How does Putin have a transcript of a WH talk between his Trump and Lavrov?

Now isn't THAT the big question? Too bad the people who should be doing the investigating are in fact the ones who did the leaking!
Back when this first made the news, it was reported that the photographer's bag was not examined or scanned in any way.

Where was security? Secret Service, And, does trump have his own body guards as he said he would?

The fact that trump invited Russians into the Oval Office is just stunning. Especially since Sessions, Kuchner and Flynn had all lied about meeting with the one guy.

No US media. Only Russian media. Hands over intel that's now being described as "top secret".

And now he and the trumpkins are acting like nothing happened.
It could be Trump tapes everything and Russia gets to listen in real time. (-:
Sure, there may have been a few spats between these two lovers, but pootie still has a fondness in his heart for trump and will do all he can to help him through this unpleasantness that has been brought on by the dreaded MSM and Democrats.

I would imagine that each had their own source taping the meeting. Why are you people being or acting so obstinate? So you hate life that much that you would rather see destruction than peace?
Are you actually saying that the russians are now allowed to bring recording devices into the White House?
Go with that if you wish as you will say whatever you desire anyhow. I am not in DC nor do I know anyone in DC except my own senator.

How things generally work in business. They could have been given a tape of the meeting before they left. You'll have to ask someone in the know (whether they will answer you or not is a different issue). I know I taped almost all of my important meetings and even many that were frivolously if I was dealing with someone I was not sure or knew I could not trust when I was in business and I would have freely given a copy to the other parties if they requested it. That would merely be a professional courtesy.
I would imagine that each had their own source taping the meeting. Why are you people being or acting so obstinate? So you hate life that much that you would rather see destruction than peace?
Are you actually saying that the russians are now allowed to bring recording devices into the White House?
Go with that if you wish as you will say whatever you desire anyhow. I am not in DC nor do I know anyone in DC except my own senator.

How things generally work in business. They could have been given a tape of the meeting before they left. You'll have to ask someone in the know (whether they will answer you or not is a different issue). I know I taped almost all of my important meetings and even many that were frivolously if I was dealing with someone I was not sure or knew I could not trust when I was in business and I would have freely given a copy to the other parties if they requested it. That would merely be a professional courtesy.
So, in other words, your statement that, "I would imagine that each had their own source taping the meeting.", is just that, your imagination. Got it.
Back when this first made the news, it was reported that the photographer's bag was not examined or scanned in any way.

Where was security? Secret Service, And, does trump have his own body guards as he said he would?

The fact that trump invited Russians into the Oval Office is just stunning. Especially since Sessions, Kuchner and Flynn had all lied about meeting with the one guy.

No US media. Only Russian media. Hands over intel that's now being described as "top secret".

And now he and the trumpkins are acting like nothing happened.

First, are you saying the President shouldn't talk to other countries?
Second, Do you really think if Trump let some media in on the meeting would they report fairly, our President is probably ashamed of our media.
Third, did anyone have a fit when Obama had secret meetings with muslim brother hood, told Russia to wait till after election and he would be more flexible. And how bout Hillery giving 20% of our uranium to Russia as Secretary of State. I'm sure you couldn't be a hypocrite are you?

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Interesting. A transcript. Not a recording.

What a fantastic piece of fiction that must be, eh?

I imagine it would read something like this:

MAD DOG TRUMP: Putin is the greatest ruler. The best. Just terrific. May he live forever!

COMRADE LAVROV: Yes he is, you disgusting Yankee dog.

MAD DOG TRUMP: I am an evil capitalist pig. Putin is a manly man.

COMRADE LAVROV: You will sell us the rope we will use to hang you.

MAD DOG TRUMP: If Hero of the Revolution Vladimir Putin was not fighting for us in Syria, fifty thousand Americans a day would be dying at the hands of ISIS.

COMRADE LAVROV: We will bury you. Not ISIS.

MAD DOG TRUMP: Well, it is time for my injection of fetal stem cells. Goodbye!
I would imagine that each had their own source taping the meeting. Why are you people being or acting so obstinate? So you hate life that much that you would rather see destruction than peace?
Are you actually saying that the russians are now allowed to bring recording devices into the White House?
Well, Trump could have ok'd it or he could simply send them transcripts of all his meetings and phone calls. (-:
I would imagine that each had their own source taping the meeting. Why are you people being or acting so obstinate? So you hate life that much that you would rather see destruction than peace?
Are you actually saying that the russians are now allowed to bring recording devices into the White House?
Go with that if you wish as you will say whatever you desire anyhow. I am not in DC nor do I know anyone in DC except my own senator.

How things generally work in business. They could have been given a tape of the meeting before they left. You'll have to ask someone in the know (whether they will answer you or not is a different issue). I know I taped almost all of my important meetings and even many that were frivolously if I was dealing with someone I was not sure or knew I could not trust when I was in business and I would have freely given a copy to the other parties if they requested it. That would merely be a professional courtesy.
So, in other words, your statement that, "I would imagine that each had their own source taping the meeting.", is just that, your imagination. Got it.
Piss off, that is how business people do it.
Or perhaps Putin knows what Trump will say before Trump knows he's supposed to say it. Who can know for certain. LOL

You've long said you're a traitor so, to YOU?

None at all.

But, to patriotic Americans?

Try thinking it through.


Progressives are "Patriotic Americans"?



Well Trumpbots have proven they have no regard for the Constitution or their country.

Those of us in the rest of the world are laughing at the the dismantling of the American Republic at the hands of this traitorous buffoon.

Respect for your country and American influence in the rest of the world declines every day he is in office.

Proof positive that American Exceptionalism is just as big a lie as Aryan Supremacy.

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