How do you liberals justify Obama telling the insurance companies to BREAK THE LAW?


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
According to obamacare health insurance companies can no longer sell policies that leave out
what obozo calls "essential health benefits" such as coverage for ER care. But now obozo has ordered the insurance companies to continue selling these brazenly illegal plans for at least the next year. He didn't get the law changed, mind you; he just told the companies to break the law and we'll look the other way!!!!
This the same way obozo gave amnesty to millions of illegals in the summer of 2012. The law still says they can't be here but obozo said "guess what - i'm gonna just ignore the law and let you stay".

The constitution lists one of the duties of the president as "he shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed"!!!

Gutless repubs should be screaming about this lawlessness.

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