how do you guys read this ??

I try to read the whole thing first. But if I come across an interesting topic that's already 300 posts old, I consider it overripe and pass on. Unless there's some burning point I want to focus on that just came up. That means getting in early. Otherwise it's just too much work, and it looks so lame to jump in with something that's already run its course earlier.

I use the Ignore list for trolls -- those who demonstrate a persistent dearth of content. It's maybe a half-dozen posters.

When a thread degrades to some personal flame war, I write it off and move on. But then everybody does that.

the ignore list here offsets the profanity/abject racism element/riffraff... etc... somehow, i haven't quite figured out how, but i love it...

it's quite remarkable, but this messageboard unlike the others is the/an original paradigm (operates) of the first bill of right (s).

the ignore feature could be the twenty-eighth amendment.... (heh););)

open forum. not necessarily for the faint of heart, but true to the premise of truly free speech.

we're learning, as a society we are certainly getting better. i think the founding mothers and fathers would be proud.

Ignore is for pussies.
i'm not quite sure what that means.
if the op sports a clown face avi, I dont.
If the preponderance of posters sport them, I dont
If there are ape caractitures of the Obamas, I dont
If Judicial Review, Ravir, Dottie, Rabbit, Ascelpiass, or Political Chicklet start it, its a waste of time and bandwidth.
even a blind pig roots up an acorn every now and then. :thewave:
I try to read the whole thing first. But if I come across an interesting topic that's already 300 posts old, I consider it overripe and pass on. Unless there's some burning point I want to focus on that just came up. That means getting in early. Otherwise it's just too much work, and it looks so lame to jump in with something that's already run its course earlier.

I use the Ignore list for trolls -- those who demonstrate a persistent dearth of content. It's maybe a half-dozen posters.

When a thread degrades to some personal flame war, I write it off and move on. But then everybody does that.

the ignore list here offsets the profanity/abject racism element/riffraff... etc... somehow, i haven't quite figured out how, but i love it...

it's quite remarkable, but this messageboard unlike the others is the/an original paradigm (operates) of the first bill of right (s).

the ignore feature could be the twenty-eighth amendment.... (heh););)

open forum. not necessarily for the faint of heart, but true to the premise of truly free speech.

we're learning, as a society we are certainly getting better. i think the founding mothers and fathers would be proud.

Ignore is for pussies.
i'm not quite sure what that means.

It means exactly what it says, you were talking about ignore lists, I said ignore is for pussies, if you can't take the heat get the hell out of the kitchen. I've never used the ignore function, never plan to.
I try to read the whole thing first. But if I come across an interesting topic that's already 300 posts old, I consider it overripe and pass on. Unless there's some burning point I want to focus on that just came up. That means getting in early. Otherwise it's just too much work, and it looks so lame to jump in with something that's already run its course earlier.

I use the Ignore list for trolls -- those who demonstrate a persistent dearth of content. It's maybe a half-dozen posters.

When a thread degrades to some personal flame war, I write it off and move on. But then everybody does that.
I'm pretty much the opposite.
On a huge, multi-reply thread I figure that it's already been derailed a dozen times so I'll just reply to the OP (or an early post).
That tends to get it back on track for a while.

I mostly use New Posts or Active Topics to stay more recent
how do you guys approach the politics forum ? do you read all posts first, then come back ? do you post as you go along ? how do you choose threads to open ? to what percentage of threads do you post ?

anything else you can think of, i'm very curious.

while i'm thinking about it, do you have people on ignore (spectacular feature), or do you let the horses run wild ?

politics is a special arena here, people gravitate to it for a reason. there's another question (s), do you come to this forum first, what other forums do you enjoy ? politics: it's my favorite, after right conspiracy theories.

I go to the active topics tab first, to see what people are talking about. If I don't see anything interesting, I gravitate to a few forums such as politics, science, environment, etc., that I have an interest in. If I don't find anything interesting there, I close out the browser tab and wonder to another site.
My primary reason for posting threads is to get NON-LIPs to do a little more research especially when I post sources for my statements.
With more information that is non-sensationalized MSM pulp designed just to get readership maybe a few NON-LIPs will change their opinions which form their actions at the voting booth. When they do that it will affect me FINANCIALLY.
For example if more NON-LIPs comprehend that raising the SS retirement age to be more in line with reality i.e. 68 for example THEN I won't have to worry about my son's future as much. As it is if more people understood that SS was designed when extremely few people lived beyond 65, i.e. 1930s and today the average life span is 75...maybe then these NON-LIPs might not believe the garbage Democrats especially spew that people like me want to CUT SS benefits for seniors!
So totally wrong because NONE of the efforts to financially secure SS would happen to anyone OVER 55!

So this one example of the gross misinformation about SS that the masses that vote that put politicians in that only do what their voters are telling them WON"T secure SS.
Because these same politicians listen to the garbage from Democrats/MSM regarding raising the retirement age...again ONLY for those under 55!

Hopefully then this forum provides me in a very small way some influence with the NON-LIP voters!
I try to read the whole thing first. But if I come across an interesting topic that's already 300 posts old, I consider it overripe and pass on. Unless there's some burning point I want to focus on that just came up. That means getting in early. Otherwise it's just too much work, and it looks so lame to jump in with something that's already run its course earlier.

I use the Ignore list for trolls -- those who demonstrate a persistent dearth of content. It's maybe a half-dozen posters.

When a thread degrades to some personal flame war, I write it off and move on. But then everybody does that.

the ignore list here offsets the profanity/abject racism element/riffraff... etc... somehow, i haven't quite figured out how, but i love it...

it's quite remarkable, but this messageboard unlike the others is the/an original paradigm (operates) of the first bill of right (s).

the ignore feature could be the twenty-eighth amendment.... (heh););)

open forum. not necessarily for the faint of heart, but true to the premise of truly free speech.

we're learning, as a society we are certainly getting better. i think the founding mothers and fathers would be proud.

Ignore is for pussies.
i'm not quite sure what that means.

It means exactly what it says, you were talking about ignore lists, I said ignore is for pussies, if you can't take the heat get the hell out of the kitchen. I've never used the ignore function, never plan to.
i guess i'm a pussy then. to me it's more like not using bug spray on a camping trip to the mosquito coast.

to be honest it's the pictures than bum me out more than some words. that's how it started. you should try it sometime. i really don't care what the racists, race baiters, bigots over agitars who post the same epithets/sentiments everytime... etc... have to say. i learned that from the obots.

it' more fun this way for me, but then i'm just a pussy, according to you, such a manly man.. i guess....:(
My primary reason for posting threads is to get NON-LIPs to do a little more research especially when I post sources for my statements.
With more information that is non-sensationalized MSM pulp designed just to get readership maybe a few NON-LIPs will change their opinions which form their actions at the voting booth. When they do that it will affect me FINANCIALLY.
For example if more NON-LIPs comprehend that raising the SS retirement age to be more in line with reality i.e. 68 for example THEN I won't have to worry about my son's future as much. As it is if more people understood that SS was designed when extremely few people lived beyond 65, i.e. 1930s and today the average life span is 75...maybe then these NON-LIPs might not believe the garbage Democrats especially spew that people like me want to CUT SS benefits for seniors!
So totally wrong because NONE of the efforts to financially secure SS would happen to anyone OVER 55!

So this one example of the gross misinformation about SS that the masses that vote that put politicians in that only do what their voters are telling them WON"T secure SS.
Because these same politicians listen to the garbage from Democrats/MSM regarding raising the retirement age...again ONLY for those under 55!

Hopefully then this forum provides me in a very small way some influence with the NON-LIP voters!

awesome thank you ! i don't ever plan to retire. i am lucky to be able to work at things i love to do. bersie sanders said SS is fine. someone (some generation) will bite the bullet. too many bay boomers chasing too few goods. something like that. there are some amasing conversations here you can't get anywhere else.
I try to read the whole thing first. But if I come across an interesting topic that's already 300 posts old, I consider it overripe and pass on. Unless there's some burning point I want to focus on that just came up. That means getting in early. Otherwise it's just too much work, and it looks so lame to jump in with something that's already run its course earlier.

I use the Ignore list for trolls -- those who demonstrate a persistent dearth of content. It's maybe a half-dozen posters.

When a thread degrades to some personal flame war, I write it off and move on. But then everybody does that.

the ignore list here offsets the profanity/abject racism element/riffraff... etc... somehow, i haven't quite figured out how, but i love it...

it's quite remarkable, but this messageboard unlike the others is the/an original paradigm (operates) of the first bill of right (s).

the ignore feature could be the twenty-eighth amendment.... (heh););)

open forum. not necessarily for the faint of heart, but true to the premise of truly free speech.

we're learning, as a society we are certainly getting better. i think the founding mothers and fathers would be proud.

Ignore is for pussies.
i'm not quite sure what that means.

It means exactly what it says, you were talking about ignore lists, I said ignore is for pussies, if you can't take the heat get the hell out of the kitchen. I've never used the ignore function, never plan to.
i guess i'm a pussy then. to me it's more like not using bug spray on a camping trip to the mosquito coast.

to be honest it's the pictures than bum me out more than some words. that's how it started. you should try it sometime. i really don't care what the racists, race baiters, bigots over agitars who post the same epithets/sentiments everytime... etc... have to say. i learned that from the obots.

it' more fun this way for me, but then i'm just a pussy, according to you, such a manly man.. i guess....:(

Whatever floats you boat.

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