How EVIL is liberalism anyway?

Amen........"gubermint" is their god........a totalitarian entity that they bow down to........I will never do that.....not knowing the things I do now.

I would never do that anyway. I'm always amazed at how weak minded some people are. Like that study you mentioned with the larger lines and the smaller lines. I would never give in to nonsense like that. Never. I'd stand and fight a thousand people before ever giving in and acknowledging what I know not to be true.

Right there with ya....that is why I post the things I do and put myself out there. I know the truth and exactly what is going on.
This is how evil liberalism is. Shame on every single one of you who stands on the left next to these anti-American, Nazi-propaganda pricks...

This is how evil liberalism is. More typical "do as I say, not as I do" disgusting liberal hypocrisy. Obama cried like a little bitch about the debt ceiling while Bush was in office, then demands the debt ceiling be raised while he is in office. He objects to judicial nominees while Bush is in office, then demands that the Senate approves his nominees.

Obama Speech - Nomination of Justice Janice Rogers Brown - Complete Text
This is how evil liberalism is. Incidentally, this same dirt-bag setting off bombs is also the same dirt-bag who called working for Adolf Hitler and the Nazis "the best time" of his life.

CIA Links Top Hillary Donor George Soros to Terrorist Bombing

Number one, your link goes to Alex Jones. That should be enough on its own.

But wait, there's more. It makes no such connection between Soros and the bombing. It poses the speculation in the form of a question. On the basis of nothing more than that a passage is "redacted" -- which apparently means let's plug in whatever we think will sell.

You understand what a "question" is, Buttsoiler? No, it doesn't seem so.

But wait -- there's more. It's penned by Wayne Madsen .... infamous conspiracy gadfly wacko who has also posited that 9/11 was planned by "da Joos" (along with Booosh and the CIA), that "Obama is gay" -- and that he (O'bama) was indeed a creation of the CIA. :cuckoo:

Get the idea? Your post has more holes in it than the Yellow Submarine film.


How stupid is Buttsoiler anyway?
This post may not win me many friends and may alienate those that I have but I have to let the chips fall where they may. I have spent the last four years of my life diligently seeking as to how we got to this place. I was once a diehard supporter of the Bush crime family and defended them fiercely until I had my epiphany and it totally kicked my ass. My "come to Jesus" meeting caused me to lose sleep and made it hard to eat. I had to deal with this for a month. I went from being depressed to being so fucking pissed off that I decided to arm myself with all the knowledge that I could. It became an obsession and it still burns inside me. I will not ever claim to know all the answers but I know a great deal....I know enough to put the pieces of the puzzle together to see what has been done to us. I don't care what side of the political spectrum you fall need to know that you are being manipulated. The true powers that be know how to make us "war" with each other and they have it down to a fine art using institutes like Tavistock, Brookings, Frankfort and Stanford University to master the art of propaganda.

These pieces of shit see us as mice in a lab and they experiment on us to see how they can steer us into a direction. The things I have learned when it comes to programming and subliminal mind control would blow your mind. They use visual imagery and mnemonics to gain access to that part of the mind that is the most susceptible to training. TV is their biggest propaganda weapon....don't believe me? Watch this and then come back and tell me that I am wrong. This was done back in the 60' think that they haven't perfected the technique since then?

You conspiracy nuts are the craziest of them all. Even worse, you're sooo batshit insane and gullible, you'll fall for even quirky Internet hoaxes like this one.

In case you missed it ... and you probably did ... among the subliminal messages was, "buy naomi"[/] and the video was first uploaded to youtube by someone using the name, naomi19631963
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This is how evil liberalism is. More typical "do as I say, not as I do" disgusting liberal hypocrisy. Obama cried like a little bitch about the debt ceiling while Bush was in office, then demands the debt ceiling be raised while he is in office. He objects to judicial nominees while Bush is in office, then demands that the Senate approves his nominees.

Obama Speech - Nomination of Justice Janice Rogers Brown - Complete Text

What in the wide world of fuck does that have to do with "Liberalism"?

How stupid IS Buttsoiler anyway?
This is how evil liberalism is. More typical "do as I say, not as I do" disgusting liberal hypocrisy. Obama cried like a little bitch about the debt ceiling while Bush was in office, then demands the debt ceiling be raised while he is in office. He objects to judicial nominees while Bush is in office, then demands that the Senate approves his nominees.

Obama Speech - Nomination of Justice Janice Rogers Brown - Complete Text
BS- Made a symbolic no vote zzzzzzzzzzzzzz, while BOOSH doubled the debt in good time. Until Cruz and the New BS GOP and the black guy. never any debt ceiling crises (and 1% GDP loss), silly dupe.

Asks at least for a vote DUH, dupe.
This post may not win me many friends and may alienate those that I have but I have to let the chips fall where they may. I have spent the last four years of my life diligently seeking as to how we got to this place. I was once a diehard supporter of the Bush crime family and defended them fiercely until I had my epiphany and it totally kicked my ass. My "come to Jesus" meeting caused me to lose sleep and made it hard to eat. I had to deal with this for a month. I went from being depressed to being so fucking pissed off that I decided to arm myself with all the knowledge that I could. It became an obsession and it still burns inside me. I will not ever claim to know all the answers but I know a great deal....I know enough to put the pieces of the puzzle together to see what has been done to us. I don't care what side of the political spectrum you fall need to know that you are being manipulated. The true powers that be know how to make us "war" with each other and they have it down to a fine art using institutes like Tavistock, Brookings, Frankfort and Stanford University to master the art of propaganda.

These pieces of shit see us as mice in a lab and they experiment on us to see how they can steer us into a direction. The things I have learned when it comes to programming and subliminal mind control would blow your mind. They use visual imagery and mnemonics to gain access to that part of the mind that is the most susceptible to training. TV is their biggest propaganda weapon....don't believe me? Watch this and then come back and tell me that I am wrong. This was done back in the 60' think that they haven't perfected the technique since then?

You conspiracy nuts are the craziest of them all. Even worse, you're sooo batshit insane and gullible, you'll fall for even quirky Internet hoaxes like this one.

In case you missed it ... and you probably did ... among the subliminal messages was, "buy naomi"[/] and the video was first uploaded to youtube by someone using the name, naomi19631963

Seriously, are you that fucking stupid that you couldn't see the messages in it after they slowed it down? I know all about subliminal messages, flicker rates, mnemonics and how they are used to covertly program people. They have become masters at propaganda and since I disconnected from TV my short term memory has returned, my clarity of thought is off the charts. Whenever I go to a sports bar to watch an occasional football game, I have a headache afterwards. Lay off of TV for even one month and you will notice a huge change....I dare you to try it.
This post may not win me many friends and may alienate those that I have but I have to let the chips fall where they may. I have spent the last four years of my life diligently seeking as to how we got to this place. I was once a diehard supporter of the Bush crime family and defended them fiercely until I had my epiphany and it totally kicked my ass. My "come to Jesus" meeting caused me to lose sleep and made it hard to eat. I had to deal with this for a month. I went from being depressed to being so fucking pissed off that I decided to arm myself with all the knowledge that I could. It became an obsession and it still burns inside me. I will not ever claim to know all the answers but I know a great deal....I know enough to put the pieces of the puzzle together to see what has been done to us. I don't care what side of the political spectrum you fall need to know that you are being manipulated. The true powers that be know how to make us "war" with each other and they have it down to a fine art using institutes like Tavistock, Brookings, Frankfort and Stanford University to master the art of propaganda.

These pieces of shit see us as mice in a lab and they experiment on us to see how they can steer us into a direction. The things I have learned when it comes to programming and subliminal mind control would blow your mind. They use visual imagery and mnemonics to gain access to that part of the mind that is the most susceptible to training. TV is their biggest propaganda weapon....don't believe me? Watch this and then come back and tell me that I am wrong. This was done back in the 60' think that they haven't perfected the technique since then?

You conspiracy nuts are the craziest of them all. Even worse, you're sooo batshit insane and gullible, you'll fall for even quirky Internet hoaxes like this one.

In case you missed it ... and you probably did ... among the subliminal messages was, "buy naomi"[/] and the video was first uploaded to youtube by someone using the name, naomi19631963

Seriously, are you that fucking stupid that you couldn't see the messages in it after they slowed it down? I know all about subliminal messages, flicker rates, mnemonics and how they are used to covertly program people. They have become masters at propaganda and since I disconnected from TV my short term memory has returned, my clarity of thought is off the charts. Whenever I go to a sports bar to watch an occasional football game, I have a headache afterwards. Lay off of TV for even one month and you will notice a huge change....I dare you to try it.

You're even more deranged than I thought? Not only did I not deny the hidden messages are visible, I even cited the hidden message which exposed it as an Internet hoax.

Dayam, are you ever stooopid. :cuckoo: Seriously... how could you not extrapolate that from my post??
This post may not win me many friends and may alienate those that I have but I have to let the chips fall where they may. I have spent the last four years of my life diligently seeking as to how we got to this place. I was once a diehard supporter of the Bush crime family and defended them fiercely until I had my epiphany and it totally kicked my ass. My "come to Jesus" meeting caused me to lose sleep and made it hard to eat. I had to deal with this for a month. I went from being depressed to being so fucking pissed off that I decided to arm myself with all the knowledge that I could. It became an obsession and it still burns inside me. I will not ever claim to know all the answers but I know a great deal....I know enough to put the pieces of the puzzle together to see what has been done to us. I don't care what side of the political spectrum you fall need to know that you are being manipulated. The true powers that be know how to make us "war" with each other and they have it down to a fine art using institutes like Tavistock, Brookings, Frankfort and Stanford University to master the art of propaganda.

These pieces of shit see us as mice in a lab and they experiment on us to see how they can steer us into a direction. The things I have learned when it comes to programming and subliminal mind control would blow your mind. They use visual imagery and mnemonics to gain access to that part of the mind that is the most susceptible to training. TV is their biggest propaganda weapon....don't believe me? Watch this and then come back and tell me that I am wrong. This was done back in the 60' think that they haven't perfected the technique since then?

You conspiracy nuts are the craziest of them all. Even worse, you're sooo batshit insane and gullible, you'll fall for even quirky Internet hoaxes like this one.

In case you missed it ... and you probably did ... among the subliminal messages was, "buy naomi"[/] and the video was first uploaded to youtube by someone using the name, naomi19631963

Seriously, are you that fucking stupid that you couldn't see the messages in it after they slowed it down? I know all about subliminal messages, flicker rates, mnemonics and how they are used to covertly program people. They have become masters at propaganda and since I disconnected from TV my short term memory has returned, my clarity of thought is off the charts. Whenever I go to a sports bar to watch an occasional football game, I have a headache afterwards. Lay off of TV for even one month and you will notice a huge change....I dare you to try it.

You're even more deranged than I thought? Not only did I not deny the hidden messages are visible, I even cited the hidden message which exposed it as an Internet hoax.

Dayam, are you ever stooopid. :cuckoo: Seriously... how could you not extrapolate that from my post??

You exposed nothing at, zilch. There are 1000's of examples of them out there and Disney movies are the worst for subliminal messages. I know exactly of what I don't.
This post may not win me many friends and may alienate those that I have but I have to let the chips fall where they may. I have spent the last four years of my life diligently seeking as to how we got to this place. I was once a diehard supporter of the Bush crime family and defended them fiercely until I had my epiphany and it totally kicked my ass. My "come to Jesus" meeting caused me to lose sleep and made it hard to eat. I had to deal with this for a month. I went from being depressed to being so fucking pissed off that I decided to arm myself with all the knowledge that I could. It became an obsession and it still burns inside me. I will not ever claim to know all the answers but I know a great deal....I know enough to put the pieces of the puzzle together to see what has been done to us. I don't care what side of the political spectrum you fall need to know that you are being manipulated. The true powers that be know how to make us "war" with each other and they have it down to a fine art using institutes like Tavistock, Brookings, Frankfort and Stanford University to master the art of propaganda.

These pieces of shit see us as mice in a lab and they experiment on us to see how they can steer us into a direction. The things I have learned when it comes to programming and subliminal mind control would blow your mind. They use visual imagery and mnemonics to gain access to that part of the mind that is the most susceptible to training. TV is their biggest propaganda weapon....don't believe me? Watch this and then come back and tell me that I am wrong. This was done back in the 60' think that they haven't perfected the technique since then?

You conspiracy nuts are the craziest of them all. Even worse, you're sooo batshit insane and gullible, you'll fall for even quirky Internet hoaxes like this one.

In case you missed it ... and you probably did ... among the subliminal messages was, "buy naomi"[/] and the video was first uploaded to youtube by someone using the name, naomi19631963

Seriously, are you that fucking stupid that you couldn't see the messages in it after they slowed it down? I know all about subliminal messages, flicker rates, mnemonics and how they are used to covertly program people. They have become masters at propaganda and since I disconnected from TV my short term memory has returned, my clarity of thought is off the charts. Whenever I go to a sports bar to watch an occasional football game, I have a headache afterwards. Lay off of TV for even one month and you will notice a huge change....I dare you to try it.

You're even more deranged than I thought? Not only did I not deny the hidden messages are visible, I even cited the hidden message which exposed it as an Internet hoax.

Dayam, are you ever stooopid. :cuckoo: Seriously... how could you not extrapolate that from my post??

Every post from the guy just shows how evil RW nuttery is from the ignorant parrots...

Franco, you are the blithering idiot that believes a foreign owned central bank is a "good thing" are THE last poster that should be talking about ANYBODY being nuts....seriously.
This post may not win me many friends and may alienate those that I have but I have to let the chips fall where they may. I have spent the last four years of my life diligently seeking as to how we got to this place. I was once a diehard supporter of the Bush crime family and defended them fiercely until I had my epiphany and it totally kicked my ass. My "come to Jesus" meeting caused me to lose sleep and made it hard to eat. I had to deal with this for a month. I went from being depressed to being so fucking pissed off that I decided to arm myself with all the knowledge that I could. It became an obsession and it still burns inside me. I will not ever claim to know all the answers but I know a great deal....I know enough to put the pieces of the puzzle together to see what has been done to us. I don't care what side of the political spectrum you fall need to know that you are being manipulated. The true powers that be know how to make us "war" with each other and they have it down to a fine art using institutes like Tavistock, Brookings, Frankfort and Stanford University to master the art of propaganda.

These pieces of shit see us as mice in a lab and they experiment on us to see how they can steer us into a direction. The things I have learned when it comes to programming and subliminal mind control would blow your mind. They use visual imagery and mnemonics to gain access to that part of the mind that is the most susceptible to training. TV is their biggest propaganda weapon....don't believe me? Watch this and then come back and tell me that I am wrong. This was done back in the 60' think that they haven't perfected the technique since then?

You conspiracy nuts are the craziest of them all. Even worse, you're sooo batshit insane and gullible, you'll fall for even quirky Internet hoaxes like this one.

In case you missed it ... and you probably did ... among the subliminal messages was, "buy naomi"[/] and the video was first uploaded to youtube by someone using the name, naomi19631963

Seriously, are you that fucking stupid that you couldn't see the messages in it after they slowed it down? I know all about subliminal messages, flicker rates, mnemonics and how they are used to covertly program people. They have become masters at propaganda and since I disconnected from TV my short term memory has returned, my clarity of thought is off the charts. Whenever I go to a sports bar to watch an occasional football game, I have a headache afterwards. Lay off of TV for even one month and you will notice a huge change....I dare you to try it.

You're even more deranged than I thought? Not only did I not deny the hidden messages are visible, I even cited the hidden message which exposed it as an Internet hoax.

Dayam, are you ever stooopid. :cuckoo: Seriously... how could you not extrapolate that from my post??

You exposed nothing at, zilch. There are 1000's of examples of them out there and Disney movies are the worst for subliminal messages. I know exactly of what I don't.

Really? I exposed nothing?

Someone named Naomi posts a video on the Internet, where hoaxes abound, with subliminal messages; among which, "buy naomi" is seen. And that doesn't scream Internet hoax to you??

If not, you're even more deranged than you first appeared.

Sane people get the joke anyway, even if you don't.

Explain then why the U.S. government would subliminally message viewers to buy naomi?
This post may not win me many friends and may alienate those that I have but I have to let the chips fall where they may. I have spent the last four years of my life diligently seeking as to how we got to this place. I was once a diehard supporter of the Bush crime family and defended them fiercely until I had my epiphany and it totally kicked my ass. My "come to Jesus" meeting caused me to lose sleep and made it hard to eat. I had to deal with this for a month. I went from being depressed to being so fucking pissed off that I decided to arm myself with all the knowledge that I could. It became an obsession and it still burns inside me. I will not ever claim to know all the answers but I know a great deal....I know enough to put the pieces of the puzzle together to see what has been done to us. I don't care what side of the political spectrum you fall need to know that you are being manipulated. The true powers that be know how to make us "war" with each other and they have it down to a fine art using institutes like Tavistock, Brookings, Frankfort and Stanford University to master the art of propaganda.

These pieces of shit see us as mice in a lab and they experiment on us to see how they can steer us into a direction. The things I have learned when it comes to programming and subliminal mind control would blow your mind. They use visual imagery and mnemonics to gain access to that part of the mind that is the most susceptible to training. TV is their biggest propaganda weapon....don't believe me? Watch this and then come back and tell me that I am wrong. This was done back in the 60' think that they haven't perfected the technique since then?

You conspiracy nuts are the craziest of them all. Even worse, you're sooo batshit insane and gullible, you'll fall for even quirky Internet hoaxes like this one.

In case you missed it ... and you probably did ... among the subliminal messages was, "buy naomi"[/] and the video was first uploaded to youtube by someone using the name, naomi19631963

Seriously, are you that fucking stupid that you couldn't see the messages in it after they slowed it down? I know all about subliminal messages, flicker rates, mnemonics and how they are used to covertly program people. They have become masters at propaganda and since I disconnected from TV my short term memory has returned, my clarity of thought is off the charts. Whenever I go to a sports bar to watch an occasional football game, I have a headache afterwards. Lay off of TV for even one month and you will notice a huge change....I dare you to try it.

You're even more deranged than I thought? Not only did I not deny the hidden messages are visible, I even cited the hidden message which exposed it as an Internet hoax.

Dayam, are you ever stooopid. :cuckoo: Seriously... how could you not extrapolate that from my post??

You exposed nothing at, zilch. There are 1000's of examples of them out there and Disney movies are the worst for subliminal messages. I know exactly of what I don't.

Really? I exposed nothing?

Someone named Naomi posts a video on the Internet, where hoaxes abound, with subliminal messages; among which, "buy naomi" is seen. And that doesn't scream Internet hoax to you??

If not, you're even more deranged than you first appeared.

Sane people get the joke anyway, even if you don't.

Explain then why the U.S. government would subliminally message viewers to buy naomi?

MK-Ultra and MK-Naomi were two declassified programs being ran by the CIA for mind control. Get it now????

Project MKNAOMI - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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