How Episode VII Can Save Star Wars


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
last stop for sanity before reaching the south
I may be a nobody on the internet... but I freaking LOVE Star Wars. And this is one die hard fan's opinion on how Episode VII can win back all the haters of the prequels and the new versions of IV, V, and VI.

I have 5 ideas:

1. At some point Han makes an off-hand joke about how Greedo DID NOT shoot first. Who cares what context it's in!!

2. Jacen and Jaina Solo star in the movie

3. George Lucas makes a cameo, in the vein of Stan Lee in the Avengers saga movies, so that previously butthurt fans are FORCED to recognize how awesome he is!

4. Lando Calrissian better fucking be in it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

5. Mitichlorions ARE NEVER EVER MENTIONED AGAIN!!!!!!!! :mad:

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