How do you feel about your life savings?

Sorry, historically low interest.

Hard to make much on safe fixed income compared to historically.

I have 37 million rubles in my bank in St. Petersberg.

For those not familiar with a Ruble, 100 Rubles = 10 Rubbles and 10 Rubbles = 1 Barney Rubble.

It helps to have a slide rule to work it out. :smoke:
How much are Marlboro light. NOT a whole pack. Each
I know you are but what am I?

View attachment 529036
I'm a University graduate with a post graduate degree. So sorry you resort to a second grade, unoriginal, insult; it seems you also obtained your (un)education graduater work delivered on the AM Radio by Limbaugh and Hannity; and Hannity and Tucker Carlson on Faux TV.
I'm a University graduate with a post graduate degree. So sorry you resort to a second grade, unoriginal, insult, it seems you also obtained your (un)education delivered by the AM Radio by Limbaugh and Hannity; and Hannity and Tucker Carlson on Faux TV.
I feel so unworthy and ashamed knowing what a highly educated buffoon you are.

Can you ever forgive me?
I have no life savings. I have no intention to ever stop working. I’ll die at my desk. Especially as we are now working from home completely again and my employer has no intent to bring us back into the office more than once a week in the future.

I have sufficient life insurance to cover my debts if I were to die. I came into this world with nothing. I intend to leave with nothing.
we're doing ok. we will be comfortable & since we never got onto debt; we aren't ( & gratefully won't need to ) worry.
I worked. I saved. I lived below my means. I started investing in 2000. Here it is 20 years later, and my best year ever is the second half of 2020 to right now. I'll retire soon and will have plenty of money, and I'll only be 56.

It's takes a couple decades of staying on track to get here. I don't judge anyone, because there are SO many things that can go wrong along the way. It truly is an obstacle course one has to run to get here. We all get to the end somehow, and we all get by somehow. Just keep moving forward.
By the age of retirement, the money you saved will not be enough to be able to survive, Millennials may need to double how much they save for retirement! workers who are decades away from retirement will need to save more, in some cases twice as much as they were saving before to make up the difference. we don't know what market returns are going to be tomorrow, much less for the next 10, 20, 30, or 40 years
How much do you think you need?

Fun Fact

every 150000 earning a 5% ROR that you have will provide 1000 a month income for 20 years.

So if you retire at 65 and have 750000 earning 5% you will be able to draw an income of 5000 a month for 20 years and then there is Social Security as a little padding.

The best indicator of future market returns are past market returns.

The stock market has averaged a just about 10% return for the past century even with all the booms and busts.
As both parties continue to spend trillions ; the end result is that your dollars have lost massive value
For every useless trillion printed by the fake government only means your life savings is losing huge value

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