How do you explain a ordered universe without a Creator?

An ordered Universe violates the Third Law of Thermodynamics. Entropy demands that order always falls into disorder. When I told that to a Physicist she said there are pockets of order in disorder which made no sense to me.
An ordered Universe violates the Third Law of Thermodynamics. Entropy demands that order always falls into disorder. When I told that to a Physicist she said there are pockets of order in disorder which made no sense to me.

It actually contradicts physics.

The real snag they have trouble explaining is logic... It is impossible for something to create itself. It's a paradox. In order for something to create itself it has to first exist and it can't exist unless it has already been created. Physical nature exists and because of the Laws of Thermodynamics, we know that it didn't always exist. So what created physical nature? The logical answer is, something that transcends the physical.
An ordered Universe violates the Third Law of Thermodynamics. Entropy demands that order always falls into disorder. When I told that to a Physicist she said there are pockets of order in disorder which made no sense to me.
Think of a lava lamp. The bubbles are order
Maybe it's an amendment to the 3rd., where automatic assumptions about a 'divine creator' are banned.
An ordered Universe violates the Third Law of Thermodynamics. Entropy demands that order always falls into disorder. When I told that to a Physicist she said there are pockets of order in disorder which made no sense to me.

- which made no sense to me.

why not , and further why would one state be more plentiful than the other ... it is most likely over time an equal balance.

that's not to say there is a creative order to the universe such as a hospitable Atmosphere throughout enabling unimpeded exploration one might expect from a creator.

You are the third now who explains he likes not the way how I express what I think and feel in times of multimedia.

if it did not slow down the internet no one would care, it's not personal ... and is not effective when you do it for every post and are not relevant to the discussion.

Orderly universe?
Hmmm. Supernovas destroying solar systems, black holes swallowing planets and stars, galaxies smashing into one another, asteroid and meteor strikes, causing extinctions, random shifting tectonic plates which cause massive earthquakes, sporadic tornadoes, hurricanes, tsunamis, droughts, heat waves, wildfires.
There's nothing orderly about this universe.
An ordered Universe violates the Third Law of Thermodynamics. Entropy demands that order always falls into disorder. When I told that to a Physicist she said there are pockets of order in disorder which made no sense to me.

What means the situation in the big bang was a situation of perfect order - and explains why some holy persons say "the evil mights reign over the world". But it's a little more complex: Without this process our sun could give the Earth not the energy to build living bodies which are on a higher level of organisation than stones. The only exception seem to be antichristian and extremly nationalisitc Americans, who have a stone in their breast and miss the letters 'b','r'+'n' in their heads - but entropy seems to help all really living entities to be on a higher level of existance than the floor under our feet. We have as living persons a higher degree of freedom than stones, sand, water, air, fire or ice or ... somehow we are even burning like a burning thorn bush on our own ... perhaps that's our soul ... on the way home to our father.

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Orderly universe?
Hmmm. Supernovas destroying solar systems, black holes swallowing planets and stars, galaxies smashing into one another, asteroid and meteor strikes, causing extinctions, random shifting tectonic plates which cause massive earthquakes, sporadic tornadoes, hurricanes, tsunamis, droughts, heat waves, wildfires.
There's nothing orderly about this universe.

Gravitational constant. Cosmological constant. Plank's constant. Faraday constant. Boltzmann constant. Loschmidt constant. Couloumb's constant. Josephson constant. vonKlitzing constant. Fermi coupling constant. Rydberg constant. Madelung constant. Electric constant. Magnetic constant. Wein displacement law constant. Sackur-Tetrode constant. Gas constant. Electrical resistivity. Heat capacity. Fine-structure constant. Elementary charge. Speed of Light. Proton-to-electron mass ratio. Proton mass. Electron mass. Classical electron radius. Bohr radius. Yawaka couplings. Bohr magneton. Nuclear magneton. Efimov factor. ...and about 20 more physical constants. (we won't even get into the myriad of quantum constants)

So... yeah... an ordered universe.

What your ignorant and uneducated ass is talking about is a "serene" universe. We don't even live on a serene planet. But the physics of our universe is very much ordered and it enables us to have physics, to study our universe in some kind of meaningful way. So you can continue to be an ignorant butt munch who demonstrates his neanderthal stupidity by making incredibly simple-minded comments like you did, or you can accept the fact that our universe is very much an ordered universe in which numerous constants exist which you have no way of explaining.

Furthermore, every scientist agrees we have an ordered universe. You will find no credible scientist who supports your viewpoint that we don't. They may have various opinions and theories on our ordered universe but there is no doubt we have an ordered universe.
How do you explain a(n) ordered universe without a Creator?
'Ordered', a past tense form, implies 'by someone/something'.
The statement could be that we observe that the universe is orderly. That allows for awaiting further information that would indicate if there is a 'why'.
An ordered Universe violates the Third Law of Thermodynamics. Entropy demands that order always falls into disorder. When I told that to a Physicist she said there are pockets of order in disorder which made no sense to me.

- which made no sense to me.

why not , and further why would one state be more plentiful than the other ... it is most likely over time an equal balance.

that's not to say there is a creative order to the universe such as a hospitable Atmosphere throughout enabling unimpeded exploration one might expect from a creator.

You are the third now who explains he likes not the way how I express what I think and feel in times of multimedia.

if it did not slow down the internet no one would care, it's not personal ... and is not effective when you do it for every post and are not relevant to the discussion.


I can live with the prejudice "All US-Americans [except ...] are idiots" without any problem the rest of my life. You don't have to tell me that I am right to think so.

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An ordered Universe violates the Third Law of Thermodynamics. Entropy demands that order always falls into disorder. When I told that to a Physicist she said there are pockets of order in disorder which made no sense to me.

- which made no sense to me.

why not , and further why would one state be more plentiful than the other ... it is most likely over time an equal balance.

that's not to say there is a creative order to the universe such as a hospitable Atmosphere throughout enabling unimpeded exploration one might expect from a creator.

You are the third now who explains he likes not the way how I express what I think and feel in times of multimedia.

if it did not slow down the internet no one would care, it's not personal ... and is not effective when you do it for every post and are not relevant to the discussion.


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Prove me wrong.
How do you explain a(n) ordered universe without a Creator?
'Ordered', a past tense form, implies 'by someone/something'.
The statement could be that we observe that the universe is orderly. That allows for awaiting further information that would indicate if there is a 'why'.

I think you can certainly construe some mixed up and confusing semantics here. When scientists use the term "ordered universe" they simply mean the parameters of our physical universe are arranged and in order. "If there is a why" is an illogical non sequitur. Of course there is a why, whether we've discovered it or not. Throwing up your hands and saying maybe there is not a reason why is no different than throwing up your hands and proclaiming God did it. Science can do nothing with a conclusion of faith.

Now... Imagine you have a handful of dice.. Let's say you have 40 or so... You throw the dice just once and every dice lands on 7. Logic tells us there has to be some explanation other than random chance because the odds are too phenomenal. Even if only half the dice were 7s it would be incredibly impossible odds. So we must consider something other than random chance explains this. Perhaps you actually had billions of throws and one happened to result this way? That's the multiverse theory. Another theory is, something is in control of the dice that you aren't aware of physically. Perhaps something intervened in the throw and made the dice all land on 7? This is intelligent design theory. What we know for certain is, all the dice landed on 7 and random chance can't explain that.

(and just for the sake of illustrating the magnitude here... these are special dice which do not simply represent 1-6 like normal dice, but rather, trillions of values that are possible.)
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