Zone1 How does one figure out what in the Old Testament to keep, what to throw out?

I think there are more reasons than just those for the Old T, although those are the most important.

The Jews (nd eventually the whole world) were given the Laws of God through the OT

There were references to Gentiles in the Old Testament, but God designated the descendants of Abraham, (the Israelites), as His chosen people. He made a covenant with them and revealed His commandments and laws to them, which they were to live according to. Like I said, it was necessary for them to adhere to God's laws, in order that they might survive as a nation. There are also accounts of Gentiles becoming Jewish converts and followers of God.

And like you said, there is a range of verses in the Old testament that mentions the promise that all nations will one day be able to serve God. It is prophesied that Gentiles, too, would have an opportunity to become part of God’s nation, even if they were not Jewish. That's why Jesus died on the cross, to bear the sins of all people, even we lowly non-Jews.
Jesus did not found Chritanity.

Paul of Tarsus started Christianity decades after Jesus died.

Leave the Hebrew Scriptures be. They are non of Christian business which is always intent in wiping out anything which is of Jewish History or Culture.
The Hebrew scriptures are the history and prophecies concerning the nation of Israel, not just the Jews.
There isn't ONE animal species on the planet which hunts down any other animals of their own or other species for being homosexual.

They know something you do not care to know.

HUMANS are the ONLY animals who through learned prejudice have learned to go after other humans because of what they have chosen to believe in.



Racism, where others are inferior to themselves due to the color of their skin or culture.

ONLY HUMANS do that. !!!!
Various OT punishments were intended for Israel only.
There is no emulation. Stop being ignorant.

Neither humans nor animals have emulated homosexuality from each other.

Both have always had homosexuality as in some of their behavior.

ONLY humans want to criminalize it.

Comparing it to lions killing another lion's cub?

IDIOT !!!!

You're the retard appealing to animal homo-sex to justify men fucking each other. You're clearly the ignorant idiot.
Jesus did not found Chritanity.

Paul of Tarsus started Christianity decades after Jesus died.

Leave the Hebrew Scriptures be. They are non of Christian business which is always intent in wiping out anything which is of Jewish History or Culture.
LOL, the fear of homosexuality amongst humans, which is normal, sends some humans up the wall.


It's abnormal and deviant. Perverted, sick, and destructive. Society should've never allowed homosexuals out of their closets. They're not satisfied with tolerance, they want to turn everyone gay, bi, or trans.












" CDC estimates that, as of 2019, about 1.2 million people in the U.S. have HIV. Of those, more than 754,000 (63%) were gay and bisexual men. New HIV infections declined 8% overall from 2015 to 2019 and 9% among gay and bisexual men during that timeframe. Progress has not been even, however, with nearly half of new HIV infections occurring among Black gay and bisexual men, as well as Hispanic and Latino gay and bisexual men, in 2019.

To end the HIV epidemic, HIV testing must be scaled up; people with HIV must be linked to care and treatment; and equitable access to HIV prevention—including PrEP—must be ensured for everyone who could benefit.

It is important for gay and bisexual men to know their HIV status so they can take medicine to treat HIV if they have the virus. Approximately 15% of gay and bisexual men with HIV in the U.S. do not know their HIV status, and too few are receiving adequate HIV care and treatment.* Taking HIV medicine every day can make the viral load undetectable. People who get and keep an undetectable viral load (or remain virally suppressed) can stay healthy for many years and will not transmit HIV to their sex partners. "


Why should society allow these homosexuals to cause such havoc in society, with respect to public health and influencing and confusing young, impressionable children into their deadly depravities? Society should've never allowed this to happen. No amount of tolerance is enough for these sickos. Society should force them back into their dark. stinky closets where they belong.

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It's abnormal and deviant. Perverted, sick, and destructive. Society should've never allowed homosexuals out of their closets. They're not satisfied with tolerance, they want to turn everyone gay, bi, or trans.

" CDC estimates that, as of 2019, about 1.2 million people in the U.S. have HIV. Of those, more than 754,000 (63%) were gay and bisexual men. New HIV infections declined 8% overall from 2015 to 2019 and 9% among gay and bisexual men during that timeframe. Progress has not been even, however, with nearly half of new HIV infections occurring among Black gay and bisexual men, as well as Hispanic and Latino gay and bisexual men, in 2019.

To end the HIV epidemic, HIV testing must be scaled up; people with HIV must be linked to care and treatment; and equitable access to HIV prevention—including PrEP—must be ensured for everyone who could benefit.

It is important for gay and bisexual men to know their HIV status so they can take medicine to treat HIV if they have the virus. Approximately 15% of gay and bisexual men with HIV in the U.S. do not know their HIV status, and too few are receiving adequate HIV care and treatment.* Taking HIV medicine every day can make the viral load undetectable. People who get and keep an undetectable viral load (or remain virally suppressed) can stay healthy for many years and will not transmit HIV to their sex partners. "


Why should society allow these homosexuals to cause such havoc in society, with respect to public health and influencing and confusing children into their deadly depravities? Society should've never allowed this to happen. No amount of tolerance is enough for these sickos. Society should force them back into their dark. stinky closets where they belong.

YOU are the only one making yourself sick by looking for photos and anything else about it.

Stop looking for any of it. Normal people do not do that.
YOU are the only one making yourself sick by looking for photos and anything else about it.

Stop looking for any of it. Normal people do not do that.

Nice try gaslighting me punk. I'm on a debate forum, debating with a sicko (you), who's defending all of that shit you saw in those pictures. I have those images for these types of debates, with perverts like you. The excrement that you saw in those images, is what you are defending. You're a piece of shit. These Christians are 100% correct when they condemn and shame degenerates like you.
Nice try gaslighting me punk. I'm on a debate forum, debating with a sicko (you), who's defending all of that shit you saw in those pictures. I have those images for these types of debates, with perverts like you. The excrement that you saw in those images, is what you are defending. You're a piece of shit. These Christians are 100% correct when they condemn and shame degenerates like you.
I am not defending it. I am just saying that they have rights, always had, that they should be left alone.

You are the one looking at photos which are bound to make you angry, because now you have seen them.

Normal people do not do that. I do not show photos of Jews being dismembered to make a case against antisemitism, and THAT is a serious issue and not your fear of what you do not understand and were taught to find it ugly, perverse, etc.

You are not debating. You are only showing the very poor upbringing that you have had.
I am not defending it. I am just saying that they have rights, always had, that they should be left alone.

You are the one looking at photos which are bound to make you angry, because now you have seen them.

Normal people do not do that. I do not show photos of Jews being dismembered to make a case against antisemitism, and THAT is a serious issue and not your fear of what you do not understand and were taught to find it ugly, perverse, etc.

You are not debating. You are only showing the very poor upbringing that you have had.
When you can't bear to look at what you are championing; it's time to rethink your stance...
When you can't bear to look at what you are championing; it's time to rethink your stance...
You are an idiot. I do not have to look at gays, Jews, Black, Asians, anyone, to know that they have rights and should not be persecuted because some empty brained nobodies think they own the world and what is right or wrong.
I am not defending it. I am just saying that they have rights, always had, that they should be left alone.

You are the one looking at photos which are bound to make you angry, because now you have seen them.

Normal people do not do that. I do not show photos of Jews being dismembered to make a case against antisemitism, and THAT is a serious issue and not your fear of what you do not understand and were taught to find it ugly, perverse, etc.

You are not debating. You are only showing the very poor upbringing that you have had.
I am not defending it.

You sure are. Don't you read what you write? You're defending this shit.

I am just saying that they have rights....

No one has the right to be a public health hazard and hurt children with their sick sexual "proclivities". These people are a danger to themselves and to everyone else. Spreading their disease, both physically in the form of STDs and culturally. They're a fucking cancer on society. Women can't even use their bathrooms without one of these sickos being in there with them or in a lockerroom. They're stepping into the boxing and MMA ring and beating women up. They're breaking records in women's sports. Gender dysphoria is now 1200% higher in the UK, and here in the US, it's also exploding. Children are being injected with puberty blockers and getting their genitals cut off.

How can you defend this shit? You're a piece of garbage. A punk. Call me a "fascist" I don't care. People like you create fascists.

always had...

Never had. You're a sicko.

....that they should be left alone.
Left alone to spread HIV and influence children? Continue with all of this "woke" depravity? You're a deluded sicko.

You are the one looking at photos which are bound to make you angry, because now you have seen them.

Everything in those pictures is what you are here defending. I'm exposing you for the sicko that you are and you don't like it, hence your dimwitted attempt to gaslight me. I'm exposing you punk, for the depraved scum that you are.

Normal people do not do that.

Normal people don't defend that garbage, they condemn it.

I do not show photos of Jews being dismembered to make a case against antisemitism,

If you are an antisemite, arguing that what you are believing and doing is OK and not harming Jews. I will expose you with pictures of assholes like you, dismembering Jews, to show you and everybody else, how you're an evil sicko. You just don't like being exposed.

and THAT is a serious issue and not your fear of what you do not understand and were taught to find it ugly, perverse, etc.

You're arguing that we shouldn't find what is in those images as ugly and wrong? More reason to expose and condemn you. You're a degenerate.

You are not debating. You are only showing the very poor upbringing that you have had.

The fact that you are defending that evil garbage demonstrates it is you who actually didn't have a very good upbringing.
I am not defending it.

You sure are. Don't you read what you write? You're defending this shit.

I am just saying that they have rights....

No one has the right to be a public health hazard and hurt children with their sick sexual "proclivities". These people are a danger to themselves and to everyone else. Spreading their disease, both physically in the form of STDs and culturally. They're a fucking cancer on society. Women can't even use their bathrooms without one of these sickos being in there with them or in a lockerroom. They're stepping into the boxing and MMA ring and beating women up. They're breaking records in women's sports. Gender dysphoria is now 1200% higher in the UK, and here in the US, it's also exploding. Children are being injected with puberty blockers and getting their genitals cut off.

How can you defend this shit? You're a piece of garbage. A punk. Call me a "fascist" I don't care. People like you create fascists.

always had...

Never had. You're a sicko.

....that they should be left alone.
Left alone to spread HIV and influence children? Continue with all of this "woke" depravity? You're a deluded sicko.

You are the one looking at photos which are bound to make you angry, because now you have seen them.

Everything in those pictures is what you are here defending. I'm exposing you for the sicko that you are and you don't like it, hence your dimwitted attempt to gaslight me. I'm exposing you punk, for the depraved scum that you are.

Normal people do not do that.

Normal people don't defend that garbage, they condemn it.

I do not show photos of Jews being dismembered to make a case against antisemitism,

If you are an antisemite, arguing that what you are believing and doing is OK and not harming Jews. I will expose you with pictures of assholes like you, dismembering Jews, to show you and everybody else, how you're an evil sicko. You just don't like being exposed.

and THAT is a serious issue and not your fear of what you do not understand and were taught to find it ugly, perverse, etc.

So now you're arguing that we shouldn't find what is in those images as ugly and wrong? More reason to expose and condemn you. You're a degenerate.

You are not debating. You are only showing the very poor upbringing that you have had.
The fact that you are defending that evil garbage demonstrates it is you who actually didn't have a very good upbringing.
What ever you say oh GOD of the Universe. Your word is everyone's command. :)
He can't take being exposed. Those pictures show what he's defending.
No one has to look at those pictures if they do not want to. NO ONE actually looks for those pictures on purpose unless they are as sick about homosexuality as all of you have allowed yourselves to become.

NORMAL people do not look for those photos on purpose. Normal people do not look for photos of Jews and others being murdered by the Nazis. On purpose. To say that the Jews deserved it. Because that is what sick people do.

Not one of you will ever be normal in your lives because your minds have been filled with hatred of everything which is not acceptable to a small number of the population. A number which seeks more and more power in order to "punish" those who are not acceptable in the sick teachings of the world they live in.

THAT is what ALL OF YOU are. A SICK product of the prejudiced, hateful world where only a few decide what is right and what is wrong.

You deserve the brains you have.
Jesus did not write anything because he had nothing original to write. Paul and others who wrote the gospel quoted everything they read from the Hebrew Scripture and attributed it all to JC.



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