such a thing... they have no clue about the history of the Nazis... but you certainly know, and here you are saying these things you know are not true. Shame on you.

And there is this niggling problem with chasing an appeasement of your sensibilities here... Even if, tomorrow, America began capitulating to your every whim of how America should behave... You and your ilk would say... Congratulations, but you now must endure about 250 years of persecution and scorn for your past before your debt is repaid. So... no thanks... we'll keep on being who we are and if you don't like it... tough shit. You'll just have to live with it and die with it... then your ancestors can live with it and continue your hate and disdain for America.
I guess someone should write in the english speaking world a good book about the concentration camp Dachau - the prototype of the concentration and extermination camps of the Nazis - and what were the reasons to build it and why no one protested against itm after it was once installed, until it became impossible to protest against. Guantanamo is a concentration camp. I don't repeat now the reasons why I say so. If something stinks like a concentration camp then someone need not a good nose to smell it. And it stinks over the whole Atlantic and destroys everywhere in the world the credibility of the western world and helps every dictator to justify every violent nonsense.

Well, I have rationally explained to you how it is not a concentration camp, nor does it fit the definition of one. I can't make you accept my explanation because you don't care to be rational. You have apparently been brainwashed by anti-American European media on this subject and there is no getting through to you now. It's unfortunate, but it has long been a problem with people from Europe. You don't want to listen to us, you don't want to heed our warnings, you think that you know better than us and eventually, you get your asses caught in a wringer and we have to come save you from yourselves.

Nazi concentration camps were built for the extermination of Jews. We're not exterminating anyone... in fact, the reason we have people detained at Gitmo is compassion... you know, the opposite of extermination? We could have executed these people in the deserts of Afghanistan and Iraq but we didn't. We took them to Gitmo where they are treated humanely, fed and clothed, provided with medical care and allowed to exercise.... it's a fucking resort compared to a Nazi concentration camp. And the worst part is, you are a German who should be ashamed of yourself for daring to make the comparison you're making, knowing intimately the history of your country. I can understand a mush-brain young liberal punk in America saying such a thing... they have no clue about the history of the Nazis... but you certainly know, and here you are saying these things you know are not true. Shame on you.

And there is this niggling problem with chasing an appeasement of your sensibilities here... Even if, tomorrow, America began capitulating to your every whim of how America should behave... You and your ilk would say... Congratulations, but you now must endure about 250 years of persecution and scorn for your past before your debt is repaid. So... no thanks... we'll keep on being who we are and if you don't like it... tough shit. You'll just have to live with it and die with it... then your ancestors can live with it and continue your hate and disdain for America.

Guantanamo is a concentration camp. Close it.

No. And I also will never avoid to speak about an uncomfortable truth if necessarry. Close Guantnamo. If the Republicans and Democrats are not able to do so then look for another way.

But you're not speaking the truth and you (of all people) certainly know that you're not.

Close Gitmo? And do what? Turn the terrorists lose to commit more terrorist acts? We've had a left wing MUSLIM president for the past 8 years who ran on the promise he would close Gitmo... he hasn't done it because there is no solution as to what we do with the people there. Even his own administration can't find a way to do this.

Like I said, you feel so strongly about this... write to your chancellor and tell him that you wish for the Americans to release the terrorists into Germany and we'll start shipping them right over. Our biggest problem now is finding someone to take them.... if you want them, that's fine... problem solved! I'm sure you will get along fine with them, they hate America (and Jews) as much as you do.
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Guantanmo is a concentration camp. Close it.

Well no it's not and you're about one post away from going on my ignore list because I don't put up with people who just want to annoy and troll. So you can either grow the fuck up and engage in a meaningful conversation, or we can agree to disagree and move on, or you can continue to annoy and troll and go on the ignore list... that choice is all up to you.
No. And I also will never avoid to speak about an uncomfortable truth if necessarry. Close Guantnamo. If the Republicans and Democrats are not able to do so then look for another way.

But you're not speaking the truth and you (of all people) certainly know that you're not.

Close Gitmo? And do what? Turn the terrorists lose to commit more terrorist acts? We've had a left wing MUSLIM president for the past 8 years who ran on the promise he would close Gitmo... he hasn't done it because there is no solution as to what we do with the people there. Even his own administration can't find a way to do this.

Like I said, you feel so strongly about this... write to your chancellor and tell him that you wish for the Americans to release the terrorists into Germany and we'll start shipping them right over. Our biggest problem now is finding someone to take them.... if you want them, that's fine... problem solved! I'm sure you will get along fine with them, they hate America (and Jews) as much as you do.

Interesting form of anitisemitism always to misuse Jews as an excuse or pseudoreason if someone makes bullshit on his own. Guantanamo is a concentration camp. Stop this lawless situation. Close it.

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Guantanmo is a concentration camp. Close it.

Well no it's not and you're about one post away from going on my ignore list because I don't put up with people who just want to annoy and troll. So you can either grow the fuck up and engage in a meaningful conversation, or we can agree to disagree and move on, or you can continue to annoy and troll and go on the ignore list... that choice is all up to you.

Guantanamo is a concentration camp. Close it.

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