How EVIL is liberalism anyway?

Thank a Liberal

40 hour work week
Civil rights
Women's rights
Environmental protections
Gay rights
Workplace safety
Thank a liberal:

240 year war on women
$19 trillion in debt
High taxes
High unemployment
Loss of liberty
Loss of rights
Loss of decency
Loss of privacy
Spread of promiscuity and STD's
Liberalism seeks to use the state to force people into a condition of involuntary servitude.
Few things are more evil than that..

Actually Liberalism ensures the State can't do that, via little things like.... Freedom of Speech.... Due Process... Freedom from theocracy.... you know, little things like that. Unfortunately there's no way to ensure Freedom from Ignorance.
Thank a Liberal

40 hour work week
Civil rights
Women's rights
Environmental protections
Gay rights
Workplace safety
Thank a liberal:

240 year war on women
$19 trillion in debt
High taxes
High unemployment
Loss of liberty
Loss of rights
Loss of decency
Loss of privacy
Spread of promiscuity and STD's

  • Slavery -- thousands of years old, worldwide; Liberalism eliminated it
  • Racism -- came with the slave trade, five to six centuries ago also before Liberalism existed
  • 240 year war on women -- actually that's thousands of years old....
  • $19 trillion in debt -- ?
  • High taxes -- ? compared to what?
  • High unemployment -- that's economics, not a fucking political philosophy
  • Loss of liberty --- actually Liberalism protects these; that's what "We the People" is about. (duh) But do go on with your Doublethink, this is most entertaining....
  • Loss of rights -- same as above, redundant
  • Loss of decency -- cultural, got jack shit to do with anybody's politics -- entirely subjective and vague as well; what the fuck is "decency"? How 'bout making shit up about what created your country? How "decent" is that?
  • Loss of privacy -- see PATRIOT Act
  • Spread of promiscuity and STD's -- again, cultural, got jack shit to do with any kind of politics whatsoever

How stupid is Buttsoiler anyway?
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This is how evil liberalism is. "Thou shalt not bear false witness". And yet, the gay lynch mob has been doing this for decades. Filing false police reports about "hate crimes" which never occurred. Claiming they were assaulted when they were not. Claiming that their personal items were defaced with homophobic slurs when they were not. I love when the truth comes to light and exposes all of this sick lying by the left.

‘Love Wins F**’: Gay Pastor Who Sued Whole Foods Over Shocking Cake Message Makes Major Admission
This is how evil liberalism is.... Hilldabeast is a pathological liar. She lies about her lies. Then she lies about those lies. When she gets caught lying, she lies about getting caught. And yet people here like Corny and Jillian will defend this dirt-bag to the end of the world and back. They'll vote for her to sit in the White House and destroy the U.S. will lies (which tells you how much they hate the U.S. and the Constitution). You want to vote liberal - go for it. Certainly your right. But anyone who supports a power-hungry, pathological liar like this dirt-bag is showing their real character (which is - they have none - they only care about advancing an ideology at all costs).

"The law can give nothing that has not first been taken from its owner." -Frederic Bastiat
Laws that protect our property rights in our bodies and our assets are just. They can be enforced universally with nobody having their body or property violated. It's the other sort of laws that are unjust, those that violate our liberty and confiscate our property. No "law" that does this can be considered just.
This is how evil liberalism is... Hillary Clinton in a secret audio recording talking about how she plans to eliminate the 2nd Amendment:

This is how evil liberalism is.... Hilldabeast is a pathological liar. She lies about her lies. Then she lies about those lies. When she gets caught lying, she lies about getting caught. And yet people here like Corny and Jillian will defend this dirt-bag to the end of the world and back. They'll vote for her to sit in the White House and destroy the U.S. will lies (which tells you how much they hate the U.S. and the Constitution). You want to vote liberal - go for it. Certainly your right. But anyone who supports a power-hungry, pathological liar like this dirt-bag is showing their real character (which is - they have none - they only care about advancing an ideology at all costs).

What in the wide world of Blue Fuck does any of this ^^ have to do with "Liberalism"?

How stupid is Buttsoiler anyway?
This is how evil liberalism is.... Hilldabeast is a pathological liar. She lies about her lies. Then she lies about those lies. When she gets caught lying, she lies about getting caught. And yet people here like Corny and Jillian will defend this dirt-bag to the end of the world and back. They'll vote for her to sit in the White House and destroy the U.S. will lies (which tells you how much they hate the U.S. and the Constitution). You want to vote liberal - go for it. Certainly your right. But anyone who supports a power-hungry, pathological liar like this dirt-bag is showing their real character (which is - they have none - they only care about advancing an ideology at all costs).

What in the wide world of Blue Fuck does any of this ^^ have to do with "Liberalism"?

How stupid is Buttsoiler anyway?

Let me count the ways...
This is how evil liberalism is.... Hilldabeast is a pathological liar. She lies about her lies. Then she lies about those lies. When she gets caught lying, she lies about getting caught. And yet people here like Corny and Jillian will defend this dirt-bag to the end of the world and back. They'll vote for her to sit in the White House and destroy the U.S. will lies (which tells you how much they hate the U.S. and the Constitution). You want to vote liberal - go for it. Certainly your right. But anyone who supports a power-hungry, pathological liar like this dirt-bag is showing their real character (which is - they have none - they only care about advancing an ideology at all costs).

What in the wide world of Blue Fuck does any of this ^^ have to do with "Liberalism"?

How stupid is Buttsoiler anyway?

You mean other than the fact that she is a liberal? Or other than the fact that she is a typical liberal? Or other than the fact that she's spent her life lying like a liberal? Or other than the fact that people die because of her liberal lies and liberal policies?

Gee....I guess you've made a great point. What could that possibly have to do with liberalism? :cuckoo:
Liberalism seeks to use the state to force people into a condition of involuntary servitude.
Few things are more evil than that..

Actually that's the exact opposite of what it seeks. You were only off by 180 degrees but hey, that's less than 200.
This is how evil liberalism is.... Hilldabeast is a pathological liar. She lies about her lies. Then she lies about those lies. When she gets caught lying, she lies about getting caught. And yet people here like Corny and Jillian will defend this dirt-bag to the end of the world and back. They'll vote for her to sit in the White House and destroy the U.S. will lies (which tells you how much they hate the U.S. and the Constitution). You want to vote liberal - go for it. Certainly your right. But anyone who supports a power-hungry, pathological liar like this dirt-bag is showing their real character (which is - they have none - they only care about advancing an ideology at all costs).

What in the wide world of Blue Fuck does any of this ^^ have to do with "Liberalism"?

How stupid is Buttsoiler anyway?

You mean other than the fact that she is a liberal? Or other than the fact that she is a typical liberal? Or other than the fact that she's spent her life lying like a liberal? Or other than the fact that people die because of her liberal lies and liberal policies?

Gee....I guess you've made a great point. What could that possibly have to do with liberalism? :cuckoo:

Everything you just cited, whether accurate or not (and I doubt it is since you can't tell the difference between humans and dogs) is personal behavior. That is, the first sentence is, an ipse dixit unsupported opinion, followed by endless Association Fallacy blubbering about USMB posters. NONE of which has jack frickin' squat to do with "Liberalism" --- or any other political bent.

And now you've followed up with more shallowheaded adjective-dropping that makes no point. Which is basically the same turd you've been plopping throughout this troll thread on what is supposed to be a discussion board.

Association Fallacies derived from circular arguments delivered in an ipse dixit truck.

How stupid is Buttsoiler anyway?

I'm going with "42".

On a scale of five.
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"The law can give nothing that has not first been taken from its owner." -Frederic Bastiat
"The owner can give nothing that has not first been taken from its producer." -JoeNormal
You realize you said the exact same thing, just from a different perspective - right?
Does this mean you agree with him or did you think your response countered his?

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