Zone1 How does one figure out what in the Old Testament to keep, what to throw out?

No one has to look at those pictures if they do not want to. NO ONE actually looks for those pictures on purpose unless they are as sick about homosexuality as all of you have allowed yourselves to become.

NORMAL people do not look for those photos on purpose. Normal people do not look for photos of Jews and others being murdered by the Nazis. On purpose. To say that the Jews deserved it. Because that is what sick people do.

Not one of you will ever be normal in your lives because your minds have been filled with hatred of everything which is not acceptable to a small number of the population. A number which seeks more and more power in order to "punish" those who are not acceptable in the sick teachings of the world they live in.

THAT is what ALL OF YOU are. A SICK product of the prejudiced, hateful world where only a few decide what is right and what is wrong.

You deserve the brains you have.

You're a perverted sicko, who hurts children. You don't care what the destructive effects of your fagot culture are upon society and children. You're scum.
No one has to look at those pictures if they do not want to. NO ONE actually looks for those pictures on purpose unless they are as sick about homosexuality as all of you have allowed yourselves to become.

NORMAL people do not look for those photos on purpose. Normal people do not look for photos of Jews and others being murdered by the Nazis. On purpose. To say that the Jews deserved it. Because that is what sick people do.

Not one of you will ever be normal in your lives because your minds have been filled with hatred of everything which is not acceptable to a small number of the population. A number which seeks more and more power in order to "punish" those who are not acceptable in the sick teachings of the world they live in.

THAT is what ALL OF YOU are. A SICK product of the prejudiced, hateful world where only a few decide what is right and what is wrong.

You deserve the brains you have.
This coming from the guy whose argument was”animals do it; so humans should embrace this behavior socially too.” Except you seem to only apply this principle to faggotry, and defiling of children. Hmmm… You’re almost there. Wanna just let it all out?

LIAR !!!!

DO NOT speak for each and every person on this planet, ONLY the retards you hang around with.
It’s been said that most often, a man grows into a composite of those with whom they associate themselves. Telling…
You're a perverted sicko, who hurts children. You don't care what the destructive effects of your fagot culture are upon society and children. You're scum.
Did I say that I was not heterosexual?

You are the pervert who turns anyone who disagrees with your uneducated views into what you were taught to hate the most.

Here is a study which explains your thinking:
[ Of course you will not read it because you are way too macho to do that ]

Reinforcing the roots of antigay bias​

Prejudice toward sexual minorities is rooted in what psychologists call sexual stigma. This is an attitude that reflects “the negative regard, inferior status and relative powerlessnessthat society collectively accords to any nonheterosexual behavior, identity, relationship or community.”

Sexual stigma exists and operates at both individual and society-wide levels.

At the societal level, sexual stigma is referred to as heterosexism. The conviction that heterosexuals and their behaviors and relationships are superior to those of sexual minorities is built into various social ideologies and institutions – including religion, language, laws and norms about gender roles. For example, religious views that homosexual behavior is immoral support heteronormative norms, which ultimately stigmatize sexual minorities.

On an individual level, heterosexuals can internalize sexual stigma as sexual prejudice. They buy into what they see around them in their culture that indicates sexual minorities are inferior. Consider the Defense of Marriage Act. This legislation, which defined marriage as a union between one man and one woman, denied homosexuals the rights held by heterosexuals. Heterosexuals can incorporate that stigmatizing view into their own belief system.

Sexual minorities themselves can internalize sexual stigma, too – a process called self-stigma. Aligning their own self-concept with society’s negative regard for homosexuality results in myriad negative health outcomes.

The heterosexism of our society and the sexual prejudice of individuals are interrelated, reinforcing each other. When cultural ideologies and institutions espouse heterosexism, they provide the basis for individuals’ sexual prejudice – and perpetration of violence based on it. Conversely, researchers theorize that pro-gay attitudes reduce heterosexism that exists within these same institutions.

Beyond prejudice: a masculinity problem​

Many people believe that antigay violence is caused by prejudice. To a certain extent, they’re correct. But when we back up and think about this aggression within the framework of sexual stigma, we can see that the causes of antigay violence run deeper and are more complex than a simple “prejudice” explanation.

Perpetrators of anti-LGBT aggression may or may not hold prejudiced attitudes, but they carry out their violence within a heterosexist society that implicitly sanctions it. It’s these society-level heterosexist attitudes that provide the foundation for three well-established motivations and risk factors for aggression toward sexual minorities.

Heterosexual masculinity is a fundamental factor that starts to explain anti-LGBT violence. To be masculine, one must be heterosexual, so the thinking goes. The logic continues that any man who’s not heterosexual is therefore feminine. In essence, a man’s aggression toward sexual minorities serves to enforce traditional gender norms and demonstrate his own heterosexual masculinity to other men.

Researchers have identified two major aspects of this masculinity-based motivation.

The first is adherence to norms about status – the belief that men must gain the respect of others. The status norm reflects the view that men should sit atop the social hierarchy, be successful, and garner respect and admiration from others.

The second is a strong conviction in antifemininity – that is, believing men should not engage in stereotypically feminine activities. Men who endorse this norm would not engage in behaviors that are “traditionally” reserved for women – for instance, showing vulnerable emotions, wearing makeup or working in childcare.

Did I say that I was not heterosexual?

You are the pervert who turns anyone who disagrees with your uneducated views into what you were taught to hate the most.

Here is a study which explains your thinking:
[ Of course you will not read it because you are way too macho to do that ]

Reinforcing the roots of antigay bias​

Prejudice toward sexual minorities is rooted in what psychologists call sexual stigma. This is an attitude that reflects “the negative regard, inferior status and relative powerlessnessthat society collectively accords to any nonheterosexual behavior, identity, relationship or community.”

Sexual stigma exists and operates at both individual and society-wide levels.

At the societal level, sexual stigma is referred to as heterosexism. The conviction that heterosexuals and their behaviors and relationships are superior to those of sexual minorities is built into various social ideologies and institutions – including religion, language, laws and norms about gender roles. For example, religious views that homosexual behavior is immoral support heteronormative norms, which ultimately stigmatize sexual minorities.

On an individual level, heterosexuals can internalize sexual stigma as sexual prejudice. They buy into what they see around them in their culture that indicates sexual minorities are inferior. Consider the Defense of Marriage Act. This legislation, which defined marriage as a union between one man and one woman, denied homosexuals the rights held by heterosexuals. Heterosexuals can incorporate that stigmatizing view into their own belief system.

Sexual minorities themselves can internalize sexual stigma, too – a process called self-stigma. Aligning their own self-concept with society’s negative regard for homosexuality results in myriad negative health outcomes.

The heterosexism of our society and the sexual prejudice of individuals are interrelated, reinforcing each other. When cultural ideologies and institutions espouse heterosexism, they provide the basis for individuals’ sexual prejudice – and perpetration of violence based on it. Conversely, researchers theorize that pro-gay attitudes reduce heterosexism that exists within these same institutions.

Beyond prejudice: a masculinity problem​

Many people believe that antigay violence is caused by prejudice. To a certain extent, they’re correct. But when we back up and think about this aggression within the framework of sexual stigma, we can see that the causes of antigay violence run deeper and are more complex than a simple “prejudice” explanation.

Perpetrators of anti-LGBT aggression may or may not hold prejudiced attitudes, but they carry out their violence within a heterosexist society that implicitly sanctions it. It’s these society-level heterosexist attitudes that provide the foundation for three well-established motivations and risk factors for aggression toward sexual minorities.

Heterosexual masculinity is a fundamental factor that starts to explain anti-LGBT violence. To be masculine, one must be heterosexual, so the thinking goes. The logic continues that any man who’s not heterosexual is therefore feminine. In essence, a man’s aggression toward sexual minorities serves to enforce traditional gender norms and demonstrate his own heterosexual masculinity to other men.

Researchers have identified two major aspects of this masculinity-based motivation.

The first is adherence to norms about status – the belief that men must gain the respect of others. The status norm reflects the view that men should sit atop the social hierarchy, be successful, and garner respect and admiration from others.

The second is a strong conviction in antifemininity – that is, believing men should not engage in stereotypically feminine activities. Men who endorse this norm would not engage in behaviors that are “traditionally” reserved for women – for instance, showing vulnerable emotions, wearing makeup or working in childcare.

There is nothing that you can say that will ever justify any of the shit in those images. You're defending child abuse and homosexual depravities. Now have the last word if you want and delude yourself into thinking you've "won" something. I have better things to do with my precious time and energy than continue going back and forth with a scumbag like you. Bye bye pervo-boy.
YOU are the only one making yourself sick by looking for photos and anything else about it.

Stop looking for any of it. Normal people do not do that.

Stuff it pal. They simply do not need parade that crap in public. THAT is the sick and disgusting angle of it. Do it in your clubs, do in your homes but keep it out of the places where our children are.
Jesus did not found Chritanity.

Paul of Tarsus started Christianity decades after Jesus died.

Leave the Hebrew Scriptures be. They are non of Christian business which is always intent in wiping out anything which is of Jewish History or Culture.
🤣Jesus was of Jewish descent. He fulfilled the law of Moses. With doing so, he brought in the higher law and higher priesthood’s. Only those laws that are for the higher law would be kept.
Jesus did not found Chritanity.

Paul of Tarsus started Christianity decades after Jesus died.

Leave the Hebrew Scriptures be. They are non of Christian business which is always intent in wiping out anything which is of Jewish History or Culture.
Saul of Tarsus.
Well, this is why Christ (one reason Christ) founded a Church

He knew human nature better than anyone

and so he knew people would be confused about His New Way.. knew there would have to be priests and bishops and etc... to show the people what the Scriptures mean, especially when they are incomprehensible, as a lot of the OT is..

So while Leviticus 20 says to give capital punishment to practicing homosexuals...

well... we've obviously thrown that out. But sometimes I wonder... Who told anyone to throw it out?

It's hard figuring out what to do with some of the things in the OT... when the Original Church is basically invisible today... (The Vatican being stolen in 1958)

What part of the OLD TESTAMENT is to be used as doctrine under the N.T. Covenant? That which is carried forward and recorded in the N.T. of Christ Jesus. Example: All 10 of the commandments 1, are carried forward into the N.T. covenant (and they are easily documented by book, chapter and verse) other words all the eternally righteous commandments of God are carried forward. What is the difference....why Did God nail the majority of the Old Law to the sacrificial cross of Jesus? (Col. 2:14) That also is explained........the Old Law of Moses was written specifically for only 1 nation.......... Israel (under the Old Law God was a husband unto Israel only -- Jer. 31:31-34, Deut. 5:2-3)

The Old Law was a shadow of the New Law (Col. 2:16-17). It was a shadow of better revealing the mystery of Jesus Christ which had existed before time began or the worlds were created (Heb. 10:1, 1 Peter 1:20, 2 Tim. 1:9, Eph. 3:5,6)

To suggest that man cannot understand the holy scriptures and requires a 3rd person to interpret contradicts the actual content of the Holy Scriptures. We as readers of the word of God are "TOLD" that when we read scripture, we may understand it (Eph. 3:4) Even further, we are COMMANDED to understand/comprehend the will of God (Eph. 5:17).

The scriptures declare that no middle man (holier than thou priest) is required to approach the throne of Christ via every Christian is a member of a Royal Priest Hood with Jesus Christ as our high priest who is always just to hear our prayers (1 Peter 2:9...Heb. 4:14-16, 1 John 1:8-10)

As stated earlier...........all the righteous commandments of God found in the Old Law are carried forward into the New Covenant expect Sabbath Worship which was nailed to the cross (Col. 2:14)

1. Thou shall have no other Gods before Me. (Ex. 20:3, 1 Cor. 10:21-22) 2. Thou shall not make unto thee any graven image (Ex. 20:4, 1 Cor. 6:9-10). 3. Thou shall not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain (Ex. 20:7, 1 Cor. 6:9-10)
4. Remember the Sabbath to keep it holy. (Ex. 20:8). Not found in the N.T. Covenant, Christians gather on the 1st day of the week to brake bread ( remembrance of Jesus Christ sacrifice until He returns .........."Let no one judge you in food or drink, or Sabbaths (Col. 2:16-17)

The other 6 Holy Commandments are just as easy to document by book, chapter and verse in the N.T. covenant of Jesus Christ.
With the content of this thread its obvious that some people do not comprehend the fact that each person is responsible for their own salvation. (Phil. 2:12) Its also clear that the content of the Holy Scriptures declare that you can't follow the Old Law and the New Law at the same time....if you attempt to carry forward law that was intended only for biblical Israel in service to the New Covenant of Christ Jesus, you are guilty of spiritual adultery.

God declared that He took away the first law (of Moses) in order to establish the second law (N.T. covenant) -- Heb. 10:9

We became dead to the Old Law that we might be joined to a New Law -- Romans 7:4-6.

Consider it like a man and woman being married (God was a husband unto Israel -- Jer. 31:31-34, and Israel only Deut 4). While his wife is living (alive) he can't marry another or he is guilty of committing adultery (Romans 7:1-4)...but, if the 1st wife dies, he is free to join another in marriage and sin not. We can't join ourselves to the New Law until the first law (of Moses) is taken away...i.e, finished, Jesus came to fulfill the Old Law (Matthew 5:17). He did not abolish the was nailed to His cross because all the precepts of the law were fulfilled by the birth, life, death and resurrection of Christ Jesus.........the old law ended when Jesus stated with His last breath, "It is finished......" -- John 19:30. Jesus was the only human being born of woman, born under that law......that lived from cradle to grave without sinning once, even though He was tempted like all men...........He then became the perfect, the ultimate sacrifice of God required to fulfill/complete the requirements of the Law. (Gal. 4:4, Phil.2:6-11)

What happens if you attempt to follow both the old law and the new? If we try to justify ourselves with just one part of the law (of Moses), you are obligated to follow the whole law. (Gal. 5:3). Where is the royal priesthood of Levites today? Where are the burnt offerings of today? If you fail to follow the entirety of the Old Law while attempting to live under the New Law you will sever yourself from the atoning sacrificial blood of Christ, "You have been severed from Christ, you who are attempting to be justified by LAW (Law of Moses is the subject matter); you have fallen from grace.
One who understands the basics of Jesus' message knows what the truth is.
Jesus did not write anything because he had nothing original to write. Paul and others who wrote the gospel quoted everything they read from the Hebrew Scripture and attributed it all to JC.


There is a difference between real "facts" and your "facts". You don't have a clue.
Saul of Tarsus.
Strange is it not that it was the physician LUKE that stated, "The disciples of Christ were called Christians for the 1st time in the city of Antioch". -- Acts 11:26

As far as Paul/Saul founding the religion known as Christianity...........Peter declares that Paul/Saul was indeed an Apostle of Christ, lacking in nothing and in fact Peter described Paul's epistles as SCRIPTURE just like the scriptures of the Old Testament and they carried the same authority.

Peter declared that those who were ignorant and unstable attempt to twist the writings of Paul unto their own destruction, AS THEY DO OTHER SCRIPTURES. -- 2 Peter 3:14-18

The reason that the gentiles did not become citizens in the Kingdom of God, i.e, the Christian explained. The mission of Jesus was to provide a method of salvation through the knowledge of the Gospel Truth, " the Jew first" -- Romans 1:16

The first gentile family to convert to Christianity was not saved/converted by any message presented by Paul/Saul ...... it was Peter who witnessed the Holy Spirit of God fall upon the household of Cornelius just as it did on the Apostles of Christ in Acts 2........confirming that gentiles/Greeks were to be included in the kingdom of God. -- Acts 10

Peter converted the first gentile family 10 years after the ascension of Jesus Christ.
He knew human nature better than anyone ...

more important, the path to the heavens -

jesus new the religion of the time was corrupt from beginning to end ...

Then God said, “Let us make life in our image, in our likeness, the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky the livestock and all the wild animals, and all the creatures that move along the ground.”

the above is what jesus said would allow the truly religious to read further the religious document during that time to correctly rewrite the verses - passed down orally to this day.

... humanity among the creatures that move along the ground - nothing more, the words of jesus.
All of it but the Ten Commandments.

those are their tools, the crucifiers to persecute and victimize the innocent - jesus said to remove those forgeries first ...

you've never heard the golden rule - religion of antiquity ...

- those are the heavenly path to paradise.
Why remove any of it?

The Bible and the Laws of the Old Testament demonstrate the evolution of mankind both in flesh and spirit. They also demonstrate God's love and mercy and his willingness to never abandon his people.

The New Testament fulfills the law and the books of the prophets. Without the Old Testament, the Bible would be incomplete - and that includes some of the outdated practices and guidelines. We need to remember that those laws and guidelines were written for mankind at the time. And as harsh as some of them sound, they helped establish some of the very first civilizations.

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