Zone1 How does one figure out what in the Old Testament to keep, what to throw out?


Platinum Member
Nov 28, 2022
Well, this is why Christ (one reason Christ) founded a Church

He knew human nature better than anyone

and so he knew people would be confused about His New Way.. knew there would have to be priests and bishops and etc... to show the people what the Scriptures mean, especially when they are incomprehensible, as a lot of the OT is..

So while Leviticus 20 says to give capital punishment to practicing homosexuals...

well... we've obviously thrown that out. But sometimes I wonder... Who told anyone to throw it out?

It's hard figuring out what to do with some of the things in the OT... when the Original Church is basically invisible today... (The Vatican being stolen in 1958)

Well, this is why Christ (one reason Christ) founded a Church

He knew human nature better than anyone

and so he knew people would be confused about His New Way.. knew there would have to be priests and bishops and etc... to show the people what the Scriptures mean, especially when they are incomprehensible, as a lot of the OT is..

So while Leviticus 20 says to give capital punishment to practicing homosexuals...

well... we've obviously thrown that out. But sometimes I wonder... Who told anyone to throw it out?

It's hard figuring out what to do with some of the things in the OT... when the Original Church is basically invisible today... (The Vatican being stolen in 1958)

Jesus did not found Chritanity.

Paul of Tarsus started Christianity decades after Jesus died.

Leave the Hebrew Scriptures be. They are non of Christian business which is always intent in wiping out anything which is of Jewish History or Culture.
Jesus did not found Chritanity.

Paul of Tarsus started Christianity decades after Jesus died.

Leave the Hebrew Scriptures be. They are non of Christian business which is always intent in wiping out anything which is of Jewish History or Culture.
Well, this is why Christ (one reason Christ) founded a Church

He knew human nature better than anyone

and so he knew people would be confused about His New Way.. knew there would have to be priests and bishops and etc... to show the people what the Scriptures mean, especially when they are incomprehensible, as a lot of the OT is..

So while Leviticus 20 says to give capital punishment to practicing homosexuals...

well... we've obviously thrown that out. But sometimes I wonder... Who told anyone to throw it out?

It's hard figuring out what to do with some of the things in the OT... when the Original Church is basically invisible today... (The Vatican being stolen in 1958)

[Anything in the Hebrew Scripture written against Homosexuality was written by ONE ignorant Jew who did not know or care to understand Homosexuality anymore than people before him or after him.

Homosexuality exists amongst the wild animals. At least 400 species have been observed practicing this.

Humans deciding what is and what is not which ends harming other humans should be let be.

Ignorance must be put aside whenever proof that what some humans said in a book turned out not to be true.]

Currently, homosexual behavior has been documented in over 450 different animal species worldwide. For instance, observations indicate that Humboldt, King, Gentoo, and Adélie penguins of the same sex engage in “mating rituals like entwining their necks and vocalizing to one another.” In addition, male giraffes have also been observed engaging in homosexual behavior by rubbing their necks against each others’ bodies while ignoring the females. Yet another example is lizards of the genus Teiidae, which can copulate with both male and female mates.

Biologists Nathan W. Bailey and Marlene Zuk from the University of California, Riverside, have investigated the evolutionary consequences and implications of same-sex behavior, and their findings demonstrate benefits to what seems to be an evolutionary paradox. For example, their studies of the Laysan albatross show that female-female pairing can increase fitness by taking advantage of the excess of females and shortage of males in the population and provide superior care for offspring. Moreover, same-sex pairing in many species actually alleviates the likelihood of divorce and curtails the pressure on the opposite sex by allowing members to exhibit more flexibility to form partnerships, which in turn strengthens social bonds and reduces competition. Thus, not only do animals exhibit homosexuality, but the existence of this behavior is quite prevalent and may also confer certain evolutionary advantages.

[Anything in the Hebrew Scripture written against Homosexuality was written by ONE ignorant Jew who did not know or care to understand Homosexuality anymore than people before him or after him.

Homosexuality exists amongst the wild animals. At least 400 species have been observed practicing this.

Humans deciding what is and what is not which ends harming other humans should be let be.

Ignorance must be put aside whenever proof that what some humans said in a book turned out not to be true.]

I couldn't ccare less about the history of homosexuality or whether some animals do it

It is an abomination

You don't need the Bible to tell or remind u of that. Nature itself tells you

but libs hate nature... as we hve seen (trans gender bs, abortion)
I couldn't ccare less about the history of homosexuality or whether some animals do it

It is an abomination

You don't need the Bible to tell or remind u of that. Nature itself tells you

but libs hate nature... as we hve seen (trans gender bs, abortion)
That is something sick to say about animals.

And then you go and switch to other religious extremism which only bring harm to others.

I am still to see humans hunt animals for being homosexual as they do other humans.

Which only shows that only some humans have a sick mind with it comes to homosexuality and anything else they do not understand and does not fit in what some have been taught.
Nothing of the Old Testament is of value.
The whole point of religion should be for people to live and let live, and let people decide their own lives.
If a person wants to do bad things and you simply prevent them from doing it by threats of harm, they are no better person than the one who does do those things.
You have accomplished nothing.

A Darwinian Paradox?

The ‘Darwinian paradox’ suggests that it is impossible to maintain genes that are costly to an animal’s ability to reproduce. Because animals with costly traits are less likely to pass on their genes, these traits should be weeded out of a population over evolutionary time.

Female-female pairs of Laysan Albatross can successfully raise chicks together. Credit: Stephen Fabricius

Same-sex sexual behavior, a trait that we now know is genetically controlled, has classically served as a stand-out example of a Darwinian paradox. It provides no obvious benefits to reproduction and should have therefore never evolved. Yet, these behaviors have now been found in hundreds of species.

So why then, is same-sex sexual behavior so prominent in the animal kingdom? New work by evolutionary biologists suggests that perhaps, blinded by historical homophobia, we have been asking the wrong question all along. According to them, the real question should be: Why not?

From Why?…

In the past, researchers have struggled to explain this Darwinian paradox, sometimes going so far as to call same-sex sexual behavior a ‘fundamentally erroneous tactic’. Those in this camp have claimed that same-sex sexual behavior has no benefits and is in fact very costly to animals’ reproductive success. While this may be true for some creatures, for others, it is not.

For example, one third of Laysan Albatross pairs breeding on Oahu, Hawaii are female-female pairs. Although such pairs clearly cannot produce offspring alone, both females will often solicit sexual encounters with males before returning to their same-sex partner. These females will both lay eggs in the nest and can raise them together successfully, leading to low or no loss of future offspring for the pair.

Some scientists argue that most instances of same-sex sexual behavior are not costly, but instead adaptive—that is, same-sex sexual behavior provides some benefit that outweighs its costs. These could be benefits to survival such as social bonding, stress relief, and community maintenance.

Same-sex sexual behavior in bonobos and other social primates can strengthen alliances and diffuse tense social situations. Credit: Pixabay

And this appears to be true, in at least some animals. Male and female bonobos and other social primates, for example, will often engage in sexual relationships with both sexes to diffuse tense social situations and strengthen alliances. These alliances are important for group harmony, and therefore survival.

…To Why Not?

According to researchers, thinking of same-sex behavior in terms of costs or benefits is a problem in itself. Both approaches assume that same-sex sexual behavior is a trait that evolved from strict heterosexuality, and therefore needed a reason to have appeared in the first place; a reason which promotes reproduction or survival at least as much as heterosexual behavior does.

But evolutionary biologists from Yale, Berkeley, and other research institutions have recently proposed that same-sex sexual behavior was not evolved from heterosexual behavior. Instead, they suggest that indiscriminate mating—what we might call ‘bisexuality’ in humans—appeared in an evolutionary ancestor of all animals before the preference for heterosexual behavior ever did.

This alternative origin of same-sex sexual behavior makes a lot of sense, according to those scientists. In order for an animal to choose one sex over the other, they must first be able to determine the difference between a male or female of the same species. And in order for these sex-specific differences to evolve, sexual reproduction must evolve from asexual reproduction (cloning) first. Therefore, there must have been some time after sexual reproduction evolved and before sexual signaling evolved, where animals had no choice but to mate indiscriminately.

I couldn't ccare less about the history of homosexuality or whether some animals do it

It is an abomination

You don't need the Bible to tell or remind u of that. Nature itself tells you

but libs hate nature... as we hve seen (trans gender bs, abortion)

Since homosexuality increases with over population, it likely is a naturally evolving form of birth control.
Nothing of the Old Testament is of value.
The whole point of religion should be for people to live and let live, and let people decide their own lives.
If a person wants to do bad things and you simply prevent them from doing it by threats of harm, they are no better person than the one who does do those things.
You have accomplished nothing.
Threats are useless, unless the recipient has some confidence that they will be carried out...
Homosexual wild animals. There are plenty of them.

Why are some scared of homosexuality humans not hunting them down?

How many animals make it their life's mission to inform everyone of their sexual preference? It's unlikely anyone would know, not that it matters. Because if we're relegating humans to mere animal stars and value... We humans cull nuisance, and perceived destructive animals all the time with little fanfare. So it would indeed be open season on homos, and who would one be to protest? After all... They're just animals.
I couldn't ccare less about the history of homosexuality or whether some animals do it

It is an abomination

You don't need the Bible to tell or remind u of that. Nature itself tells you

but libs hate nature... as we hve seen (trans gender bs, abortion)
Well, the Vatican seems to be contrary to your thinking.

But, then what do extremists Christians care about what any Pope says.

The Jews did not kill Jesus, two Popes said. What do the extremist Christians care.

Homosexuality is not a sin or crime. What do the extremist Christians care.

In his first interview since the death of former Pope Benedict XVI, Francistold the Associated Press that laws criminalizing homosexuality are "unjust" and that Catholic bishops should apply "tenderness" and help ease discrimination by welcoming LGBTQ people into the church.

On Tuesday, Cruz told Morning Edition's Leila Fadel that anti-sodomy laws in dozens of countries, including some that impose the death penalty, are "horrifying," but the pope's moral leadership will help civil authorities, bishops, and cardinals to "change their heart" and join the pontiff in speaking out.

"The pope highlights that the LGBTQ community is not sinful and criminal," said Cruz.

On the impact of the pope's message on LGBTQ criminalization

It's been an incredible day with his statement, something that no pope has ever done in history. He's taken great steps and they're sincere and that I appreciate. In a moment where the LGBT community all over the world needs it because it's being attacked, condemned, there's laws that criminalize it.

This man does change and does acknowledge when he has made a mistake and he said it publicly. And I admire that in him. I mean, there's a lot a lot still to do in terms of abuse in the church. By no means we're done.
It doesn't surprise me from Pope Francis. He's a man that is open to everybody, who holds the dignity of the person in the highest standards. The LGBT community is very in his heart. I would not say this if I didn't know it. I know this for a fact, and that makes me very happy.

On how Cruz has seen Pope Francis' view change over the last decade

The pope that I knew and that I saw in 2017 versus the pope that that I met, and after a few meetings in 2018, it's 180 degree difference. It's surprising. You know, we normally say older people, you know, it's hard to change their views or change.

This man does change and does acknowledge when he has made a mistake and he said it publicly. And I admire that in him. I mean, there's a lot a lot still to do in terms of abuse in the church. By no means we're done.

How many animals make it their life's mission to inform everyone of their sexual preference? It's unlikely anyone would know, not that it matters. Because if we're relegating humans to mere animal stars and value... We humans cull nuisance, and perceived destructive animals all the time with little fanfare. So it would indeed be open season on homos, and who would one be to protest? After all... They're just animals.
ONLY humans have at the ability to be prejudiced.

ONLY humans have the ability to torture other humans for what they believe is wrong.

ONLY humans have murdered millions of other humans for not being the kind of humans they think they should be, or do not think the way THEY think others should think, believe or speak.

ONLY HUMANS are the dummest, most disgusting creature to walk the face of this planet.

Nothing of the Old Testament is of value.
The whole point of religion should be for people to live and let live, and let people decide their own lives.
If a person wants to do bad things and you simply prevent them from doing it by threats of harm, they are no better person than the one who does do those things.
You have accomplished nothing.

If that were logical, one would never discipline his/her chldren

Parents would just let them do whatever ...

and all those who have raised their kids like that can attest to how wrong that was... if they are honest

It's a total disaster to let anyone, whether child or adult, do whatever he wants... We are sick puppies when we are not disciplined by morality (which is nothing but a different word for Adhering to reality/logic
How many animals make it their life's mission to inform everyone of their sexual preference? It's unlikely anyone would know, not that it matters. Because if we're relegating humans to mere animal stars and value... We humans cull nuisance, and perceived destructive animals all the time with little fanfare. So it would indeed be open season on homos, and who would one be to protest? After all... They're just animals.
There isn't ONE animal species on the planet which hunts down any other animals of their own or other species for being homosexual.

They know something you do not care to know.

HUMANS are the ONLY animals who through learned prejudice have learned to go after other humans because of what they have chosen to believe in.



Racism, where others are inferior to themselves due to the color of their skin or culture.

ONLY HUMANS do that. !!!!

If that were logical, one would never discipline his/her chldren

Parents would just let them do whatever ...

and all those who have raised their kids like that can attest to how wrong that was... if they are honest

It's a total disaster to let anyone, whether child or adult, do whatever he wants... We are sick puppies when we are not disciplined by morality (which is nothing but a different word for Adhering to reality/logic
Your knowledge of reality is a far fetched one.
Well this is a personal view isn't it. So my personal view is the same as Jefferson: if JC is recorded as saying it, it matters. Thats it. Thats all. Not The Old Testament, not what Paul or anyone else wrote. Only what JC is recorded as specifically saying.
Well this is a personal view isn't it. So my personal view is the same as Jefferson: if JC is recorded as saying it, it matters. Thats it. Thats all. Not The Old Testament, not what Paul or anyone else wrote. Only what JC is recorded as specifically saying.

Jesus cited the Old T often

Jesus (writings in the New T) did not/do not dispute much of anything in the OT

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