How do you explain a ordered universe without a Creator?

"Enemies of the state"?
They are political prisoners?
Weren't they represented to be criminals?
"Enemies of the state"?
They are political prisoners?
Weren't they represented to be criminals?

No, they are terrorists captured on the fields of battle in a foreign war. They are NOT "political prisoners" they are enemy combatants who would kill every one of us if they got the chance. So do you want us to turn them loose in your neighborhood? I don't even want this scum inside our borders.... as a matter of fact, if we weren't such a benevolent and considerate country, we could have shot them all in the head like most other countries would have.
"Enemies of the state"?
They are political prisoners?
Weren't they represented to be criminals?

No, they are terrorists captured on the fields of battle in a foreign war. They are NOT "political prisoners" they are enemy combatants who would kill every one of us if they got the chance. So do you want us to turn them loose in your neighborhood? I don't even want this scum inside our borders.... as a matter of fact, if we weren't such a benevolent and considerate country, we could have shot them all in the head like most other countries would have.
What an absurd question to pose in response to the quoted post! You make a preposterous assumption thereby.
If they are not 'enemies of the state', and not political prisoners, then they must be under arrest as criminals. Criminals stand trial and proof is provided of guilt.
You have results of such trials and can tell us which are guilty and deserve capital punishment?
In other words, how do you 'know' guilt?
What an absurd question to pose in response to the quoted post! You make a preposterous assumption thereby.
If they are not 'enemies of the state', and not political prisoners, then they must be under arrest as criminals. Criminals stand trial and proof is provided of guilt.
You have results of such trials and can tell us which are guilty and deserve capital punishment?
In other words, how do you 'know' guilt?

*sigh* Not sure how a thread on the universe and a Creator turned into a debate about detainees at Gitmo... but they ARE enemies of the state. They are not under arrest as criminals.. .we cannot arrest people on foreign soil where we have no legal jurisdiction. They are not citizens of our country and are not subject to our laws or constitutional liberties. What the fuck is wrong with you? Do you think we can just go off to some other country and arrest a citizen there, bring them to America and charge them with a crime here for breaking our laws?

These are people captured on the fields of battle in the middle east. The hard cold truth is, any other country would have killed them instead of capturing them... hell, WE would have killed them 30 years ago! You would have never heard about them... they would have simply been casualties of war that everyone forgot about the next week. But our "compassionate conservative" president decided not to go that route and instead, detain them at Gitmo until we can sort out what to do with them. We should've killed them... bullets to the head is what should have happened.
What an absurd question to pose in response to the quoted post! You make a preposterous assumption thereby.
If they are not 'enemies of the state', and not political prisoners, then they must be under arrest as criminals. Criminals stand trial and proof is provided of guilt.
You have results of such trials and can tell us which are guilty and deserve capital punishment?
In other words, how do you 'know' guilt?

*sigh* Not sure how a thread on the universe and a Creator turned into a debate about detainees at Gitmo... but they ARE enemies of the state. They are not under arrest as criminals.. .we cannot arrest people on foreign soil where we have no legal jurisdiction. They are not citizens of our country and are not subject to our laws or constitutional liberties. What the fuck is wrong with you? Do you think we can just go off to some other country and arrest a citizen there, bring them to America and charge them with a crime here for breaking our laws?

These are people captured on the fields of battle in the middle east. The hard cold truth is, any other country would have killed them instead of capturing them... hell, WE would have killed them 30 years ago! You would have never heard about them... they would have simply been casualties of war that everyone forgot about the next week. But our "compassionate conservative" president decided not to go that route and instead, detain them at Gitmo until we can sort out what to do with them. We should've killed them... bullets to the head is what should have happened.
Then that's how the enemy treats our soldiers.

I think we wanted to interrogate them.

If I could go on the beach I'd love a cage at gitmo for a couple weeks.

I hear we are doing a work release program with these guys. As part of their punishment they have to work security at gay nightclubs in Miami. Work furlough
Then that's how the enemy treats our soldiers.

I think we wanted to interrogate them.

It's how anyone treats any enemy when they're at war... they kill them! Guess what, that's what WAR is all about. We're not playing tiddly-winks.

And of course we wanted to interrogate some of them... that's how we captured Osama Bin Laden and most of the high-ranking people in alQaeda.

But now here is the problem... we now have these people in custody at Gitmo... what do we do with them? We can't bring them here, they're not subject to US criminal laws because they've not violated any laws inside the US. No one is willing to take them on extradition because they are radical Islamic terrorists.
Then that's how the enemy treats our soldiers.

I think we wanted to interrogate them.

It's how anyone treats any enemy when they're at war... they kill them! Guess what, that's what WAR is all about. We're not playing tiddly-winks.

And of course we wanted to interrogate some of them... that's how we captured Osama Bin Laden and most of the high-ranking people in alQaeda.

But now here is the problem... we now have these people in custody at Gitmo... what do we do with them? We can't bring them here, they're not subject to US criminal laws because they've not violated any laws inside the US. No one is willing to take them on extradition because they are radical Islamic terrorists.
Put them in a aramark for profit prison. Yes inside the USA. Either that or send them back to the battlefield. Being an enemy is against the law. I don't see the loophole
Put them in a aramark for profit prison. Yes inside the USA. Either that or send them back to the battlefield. Being an enemy is against the law. I don't see the loophole

US law doesn't apply to territory in the middle east. Being an enemy of the US is only against the law if you live in the United States.... They've never been in the US so they can't have violated any US laws.... we can't keep them in prison if they haven't violated US laws. And we can't simply "send them back" because no country will accept them... what part of that are you failing to comprehend?
What an absurd question to pose in response to the quoted post! You make a preposterous assumption thereby.
If they are not 'enemies of the state', and not political prisoners, then they must be under arrest as criminals. Criminals stand trial and proof is provided of guilt.
You have results of such trials and can tell us which are guilty and deserve capital punishment?
In other words, how do you 'know' guilt?

*sigh* Not sure how a thread on the universe and a Creator turned into a debate about detainees at Gitmo... but they ARE enemies of the state. They are not under arrest as criminals.. .we cannot arrest people on foreign soil where we have no legal jurisdiction. They are not citizens of our country and are not subject to our laws or constitutional liberties. What the fuck is wrong with you? Do you think we can just go off to some other country and arrest a citizen there, bring them to America and charge them with a crime here for breaking our laws?

These are people captured on the fields of battle in the middle east. The hard cold truth is, any other country would have killed them instead of capturing them... hell, WE would have killed them 30 years ago! You would have never heard about them... they would have simply been casualties of war that everyone forgot about the next week. But our "compassionate conservative" president decided not to go that route and instead, detain them at Gitmo until we can sort out what to do with them. We should've killed them... bullets to the head is what should have happened.
'Enemies of the state' is a term for political prisoners. By your crude description, they sound like prisoners of war, and there are international regulations for that. Otherwise, capturing and holding them is, again using your 'reasoning' illegal on the part of the U.S. So, you would not only illegally and without trial hold someone but would also judge them and sentence them to death without due process. People who have a concept of morality have a term for that.
What the 'luv' is wrong with you?
'Enemies of the state' is a term for political prisoners. By your crude description, they sound like prisoners of war, and there are international regulations for that. Otherwise, capturing and holding them is, again using your 'reasoning' illegal on the part of the U.S. So, you would not only illegally and without trial hold someone but would also judge them and sentence them to death without due process. People who have a concept of morality have a term for that.
What the 'luv' is wrong with you?

Well, no... some people may call their political prisoners "enemies of state" but that has no bearing on us. They are not prisoners of war because they weren't wearing uniforms or fighting under a foreign flag, and therefore, are not covered by the Geneva Convention. Also, no one has judged them and sentenced them to death. There has been no trial because they're not charged with a crime. They are detainees captured on the field of battle. They don't have due process rights, those are afforded to citizens in the US residing on US soil. These people were captured on foreign soil and are not subject to the jurisdiction of US law. And that's precisely why we can't bring them here... if we did, we'd have to release them because they've not committed a crime in the US. Do you want us to release them in your neighborhood?
'Enemies of the state' is a term for political prisoners. By your crude description, they sound like prisoners of war, and there are international regulations for that. Otherwise, capturing and holding them is, again using your 'reasoning' illegal on the part of the U.S. So, you would not only illegally and without trial hold someone but would also judge them and sentence them to death without due process. People who have a concept of morality have a term for that.
What the 'luv' is wrong with you?

Well, no... some people may call their political prisoners "enemies of state" but that has no bearing on us. They are not prisoners of war because they weren't wearing uniforms or fighting under a foreign flag, and therefore, are not covered by the Geneva Convention. Also, no one has judged them and sentenced them to death. There has been no trial because they're not charged with a crime. They are detainees captured on the field of battle. They don't have due process rights, those are afforded to citizens in the US residing on US soil. These people were captured on foreign soil and are not subject to the jurisdiction of US law. And that's precisely why we can't bring them here... if we did, we'd have to release them because they've not committed a crime in the US. Do you want us to release them in your neighborhood?
What should we do? I say drop them off in allahakbarland and then blow them up at the next alqueda training camp. Imagine what it's like having to go through another boot camp.

The other day I was walking my mom looking at our shadows and I said "God if you exist pop up a 3rd shadow. Then I'm yours."

'Enemies of the state' is a term for political prisoners. By your crude description, they sound like prisoners of war, and there are international regulations for that. Otherwise, capturing and holding them is, again using your 'reasoning' illegal on the part of the U.S. So, you would not only illegally and without trial hold someone but would also judge them and sentence them to death without due process. People who have a concept of morality have a term for that.
What the 'luv' is wrong with you?

Well, no... some people may call their political prisoners "enemies of state" but that has no bearing on us. They are not prisoners of war because they weren't wearing uniforms or fighting under a foreign flag, and therefore, are not covered by the Geneva Convention. Also, no one has judged them and sentenced them to death. There has been no trial because they're not charged with a crime. They are detainees captured on the field of battle. They don't have due process rights, those are afforded to citizens in the US residing on US soil. These people were captured on foreign soil and are not subject to the jurisdiction of US law. And that's precisely why we can't bring them here... if we did, we'd have to release them because they've not committed a crime in the US. Do you want us to release them in your neighborhood?

Is your record skipping or something? You keep jumping to the absurd question of what I want and my neighborhood.
Is your record skipping or something? You keep jumping to the absurd question of what I want and my neighborhood.

I'm sorry... I don't see where I "jumped" to anything. I think I rationally explained my train of thought and you have an inability to follow a basic conversation.
Every information of every european government about the own citizens, every transaction with money in banks, every information about travels with tickets, every production and movement of goods, every phone call and so on and so on will automatically transferred from the EU to the secret services of the USA. And I don't have any idea why the concentration camp Guantanamo is still open. Close it. Best day to do so: yesterday.

And where should we send all the terrorists currently residing in Gitmo? Germany?

"You" have two possibilities: Accept them as pows or accept them as criminals. In the first case you have to use international laws - in the second case you have to use your own laws. And "we" care about our own prisoners - not about the prisoners of the USA. So "you" can send to us for example the criminal officials of your own government who broke laws in Germany. As far as I know we have about 200 warrants of arrest against people of your government who broke german laws.

It is NOT a concentration camp.

It is a concentration camp, because "you" arrest people in a lawless situation.

It is a place where we can detain enemies of state without the risk of bringing them into our country.

Some people think the hell will be full of lawyers. Why the people "you" arrest have rights in the USA but don't have the same rights in Guantanamo is a mystery for everyone who is able to think.

I think it serves a valid purpose and does so well, which is why even Obama wasn't able to close it.

I guess your "moral" is just simple "Right or wrong, my country". The USA has for example also not any right to kill anyone in the world on any place they like to kill on any reason or just for fun.

And I still don't understand your insistence that the "secret services" of the US are getting "automatic transfers" of information from the EU on every citizen.... that's just absolute bullshit.

Funny. The USA knows everything about every citizen and every company in Europe. It controls everything here.

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"You" have two possibilities: Accept them as pows or accept them as criminals. In the first case you have to use international laws - in the second case you have to use your own laws. And "we" care about our own prisoners - not about the prisoners of the USA. So "you" can send to us for example the criminal officials of your own government who broke laws in Germany. As far as I know we have about 200 warrants of arrest against people of your government who broke german laws.

Well... no...

They are NOT P.O.W.s because they were not soldiers in uniform fighting under any flag. That's what the Geneva Convention says they have to be in order to be POWs. So they cannot be that.

They were not captured inside the US and weren't in the US to have broken any US laws. Therefore, they cannot be charged with crimes in a US court. We can't charge people of other countries with crimes in a US court. We have no jurisdiction. So they cannot be criminals either.

They are enemy combatants captured on the field of battle in time of war. They had to be removed to ensure safety but now, we can't do anything with them because no one wants them. If you would like to have the German chancellor contact us and offer to accept them, we'll empty Gitmo tomorrow and you can enjoy all your new terrorist thug neighbors. We're not about to turn them lose in this country.
It is a concentration camp, because "you" arrest people in a lawless situation.

Gitmo is NOT a concentration camp.

Concentration Camp- a place where large numbers of people, especially political prisoners or members of persecuted minorities, are deliberately imprisoned in a relatively small area with inadequate facilities, sometimes to provide forced labor or to await mass execution.
Some people think the hell will be full of lawyers. Why the people "you" arrest have rights in the USA but don't have the same rights in Guantanamo is a mystery for everyone who is able to think.

Because Gitmo is not on US soil and no one was arrested.
I guess your "moral" is just simple "Right or wrong, my country". The USA has for example also not any right to kill anyone in the world on any place they like to kill on any reason or just for fun.

I've never claimed we have the right to kill anyone in the world on any place for any reason just for fun.

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