Zone1 How does one figure out what in the Old Testament to keep, what to throw out?

Shame you have never been out of the United States.
I haven't??? news to me. Your "AGENT" lied to you. Although it IS
true that I have never been in a MOSQUE outside of the United States.
Is that what you meant to ASSERT?
OH.......Long ago I listened to a program that featured Mrs Winifred Wagner. She was the wife of
of a Siegfred Wagner----who was a descendant of Richard Wagner and a kind of HEAD MUSICIAN
DIRECTOR under Adolf Hitler. Winifred was born in England---but in the 1920s became an
ardent admirer of Hitler. Her friendship with him continued until his death and she remained
what she called "an englishwoman who was glad to admit that she was a nazi" in the post world
war II interview. In the interview she blamed whatever OTHER PEOPLE thought was the fault
of Adolf-----on HIMMLER. On whom do you blame the bloody policies of the VERY CATHOLIC
Queen Isabella-----who some people consider so PIOUS that she has been considered for
sainthood---by the Vatican?

Sorry. But why do you think the family Wagner - specially Siegfried Wagner - had been Christians? And what means a constuct like "was born ... but"? In the whole world admired many people Adolf Hitler. And in nearly all countries of the world exist Nazis - what has a lot to do with a wrong belief in Darwinism. Himmler had been by the way under Htler the boss of all policemen in Germany and the boss of the pirvate party-army SS of the Nazis. The SS had been the executioners of the Holocaust - an industrialized form of mass-murder and Darwinistic genocide: The Nazis like to eliminate all Jewish genes in the whole population of all mankind. Reason: They saw (=liked to see) in them US-American Capitalists and Russian Communists who had destroyed Germany in and after World War 1. (Some say the real reason of the Nazis to try to murder all German Jews had been their will to undo god)

What has this to do with Isabella "the Catholic"? Her name "the Catholic" meant not that she was a very pious woman - it meant she saw in the Catholic "constitution" the base of her government (what has indeed nothing to do with the Catholic religion (rebound in god)). "Spain" had eliminated (V)Andalusia (the name came from the Vandals, a Germanic tribe) which had been a very tolerant Muslim state where also many Jews lived. She liked to have only Catholics in her empire. So she gave the Andalusians (=¿Germanic? Muslims and ¿Sephardic? Jews) the opportunity to become nominally Catholics and her subjects and/or to stay free and to leave Andalusia. This was compared with many others in Europe relativelly tolerant. The Brits for example have not a big anti-Semitic history because in 1290 many pogroms from Brits on Jews leaded to the decision of King Eduard 1st to deport all Jews. This was the first time that this had happenend in Europe at all. This ban on Jews ended in Great Britain in 1664. Isabella lived during this time of history from 1451-1504.

So what for heavens sake do you try to speak about at all?
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the past 2000 years has witnessed one genocide after the other---AND COUNTING

Give me also an example for this. And do not forget in this context that knights had the duty to adopt children from their "enemies" when they made a "crusade" to conquer territory from pagans.

The expression "Völkermord" (international word: "genocide") was by the way the first time used from the German poet August Graf von Platen (1796-1835) in his writing "Polenlieder" ("Polish songs" = poems written in German) in the Ode "Der künftige Held" = "The Future Hero"... He criticized the separation of Poland by Prussia, Austria and Russia. He specially criticized the Russians „Die nur des Mords noch pflegen, und nicht der Schlacht,/ Des Völkermords!..." "Who only cultivate murder, and not battle,/ Of genocide!... "
Well, this is why Christ (one reason Christ) founded a Church

He knew human nature better than anyone

and so he knew people would be confused about His New Way.. knew there would have to be priests and bishops and etc... to show the people what the Scriptures mean, especially when they are incomprehensible, as a lot of the OT is..

So while Leviticus 20 says to give capital punishment to practicing homosexuals...

well... we've obviously thrown that out. But sometimes I wonder... Who told anyone to throw it out?

It's hard figuring out what to do with some of the things in the OT... when the Original Church is basically invisible today... (The Vatican being stolen in 1958)


These laws weren't thrown out. They were never thrown in to begin with.

There are no nations in modern history that claim to be an Old Testament theocracy. Until there is then it is all thrown out. None of the Old Testament is authoritative. Maybe one day Israel will rise again. Then those laws will be valid once again. Religion isn't a government. Therefore religious teachings have no power. None of them. People just seem to like some of the Old Testament and use the Bible as a literary reference. Any country can make a law that says to give capital punishment to practicing homosexuals. That isn't because the Bible says so. It is just an idea that happens to exist in the Bible and some country liked that idea. It doesn't make that nation an Old Testament theocracy just because they executed practicing homosexuals.

So it isn't like people are throwing out the Old Testament. They just never included it to begin with. Hundreds of countries have been formed over the centuries and none of them ever wanted to use the Old Testament as their law. It wasn't thrown out. It was never thrown in to begin with.
Sorry. But why do you think the family Wagner - specially Siegfried Wagner - had been Christians? And what means a constuct like "was born ... but"? In the whole world admired many people Adolf Hitler. And in nearly all countries of the world exist Nazis - what has a lot to do with a wrong belief in Darwinism. Himmler had been by the way under Htler the boss of all policemen in Germany and the boss of the pirvate party-army SS of the Nazis. The SS had been the executioners of the Holocaust - an industrialized form of mass-murder and Darwinistic genocide: The Nazis like to eliminate all Jewish genes in the whole population of all mankind. Reason: They saw (=liked to see) in them US-American Capitalists and Russian Communists who had destroyed Germany in and after World War 1. (Some say the real reason of the Nazis to try to murder all German Jews had been their will to undo god)

What has this to do with Isabella "the Catholic"? Her name "the Catholic" meant not that she was a very pious woman - it meant she saw in the Catholic "constitution" the base of her government (what has indeed nothing to do with the Catholic religion (rebound in god)). "Spain" had eliminated (V)Andalusia (the name came from the Vandals, a Germanic tribe) which had been a very tolerant Muslim state where also many Jews lived. She liked to have only Catholics in her empire. So she gave the Andalusians (=¿Germanic? Muslims and ¿Sephardic? Jews) the opportunity to become nominally Catholics and her subjects and/or to stay free and to leave Andalusia. This was compared with many others in Europe relativelly tolerant. The Brits for example have not a big anti-Semitic history because in 1290 many pogroms from Brits on Jews leaded to the decision of King Eduard 1st to deport all Jews. This was the first time that this had happenend in Europe at all. This ban on Jews ended in Great Britain in 1664. Isabella lived during this time of history from 1451-1504.

So what for heavens sake do you try to speak about at all?
your post is LONG and so full of misconception that it is difficult to answer ALL of your
errors. I will pull out a trivial issue----Isabella---she was a very pious catholic and
she didn't "give.....the opportunity to become nominally catholic" ----just "nominally
Catholic" was a capital crime under the law of that vile bitch. She also give free range
to the vile pig CORTEZ to terrorize and murder in the Americas and loot its gold. I have
relatives who still speak Spanish----even though they have not seen Spain since the
murder, loot, and expulsion spree of "SAINT" Isabella. "FREE TO LEAVE" your statement
is VILE. I also have relatives on both my maternal and paternal side who ended up----
thanks to CHURCH MEDIATED POGROMS ----in England---They did escape the genocide
carried out by "SAINT" Richard---the "lion hearted" I do not have "cousins" ----thanks
to the POLICIES of the christian church----from Constantine to JUSTIN thru the ages all the
way to cathollc Baptized ADOLF. Read a bit more----Your heroes the lovely couple Josef
and Magda-----were CATHOLICS IN GOOD STANDING. I grew up in a town in the USA---
founded pre-revolutionary war-----by ANGLICANS/EPISCOPALIANS ----it was a nazi
enclave even when I was a kid. I read your literature that floated all over town
your post is LONG

Why do you cry loud out the word "long"? Tired to get an answer?

and so full of misconception that it is difficult to answer ALL of your

Everythting what I said is as far as I know totally correct and what you do here is just simple a defamation.

I will pull out a trivial issue----Isabella---she was a very pious catholic

Whether it was really so or not so she will know on her own. But this was not the reason for the attribute "the Catholic". The reason was she expected everyone of her subjects had to be a Catholic. And this is not really Catholic. An emperor of the Holy Roman Empire for example was seen also in the followership of the Jewish kings and so he was directly responsible for the Jews in the Holy Roman Empire. So who attacked Jews also attacked the emperor and a weak emperor had been a problem for Jews.

and she didn't "give.....the opportunity to become nominally catholic" ----just "nominally
Catholic" was a capital crime under the law of that vile bitch.

One moment please. You call here Isabel de Castilia, the Queen of Castilia and Leon and the Queen of Aragon "vile bitch" ... Aha ... Bye bye ...

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Why do you cry loud out the word "long"? Tired to get an answer?

Everythting what I said is as far as I know totally correct and what you do here is just simple a defamastion.

Whether it was really so or not so she will know on her own. But this was not the reason for the attribute "the Catholic". The reason was she expected everyone of her subjects had to be a Catholic. And this is not really Catholic. An emperor of the Holy Roman Empire for example was seen also in the followership of the Jewish kings and so he was directly responsible for the Jews in the Holy Roman Empire. So who attacked Jews also attacked the emperor and a weak emperor had been a problem for Jews.

One moment please. You call here Isabel de Castilia, the Queen of Castilia and Leon and the Queen of Aragon "vile bitch"? ... Aha ... Bye bye ...

you are so confused that it is TRAGIC. "An emperor of the "HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE" was in \
the (sic) followership of the "JEWISH KINGS" what "jewish kings" do you live in WONDER-
LAND?. At to Isabella (of Castile and Aragon) wife of airhead Ferdinand---she was quite a
bitch ----her boyfriend CORTEZ murdered Montezuma for his GOLD and she enjoyed a good
HOT Auto de Fe. Many of the emperors of the "not so HOLY roman empire" were problems
for jews----there was an exception-----FRANZ JOSEF
These laws weren't thrown out. They were never thrown in to begin with.

There are no nations in modern history that claim to be an Old Testament theocracy. Until there is then it is all thrown out. None of the Old Testament is authoritative. Maybe one day Israel will rise again. Then those laws will be valid once again. Religion isn't a government. Therefore religious teachings have no power. None of them. People just seem to like some of the Old Testament and use the Bible as a literary reference. Any country can make a law that says to give capital punishment to practicing homosexuals. That isn't because the Bible says so. It is just an idea that happens to exist in the Bible and some country liked that idea. It doesn't make that nation an Old Testament theocracy just because they executed practicing homosexuals.

So it isn't like people are throwing out the Old Testament. They just never included it to begin with. Hundreds of countries have been formed over the centuries and none of them ever wanted to use the Old Testament as their law. It wasn't thrown out. It was never thrown in to begin with.
Book Haram and the Lord's Resistance Army are trying to do that. This is what you get with reactionaries.
Book Haram and the Lord's Resistance Army are trying to do that. This is what you get with reactionaries.
(sic "BOOK HARAM"---actually Boko Haram and the LRA have nothing to do with that which
very ignorant people call "THE OLD TESTAMENT" The LRA have as cogent an ideology as
did the JONES TOWN NUT and Boko Haram is 100 % muslim. Material from saudi arabia
can be very confusing----A fully socialized Saud/sunni once told me that SHIITISM was invented
(sic "BOOK HARAM"---actually Boko Haram and the LRA have nothing to do with that which
very ignorant people call "THE OLD TESTAMENT" The LRA have as cogent an ideology as
did the JONES TOWN NUT and Boko Haram is 100 % muslim. Material from saudi arabia
can be very confusing----A fully socialized Saud/sunni once told me that SHIITISM was invented
A lot of people claim a lot of stupid things, rosie.
A lot of people claim a lot of stupid things, rosie.
yes----I have read your posts and I read the islamo nazi
literature way back in the 1950s. ----and I have interacted with
lots and lots of people on a VERY CONFIDENTIAL LEVEL
really-----I am fascinated with the land in which you live where
"Jewish Kings" --hobnob with Emperors of the "Holy Roman Empire"

I guess this "fascination" is this what you would call "humor" and I would call "intentional ignorance". By the way: Some of your soldiers played like little children with the imperial insignia of the Holy Roman Empire after they had conquered Germany in world war 2. Do you know how they died? Did they die on childish reasons?

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I guess this "fascination" is this what you would call "humor" and I would call "intentional ignorance". By the way: Some of your soldiers played like little children with the imperial insignia of the Holy Roman Empire after they had conquered Germany in world war 2. Do you know how they died? Did they die on childish reasons?

My soldiers played with imperial insignia???

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