How do you explain a ordered universe without a Creator?

Interesting how the U.S. talks about rights, and early documents indicate thought that rights applied to all humans, yet a line is drawn between 'un' and 'alienable' when convenient.
So how is the crusade about closing Gitmo ties in with the "....ordered universe without a Creator?"
So how is the crusade about closing Gitmo ties in with the "....ordered universe without a Creator?"

Sometimes I have the feeling the people today don't know the history they are living in. What G.W. Bush did had absolutelly nothing to do with the christian reilgion. Nearly all big christian confessions critiziced George W. Bush because of his doctrine of a "preemptive strike" because this doctrine is not compatible with the christian religion.

To speak about an "ordered universe" has anyway not much to do with the positive and negative chaos within the human individuals and human societies or with evilwilling human beings and human nations looking for their own purpose only, without taking any care about anyone or anything what's outside of their sphere of the own experience. An "ordered universe" is a universe with natural laws. For example exists a mimimum of 4 forces here, or a maximum of three dimensions for the space (independent what the string theory postulates). Mathematics for example is able to describe the Hilbert-space - a space with an infinite number of dimensions. Why three dimesions - and not 2,4,5...? Leibnitz said once: "We are living in the best of all possible worlds". And physics found out that this is indeed true: Only a little change in the natural constants would create a universe without life. So even if an infinite number of parallel universes would exist - only some under some googols of universes would be able to be a home for life. And in all this very very seldom universes where an intelligent life could exist this life would look in a nearly endless gigantic universe. The whole gigantic universe all around us is necessary to allow the planet Earth to carry life. A stupid evilwilling life maybe - but nevertheless life. And life is holy.

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Because Gitmo is not on US soil and no one was arrested.

And if a citizen of the USA should think "not my problem" then this can change very fast, if the makers and supporters of Guantanamo ignore this just simple in the same way how they ignore reasonability and justice.

that was the same logic used during WWII for the death camps to be placed in E Europe instead of the country committing the crime ... repeating history is not a coincident when to often the perpetrators are seldom prosecuted, especially during the commission of their crime.

We can make Iraq take them and imprison them. How much money do we give Iraq?

If trump can get mexico build a wall we can get Iraq to take those prisoners. Or afganistan

And what is the point of doing this?
Since Iraq is responsible for 9-11 I figure the owe us. Plus we fixed their country.

Did they ever replace that Saddam statue with a bush one?
Because Gitmo is not on US soil and no one was arrested.

And if a citizen of the USA should think "not my problem" then this can change very fast, if the makers and supporters of Guantanamo ignore this just simple in the same way how they ignore reasonability and justice.

that was the same logic used during WWII for the death camps to be placed in E Europe instead of the country committing the crime ... repeating history is not a coincident when to often the perpetrators are seldom prosecuted, especially during the commission of their crime.


"East-Europe" - today Poland and Russia - were in this days often german territory. Königsberg - the german City where Immanuel Kant lived - is for example today Russia. Russia got after world war 2 big parts of the former Poland and Poland was moved to german territory. "Auschwitz-Birkenau" for example is a german name. "Birkenau" means "meadow of the birchs". But in this meadow of the birchs sang no birds in those days. The prototype of all concentration and death camps was in Dachau near Munich.

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We can make Iraq take them and imprison them. How much money do we give Iraq?

If trump can get mexico build a wall we can get Iraq to take those prisoners. Or afganistan

And what is the point of doing this?
Since Iraq is responsible for 9-11 I figure the owe us. Plus we fixed their country.

Did they ever replace that Saddam statue with a bush one?

The Iraq never had to do anything with 9/11. The terrorists of 9/11 were Saudi-Arabians. And although Saddam Husein was a criminal he killed less people than your "fixed country" is killing people today.

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We can make Iraq take them and imprison them. How much money do we give Iraq?

If trump can get mexico build a wall we can get Iraq to take those prisoners. Or afganistan

And what is the point of doing this?
Since Iraq is responsible for 9-11 I figure the owe us. Plus we fixed their country.

Did they ever replace that Saddam statue with a bush one?

The Iraq never had to do anything with 9/11.
I know I'm joking.

Did you take boss' advice and stop posting videos? Thank you. It's annoying and no one watches them.
"East-Europe" - today Poland and Russia - were in this days often german territory.

Auschwitz concentration camp - Nazi concentration camps and extermination camps built and operated by the Third Reich in Polish areas annexed by Nazi Germany during World War II.

most if not all the death camps were not in Germany ... a parallel for Gitmo (an annex from Cuba) - "not my problem" .is likely the similarity behind their motivation.

* no need for a video, except maybe Riverdance ....

We can make Iraq take them and imprison them. How much money do we give Iraq?

If trump can get mexico build a wall we can get Iraq to take those prisoners. Or afganistan

And what is the point of doing this?
Since Iraq is responsible for 9-11 I figure the owe us. Plus we fixed their country.

Did they ever replace that Saddam statue with a bush one?

The Iraq never had to do anything with 9/11.
I know I'm joking.

Did you take boss' advice and stop posting videos?


Thank you.

It's annoying and no one watches them.

If you think so, all no wing one.

We can make Iraq take them and imprison them. How much money do we give Iraq?

If trump can get mexico build a wall we can get Iraq to take those prisoners. Or afganistan

And what is the point of doing this?
Since Iraq is responsible for 9-11 I figure the owe us. Plus we fixed their country.

Did they ever replace that Saddam statue with a bush one?

The Iraq never had to do anything with 9/11. The terrorists of 9/11 were Saudi-Arabians. And although Saddam Husein was a criminal he killed less people than your "fixed country" is killing people today.

I agree with you. I was being sarcastic. Republicans told us back then Saddam was part of the war on terror. We now know they lied to us. It was easy fooling his followers because they believe bush was a godly man but what he was was a liar
"East-Europe" - today Poland and Russia - were in this days often german territory.

Auschwitz concentration camp - Nazi concentration camps and extermination camps built and operated by the Third Reich in Polish areas annexed by Nazi Germany during World War II.

most if not all the death camps were not in Germany ... a parallel for Gitmo (an annex from Cuba) - "not my problem" .is likely the similarity behind their motivation.

* no need for a video, except maybe Riverdance ....


Auschwitz Birkenau was in Silesia. In the area around Prague lived Germans 500 years before the first Czecks appeared there. I guess this was the same everywhere in Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia. I don't know in the moment when and where the Polish came from. The history of Germany including Austria-Hungaria is for sure more complex than what's written in the history book of our enemies.

Whatever. I guess it's time to go. I have to accept that I'm not welcome. You are the third now who explains he likes not the way how I express what I think and feel in times of multimedia.

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"East-Europe" - today Poland and Russia - were in this days often german territory.

Auschwitz concentration camp - Nazi concentration camps and extermination camps built and operated by the Third Reich in Polish areas annexed by Nazi Germany during World War II.

most if not all the death camps were not in Germany ... a parallel for Gitmo (an annex from Cuba) - "not my problem" .is likely the similarity behind their motivation.

* no need for a video, except maybe Riverdance ....


Auschwitz Birkenau was in Silesia. In Prague lived Germans 500 years before the first Czecks appeared there. I guess this was the same in Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia. The history of Germany including Austria-Hungaria is a little more complex than what's written in our own wrong history book or in the history book of our enemies.

Whatever. I guess it's time to go. I have to accept that I'm not welcome.

Didn't we tell you to stop with all the stupid videos?
"East-Europe" - today Poland and Russia - were in this days often german territory.

Auschwitz concentration camp - Nazi concentration camps and extermination camps built and operated by the Third Reich in Polish areas annexed by Nazi Germany during World War II.

most if not all the death camps were not in Germany ... a parallel for Gitmo (an annex from Cuba) - "not my problem" .is likely the similarity behind their motivation.

* no need for a video, except maybe Riverdance ....


Auschwitz Birkenau was in Silesia. In Prague lived Germans 500 years before the first Czecks appeared there. I guess this was the same in Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia. The history of Germany including Austria-Hungaria is a little more complex than what's written in our own wrong history book or in the history book of our enemies.

Whatever. I guess it's time to go. I have to accept that I'm not welcome.

Didn't we tell you to stop with all the stupid videos?

Strange. Americans seem to believe they win if no one speaks any longer with them.

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"East-Europe" - today Poland and Russia - were in this days often german territory.

Auschwitz concentration camp - Nazi concentration camps and extermination camps built and operated by the Third Reich in Polish areas annexed by Nazi Germany during World War II.

most if not all the death camps were not in Germany ... a parallel for Gitmo (an annex from Cuba) - "not my problem" .is likely the similarity behind their motivation.

* no need for a video, except maybe Riverdance ....


Auschwitz Birkenau was in Silesia. In Prague lived Germans 500 years before the first Czecks appeared there. I guess this was the same in Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia. The history of Germany including Austria-Hungaria is a little more complex than what's written in our own wrong history book or in the history book of our enemies.

Whatever. I guess it's time to go. I have to accept that I'm not welcome.

Didn't we tell you to stop with all the stupid videos?

Strange. Americans seem to believe they win if no one speaks any longer with them.

Funny foreigners feel foolish with dumb videos
"East-Europe" - today Poland and Russia - were in this days often german territory.

Auschwitz concentration camp - Nazi concentration camps and extermination camps built and operated by the Third Reich in Polish areas annexed by Nazi Germany during World War II.

most if not all the death camps were not in Germany ... a parallel for Gitmo (an annex from Cuba) - "not my problem" .is likely the similarity behind their motivation.

* no need for a video, except maybe Riverdance ....


Auschwitz Birkenau was in Silesia. In Prague lived Germans 500 years before the first Czecks appeared there. I guess this was the same in Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia. The history of Germany including Austria-Hungaria is a little more complex than what's written in our own wrong history book or in the history book of our enemies.

Whatever. I guess it's time to go. I have to accept that I'm not welcome.

Didn't we tell you to stop with all the stupid videos?

Strange. Americans seem to believe they win if no one speaks any longer with them.

Funny foreigners feel foolish with dumb videos



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