How EVIL is liberalism anyway?

As for Tesla, Edison, et al of course they were geniuses but you might have noticed that technology has come a long way since the era of the lone genius toiling tirelessly in his laboratory.

Bwahahahaha! Really? Tell tell that to Steve Jobs who "toiled" in a garage. Didn't even have the luxury of a laboratory. All he did was change the world with the greatest technical products we've seen. And Bill Gates? Yeah - he didn't have the luxury of a "laboratory" either. He did his work in a dorm room. Same with Michael Dell and Mark Zuckerberg.

You really are a well trained little libtard. All over the world "lone geniuses" are creating new apps, new technologies, new security, etc. The stories are so pervasive that only a well trained libtard, taught to place his head in the sand to make sure he wasn't aware of reality, could possibly miss it. The fact that you believe only government funding gets anything achieved is an astounding level of ignorance. You must really scared at the though of your company losing government funding, uh?

Here is one right here stupid. A long genius changing the world with a new app from prison. Just be sure to check with George Soros and his people if it is ok for you to read this story before doing so:

Meet The Entrepreneur Who Launched A WhatsApp Rival From A Colombian Prison
As for Tesla, Edison, et al of course they were geniuses but you might have noticed that technology has come a long way since the era of the lone genius toiling tirelessly in his laboratory.

Bwahahahaha! Really? Tell tell that to Steve Jobs who "toiled" in a garage. Didn't even have the luxury of a laboratory. All he did was change the world with the greatest technical products we've seen. And Bill Gates? Yeah - he didn't have the luxury of a "laboratory" either. He did his work in a dorm room.

Bill Gates plagiarized CP/M.
As for Tesla, Edison, et al of course they were geniuses but you might have noticed that technology has come a long way since the era of the lone genius toiling tirelessly in his laboratory.

Bwahahahaha! Really? Tell tell that to Steve Jobs who "toiled" in a garage. Didn't even have the luxury of a laboratory. All he did was change the world with the greatest technical products we've seen. And Bill Gates? Yeah - he didn't have the luxury of a "laboratory" either. He did his work in a dorm room. Same with Michael Dell and Mark Zuckerberg.

You really are a well trained little libtard. All over the world "lone geniuses" are creating new apps, new technologies, new security, etc. The stories are so pervasive that only a well trained libtard, taught to place his head in the sand to make sure he wasn't aware of reality, could possibly miss it. The fact that you believe only government funding gets anything achieved is an astounding level of ignorance. You must really scared at the though of your company losing government funding, uh?

Here is one right here stupid. A long genius changing the world with a new app from prison. Just be sure to check with George Soros and his people if it is ok for you to read this story before doing so:

Meet The Entrepreneur Who Launched A WhatsApp Rival From A Colombian Prison
It's hard to argue with someone who is too stupid to understand the difference between fundamental technologies and derivatives. Get back to me when and if you get there and we'll continue your education.
As for Tesla, Edison, et al of course they were geniuses but you might have noticed that technology has come a long way since the era of the lone genius toiling tirelessly in his laboratory.

Bwahahahaha! Really? Tell tell that to Steve Jobs who "toiled" in a garage. Didn't even have the luxury of a laboratory. All he did was change the world with the greatest technical products we've seen. And Bill Gates? Yeah - he didn't have the luxury of a "laboratory" either. He did his work in a dorm room. Same with Michael Dell and Mark Zuckerberg.

You really are a well trained little libtard. All over the world "lone geniuses" are creating new apps, new technologies, new security, etc. The stories are so pervasive that only a well trained libtard, taught to place his head in the sand to make sure he wasn't aware of reality, could possibly miss it. The fact that you believe only government funding gets anything achieved is an astounding level of ignorance. You must really scared at the though of your company losing government funding, uh?

Here is one right here stupid. A long genius changing the world with a new app from prison. Just be sure to check with George Soros and his people if it is ok for you to read this story before doing so:

Meet The Entrepreneur Who Launched A WhatsApp Rival From A Colombian Prison
It's hard to argue with someone who is too stupid to understand the difference between fundamental technologies and derivatives. Get back to me when and if you get there and we'll continue your education.
Yeah....can't come up with a single example of government innovating? No worries my friend - I already knew you couldn't. It's watching you unable to admit it that is the entertaining part. :lol:
"How EVIL is liberalism anyway?"

Actually, this thread has succeeded in demonstrating how evil conservatism is, its TPM component in particular.
More incoherent babbling from those unable to accept reality. This thread is filled with links proving how at beast - liberalism is damaging and at worst, it is down right evil.
"How EVIL is liberalism anyway?"

Actually, this thread has succeeded in demonstrating how evil conservatism is, its TPM component in particular.
More incoherent babbling from those unable to accept reality. This thread is filled with links proving how at beast - liberalism is damaging and at worst, it is down right evil.

Horseshit. What this thread is filled with is your asinine attempts at conflating personal traits with a political philosophy you don't begin to smell the definition of in the first place. What this thread is filled with is trolling. That's it, the end, waiter check please.
I'm not aware of many liberals that aren't willing to work within the democratic system.

That's an interesting spin. A more honest way of saying that would be "I'm not aware of any liberals who are not happy to exploit a perceived loophole to eliminate rights".

You interpret other people's freedom as an infringement on your freedoms.
I'm not aware of many liberals that aren't willing to work within the democratic system.

That's an interesting spin. A more honest way of saying that would be "I'm not aware of any liberals who are not happy to exploit a perceived loophole to eliminate rights".

You interpret other people's freedom as an infringement on your freedoms.
How do you have the "freedom" to strip me of my right to keep and bear arms? That's literally as stupid as a rapist saying that you're stripping him of his rights when you say he can't rape you. You're free to do whatever you want (within the law of course) and I fully support that. You on the other hand want to piss all over the Constitution and strip other people of their rights and freedoms because of your thirst for power and your desire to impose your will on other people. It's sick.
I'm not aware of many liberals that aren't willing to work within the democratic system.

That's an interesting spin. A more honest way of saying that would be "I'm not aware of any liberals who are not happy to exploit a perceived loophole to eliminate rights".

You interpret other people's freedom as an infringement on your freedoms.
You do not have the freedom to infringe upon the rights of others.
You do, however, have the freedom to campaign for infringements on the rights of others.
Why do you want to infringe on the rights of others?
"How EVIL is liberalism anyway?"

Actually, this thread has succeeded in demonstrating how evil conservatism is, its TPM component in particular.
More incoherent babbling from those unable to accept reality. This thread is filled with links proving how at beast - liberalism is damaging and at worst, it is down right evil.

You have never accepted reality. Conservatives have destroyed the US middle class (changing the tax code to favor the top 10%), the manufacturing sector (by off-shoring manufacturing), and US infrastructure (by cutting spending on infrastructure projects). Only your military is strong because that's where all the money goes.

Because the US clings to its conservative tax code, the damage continues. Until the conservative tax code is changed, wealth will continue to flow to the top, and jobs will go overseas.

Unless the US people, collectively, stop supporting a government which doesn't reflect the needs of the majority of its citizens, the decline of the American Empire will continue.

European nations are more successful because they consider the needs of ALL of the people, and especially in providing assistance to the working poor (health care, child care, quality education), to enable them to better themselves. Americans only consider the needs of the wealthy. The rest of the people are considered to be "parasites". And you wonder why you're in trouble.
You have never accepted reality.

That is the cry of every liberal who denies reality, science, and fact for ideology. Watch as I prove it...

Conservatives have destroyed the US middle class (changing the tax code to favor the top 10%)

That was destroyed by Barack Obama and the Dumbocrats. And it wasn't because they were incompetent. They want as many people on the government plantation as possible - beholden to government for their every basic needs because that makes people more likely to vote Dumbocrat. And lord knows Dumbocrats like Obama, Pelosi, and Reid love their power and money.


the manufacturing sector (by off-shoring manufacturing)

Conservatives don't "offshore" manufacturing. Dumbocrats like you ran off manufacturing overseas with your insane tax rates, insane regulatory costs, and insane union greed. But this is one I will cut you a break on DL. Since you have no concept of basic economics, basic business, and basic finance, nobody really expects you to realize how the policies you support for your own greed caused the loss of our manufacturing sector.

and US infrastructure (by cutting spending on infrastructure projects).

The U.S. "infrastructure" is just fine. It's just that because Dumbocrats don't understand basic economics, basic business, or basic finance, and they were given "infrastructure" as a libtard taking point, they think they sound "smart" by using this term ad nauseam. Everywhere I go I have perfectly paved roads, unlimited electricty, unlimited clean water, etc. If you don't, it's because you live in some Dumbocrat utopia where socialism has devasted the economy (and all of you greedy, lazy socialists are getting exactly what you deserve).

Only your military is strong because that's where all the money goes.

Another libtard talking point lie. We spend over $1 trillion per year on illegal, unconstitutional social nonsense. We spend a mere $600 billion per year on the single most important function of the federal government - defense. And unlike the illegal socialism, defense is a constitutional responsibility of the federal government.

Because the US clings to its conservative tax code, the damage continues. Until the conservative tax code is changed, wealth will continue to flow to the top, and jobs will go overseas.

Again - you're so duped by your libtard masters spoon feeding you your ideology that you literally don't have a single fact correct. We have a wildly progressive tax code that even the IRS said is so complex, it can't even be enforced. Conservatives have dozens of amazing solutions for reforming it but Dumbocrats have been blocking all of them for years because simplifying the tax code would prevent libtards from exploiting it.

The problem is, your pissed off and envious that other people are successful and wealthy while you're not. Envy is a sin. You should be less worried about what other people have earned and more worried about God's purpose for your life. Once you figure that out, you'll stop being so hateful and envious.

Unless the US people, collectively, stop supporting a government which doesn't reflect the needs of the majority of its citizens, the decline of the American Empire will continue.

That's not why we have a government. The fact that you don't even know why we have a government is as hilarious as it is tragic.

European nations are more successful because they consider the needs of ALL of the people, and especially in providing assistance to the working poor (health care, child care, quality education), to enable them to better themselves. Americans only consider the needs of the wealthy. The rest of the people are considered to be "parasites". And you wonder why you're in trouble.

And yet none of you libtards denounce your U.S. citizenships and go live in the U.S. You know why? Because all of you realize you'd have nobody to mooch off of. Socialism always ends the same - extreme famine, extreme poverty, extreme misery. That's why Greece collapsed just as Cuba, the former U.S.S.R., Cambodia, Vietnam, etc. did under ignorant socialist policies. And the economies of England, Spain, and France are in real trouble. The fact that you think Europe is doing better than the U.S. (even under Obama's failed policies) says it all.
This post may not win me many friends and may alienate those that I have but I have to let the chips fall where they may. I have spent the last four years of my life diligently seeking as to how we got to this place. I was once a diehard supporter of the Bush crime family and defended them fiercely until I had my epiphany and it totally kicked my ass. My "come to Jesus" meeting caused me to lose sleep and made it hard to eat. I had to deal with this for a month. I went from being depressed to being so fucking pissed off that I decided to arm myself with all the knowledge that I could. It became an obsession and it still burns inside me. I will not ever claim to know all the answers but I know a great deal....I know enough to put the pieces of the puzzle together to see what has been done to us. I don't care what side of the political spectrum you fall need to know that you are being manipulated. The true powers that be know how to make us "war" with each other and they have it down to a fine art using institutes like Tavistock, Brookings, Frankfort and Stanford University to master the art of propaganda.

These pieces of shit see us as mice in a lab and they experiment on us to see how they can steer us into a direction. The things I have learned when it comes to programming and subliminal mind control would blow your mind. They use visual imagery and mnemonics to gain access to that part of the mind that is the most susceptible to training. TV is their biggest propaganda weapon....don't believe me? Watch this and then come back and tell me that I am wrong. This was done back in the 60' think that they haven't perfected the technique since then?

This post may not win me many friends and may alienate those that I have but I have to let the chips fall where they may. I have spent the last four years of my life diligently seeking as to how we got to this place. I was once a diehard supporter of the Bush crime family and defended them fiercely until I had my epiphany and it totally kicked my ass. My "come to Jesus" meeting caused me to lose sleep and made it hard to eat. I had to deal with this for a month. I went from being depressed to being so fucking pissed off that I decided to arm myself with all the knowledge that I could. It became an obsession and it still burns inside me. I will not ever claim to know all the answers but I know a great deal....I know enough to put the pieces of the puzzle together to see what has been done to us. I don't care what side of the political spectrum you fall need to know that you are being manipulated. The true powers that be know how to make us "war" with each other and they have it down to a fine art using institutes like Tavistock, Brookings, Frankfort and Stanford University to master the art of propaganda.

These pieces of shit see us as mice in a lab and they experiment on us to see how they can steer us into a direction. The things I have learned when it comes to programming and subliminal mind control would blow your mind. They use visual imagery and mnemonics to gain access to that part of the mind that is the most susceptible to training. TV is their biggest propaganda weapon....don't believe me? Watch this and then come back and tell me that I am wrong. This was done back in the 60' think that they haven't perfected the technique since then?

This would absolutely explain the insanity of some of the people liberal wing-nuts here on USMB that pledge an undying allegiance to a party stripping them of their rights and liberties.
"How EVIL is liberalism anyway?"

Actually, this thread has succeeded in demonstrating how evil conservatism is, its TPM component in particular.
More incoherent babbling from those unable to accept reality. This thread is filled with links proving how at beast - liberalism is damaging and at worst, it is down right evil.

You have never accepted reality. Conservatives have destroyed the US middle class (changing the tax code to favor the top 10%), the manufacturing sector (by off-shoring manufacturing), and US infrastructure (by cutting spending on infrastructure projects). Only your military is strong because that's where all the money goes.

Because the US clings to its conservative tax code, the damage continues. Until the conservative tax code is changed, wealth will continue to flow to the top, and jobs will go overseas.

Unless the US people, collectively, stop supporting a government which doesn't reflect the needs of the majority of its citizens, the decline of the American Empire will continue.

European nations are more successful because they consider the needs of ALL of the people, and especially in providing assistance to the working poor (health care, child care, quality education), to enable them to better themselves. Americans only consider the needs of the wealthy. The rest of the people are considered to be "parasites". And you wonder why you're in trouble.
This is going to hurt a little bit DL. The truth generally does for people such as yourself...

We Know What's Solving Poverty Around the World
This post may not win me many friends and may alienate those that I have but I have to let the chips fall where they may. I have spent the last four years of my life diligently seeking as to how we got to this place. I was once a diehard supporter of the Bush crime family and defended them fiercely until I had my epiphany and it totally kicked my ass. My "come to Jesus" meeting caused me to lose sleep and made it hard to eat. I had to deal with this for a month. I went from being depressed to being so fucking pissed off that I decided to arm myself with all the knowledge that I could. It became an obsession and it still burns inside me. I will not ever claim to know all the answers but I know a great deal....I know enough to put the pieces of the puzzle together to see what has been done to us. I don't care what side of the political spectrum you fall need to know that you are being manipulated. The true powers that be know how to make us "war" with each other and they have it down to a fine art using institutes like Tavistock, Brookings, Frankfort and Stanford University to master the art of propaganda.

These pieces of shit see us as mice in a lab and they experiment on us to see how they can steer us into a direction. The things I have learned when it comes to programming and subliminal mind control would blow your mind. They use visual imagery and mnemonics to gain access to that part of the mind that is the most susceptible to training. TV is their biggest propaganda weapon....don't believe me? Watch this and then come back and tell me that I am wrong. This was done back in the 60' think that they haven't perfected the technique since then?

This would absolutely explain the insanity of some of the people liberal wing-nuts here on USMB that pledge an undying allegiance to a party stripping them of their rights and liberties.

Amen........"gubermint" is their god........a totalitarian entity that they bow down to........I will never do that.....not knowing the things I do now.
Amen........"gubermint" is their god........a totalitarian entity that they bow down to........I will never do that.....not knowing the things I do now.

I would never do that anyway. I'm always amazed at how weak minded some people are. Like that study you mentioned with the larger lines and the smaller lines. I would never give in to nonsense like that. Never. I'd stand and fight a thousand people before ever giving in and acknowledging what I know not to be true.

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