How EVIL is liberalism anyway?

This is how evil liberalism is....when even a rock star rebel (traditionally the cornerstone of the Democrat/liberal ideology) is preaching about how the left is oppressive dill-holes who are attempting to prevent free speech with violence just like Nazi's in Germany and communists in the former U.S.S.R.

This is how evil liberalism is... The left-wing around the world is invoking their inner Nazi and are hell bent on taking control of everything. The thought police is out in full force and they will suppress any dissenting opinion or even comedy.

What in the wide world of fuck does any of that have to do with "Liberalism", Schmuck? Where is it even mentioned? Where is any kind of politics mentioned?

Actually John Cleese is mentioned. What the fuck do you think his politics are?

Further, where is any link at all to documentation of any of the claims made here by a fucking YouTube user?

Charlie Chaplin? Do you not know Chaplin was mocking Hitler?

What the fuck is wrong with you? You actually think YouTube is a source of news?

How stupid is Buttsoiler anyway?
rock star rebel (traditionally the cornerstone of the Democrat/liberal ideology)

Are they now. Link?

Even if we accept that, you do realize you just laid out the opposite case from what you think you said, right?

First of all, this should be mandatory reading for everyone.

Second, a great big salute to this devout liberal for his honesty and integrity. I've never seen this before out of the left and I could not be more impressed. If every liberal showed this kind of honesty and integrity, we could come together as a nation.

Third, this really illustrates how evil liberalism is. It refuses to accept anything (even to listen) that doesn't subscribe to what it already believes. And it shows tremendous bigotry and discrimination towards conservatives.
First of all, this should be mandatory reading for everyone.

Second, a great big salute to this devout liberal for his honesty and integrity. I've never seen this before out of the left and I could not be more impressed. If every liberal showed this kind of honesty and integrity, we could come together as a nation.

Third, this really illustrates how evil liberalism is. It refuses to accept anything (even to listen) that doesn't subscribe to what it already believes. And it shows tremendous bigotry and discrimination towards conservatives.

Based on this thread alone, you couldn't figure out what "honesty" means if we spotted you a large print dictionary, both hands and a road map.

Soooooo where's your answer to 683?

And 682?

And 678?

etc etc etc...... coward.

Taking the property of one person to give to another s stealing

Taxes are the price we pay to live in a civilized society

I'm glad you agree that taking the property of one person to give to another is stealing.

Taxes are the relic of a barbarous society where might makes right.
Go cry about it to Jesus.

Matthew 22:17

17Tell us therefore, What thinkest thou? Is it lawful to give tribute unto Caesar, or not? 18But Jesus perceived their wickedness, and said, Why tempt ye me, ye hypocrites? 19Shew me the tribute money. And they brought unto him a penny. 20And he saith unto them, Whose is this image and superscription? 21They say unto him, Caesar's. Then saith he unto them, Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's. 22When they had heard these words, they marvelled, and left him, and went their way.
If I was in possession of someone else's property, I would certainly give it back to them.

However, taking someone's property by force in order to give it to someone else is not ethically justified.
This is how evil liberalism is....when even a rock star rebel (traditionally the cornerstone of the Democrat/liberal ideology) is preaching about how the left is oppressive dill-holes who are attempting to prevent free speech with violence just like Nazi's in Germany and communists in the former U.S.S.R.

and the above is how stupid rightwingers are. *shrug*
Taking the property of one person to give to another s stealing

Taxes are the price we pay to live in a civilized society

I'm glad you agree that taking the property of one person to give to another is stealing.

Taxes are the relic of a barbarous society where might makes right.
Go cry about it to Jesus.

Matthew 22:17

17Tell us therefore, What thinkest thou? Is it lawful to give tribute unto Caesar, or not? 18But Jesus perceived their wickedness, and said, Why tempt ye me, ye hypocrites? 19Shew me the tribute money. And they brought unto him a penny. 20And he saith unto them, Whose is this image and superscription? 21They say unto him, Caesar's. Then saith he unto them, Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's. 22When they had heard these words, they marvelled, and left him, and went their way.
If I was in possession of someone else's property, I would certainly give it back to them.

However, taking someone's property by force in order to give it to someone else is not ethically justified.

what are you talking about?

since when is participation in government voluntary? and if it is can I please have back the money that idiot bush spent on his fraudulent wars?
This is how evil liberalism is....when even a rock star rebel (traditionally the cornerstone of the Democrat/liberal ideology) is preaching about how the left is oppressive dill-holes who are attempting to prevent free speech with violence just like Nazi's in Germany and communists in the former U.S.S.R.

and the above is how stupid rightwingers are. *shrug*

It is "stupid" to denounce violence waged by liberals against anyone attempting to hold a political rally? Wow... you have really moved into extremism while I was gone, uh J?
what are you talking about?

since when is participation in government voluntary? and if it is can I please have back the money that idiot bush spent on his fraudulent wars? the way....defense is the Constitutional responsibility of the federal government. Medicaid is not.
what are you talking about?

I thought I was clear. I said that it's wrong for one person (or gang of people) to take another person's property by force in order to give it away.

since when is participation in government voluntary? and if it is can I please have back the money that idiot bush spent on his fraudulent wars?

You can certainly ask the government to have it back. Good luck.
what are you talking about?

I thought I was clear. I said that it's wrong for one person (or gang of people) to take another person's property by force in order to give it away.

since when is participation in government voluntary? and if it is can I please have back the money that idiot bush spent on his fraudulent wars?

You can certainly ask the government to have it back. Good luck.
How anyone can call the post-9/11 wars "fraudulent" is simply astounding. Talk about conspiracy theory. :cuckoo:
what are you talking about?

I thought I was clear. I said that it's wrong for one person (or gang of people) to take another person's property by force in order to give it away.

since when is participation in government voluntary? and if it is can I please have back the money that idiot bush spent on his fraudulent wars?

You can certainly ask the government to have it back. Good luck.

and good luck to you if you think you shouldn't pay taxes.

as to giving away the tax money I pay.... I'm pretty sure we're redistributing to corporations and agricultural businesses but heck, I know feeding actual people and providing medical care (like every other westernized country) makes righties incensed.
what are you talking about?

I thought I was clear. I said that it's wrong for one person (or gang of people) to take another person's property by force in order to give it away.

since when is participation in government voluntary? and if it is can I please have back the money that idiot bush spent on his fraudulent wars?

You can certainly ask the government to have it back. Good luck.
How anyone can call the post-9/11 wars "fraudulent" is simply astounding. Talk about conspiracy theory. :cuckoo:

we can start with the fact that baby bush lied and attacked the wrong country.

so easy.

or are you pretending we should have gone into Baghdad?

that's the real conspiracy theory. but like I said, I never expect righties to rely on reality.

and if it is can I please have back the money that idiot bush spent on his fraudulent wars?

Besides continuing (and in some instances, expanding) the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, Obama also waged wars (without the consent of Congress or the consent of the UN) in Libya, Syria, and Somalia, and Yemen.

One would logically conclude that you not only condemn those wars, but would also like your money back for those as well? Or is it ok only when Obama kills people?
what are you talking about?

I thought I was clear. I said that it's wrong for one person (or gang of people) to take another person's property by force in order to give it away.

since when is participation in government voluntary? and if it is can I please have back the money that idiot bush spent on his fraudulent wars?

You can certainly ask the government to have it back. Good luck.
How anyone can call the post-9/11 wars "fraudulent" is simply astounding. Talk about conspiracy theory. :cuckoo:

we can start with the fact that baby bush lied and attacked the wrong country.

so easy.

or are you pretending we should have gone into Baghdad?

that's the real conspiracy theory. but like I said, I never expect righties to rely on reality.

My called the post 9/11 wars "fraudulent". That is some hard-core conspiracy theory there. Every liberal I know was rooting hard for Bush to lead us into Afghanistan on 9/12. For you to deny 9/11 is astounding.
we can start with the fact that baby bush lied and attacked the wrong country.

Whoah! Now that is a bombshell. First you are on record stating that Bush engaged in "fraudulent wars". But then you turn around and say Bush "attacked the wrong country".

As an attorney, you should know better J. If the wars were "fraudulent" as you claimed, then there would be no "right" country to attack. You claim that Bush "attacked the wrong country" is indisputable proof that even you recognize that Bush was right to wage war (at least one of them).
and good luck to you if you think you shouldn't pay taxes.

I didn't say I shouldn't pay taxes. I said that it's wrong for one person to take another's property in order to give it away, which is to say that I don't want anyone doing so on my behalf. I would never support such unethical behavior done in my name.

as to giving away the tax money I pay.... I'm pretty sure we're redistributing to corporations and agricultural businesses but heck, I know feeding actual people and providing medical care (like every other westernized country) makes righties incensed.

Yep. More examples of taking people's property and giving it away. Unethical.

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