Zone1 How does one figure out what in the Old Testament to keep, what to throw out?

Nothing to do with what actually happened since you, and so many others, will never spend any time doing actual research and much less reading the Hebrew Scriptures in Hebrew to understand that in the First Century some people used what was used in those Scriptures in order to create a new ideology, a new religion.

The Christian religion is not an ideology - or with other words: We are not a closed system of thoughts turming always only around one or some few points written thousands of years ago. Everyone is able to criticize us - now, here. And you do so.

Saul was a Jew who abandoned Judaism and spent many years hunting down Jews for his new Roman employers.

Paul had the Roman citizenship - but he never worked for the Roman empire. The Romans had different laws for citizens of Rome and for others.

Christianity started with his letters, to his followers.

With the letters of the Christian Paul and other Christians started a complete transformation of all values worldwide.

Paul did not want people to think he started Christianity, he gave all accolades to Jesus. Paul is the one who said that Jesus was a demigod, born of a god and a female woman. An idea which is purely pagan and did not exist in Judaism at all.

Christians are not Jews. And I'm not sure what you speak about in case of Paulus and Jesus. I would say only Muslims could have a problems with Paul because he was a kind of anti-Mohammed 500-600 years before Mohammed came. But why should Jews or Christians have problems with him?

"Doctrinally, in Catholic churches, the pope is regarded as the successor of St. Peter, who was head of the Apostles."



there were no popes in the 1st Century,

Petrus, Linus, Anaklet, Clemens, Evaristus, Alexander ...

and actually the ones who did follow Jesus in his sect

in his universality and humanity

never approved of Paul changing Judaism as much as he did in order to attract people to his ideas, so they would follow him.

Paulus did not change Judaism. He suggested to change the rules for heathens who liked to be Christians - also called "children of god".

But PLEASE, forget all I wrote above since you are not ever going to research any of it, and understand how neither Jesus nor his own sect followers, would never have gone into the Roman Empire and spread things which were clearly not part of Judaism.


1) It was not Judaism
2). There is no proselytizing

A Proselyt is the opposite of an anti-Semite. We call it a "mission" to tell people from the love of god who don't know that god loves them and that they are also His children - so they don't have to live in fear of life and death.

And are you sure you feel not to have a mission to tell us this all what you tell us here? Why else do you do so?

in Judaism. There never has been, there isn't to this day.

Have a happy Christian life.

We will - hopefully.
God bless you.

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When the Messiah returns, PRACTICING, UNREPENTANT, DEFIANT homosexuals will be executed.

That said, Satan and his demons will be imprisoned for the Thousand Year reign of Christ and the resurrected saints. The devils spirit will be removed from its influence on the human mind.

ALL of the OT Scriptures are FROM God and have value. Thinking some don't vis part of the problem with the counterfeit church and her many daughter churches.

The SABBATH and the Holy Days still set apart God's TRUE Church from the counterfeit.

God's Law concerning clean and unclean meats still applies.

Some laws are just utilitarian for the physical nation of Israel AT THAT TIME, but there are things you can learn from every one of them.

For instance, BURYING HUMAN WASTE, is a great idea with the result of not spreading disease. This may not be an eternal MORAL law, but but believe it or not, this was REVOLUTIONARY in that day, and it was ignored wisdom in the Middle Ages of Europe. This lost knowledge is why that period was called the "Dark Ages."
When the Messiah Returns.....He returns to Judge everyone....the quick and the dead. (2 Tim. 4:1) The 1000 year reign is nonsense......Christ has already reigned over 2000 years, that's when the Kingdom of God...i.e, the church given to Christ by the Father was established. (Act 1, 2). Jesus ascended into heaven accompanied by Angels in the clouds (Acts 1:9-11).....when He returns He will never set foot on earth again.........He will meet His Bride...i.e., the church/kingdom in the air....He will return in the same fashion as He ascended, at the sound of a the twinkling of an eye the saved dead and living will be given heavenly bodies. (1 Cor. 15:51-52)...........Hades (the realm of the dead awaiting final judgement) will give up its dead at this time (Rev. 20:13)

At this time the kingdom/church/bride will be given back to the Father from which the authority came (1 Cor. 15:54.....Jesus will never reign on earth, His bloodline was crused by God.......never to be allowed to physically reign as king in Jerusalem. Jesus legal bloodline is defined as coming from this cursed bloodline, while His physical bloodline came from another Son of David. (Jer. 22:24-30)

Some will declare that Jesus can still reign on earth because of His physical bloodline......but the facts contradict this.......Jesus never reigned as a physical king while on earth...........while Jesus Himself states that His kingdom/church is not of this world Its a spiritual kingdom located in the heart of the faithful (John 18:37-37, Luke 17:21)...........Jesus clearly states the that the Kingdom is invisible/it could not be observed by man.
When the Messiah Returns.....He returns to Judge everyone....the quick and the dead. (2 Tim. 4:1) The 1000 year reign is nonsense......Christ has already reigned over 2000 years, that's when the Kingdom of God...i.e, the church given to Christ by the Father was established. (Act 1, 2). Jesus ascended into heaven accompanied by Angels in the clouds (Acts 1:9-11).....when He returns He will never set foot on earth again.........He will meet His Bride...i.e., the church/kingdom in the air....He will return in the same fashion as He ascended, at the sound of a the twinkling of an eye the saved dead and living will be given heavenly bodies. (1 Cor. 15:51-52)...........Hades (the realm of the dead awaiting final judgement) will give up its dead at this time (Rev. 20:13)

At this time the kingdom/church/bride will be given back to the Father from which the authority came (1 Cor. 15:54.....Jesus will never reign on earth, His bloodline was crused by God.......never to be allowed to physically reign as king in Jerusalem. Jesus legal bloodline is defined as coming from this cursed bloodline, while His physical bloodline came from another Son of David. (Jer. 22:24-30)

Some will declare that Jesus can still reign on earth because of His physical bloodline......but the facts contradict this.......Jesus never reigned as a physical king while on earth...........while Jesus Himself states that His kingdom/church is not of this world Its a spiritual kingdom located in the heart of the faithful (John 18:37-37, Luke 17:21)...........Jesus clearly states the that the Kingdom is invisible/it could not be observed by man.
Jesus Christ has reigned on Earth. You just don't see it or understand it because you have no faith.
The Christian religion is not an ideology - or with other words: We are not a closed system of thoughts turming always only around one or some few points written thousands of years ago. Everyone is able to criticize us - now, here. And you do so.

Paul had the Roman citizenship - but he never worked for the Roman empire. The Romans had different laws for citizens of Rome and for others.

With the letters of the Christian Paul and other Christians started a complete transformation of all values worldwide.

Christians are not Jews. And I'm not sure what you speak about in case of Paulus and Jesus. I would say only Muslims could have a problems with Paul because he was a kind of anti-Mohammed 500-600 years before Mohammed came. But why should Jews or Christians have problems with him?


Petrus, Linus, Anaklet, Clemens, Evaristus, Alexander ...

in his universality and humanity

Paulus did not change Judaism. He suggested to change the rules for heathens who liked to be Christians - also called "children of god".

A Proselyt is the opposite of an anti-Semite. We call it a "mission" to tell people from the love of god who don't know that god loves them and that they are also His children - so they don't have to live in fear of life and death.

And are you sure you feel not to have a mission to tell us this all what you tell us here? Why else do you do so?

We will - hopefully.
God bless you.

In CHRISTIAN LAW----a jew who acted as a PROSELYT got executed. Christian law was the
basis of the brutal genocidal Inquisition------and it morphed into the intensive racial caste
system that was imposed on the Americas----and finally morphed into the Nuremburg laws
that legalized genocide-----in fact, it even formed the basis of islamic dhimmia. ----genocide,
after genocide after genocide-----Jesus and EVEN PAUL would turn over in their graves if they
And that was Jesus' fault? Or the evil of mankind? Think about what you are saying before spouting diarrhea out of your mouth.
I thought about-------many of the genocides were accomplished either by christians or in the
name of christianity----you should think about it. Of course it is not the fault of Jesus----he
would turn over in his grave if he could discern what WAS MADE OF HIM
I thought about-------many of the genocides were accomplished either by christians or in the
name of christianity----you should think about it. Of course it is not the fault of Jesus----he
would turn over in his grave if he could discern what WAS MADE OF HIM

The people within Christ know Christ. Christ is within them and they are within Christ.

The abominations within the history of mankind are the sins of mankind. Nothing to do with Christ, Jesus.
The people within Christ know Christ. Christ is within them and they are within Christ.

The abominations within the history of mankind are the sins of mankind. Nothing to do with Christ, Jesus.
OH.......Long ago I listened to a program that featured Mrs Winifred Wagner. She was the wife of
of a Siegfred Wagner----who was a descendant of Richard Wagner and a kind of HEAD MUSICIAN
DIRECTOR under Adolf Hitler. Winifred was born in England---but in the 1920s became an
ardent admirer of Hitler. Her friendship with him continued until his death and she remained
what she called "an englishwoman who was glad to admit that she was a nazi" in the post world
war II interview. In the interview she blamed whatever OTHER PEOPLE thought was the fault
of Adolf-----on HIMMLER. On whom do you blame the bloody policies of the VERY CATHOLIC
Queen Isabella-----who some people consider so PIOUS that she has been considered for
sainthood---by the Vatican?
In CHRISTIAN LAW----a jew who acted as a PROSELYT got executed. Christian law was the
basis of the brutal genocidal Inquisition------and it morphed into the intensive racial caste
system that was imposed on the Americas----and finally morphed into the Nuremburg laws
that legalized genocide-----in fact, it even formed the basis of islamic dhimmia. ----genocide,
after genocide after genocide-----Jesus and EVEN PAUL would turn over in their graves if they
There are many genocides in the old testament stories.
There are many genocides in the old testament stories.
yes there are SO? People are not considered "SAINTS" for enacting them.
There is some confusion between warfare and genocide---especially in Saudi arabia.
Jumping over to an unrelated genocide-----how do you view the Trojan wars?
yes there are SO? People are not considered "SAINTS" for enacting them.
There is some confusion between warfare and genocide---especially in Saudi arabia.
Jumping over to an unrelated genocide-----how do you view the Trojan wars?
What are you talking about? The Trojan war isn't in scripture.

What genocide in Arabia?

In what?

a jew who acted as a PROSELYT got executed. ...

What a nonsense. Meanwhile seem no one to know any longer what really had happened in history. About 20 years before the first crusades started Muslims murdered in the Orient in masses Christians who did not like to become Muslims. In the ancient Orient Christians had been a mayorite - even 100-200 years 1/5-1/3 of the Osman empire had been Christians. The Occident tried to bring this deadly chaos under control but it never came under control what you can see also today very clear in the whole world of the Muslims which is a world full of sanctmoniousness and violence. As a result of all this brutal nonsense started about 100 years after this all not a catharsis but a "hereticarsis" in the Occident which broke and still breaks the church into many parts. For Jews all this stupid "games" also had been extremely dangerous since the crusades had created the first time anti-Semitism in the Christian world.
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What are you talking about? The Trojan war isn't in scripture.

What genocide in Arabia?
OH----I consider the ODYSSEY and ANEID to be scriptural writings. I did not
mention genocide in arabia but since you brought it up----the genocide of jews
in Yathrib was specifically and uniquely comprehensive and even now---after some
13-14 centuries------jews are barred from the land where so many of their coreligionists
were murdered OUT OF EXISTENCE
OH----I consider the ODYSSEY and ANEID to be scriptural writings. I did not
mention genocide in arabia but since you brought it up----the genocide of jews
in Yathrib was specifically and uniquely comprehensive and even now---after some
13-14 centuries------jews are barred from the land where so many of their coreligionists
were murdered OUT OF EXISTENCE
That was the result of a broken treaty. They were judged according to their law at their request.

The burning of the Christians at Najran would count as genocide.
That was the result of a broken treaty. They were judged according to their law at their request.

The burning of the Christians at Najran would count as genocide.
ROFLMAO-----I have heard even muslim girls complain that they are asked to believe
that non-muslim girls ASK TO BE RAPED. For the record----the burning of the christians
at Narjran is a legend along the lines of 1001 arabian nights. Of course---the jews of
Yathrib said----KILL US, WE DESERVE TO DIE. You are really chock full of muzzie memes.
Christians and hindus and zoroastrians are also barred from the city Yathrib/Medina. I have
NO DOUBT that the issue is the likelihood of all sorts of buried documents detailing the
career of the rapist of arabia
ROFLMAO-----I have heard even muslim girls complain that they are asked to believe
that non-muslim girls ASK TO BE RAPED. For the record----the burning of the christians
at Narjran is a legend along the lines of 1001 arabian nights. Of course---the jews of
Yathrib said----KILL US, WE DESERVE TO DIE. You are really chock full of muzzie memes.
Christians and hindus and zoroastrians are also barred from the city Yathrib/Medina. I have
NO DOUBT that the issue is the likelihood of all sorts of buried documents detailing the
career of the rapist of arabia
Keep spreading hate and fear, Rosie. It's what you do.
Keep spreading hate and fear, Rosie. It's what you do.
where do you see "hate" and "fear" ? For hate and fear----read the islamo nazi
literature ----or even go to a mosque. For those of us who know no arabic----if
you attend a mosque frequented by muzzies of Southeast Asia----the language
used is often ENGLISH for the instructive Khutbah Jumaat (a kind of friday sermon)
You can find out just how much you are supposed to DESPISE---christians, jews,
zoroastrians and hindus----aka THE ENEMEEEEES OF ISLAAAAAM
where do you see "hate" and "fear" ? For hate and fear----read the islamo nazi
literature ----or even go to a mosque. For those of us who know no arabic----if
you attend a mosque frequented by muzzies of Southeast Asia----the language
used is often ENGLISH for the instructive Khutbah Jumaat (a kind of friday sermon)
You can find out just how much you are supposed to DESPISE---christians, jews,
zoroastrians and hindus----aka THE ENEMEEEEES OF ISLAAAAAM
Shame you have never been out of the United States.

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