How do you have an "execution style" shooting in Britain, they banned guns, right?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Yep...this happened Saturday in Britain, an execution style shooting. They better get used to this. Our gun crime rate spiked in the mid 1960s as our families fell apart because of the New Britain, their culture and their social welfare system is creating the same situation for them, it just took them a while because of World War 2 and their culture....but single teenage mothers raising young males have finally defeated their culture......

Pictured: man shot dead while sitting in his car in 'execution'

Khalid Farah, 26, was sitting in the Ford Focus outside an off-licence in Southall when a gunman walked up to the window and opened fire at 1.23am on Saturday.

His sister today paid tribute to a “kind and gentle soul” as relatives said they had no idea why he was targeted.

Police said the gunman was a passenger in a black SUV which pulled up alongside Mr Farah’s car in front of the Superstore in Lady Margaret Road.

Mr Farah suffered a number of gunshot injuries and was taken to hospital but died a few hours later. Today his sister, who did not want to be named, said: “He was a caring boy who loves his family. He was a gentle soul.

The British have cut their police forces, cut their police funding and hampered their police with political's as if they hired democrats to run their cities........oh, they also imported violent people from the 3rd world to do jobs that British citizens won't run their drug gangs....
That's what he gets for diddling some other man's goat.

3.2 per 100,000 in the US. 0.04 per 100,000 in the United Kingdom. Oh yeah, 2a, that is so comparable. What a dumb lying ass you are.

3.2 per 100,000 in the US. 0.04 per 100,000 in the United Kingdom. Oh yeah, 2a, that is so comparable. What a dumb lying ass you are.

Nice spin on the statistics. It all looks so convincing until you realize that the population of the U.S. is 350 million and the population of Canada is only 35 million.

Of course we're going to have more firearms homicides. And of course, the majority of them happen in states and cities under Democrat control, and having the strictest gun laws.

You almost fooled someone. Keep trying, maybe you'll get it next time. :laugh:

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