Zone1 How does one figure out what in the Old Testament to keep, what to throw out?

Well, this is why Christ (one reason Christ) founded a Church

He knew human nature better than anyone

and so he knew people would be confused about His New Way.. knew there would have to be priests and bishops and etc... to show the people what the Scriptures mean, especially when they are incomprehensible, as a lot of the OT is..

So while Leviticus 20 says to give capital punishment to practicing homosexuals...

well... we've obviously thrown that out. But sometimes I wonder... Who told anyone to throw it out?

It's hard figuring out what to do with some of the things in the OT... when the Original Church is basically invisible today... (The Vatican being stolen in 1958)

Simple. None of it.
Simple. None of it.
God disagrees:

All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work
I don't think you have to throw out the OT. I think what has to be done is understanding the difference between the anthropomorphic vision of God by Moses and the OT authors and the true realized representation of God through Christ and his sacrifice.

Too many Christians want to harmonize the OT, war mongering God with Jesus, who in flesh, was a completely different view of the OT God and the the Jewish Messiah. Why, because Christians today have this unnecessary belief in the Bible being "The word of God" and for many Christians, you can't be Christian unless you believe that the Bible is absolutely inerrant and infallible.

BUT... Jesus never said that one must believe in the Bible for you be a disciple and for salvation. In fact the Bible doesn't even say that of itself.
Christianity and one's belief in Christ should NEVER hinge on the infallibility of the Bible. Early Christians never had one while at the same time being murdered by Rome YET, holding on to their faith, bibleless. Christianity and faith in Christ should be anchored by the Christ and Christ alone. The letters contained in the Bible help support one's faith in Christ.

So, it's okay that the OT has what it has. But we should always understand that the revelation of God in the OT was clouded and masked by humans unable to understand a fully unknowable God, until Jesus came and became the whole revelation of who God is.
Too many Christians want to harmonize the OT, war mongering God with Jesus
When He returns you'll see the "warmongering" Jesus.

Read Zechariah 14 and the last chapters of Revelation. You have a false understanding of Jesus. He is the SAME God Moses spoke to. He is the same God who sent Joshua to slaughter Israel enemies
God disagrees:

All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work
I'm pretty sure you don't speak for God. So I'll say again... you should throw none of it out and seek to interpret the message intended by the authors.
Well this is a personal view isn't it. So my personal view is the same as Jefferson: if JC is recorded as saying it, it matters. Thats it. Thats all. Not The Old Testament, not what Paul or anyone else wrote. Only what JC is recorded as specifically saying.

And of course you think you have the right to rewrite what was said to suit yourself. that's the whole point of ignoring most of what was written and pretending you know better.
When He returns you'll see the "warmongering" Jesus.

Read Zechariah 14 and the last chapters of Revelation. You have a false understanding of Jesus. He is the SAME God Moses spoke to. He is the same God who sent Joshua to slaughter Israel enemies

Joshua didn't happen. He didn't destroy any Canaanites towns . They have been excavated and were never interrupted.
Well its not in the original Aramaic.

Doesn't have to be ; most Educated Jews in his day wrote and spoke Greek. Jesus likely spoke three languages as a scholar. Aramaic was only one, and not even the main language except maybe out in the Burbs, or Galilee. Hellenism was big in Jewish culture the previous 300 years or so.
I'm pretty sure you don't speak for God. So I'll say again... you should throw none of it out and seek to interpret the message intended by the authors.

oh, and what about the message sent by the heavens during the time of noah and the reaffirmation of the spoken religion of antiquity. granted a&e for their journey.
I'm pretty sure you don't speak for God. So I'll say again... you should throw none of it out and seek to interpret the message intended by the authors.
I only quoted GODS WORDS. I spoke for no one. It's not my problem that your statement contradicts GODS WORD
I only quoted GODS WORDS. I spoke for no one. It's not my problem that your statement contradicts GODS WORD
Anything which is true is the word of God as God is truth. The Bible is full of embellishments. Those embellishments while not true do not make those accounts any less the word of God. What makes those accounts the word of God are the truth of the intent of the passages; the intent of the author; the main message.
When He returns you'll see the "warmongering" Jesus.

Read Zechariah 14 and the last chapters of Revelation. You have a false understanding of Jesus. He is the SAME God Moses spoke to. He is the same God who sent Joshua to slaughter Israel enemies
You really have an OT mindset on interpreting scripture while ignoring the example of God shown in Christ. Your hermeneutics is poor. My assumption is you're basing your premise on dispensationalism that was only espoused by John Neslon Darby in the 1850's because he himself improperly tried to harmonize the OT with Revelation.

Warmongering. Why that assumption. That's exactly what the jews were looking for and missed Jesus. Yet, here you are, rinse and repeat.
Anything which is true is the word of God as God is truth. The Bible is full of embellishments. Those embellishments while not true do not make those accounts any less the word of God. What makes those accounts the word of God are the truth of the intent of the passages; the intent of the author; the main message.
And people completely forget that in the OT, they anthropomorphisized God, and in their limited knowledge, probably attributed more to God than he deserves, because that's what people did when they couldn't explain a fully unknowable god and or circumstances around them. That doesn't mean there aren't lessons to be learned.
Take Jonah and the whale. That doesn't have to be a literal story. Yet, the story contains lessons to be learned. You know who also taught the same way using Parables... Uh... Jesus. So it's not unfathomable that many of those OT stores, are that, parables.

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