Zone1 How does one figure out what in the Old Testament to keep, what to throw out?

You said you are an US-American if I remember well. Do you not know what you do? So tell me: How died this soldiers?

What exactly do Jewish Kings have to do with the Roman Empire until the Roman Empire's fall, when there were no Jewish Kings at all after the Roman Conquest, first century BCE, post Macabees?

WWII soldiers dying, have nothing to do with what you are really talking about. Nor do any of your music videos.

So, who exactly were those Jewish Kings the Roman Empire could have dealt with during its 400 or more years of conquest of Judea?
Why do you cry loud out the word "long"? Tired to get an answer?

Everythting what I said is as far as I know totally correct and what you do here is just simple a defamation.

Whether it was really so or not so she will know on her own. But this was not the reason for the attribute "the Catholic". The reason was she expected everyone of her subjects had to be a Catholic. And this is not really Catholic. An emperor of the Holy Roman Empire for example was seen also in the followership of the Jewish kings and so he was directly responsible for the Jews in the Holy Roman Empire. So who attacked Jews also attacked the emperor and a weak emperor had been a problem for Jews.

One moment please. You call here Isabel de Castilia, the Queen of Castilia and Leon and the Queen of Aragon "vile bitch" ... Aha ... Bye bye ...

The English is a bit confusing but, this is what I am understanding:

The Roman Empire followed after the last Jewish King, the Macabees, after Rome conquered that land.

The thing is that it was the Romans themselves who attacked Jews in their land, if they revolted against the Romans and tried to free their land.

Therefore we see revolts in 70 CE and around 135 CE with thousands of Jews being crucified for going against the Roman Empire, or any other crime the Romans decided to crucify for.

Bar Kochba revolt was the last one, in against the Romans, it lasted 4 years.

The Bar Kokhba revolt (Hebrew: מֶרֶד בַּר כּוֹכְבָא‎, Mereḏ Bar Kōḵḇāʾ‎), also known as the Third Jewish Revolt or the 'Jewish Expedition' as the Romans named it[5] (Latin: Expeditio Judaica), was a rebellion by the Jews of the Roman province of Judea, led by Simon bar Kokhba, against the Roman Empire. The last of the three Jewish–Roman wars, it was fought c. 132–136 CE.[6]

Well, regardless of what you meant, you basically hold on to a view of Jews, which comes from 2000 years of Christian conspiracy theories, where the Jews are doing ill to the world, just as you posted about Jews being responsible for WWI above, etc, etc, etc.

None of this has to do with the topic of this thread which has gotten totally off the rail.
The English is a bit confusing but, this is what I am understanding:

The Roman Empire followed after the last Jewish King, the Macabees, after Rome conquered that land.

The thing is that it was the Romans themselves who attacked Jews in their land, if they revolted against the Romans and tried to free their land.

Therefore we see revolts in 70 CE and around 135 CE with thousands of Jews being crucified for going against the Roman Empire, or any other crime the Romans decided to crucify for.

Bar Kochba revolt was the last one, in against the Romans, it lasted 4 years.

The Bar Kokhba revolt (Hebrew: מֶרֶד בַּר כּוֹכְבָא‎, Mereḏ Bar Kōḵḇāʾ‎), also known as the Third Jewish Revolt or the 'Jewish Expedition' as the Romans named it[5] (Latin: Expeditio Judaica), was a rebellion by the Jews of the Roman province of Judea, led by Simon bar Kokhba, against the Roman Empire. The last of the three Jewish–Roman wars, it was fought c. 132–136 CE.[6]

Well, regardless of what you meant, you basically hold on to a view of Jews, which comes from 2000 years of Christian conspiracy theories, where the Jews are doing ill to the world, just as you posted about Jews being responsible for WWI above, etc, etc, etc.

None of this has to do with the topic of this thread which has gotten totally off the rail.
you expected logic?
What exactly do Jewish Kings have to do with the Roman Empire

Holy Roman empire - or with another word "Germany" from 800-1806.

until the Roman Empire's fall, when there were no Jewish Kings at all after the Roman Conquest, first century BCE, post Macabees?

WWII soldiers dying, have nothing to do with what you are really talking about.

I would only be interested how this funny soldiers died. I imagine they died as childish as they lived. The reason why I say such a sentence is to understand how I see the world on my own. I often speak out an hypothese - as absurde as this hypothese sometimes seem to be - and try to find out afterwards whether I am right or wrong.

Nor do any of your music videos.

l love music. It's another way of life to live with music. Music for example "stops" time and thoughts and emotions in a time loop and makes patient. From my point of view it's always good to sing while others are in hurry. In the end I will anyway be faster than all this people who never take their time.

So, who exactly were those Jewish Kings the Roman Empire

Holy Empire, later called Holy Roman empire, again later called Holy Roman Empire of German (=United) Nation.

could have dealt with during its 400 or more years of conquest of Judea?

I said this to your (absurde!) question here:


Rex David, Rex Salomo, Ezechias rex

You did not see the answer? Again: Rex David, Rex Salomo, Ezechias rex
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The English is a bit confusing but, this is what I am understanding:

The Roman Empire followed after the last Jewish King, the Macabees, after Rome conquered that land.

The thing is that it was the Romans themselves who attacked Jews in their land, if they revolted against the Romans and tried to free their land.

Therefore we see revolts in 70 CE and around 135 CE with thousands of Jews being crucified for going against the Roman Empire, or any other crime the Romans decided to crucify for.

Bar Kochba revolt was the last one, in against the Romans, it lasted 4 years.

The Bar Kokhba revolt (Hebrew: מֶרֶד בַּר כּוֹכְבָא‎, Mereḏ Bar Kōḵḇāʾ‎), also known as the Third Jewish Revolt or the 'Jewish Expedition' as the Romans named it[5] (Latin: Expeditio Judaica), was a rebellion by the Jews of the Roman province of Judea, led by Simon bar Kokhba, against the Roman Empire. The last of the three Jewish–Roman wars, it was fought c. 132–136 CE.[6]

Well, regardless of what you meant, you basically hold on to a view of Jews, which comes from 2000 years of Christian conspiracy theories, where the Jews are doing ill to the world, just as you posted about Jews being responsible for WWI above, etc, etc, etc.

None of this has to do with the topic of this thread which has gotten totally off the rail.

In Germany about 3/4 of all people are not only not Catholics - they are in very mosts cases also anti-Catholics. Now!!! Today!!! After they all know how they all had been wrong in case of the Nazis and in case of the Commies!!! I guess this is a similar situation in the USA where anti-Catholicisdm is a standard. Now try to imagine how difficult it always had been for 1 German Jew to have to live under 200 German not-Jews.
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Nothing in the OT should be thrown out. It is impossible to understand what the NT is about without the context of the OT. Many churches try and quickly become lost. The ignorance of people who think that they only need the NT is disheartening. When I hear that attitude expressed in the church, I want to cry. Sometimes I do.
I couldn't ccare less about the history of homosexuality or whether some animals do it

It is an abomination

You don't need the Bible to tell or remind u of that. Nature itself tells you

but libs hate nature... as we hve seen (trans gender bs, abortion)
God made mistakes
In Germany about 3/4 of all people are not only not Catholics - they are in very mosts cases also anti-Catholics. Now!!! Today!!! After they all know how they all had been wrong in case of the Nazis and in case of the Commies!!! I guess this is a similar situation in the USA where anti-Catholicisdm is a standard. Now try to imagine how difficult it always had been for 1 German Jew to have to live under 200 German not-Jews.
oh---it varied over time. Very early on ---when the Romans marched on the Rhine Valley---
there were some jews with them. ----ie as far back as BC. The religion of Constantine
(sorta Founder of the HOLY MOLEY ROMAN EMPIRE) promoted Christianity---more specifically,
Germanic christianity ----UBER ALLES. The conditions for the "alles" varied depending on
the local supply of blutwurst and beer
oh---it varied over time. Very early on ---when the Romans marched on the Rhine Valley---
there were some jews with them.

No idea. Jews became Romans around the early third or forth century.

----ie as far back as BC. The religion of Constantine
(sorta Founder of the HOLY MOLEY ROMAN EMPIRE) promoted Christianity---more specifically,
Germanic christianity ----UBER ALLES. The conditions for the "alles" varied depending on
the local supply of blutwurst and beer

"Deutschland über alles" never meant only a little something in direction world rulership or Christianisation - if you should think so. And beer and Blutwurst are first of all excellent food products and for sure not this what your fantasy tries to think about because you are educated to hate Germany and Germans.

Germany nearly never had been a nation in history. And "German" is indeed on its own an expression which is not German. Never existed German people who called themselve German. German is indeed only an empty phrase - the German word for German is "deutsch" - an adjective not a substantive. France is for example made from the Frankonians - but no one calls the French Germans. Or (V)Andalusia in Spain was once founded from the Vanadals in North-Africa. In Andalusia existed also good relations between Jews and the melted Vandals+Berbers - and whoever had lived in Spain in this area before it became Andalusia. But no one sees in them Germans.

Germany was from 800-1806 called "Holy Empire", "Holy Roman Empire" and "Holy Roman Empire of German Nation" what means: Holy (=Christian values) Roman(=rule of law) Empire (=Realm) of German (=United) nation (=people).
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No idea. Jews became Romans around the early third or forth century.

"Deutschland über alles" never meant only a little something in direction world rulership or Christianisation - if you should think so. And beer and Blutwurst are first of all excellent food products and for sure not this what your fantasy tries to think about because you are educated to hate Germany and Germans.

Germany nearly never had been a nation in history. And "German" is indeed on its own an expression which is not German. Never existed German people who called themselve German. German is indeed only an empty phrase - the German word for German is "deutsch" - an adjective not a substantive. France is for example made from the Frankonians - but no one calls the French Germans. Or (V)Andalusia in Spain was once founded from the Vanadals in North-Africa. In Andalusia existed also good relations between Jews and the melted Vandals+Berbers - and whoever had lived in Spain in this area before it became Andalusia. But no one sees in them Germans.

Germany was from 800-1806 called "Holy Empire", "Holy Roman Empire" and "Holy Roman Empire of German Nation" what means: Holy (=Christian values) Roman(=rule of law) Empire (=Realm) of German (=United) nation (=people).
one of the handful of my childhood playmates was the daughter of a woman who shipped
out of Germany in the KINDERTRANSPORT to England----1930s. I don't know her father's
story but the married couple spoke to each other ONLY IN GERMAN. The "OMAH" was
arround lots -----so I learned "ein twei drei" used in little rubber ball against the wall games.
THAT's why I know about BLUTWURST (no value judgement but I never tried it)---she had
some beer steins as decoration----I do not like beer----too bitter---even mild BUD. My maternal
ancestors were refugees to Ellis Island from the HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE of Emperor Franz Josef.
He was----considered by family legacy stories----a really nice guy
one of the handful of my childhood playmates was the daughter of a woman who shipped
out of Germany in the KINDERTRANSPORT to England----1930s. I don't know her father's
story but the married couple spoke to each other ONLY IN GERMAN. The "OMAH" was
arround lots -----so I learned "ein twei drei" used in little rubber ball against the wall games.
THAT's why I know about BLUTWURST

Blut- und Leberwürste mit Sauerkraut und Kartoffelbrei?

(no value judgement but I never tried it)---she had
some beer steins as decoration----

Steinerne (Bier-)krüge, I guess. Useful and robust for all forms of fluids - not only for beer. But heavy.

I do not like beer----too bitter---even mild BUD. My maternal
ancestors were refugees to Ellis Island from the HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE of Emperor Franz Josef.

The Austrian Empire is only one follower of the Holy Empire.

He was----considered by family legacy stories----a really nice guy

Austrian, Bavarian, Bohemian, Silesian, Moravian, Allemani, Swabian, Tyrolean, Lombard or ... ?
Blut- und Leberwürste mit Sauerkraut und Kartoffelbrei?

Steinerne (Bier-)krüge, I guess. Useful and robust for all forms of fluids - not only for beer. But heavy.

The Austrian Empire is only one follower of the Holy Empire.

Austrian, Bavarian, Bohemian, Silesian, Moravian, Allemani, Swabian, Tyrolean, Lombard or ... ?
yeah-----alles SO? uhm or uhm ALSO???
Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.
We don't have to worry about such things as

what to keep, what to discard of the Old T

We have a CHURCH founded by Christ himself that did that for us in the 4th century

Yes, the Catholic Church is harder to find today.. The Vatican is easy to find. It is in Rome but it was taken over by antichrists in 1958

Today, it is far from being Catholic

Most Baptists are far more Catholic than the people who "run" the Vatican
Well this is a personal view isn't it. So my personal view is the same as Jefferson: if JC is recorded as saying it, it matters. Thats it. Thats all. Not The Old Testament, not what Paul or anyone else wrote. Only what JC is recorded as specifically saying.
Cool the issue with that is that no one actually knows what jesus actually Believed or taught.

The books of the old testament were originally written almost a hundred years after the crucifixion. No one who wrote any part of the new testament was alive when jesus was.
Cool the issue with that is that no one actually knows what jesus actually Believed or taught.

The books of the old testament were originally written almost a hundred years after the crucifixion. No one who wrote any part of the new testament was alive when jesus was.

Does that mean they are all a big lie?

Cool the issue with that is that no one actually knows what jesus actually Believed or taught.

The books of the old testament were originally written almost a hundred years after the crucifixion. No one who wrote any part of the new testament was alive when jesus was.
The Old Testament was written long before the crucifixion. And Paul, for one, was born about the same time Jesus was.
Jesus Christ has reigned on Earth. You just don't see it or understand it because you have no faith.

Here you are saying............Lo Here!, Lo there......... :huh1: What? Do you have XRAY vision.......that you can see the kingdom that resides within the believer? :dunno:
I can READ and COMPREHEND SIMPLE 8TH GRADE ENGLISH, "My kingdom is not of this world, If My kingdom were of this world, My servants would have been fighting, that I might not be delivered to the Jews. But........MY KINGDOM IS NOT OF THIS WORLD." -- John 18:36

I doubt that you can see the kingdom of God that was given to Jesus by the Father....aka, the Church....i.e, Christ's church (Matthew 16, 28:18-20)). Jesus uses the terms kingdom and church in a synonymous fashion. Why do I conclude that you are delusional concerning the kingdom given to Jesus Christ...aka the kingdom of God?

Jesus states, "And when He (Jesus) was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come........He answered and said, The kingdom of God cometh not with observation: Neither shall they say, Lo Here! or Lo There! for behold, the kingdom of God is within you." -- Luke 17:20-21

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