Zone1 How does one figure out what in the Old Testament to keep, what to throw out?

Well, this is why Christ (one reason Christ) founded a Church

He knew human nature better than anyone

and so he knew people would be confused about His New Way.. knew there would have to be priests and bishops and etc... to show the people what the Scriptures mean, especially when they are incomprehensible, as a lot of the OT is..

So while Leviticus 20 says to give capital punishment to practicing homosexuals...

well... we've obviously thrown that out. But sometimes I wonder... Who told anyone to throw it out?

It's hard figuring out what to do with some of the things in the OT... when the Original Church is basically invisible today... (The Vatican being stolen in 1958)


There is a lot of Mosaic Law in the Old Testament, but that's not longer the primary function of the OT. Mosaic Law was given by God to His people in order that the Jews would survive as a people, and give birth to Jesus Christ.

The main purpose of the Old Testament is to set the stage for the birth, life, crucifixion, and resurrection of the Messiah, the one that most Jews deny, even today. There are said to be more than 300 prophesies about Jesus in the Old Testament, which is why it's still part of the Bible.

Jesus also appeared more than several times throughout the Old Testament.

Jesus in the Old Testament: Christophanies - Words of Faith, Hope & Love
Well this is a personal view isn't it. So my personal view is the same as Jefferson: if JC is recorded as saying it, it matters. Thats it. Thats all. Not The Old Testament, not what Paul or anyone else wrote. Only what JC is recorded as specifically saying.
Except that JC did not say it. Paul was not there when JC said it. JC had died long before Paul went to Jerusalem.

And all that JC said, being the Jewish human being he was, was taught to him from the Hebrew Scripture. Because that is what Jews did back then.

They read and learned from their Hebrew Scripture.

JC said absolutely nothing original which had not already been written or said by another Jews born before him.

Jesus cited the Old T often

Jesus (writings in the New T) did not/do not dispute much of anything in the OT
Jesus did not write anything because he had nothing original to write. Paul and others who wrote the gospel quoted everything they read from the Hebrew Scripture and attributed it all to JC.

What came before Jesus led to Jesus.
No, it led to Paul, borrowing and stealing everything from the Hebrew Scripture to start his own church and attribute it to Jesus as a human born from human and god. Something which does NOT exist in Judaism now or EVER.
There is a lot of Mosaic Law in the Old Testament, but that's not longer the primary function of the OT. Mosaic Law was given by God to His people in order that the Jews would survive as a people, and give birth to Jesus Christ.

The main purpose of the Old Testament is to set the stage for the birth, life, crucifixion, and resurrection of the Messiah, the one that most Jews deny, even today. There are said to be more than 300 prophesies about Jesus in the Old Testament, which is why it's still part of the Bible.

Jesus also appeared more than several times throughout the Old Testament.

Jesus in the Old Testament: Christophanies - Words of Faith, Hope & Love
I think there are more reasons than just those for the Old T, although those are the most important.

The Jews (nd eventually the whole world) were given the Laws of God through the OT
I think there are more reasons than just those for the Old T, although those are the most important.

The Jews (nd eventually the whole world) were given the Laws of God through the OT
Only the Jews follow the laws given through the G-D of Abraham through the Hebrew Scriptures.

Christians follow whatever they feel like following, torturing and killing anyone else who will not believe in the word.

DO not forget the Inquisition, the endless Indigenous people forced to become Christians, including Africans brought to the New World.

Do not forget what Christians were capable of doing during WWII.

Those are not the teachings of the G-D of Abraham
Jesus did not write anything because he had nothing original to write. Paul and others who wrote the gospel quoted everything they read from the Hebrew Scripture and attributed it all to JC.

reading comprehension issues abound w/ you

I never said Jesus wrote anything...
Only the Jews follow the laws given through the G-D of Abraham through the Hebrew Scriptures.

Christians follow whatever they feel like following, torturing and killing anyone else who will not believe in the word.

DO not forget the Inquisition, the endless Indigenous people forced to become Christians, including Africans brought to the New World.

Do not forget what Christians were capable of doing during WWII.

Those are not the teachings of the G-D of Abraham

Only the Jews follow the laws given through the G-D of Abraham through the Hebrew Scriptures.

Christians follow whatever they feel like following, torturing and killing anyone else who will not believe in the word.

DO not forget the Inquisition, the endless Indigenous people forced to become Christians, including Africans brought to the New World.

Do not forget what Christians were capable of doing during WWII.

Those are not the teachings of the G-D of Abraham

Your beliefs are so convoluted, you can't even say or print the word "God."

What's with that "G-D" nonsense? :laughing0301:
When Moses brought the children of Israel out of the Land of Egypt, he sought to bring them into the presence of God while in the wilderness. As Moses was in the mountain obtaining the higher law of the gospel, the camp of Israel were creating an idol to worship and committing other gross iniquities. When Moses came down out of the mount and saw the wickedness of the Israelites, he tossed the tablets with the higher law and broke them. God later gave Moses other tablets with a lesser law which continued until John the Baptist. The higher priesthood was taken out of their midst and replaced with the lesser priesthood. This lesser priesthood did not have the authority to confer the gift of the Holy Ghost. Thus the Law of Moses was written upon tablets of stone and not upon the hearts of the children of Israel.

Ezekiel 36:26
26 A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh.

when John the Baptist came, he was a forerunner of the Christ and was filled with the gift of the Holy Ghost. Jesus came and fulfilled the law of Moses and restored the holy priesthood which allowed his followers to enjoy the gift of the Holy Ghost. So after a long time, the higher law was then to be written on the tablets of their hearts. We should not cast away the law of Moses but keep it around as a reminder of what was missing when Israel was made to live under the lesser law of Moses.

2 Corinthians 3:2-3
2 Ye are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read of all men:
3 Forasmuch as ye are manifestly declared to be the epistle of Christ ministered by us, written not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God; not in tables of stone, but in fleshy tables of the heart.
ONLY humans have at the ability to be prejudiced.

ONLY humans have the ability to torture other humans for what they believe is wrong.

ONLY humans have murdered millions of other humans for not being the kind of humans they think they should be, or do not think the way THEY think others should think, believe or speak.

ONLY HUMANS are the dummest, most disgusting creature to walk the face of this planet.

Nonsense. Many pack animal species kill group members for various reasons. Label it was ever “ist”, or “ism” you like; it’s a fact.
Your beliefs are so convoluted, you can't even say or print the word "God."

What's with that "G-D" nonsense? :laughing0301:

you're not the only one who has wondered about that...


Is that poster an atheist?
There isn't ONE animal species on the planet which hunts down any other animals of their own or other species for being homosexual.

They know something you do not care to know.

HUMANS are the ONLY animals who through learned prejudice have learned to go after other humans because of what they have chosen to believe in.



Racism, where others are inferior to themselves due to the color of their skin or culture.

ONLY HUMANS do that. !!!!
Wrong again. You just want to place a moral, and social imperative on the action, from a very human centric point of view. Other animals do it. And so do we. We have our reasons. They have theirs.
reading comprehension issues abound w/ you

I never said Jesus wrote anything...
Post 20:

Jesus (writings in the New T) did not/do not dispute much of anything in the OT
Not very clear, was it?

And again, Jesus had a few issues with the Priests, as many other Jews did during his time, while the Romans controlled the area.
Nonsense. Many pack animal species kill group members for various reasons. Label it was ever “ist”, or “ism” you like; it’s a fact.
That means that they are killing some of their pack because of homosexuality?

No. Humans have behaved that way, killing, sacrificing people in their own group, long before anyone wrote anything about homosexuality and labeled it a sin. They did so because they were trying to appease their gods to keep the bad things from continuing to happen, like flood, drought, earthquakes, diseases, etc.
[Anything in the Hebrew Scripture written against Homosexuality was written by ONE ignorant Jew who did not know or care to understand Homosexuality anymore than people before him or after him.

Homosexuality exists amongst the wild animals. At least 400 species have been observed practicing this.

Humans deciding what is and what is not which ends harming other humans should be let be.

Ignorance must be put aside whenever proof that what some humans said in a book turned out not to be true.]

Currently, homosexual behavior has been documented in over 450 different animal species worldwide. For instance, observations indicate that Humboldt, King, Gentoo, and Adélie penguins of the same sex engage in “mating rituals like entwining their necks and vocalizing to one another.” In addition, male giraffes have also been observed engaging in homosexual behavior by rubbing their necks against each others’ bodies while ignoring the females. Yet another example is lizards of the genus Teiidae, which can copulate with both male and female mates.

Biologists Nathan W. Bailey and Marlene Zuk from the University of California, Riverside, have investigated the evolutionary consequences and implications of same-sex behavior, and their findings demonstrate benefits to what seems to be an evolutionary paradox. For example, their studies of the Laysan albatross show that female-female pairing can increase fitness by taking advantage of the excess of females and shortage of males in the population and provide superior care for offspring. Moreover, same-sex pairing in many species actually alleviates the likelihood of divorce and curtails the pressure on the opposite sex by allowing members to exhibit more flexibility to form partnerships, which in turn strengthens social bonds and reduces competition. Thus, not only do animals exhibit homosexuality, but the existence of this behavior is quite prevalent and may also confer certain evolutionary advantages.

It's OK for men to screw each other because homosexuality has been seen in the wild? Since when are we to emulate the wild animals, or justify our behavior based on what wild animals do to each other? Male lions kill the cubs of the last alpha male when they take over a pride. Should stepdads kill all of the children that their wives had with their ex-husbands?
It's OK for men to screw each other because homosexuality has been seen in the wild? Since when are we to emulate the wild animals, or justify our behavior based on what wild animals do to each other? Male lions kill the cubs of the last alpha male when they take over a pride. Should stepdads kill all of the children that their wives had with their ex-husbands?
There is no emulation. Stop being ignorant.

Neither humans nor animals have emulated homosexuality from each other.

Both have always had homosexuality as in some of their behavior.

ONLY humans want to criminalize it.

Comparing it to lions killing another lion's cub?

IDIOT !!!!
That means that they are killing some of their pack because of homosexuality?

No. Humans have behaved that way, killing, sacrificing people in their own group, long before anyone wrote anything about homosexuality and labeled it a sin. They did so because they were trying to appease their gods to keep the bad things from continuing to happen, like flood, drought, earthquakes, diseases, etc.
We’ve had our reasons. They’ve had theirs. Dead, is dead…

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