How Donald Trump uses Kremlin propaganda techniques against the American people

The Emoluments Clause states:

“No title of nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no person holding any office of profit or trust under them, shall, without the consent of the Congress, accept of any present, emolument, office or title of any kind whatever, from any king, prince or foreign state.”

Ethics experts filed a lawsuit in federal court Monday, claiming Trump has, indeed, violated the Emoluments Clause, citing multiple examples of conflicts of interest, NPR reported Monday.

What Is The Emoluments Clause? Full Definition And Text Of Constitutional Clause Decrying Conflicts Of Interest
Paying their hotel bill is not an "emolument." You douche bags had no problem with Hillary taking large amounts of money from foreign governments, but now you're whining that some of their employees might stay in a Trump hotel?

You're so-called "experts" are nothing more than leftwing agitators.

Clinton did not personally profit from charitable contributions. Trump will.
Of course she did. She used CGI money to pay for Chelsea's wedding. She also used it to fund her personal and campaign travel expenses. She also gave her cronies, like Huma Abadeen, cushy jobs at CGI that didn't require them to do any work. Huma was supposedly a full time State Dept employee, but she was simultaneously pulling down a six figure salary from CGI. If that isn't corruption, I've never seen it.

Furthermore, all the douche bags attacking Trump claim it doesn't matter whether he personally benefits or not.

Truly dopey.

Your little conspiracies are not fact.
The Emoluments Clause states:

“No title of nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no person holding any office of profit or trust under them, shall, without the consent of the Congress, accept of any present, emolument, office or title of any kind whatever, from any king, prince or foreign state.”

Ethics experts filed a lawsuit in federal court Monday, claiming Trump has, indeed, violated the Emoluments Clause, citing multiple examples of conflicts of interest, NPR reported Monday.

What Is The Emoluments Clause? Full Definition And Text Of Constitutional Clause Decrying Conflicts Of Interest
Paying their hotel bill is not an "emolument." You douche bags had no problem with Hillary taking large amounts of money from foreign governments, but now you're whining that some of their employees might stay in a Trump hotel?

You're so-called "experts" are nothing more than leftwing agitators.

Clinton did not personally profit from charitable contributions. Trump will.
Of course she did. She used CGI money to pay for Chelsea's wedding. She also used it to fund her personal and campaign travel expenses. She also gave her cronies, like Huma Abadeen, cushy jobs at CGI that didn't require them to do any work. Huma was supposedly a full time State Dept employee, but she was simultaneously pulling down a six figure salary from CGI. If that isn't corruption, I've never seen it.

Furthermore, all the douche bags attacking Trump claim it doesn't matter whether he personally benefits or not.

Truly dopey.

Your little conspiracies are not fact.
Tell us which part of my post isn't a fact.
  1. Rely on dissenting political groups in Western countries for dissemination.
  2. Domestic propaganda is most important.
  3. Destroy and ridicule the idea of truth.
  4. “Putin is strong. Russia is strong.”
  5. Headlines are more important than reality, especially while first impressions are forming.
  6. Demoralize.
  7. Move the conversation.
  8. Pollute the information space.
  9. Gas lighting — accuse the enemy of doing what you are doing to confuse the conversation.
Trump and his spokespeople appeal to “alternative facts,” employ fake news and other forms of disinformation, exploit and amplify dissent between the Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders factions of the Democratic Party and deploy Orwellian Newspeak.

The Trump team promotes a dystopian and apocalyptic vision of America where only the Great Leader with his supposed strength and virility can successfully intervene, and displays blatant disregard for its campaign promises. Trump’s people use Twitter and other social media to cause controversy and distraction, as well as to spread bullying behavior and insults, threats of violence against his political rivals, militant nationalism and conspiracy theories about “illegal” voters. All of this represents a direct application of Russian propaganda strategies to American politics.

American exceptionalism is dead (once again) and Donald Trump helped to kill it. He has perverted and “Putinized” American politics, all while promising to “Make America Great Again.” The irony is ugly and profound.

From Russia with love: How Donald Trump uses Kremlin propaganda techniques against the American people

Just the beginning with a federal agency shutdown across the entire government.

Trump clamps down on federal agencies

Report: Trump Admin. Orders Media Blackout for Federal Agencies

The Trump administration has reportedly ordered a media blackout at several federal agencies, cracking down on staffers' ability to issue news releases, tweet or otherwise communicate with the public.

The limits appear to target agencies overseeing environmental and scientific policy, sparking criticism the hammer is coming down on information regarding climate change, the Washington Post reported.

The new polices are in place at the Environmental Protection Agency, Agriculture and Interior departments, the Post reported. Politico reported limits are imposed at "varying degrees" also at Transportation and Health and Human Services.

Putin's Poodle has bite.

/---- Does he follow Sal Alinsky like Obozo did? Well does he, Punk?
  1. Rely on dissenting political groups in Western countries for dissemination.
  2. Domestic propaganda is most important.
  3. Destroy and ridicule the idea of truth.
  4. “Putin is strong. Russia is strong.”
  5. Headlines are more important than reality, especially while first impressions are forming.
  6. Demoralize.
  7. Move the conversation.
  8. Pollute the information space.
  9. Gas lighting — accuse the enemy of doing what you are doing to confuse the conversation.
Trump and his spokespeople appeal to “alternative facts,” employ fake news and other forms of disinformation, exploit and amplify dissent between the Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders factions of the Democratic Party and deploy Orwellian Newspeak.

The Trump team promotes a dystopian and apocalyptic vision of America where only the Great Leader with his supposed strength and virility can successfully intervene, and displays blatant disregard for its campaign promises. Trump’s people use Twitter and other social media to cause controversy and distraction, as well as to spread bullying behavior and insults, threats of violence against his political rivals, militant nationalism and conspiracy theories about “illegal” voters. All of this represents a direct application of Russian propaganda strategies to American politics.

American exceptionalism is dead (once again) and Donald Trump helped to kill it. He has perverted and “Putinized” American politics, all while promising to “Make America Great Again.” The irony is ugly and profound.

From Russia with love: How Donald Trump uses Kremlin propaganda techniques against the American people

Just the beginning with a federal agency shutdown across the entire government.

Trump clamps down on federal agencies

Report: Trump Admin. Orders Media Blackout for Federal Agencies

The Trump administration has reportedly ordered a media blackout at several federal agencies, cracking down on staffers' ability to issue news releases, tweet or otherwise communicate with the public.

The limits appear to target agencies overseeing environmental and scientific policy, sparking criticism the hammer is coming down on information regarding climate change, the Washington Post reported.

The new polices are in place at the Environmental Protection Agency, Agriculture and Interior departments, the Post reported. Politico reported limits are imposed at "varying degrees" also at Transportation and Health and Human Services.

Putin's Poodle has bite.

Yeah, it all sounds very familiar...


/---- "Make the lie big...." You mean, if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor? Like Shovel ready jobs? You mean big lies like that?

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