How EVIL is liberalism anyway?

This post may not win me many friends and may alienate those that I have but I have to let the chips fall where they may. I have spent the last four years of my life diligently seeking as to how we got to this place. I was once a diehard supporter of the Bush crime family and defended them fiercely until I had my epiphany and it totally kicked my ass. My "come to Jesus" meeting caused me to lose sleep and made it hard to eat. I had to deal with this for a month. I went from being depressed to being so fucking pissed off that I decided to arm myself with all the knowledge that I could. It became an obsession and it still burns inside me. I will not ever claim to know all the answers but I know a great deal....I know enough to put the pieces of the puzzle together to see what has been done to us. I don't care what side of the political spectrum you fall need to know that you are being manipulated. The true powers that be know how to make us "war" with each other and they have it down to a fine art using institutes like Tavistock, Brookings, Frankfort and Stanford University to master the art of propaganda.

These pieces of shit see us as mice in a lab and they experiment on us to see how they can steer us into a direction. The things I have learned when it comes to programming and subliminal mind control would blow your mind. They use visual imagery and mnemonics to gain access to that part of the mind that is the most susceptible to training. TV is their biggest propaganda weapon....don't believe me? Watch this and then come back and tell me that I am wrong. This was done back in the 60' think that they haven't perfected the technique since then?

You conspiracy nuts are the craziest of them all. Even worse, you're sooo batshit insane and gullible, you'll fall for even quirky Internet hoaxes like this one.

In case you missed it ... and you probably did ... among the subliminal messages was, "buy naomi"[/] and the video was first uploaded to youtube by someone using the name, naomi19631963

Seriously, are you that fucking stupid that you couldn't see the messages in it after they slowed it down? I know all about subliminal messages, flicker rates, mnemonics and how they are used to covertly program people. They have become masters at propaganda and since I disconnected from TV my short term memory has returned, my clarity of thought is off the charts. Whenever I go to a sports bar to watch an occasional football game, I have a headache afterwards. Lay off of TV for even one month and you will notice a huge change....I dare you to try it.

You're even more deranged than I thought? Not only did I not deny the hidden messages are visible, I even cited the hidden message which exposed it as an Internet hoax.

Dayam, are you ever stooopid. :cuckoo: Seriously... how could you not extrapolate that from my post??

You exposed nothing at, zilch. There are 1000's of examples of them out there and Disney movies are the worst for subliminal messages. I know exactly of what I don't.

Really? I exposed nothing?

Someone named Naomi posts a video on the Internet, where hoaxes abound, with subliminal messages; among which, "buy naomi" is seen. And that doesn't scream Internet hoax to you??

If not, you're even more deranged than you first appeared.

Sane people get the joke anyway, even if you don't.

Explain then why the U.S. government would subliminally message viewers to buy naomi?

Hitler’s Mind Control Experiments and How They Influenced Modern Propaganda
You conspiracy nuts are the craziest of them all. Even worse, you're sooo batshit insane and gullible, you'll fall for even quirky Internet hoaxes like this one.

In case you missed it ... and you probably did ... among the subliminal messages was, "buy naomi"[/] and the video was first uploaded to youtube by someone using the name, naomi19631963

Seriously, are you that fucking stupid that you couldn't see the messages in it after they slowed it down? I know all about subliminal messages, flicker rates, mnemonics and how they are used to covertly program people. They have become masters at propaganda and since I disconnected from TV my short term memory has returned, my clarity of thought is off the charts. Whenever I go to a sports bar to watch an occasional football game, I have a headache afterwards. Lay off of TV for even one month and you will notice a huge change....I dare you to try it.
You're even more deranged than I thought? Not only did I not deny the hidden messages are visible, I even cited the hidden message which exposed it as an Internet hoax.

Dayam, are you ever stooopid. :cuckoo: Seriously... how could you not extrapolate that from my post??

You exposed nothing at, zilch. There are 1000's of examples of them out there and Disney movies are the worst for subliminal messages. I know exactly of what I don't.
Really? I exposed nothing?

Someone named Naomi posts a video on the Internet, where hoaxes abound, with subliminal messages; among which, "buy naomi" is seen. And that doesn't scream Internet hoax to you??

If not, you're even more deranged than you first appeared.

Sane people get the joke anyway, even if you don't.

Explain then why the U.S. government would subliminally message viewers to buy naomi?

MK-Ultra and MK-Naomi were two declassified programs being ran by the CIA for mind control. Get it now????

Project MKNAOMI - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

Yeah, I get you're completely batshit insane.

Now you're claiming the U.S. government divulged clandestine operations to Americans who tuned in late enough to watch the Star Spangled Banner as the networks signed off. :cuckoo:
You conspiracy nuts are the craziest of them all. Even worse, you're sooo batshit insane and gullible, you'll fall for even quirky Internet hoaxes like this one.

In case you missed it ... and you probably did ... among the subliminal messages was, "buy naomi"[/] and the video was first uploaded to youtube by someone using the name, naomi19631963

Seriously, are you that fucking stupid that you couldn't see the messages in it after they slowed it down? I know all about subliminal messages, flicker rates, mnemonics and how they are used to covertly program people. They have become masters at propaganda and since I disconnected from TV my short term memory has returned, my clarity of thought is off the charts. Whenever I go to a sports bar to watch an occasional football game, I have a headache afterwards. Lay off of TV for even one month and you will notice a huge change....I dare you to try it.
You're even more deranged than I thought? Not only did I not deny the hidden messages are visible, I even cited the hidden message which exposed it as an Internet hoax.

Dayam, are you ever stooopid. :cuckoo: Seriously... how could you not extrapolate that from my post??

You exposed nothing at, zilch. There are 1000's of examples of them out there and Disney movies are the worst for subliminal messages. I know exactly of what I don't.
Really? I exposed nothing?

Someone named Naomi posts a video on the Internet, where hoaxes abound, with subliminal messages; among which, "buy naomi" is seen. And that doesn't scream Internet hoax to you??

If not, you're even more deranged than you first appeared.

Sane people get the joke anyway, even if you don't.

Explain then why the U.S. government would subliminally message viewers to buy naomi?

Hitler’s Mind Control Experiments and How They Influenced Modern Propaganda
Great, now you return to your comfortable non-sequiturs. :rolleyes:
Seriously, are you that fucking stupid that you couldn't see the messages in it after they slowed it down? I know all about subliminal messages, flicker rates, mnemonics and how they are used to covertly program people. They have become masters at propaganda and since I disconnected from TV my short term memory has returned, my clarity of thought is off the charts. Whenever I go to a sports bar to watch an occasional football game, I have a headache afterwards. Lay off of TV for even one month and you will notice a huge change....I dare you to try it.
You're even more deranged than I thought? Not only did I not deny the hidden messages are visible, I even cited the hidden message which exposed it as an Internet hoax.

Dayam, are you ever stooopid. :cuckoo: Seriously... how could you not extrapolate that from my post??

You exposed nothing at, zilch. There are 1000's of examples of them out there and Disney movies are the worst for subliminal messages. I know exactly of what I don't.
Really? I exposed nothing?

Someone named Naomi posts a video on the Internet, where hoaxes abound, with subliminal messages; among which, "buy naomi" is seen. And that doesn't scream Internet hoax to you??

If not, you're even more deranged than you first appeared.

Sane people get the joke anyway, even if you don't.

Explain then why the U.S. government would subliminally message viewers to buy naomi?

MK-Ultra and MK-Naomi were two declassified programs being ran by the CIA for mind control. Get it now????

Project MKNAOMI - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

Yeah, I get you're completely batshit insane.

Now you're claiming the U.S. government divulged clandestine operations to Americans who tuned in late enough to watch the Star Spangled Banner as the networks signed off. :cuckoo:

Yeah, that is exactly what I am saying. Why would they put the words to the national anthem at sign off otherwise? I just gave you the reason as to why "Ultra" and Naomi" where placed in it along with asking people to "buy" it. This all came out in the mid to late 70's as to what they were doing to American citizens using trauma based mind control. Sure wasn't much uproar about it. Kennedy was right...the CIA should have been busted into tiny pieces. Idiots like you have no critical thinking skills.

Hitler’s Mind Control Experiments and How They Influenced Modern Propaganda
You're even more deranged than I thought? Not only did I not deny the hidden messages are visible, I even cited the hidden message which exposed it as an Internet hoax.

Dayam, are you ever stooopid. :cuckoo: Seriously... how could you not extrapolate that from my post??

You exposed nothing at, zilch. There are 1000's of examples of them out there and Disney movies are the worst for subliminal messages. I know exactly of what I don't.
Really? I exposed nothing?

Someone named Naomi posts a video on the Internet, where hoaxes abound, with subliminal messages; among which, "buy naomi" is seen. And that doesn't scream Internet hoax to you??

If not, you're even more deranged than you first appeared.

Sane people get the joke anyway, even if you don't.

Explain then why the U.S. government would subliminally message viewers to buy naomi?

MK-Ultra and MK-Naomi were two declassified programs being ran by the CIA for mind control. Get it now????

Project MKNAOMI - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

Yeah, I get you're completely batshit insane.

Now you're claiming the U.S. government divulged clandestine operations to Americans who tuned in late enough to watch the Star Spangled Banner as the networks signed off. :cuckoo:

Yeah, that is exactly what I am saying. Why would they put the words to the national anthem at sign off otherwise? I just gave you the reason as to why "Ultra" and Naomi" where placed in it along with asking people to "buy" it. This all came out in the mid to late 70's as to what they were doing to American citizens using trauma based mind control. Sure wasn't much uproar about it. Kennedy was right...the CIA should have been busted into tiny pieces. Idiots like you have no critical thinking skills.

Hitler’s Mind Control Experiments and How They Influenced Modern Propaganda
Why would they is the wrong question. You can't prove they did. You can't prove that video actually aired in the early 60's. MKNaomi had nothing to do with mind control and you're batshit insane. Even worse than I imagined that you think the government revealed clandestine operations to Americans on TV.

Add all that up and it spells, h-o-a-x.
You exposed nothing at, zilch. There are 1000's of examples of them out there and Disney movies are the worst for subliminal messages. I know exactly of what I don't.
Really? I exposed nothing?

Someone named Naomi posts a video on the Internet, where hoaxes abound, with subliminal messages; among which, "buy naomi" is seen. And that doesn't scream Internet hoax to you??

If not, you're even more deranged than you first appeared.

Sane people get the joke anyway, even if you don't.

Explain then why the U.S. government would subliminally message viewers to buy naomi?

MK-Ultra and MK-Naomi were two declassified programs being ran by the CIA for mind control. Get it now????

Project MKNAOMI - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

Yeah, I get you're completely batshit insane.

Now you're claiming the U.S. government divulged clandestine operations to Americans who tuned in late enough to watch the Star Spangled Banner as the networks signed off. :cuckoo:

Yeah, that is exactly what I am saying. Why would they put the words to the national anthem at sign off otherwise? I just gave you the reason as to why "Ultra" and Naomi" where placed in it along with asking people to "buy" it. This all came out in the mid to late 70's as to what they were doing to American citizens using trauma based mind control. Sure wasn't much uproar about it. Kennedy was right...the CIA should have been busted into tiny pieces. Idiots like you have no critical thinking skills.

Hitler’s Mind Control Experiments and How They Influenced Modern Propaganda
Why would they is the wrong question. You can't prove they did. You can't prove that video actually aired in the early 60's. MKNaomi had nothing to do with mind control and you're batshit insane. Even worse than I imagined that you think the government revealed clandestine operations to Americans on TV.

Add all that up and it spells, h-o-a-x.

BULLSHIT...........100 percent wrong as usual. You suffer from cognitive dissonance. It is called conditioning and predictive programming. You are too stupid and stubborn to realize that you have been gamed.Just because you can't wrap your mind around it doesn't mean that it's not reality. Using propaganda and lies, the techniques learned from the research of the Tavistock Institute actually persuaded the American citizens into supporting America's entry into WWI...a war that that they had been very much against. They have only perfected those techniques over the last 100 years. Look at how easily it was for the powers that be to support a war against Iraq that had nothing to do with 9/11/01? All the propaganda that was spewed? Wake up, lil camper........
Really? I exposed nothing?

Someone named Naomi posts a video on the Internet, where hoaxes abound, with subliminal messages; among which, "buy naomi" is seen. And that doesn't scream Internet hoax to you??

If not, you're even more deranged than you first appeared.

Sane people get the joke anyway, even if you don't.

Explain then why the U.S. government would subliminally message viewers to buy naomi?

MK-Ultra and MK-Naomi were two declassified programs being ran by the CIA for mind control. Get it now????

Project MKNAOMI - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

Yeah, I get you're completely batshit insane.

Now you're claiming the U.S. government divulged clandestine operations to Americans who tuned in late enough to watch the Star Spangled Banner as the networks signed off. :cuckoo:

Yeah, that is exactly what I am saying. Why would they put the words to the national anthem at sign off otherwise? I just gave you the reason as to why "Ultra" and Naomi" where placed in it along with asking people to "buy" it. This all came out in the mid to late 70's as to what they were doing to American citizens using trauma based mind control. Sure wasn't much uproar about it. Kennedy was right...the CIA should have been busted into tiny pieces. Idiots like you have no critical thinking skills.

Hitler’s Mind Control Experiments and How They Influenced Modern Propaganda
Why would they is the wrong question. You can't prove they did. You can't prove that video actually aired in the early 60's. MKNaomi had nothing to do with mind control and you're batshit insane. Even worse than I imagined that you think the government revealed clandestine operations to Americans on TV.

Add all that up and it spells, h-o-a-x.

BULLSHIT...........100 percent wrong as usual. You suffer from cognitive dissonance. It is called conditioning and predictive programming. You are too stupid and stubborn to realize that you have been gamed.Just because you can't wrap your mind around it doesn't mean that it's not reality. Using propaganda and lies, the techniques learned from the research of the Tavistock Institute actually persuaded the American citizens into supporting America's entry into WWI...a war that that they had been very much against. They have only perfected those techniques over the last 100 years. Look at how easily it was for the powers that be to support a war against Iraq that had nothing to do with 9/11/01? All the propaganda that was spewed? Wake up, lil camper........
Sadly, your dementia persists as none of that has anything to do with the reality that the video you posted is an Internet hoax. Reliably, you fell for it.
MK-Ultra and MK-Naomi were two declassified programs being ran by the CIA for mind control. Get it now????

Project MKNAOMI - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

Yeah, I get you're completely batshit insane.

Now you're claiming the U.S. government divulged clandestine operations to Americans who tuned in late enough to watch the Star Spangled Banner as the networks signed off. :cuckoo:

Yeah, that is exactly what I am saying. Why would they put the words to the national anthem at sign off otherwise? I just gave you the reason as to why "Ultra" and Naomi" where placed in it along with asking people to "buy" it. This all came out in the mid to late 70's as to what they were doing to American citizens using trauma based mind control. Sure wasn't much uproar about it. Kennedy was right...the CIA should have been busted into tiny pieces. Idiots like you have no critical thinking skills.

Hitler’s Mind Control Experiments and How They Influenced Modern Propaganda
Why would they is the wrong question. You can't prove they did. You can't prove that video actually aired in the early 60's. MKNaomi had nothing to do with mind control and you're batshit insane. Even worse than I imagined that you think the government revealed clandestine operations to Americans on TV.

Add all that up and it spells, h-o-a-x.

BULLSHIT...........100 percent wrong as usual. You suffer from cognitive dissonance. It is called conditioning and predictive programming. You are too stupid and stubborn to realize that you have been gamed.Just because you can't wrap your mind around it doesn't mean that it's not reality. Using propaganda and lies, the techniques learned from the research of the Tavistock Institute actually persuaded the American citizens into supporting America's entry into WWI...a war that that they had been very much against. They have only perfected those techniques over the last 100 years. Look at how easily it was for the powers that be to support a war against Iraq that had nothing to do with 9/11/01? All the propaganda that was spewed? Wake up, lil camper........
Sadly, your dementia persists as none of that has anything to do with the reality that the video you posted is an Internet hoax. Reliably, you fell for it.

Not a hoax by any stretch of the just want it to be. I know that you believe in "gubermint" and that you trust it like you would your momma and daddy but it isn't what you think it is. It's not based on any type of moral principles. The things this corporate entity has done not only to it's own people but those that could not stand up against it would make the hair on the back of your neck stand straight up and that is a fact.
You exposed nothing at, zilch. There are 1000's of examples of them out there and Disney movies are the worst for subliminal messages. I know exactly of what I don't.
Really? I exposed nothing?

Someone named Naomi posts a video on the Internet, where hoaxes abound, with subliminal messages; among which, "buy naomi" is seen. And that doesn't scream Internet hoax to you??

If not, you're even more deranged than you first appeared.

Sane people get the joke anyway, even if you don't.

Explain then why the U.S. government would subliminally message viewers to buy naomi?

MK-Ultra and MK-Naomi were two declassified programs being ran by the CIA for mind control. Get it now????

Project MKNAOMI - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

Yeah, I get you're completely batshit insane.

Now you're claiming the U.S. government divulged clandestine operations to Americans who tuned in late enough to watch the Star Spangled Banner as the networks signed off. :cuckoo:

Yeah, that is exactly what I am saying. Why would they put the words to the national anthem at sign off otherwise? I just gave you the reason as to why "Ultra" and Naomi" where placed in it along with asking people to "buy" it. This all came out in the mid to late 70's as to what they were doing to American citizens using trauma based mind control. Sure wasn't much uproar about it. Kennedy was right...the CIA should have been busted into tiny pieces. Idiots like you have no critical thinking skills.

Hitler’s Mind Control Experiments and How They Influenced Modern Propaganda
Why would they is the wrong question. You can't prove they did. You can't prove that video actually aired in the early 60's. MKNaomi had nothing to do with mind control and you're batshit insane. Even worse than I imagined that you think the government revealed clandestine operations to Americans on TV.

Add all that up and it spells, h-o-a-x.

BTW, I am old enough to remember the sign off in the 60's and the words that they put on the bottom of the screen.....
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

Yeah, I get you're completely batshit insane.

Now you're claiming the U.S. government divulged clandestine operations to Americans who tuned in late enough to watch the Star Spangled Banner as the networks signed off. :cuckoo:

Yeah, that is exactly what I am saying. Why would they put the words to the national anthem at sign off otherwise? I just gave you the reason as to why "Ultra" and Naomi" where placed in it along with asking people to "buy" it. This all came out in the mid to late 70's as to what they were doing to American citizens using trauma based mind control. Sure wasn't much uproar about it. Kennedy was right...the CIA should have been busted into tiny pieces. Idiots like you have no critical thinking skills.

Hitler’s Mind Control Experiments and How They Influenced Modern Propaganda
Why would they is the wrong question. You can't prove they did. You can't prove that video actually aired in the early 60's. MKNaomi had nothing to do with mind control and you're batshit insane. Even worse than I imagined that you think the government revealed clandestine operations to Americans on TV.

Add all that up and it spells, h-o-a-x.

BULLSHIT...........100 percent wrong as usual. You suffer from cognitive dissonance. It is called conditioning and predictive programming. You are too stupid and stubborn to realize that you have been gamed.Just because you can't wrap your mind around it doesn't mean that it's not reality. Using propaganda and lies, the techniques learned from the research of the Tavistock Institute actually persuaded the American citizens into supporting America's entry into WWI...a war that that they had been very much against. They have only perfected those techniques over the last 100 years. Look at how easily it was for the powers that be to support a war against Iraq that had nothing to do with 9/11/01? All the propaganda that was spewed? Wake up, lil camper........
Sadly, your dementia persists as none of that has anything to do with the reality that the video you posted is an Internet hoax. Reliably, you fell for it.

Not a hoax by any stretch of the just want it to be. I know that you believe in "gubermint" and that you trust it like you would your momma and daddy but it isn't what you think it is. It's not based on any type of moral principles. The things this corporate entity has done not only to it's own people but those that could not stand up against it would make the hair on the back of your neck stand straight up and that is a fact.
Great. From non-sequiturs to strawmen. :rolleyes:

Still doesn't make your Internet hoax a reality.
Yeah, that is exactly what I am saying. Why would they put the words to the national anthem at sign off otherwise? I just gave you the reason as to why "Ultra" and Naomi" where placed in it along with asking people to "buy" it. This all came out in the mid to late 70's as to what they were doing to American citizens using trauma based mind control. Sure wasn't much uproar about it. Kennedy was right...the CIA should have been busted into tiny pieces. Idiots like you have no critical thinking skills.

Hitler’s Mind Control Experiments and How They Influenced Modern Propaganda
Why would they is the wrong question. You can't prove they did. You can't prove that video actually aired in the early 60's. MKNaomi had nothing to do with mind control and you're batshit insane. Even worse than I imagined that you think the government revealed clandestine operations to Americans on TV.

Add all that up and it spells, h-o-a-x.

BULLSHIT...........100 percent wrong as usual. You suffer from cognitive dissonance. It is called conditioning and predictive programming. You are too stupid and stubborn to realize that you have been gamed.Just because you can't wrap your mind around it doesn't mean that it's not reality. Using propaganda and lies, the techniques learned from the research of the Tavistock Institute actually persuaded the American citizens into supporting America's entry into WWI...a war that that they had been very much against. They have only perfected those techniques over the last 100 years. Look at how easily it was for the powers that be to support a war against Iraq that had nothing to do with 9/11/01? All the propaganda that was spewed? Wake up, lil camper........
Sadly, your dementia persists as none of that has anything to do with the reality that the video you posted is an Internet hoax. Reliably, you fell for it.

Not a hoax by any stretch of the just want it to be. I know that you believe in "gubermint" and that you trust it like you would your momma and daddy but it isn't what you think it is. It's not based on any type of moral principles. The things this corporate entity has done not only to it's own people but those that could not stand up against it would make the hair on the back of your neck stand straight up and that is a fact.
Great. From non-sequiturs to strawmen. :rolleyes:

Still doesn't make your Internet hoax a reality.

Not a hoax in any sense of the word........I provided proof with the link. You really seem to be struggling with this.....
Really? I exposed nothing?

Someone named Naomi posts a video on the Internet, where hoaxes abound, with subliminal messages; among which, "buy naomi" is seen. And that doesn't scream Internet hoax to you??

If not, you're even more deranged than you first appeared.

Sane people get the joke anyway, even if you don't.

Explain then why the U.S. government would subliminally message viewers to buy naomi?

MK-Ultra and MK-Naomi were two declassified programs being ran by the CIA for mind control. Get it now????

Project MKNAOMI - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

Yeah, I get you're completely batshit insane.

Now you're claiming the U.S. government divulged clandestine operations to Americans who tuned in late enough to watch the Star Spangled Banner as the networks signed off. :cuckoo:

Yeah, that is exactly what I am saying. Why would they put the words to the national anthem at sign off otherwise? I just gave you the reason as to why "Ultra" and Naomi" where placed in it along with asking people to "buy" it. This all came out in the mid to late 70's as to what they were doing to American citizens using trauma based mind control. Sure wasn't much uproar about it. Kennedy was right...the CIA should have been busted into tiny pieces. Idiots like you have no critical thinking skills.

Hitler’s Mind Control Experiments and How They Influenced Modern Propaganda
Why would they is the wrong question. You can't prove they did. You can't prove that video actually aired in the early 60's. MKNaomi had nothing to do with mind control and you're batshit insane. Even worse than I imagined that you think the government revealed clandestine operations to Americans on TV.

Add all that up and it spells, h-o-a-x.

BTW, I am old enough to remember the sign off in the 60's and the words that they put on the bottom of the screen.....
Yeah, sure you do. :cuckoo:

Your convenient self-serving anecdotal evidence you plucked from your ass does not make an Internet hoax a reality.
MK-Ultra and MK-Naomi were two declassified programs being ran by the CIA for mind control. Get it now????

Project MKNAOMI - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

Yeah, I get you're completely batshit insane.

Now you're claiming the U.S. government divulged clandestine operations to Americans who tuned in late enough to watch the Star Spangled Banner as the networks signed off. :cuckoo:

Yeah, that is exactly what I am saying. Why would they put the words to the national anthem at sign off otherwise? I just gave you the reason as to why "Ultra" and Naomi" where placed in it along with asking people to "buy" it. This all came out in the mid to late 70's as to what they were doing to American citizens using trauma based mind control. Sure wasn't much uproar about it. Kennedy was right...the CIA should have been busted into tiny pieces. Idiots like you have no critical thinking skills.

Hitler’s Mind Control Experiments and How They Influenced Modern Propaganda
Why would they is the wrong question. You can't prove they did. You can't prove that video actually aired in the early 60's. MKNaomi had nothing to do with mind control and you're batshit insane. Even worse than I imagined that you think the government revealed clandestine operations to Americans on TV.

Add all that up and it spells, h-o-a-x.

BTW, I am old enough to remember the sign off in the 60's and the words that they put on the bottom of the screen.....
Yeah, sure you do. :cuckoo:

Your convenient self-serving anecdotal evidence you plucked from your ass does not make an Internet hoax a reality.

So? What was Naomi selling, moron? Holy fuck but are you ever dense. Keep on loving yourself some "gubermint", ya commie POS........but bear this in's not gonna be the utopia that you think it will be.
Why would they is the wrong question. You can't prove they did. You can't prove that video actually aired in the early 60's. MKNaomi had nothing to do with mind control and you're batshit insane. Even worse than I imagined that you think the government revealed clandestine operations to Americans on TV.

Add all that up and it spells, h-o-a-x.

BULLSHIT...........100 percent wrong as usual. You suffer from cognitive dissonance. It is called conditioning and predictive programming. You are too stupid and stubborn to realize that you have been gamed.Just because you can't wrap your mind around it doesn't mean that it's not reality. Using propaganda and lies, the techniques learned from the research of the Tavistock Institute actually persuaded the American citizens into supporting America's entry into WWI...a war that that they had been very much against. They have only perfected those techniques over the last 100 years. Look at how easily it was for the powers that be to support a war against Iraq that had nothing to do with 9/11/01? All the propaganda that was spewed? Wake up, lil camper........
Sadly, your dementia persists as none of that has anything to do with the reality that the video you posted is an Internet hoax. Reliably, you fell for it.

Not a hoax by any stretch of the just want it to be. I know that you believe in "gubermint" and that you trust it like you would your momma and daddy but it isn't what you think it is. It's not based on any type of moral principles. The things this corporate entity has done not only to it's own people but those that could not stand up against it would make the hair on the back of your neck stand straight up and that is a fact.
Great. From non-sequiturs to strawmen. :rolleyes:

Still doesn't make your Internet hoax a reality.

Not a hoax in any sense of the word........I provided proof with the link. You really seem to be struggling with this.....
You provided a link to an Internet hoax. If you think that makes it real, then you must believe pigs can fly since I can do the same as you and "prove" it with a link...

Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

Yeah, I get you're completely batshit insane.

Now you're claiming the U.S. government divulged clandestine operations to Americans who tuned in late enough to watch the Star Spangled Banner as the networks signed off. :cuckoo:

Yeah, that is exactly what I am saying. Why would they put the words to the national anthem at sign off otherwise? I just gave you the reason as to why "Ultra" and Naomi" where placed in it along with asking people to "buy" it. This all came out in the mid to late 70's as to what they were doing to American citizens using trauma based mind control. Sure wasn't much uproar about it. Kennedy was right...the CIA should have been busted into tiny pieces. Idiots like you have no critical thinking skills.

Hitler’s Mind Control Experiments and How They Influenced Modern Propaganda
Why would they is the wrong question. You can't prove they did. You can't prove that video actually aired in the early 60's. MKNaomi had nothing to do with mind control and you're batshit insane. Even worse than I imagined that you think the government revealed clandestine operations to Americans on TV.

Add all that up and it spells, h-o-a-x.

BTW, I am old enough to remember the sign off in the 60's and the words that they put on the bottom of the screen.....
Yeah, sure you do. :cuckoo:

Your convenient self-serving anecdotal evidence you plucked from your ass does not make an Internet hoax a reality.

So? What was Naomi selling, moron? Holy fuck but are you ever dense. Keep on loving yourself some "gubermint", ya commie POS........but bear this in's not gonna be the utopia that you think it will be.
Shrieks the demented psych patient who thinks everything he sees on the Internet is real. :cuckoo:
Yeah, that is exactly what I am saying. Why would they put the words to the national anthem at sign off otherwise? I just gave you the reason as to why "Ultra" and Naomi" where placed in it along with asking people to "buy" it. This all came out in the mid to late 70's as to what they were doing to American citizens using trauma based mind control. Sure wasn't much uproar about it. Kennedy was right...the CIA should have been busted into tiny pieces. Idiots like you have no critical thinking skills.

Hitler’s Mind Control Experiments and How They Influenced Modern Propaganda
Why would they is the wrong question. You can't prove they did. You can't prove that video actually aired in the early 60's. MKNaomi had nothing to do with mind control and you're batshit insane. Even worse than I imagined that you think the government revealed clandestine operations to Americans on TV.

Add all that up and it spells, h-o-a-x.

BTW, I am old enough to remember the sign off in the 60's and the words that they put on the bottom of the screen.....
Yeah, sure you do. :cuckoo:

Your convenient self-serving anecdotal evidence you plucked from your ass does not make an Internet hoax a reality.

So? What was Naomi selling, moron? Holy fuck but are you ever dense. Keep on loving yourself some "gubermint", ya commie POS........but bear this in's not gonna be the utopia that you think it will be.
Shrieks the demented psych patient who thinks everything he sees on the Internet is real. :cuckoo:

Shrieks the leftard that believes in his corporate "gubermint" and that it has never committed atrocities against the very people it was suppose to's not me that has a few screws loose, moron.
Why would they is the wrong question. You can't prove they did. You can't prove that video actually aired in the early 60's. MKNaomi had nothing to do with mind control and you're batshit insane. Even worse than I imagined that you think the government revealed clandestine operations to Americans on TV.

Add all that up and it spells, h-o-a-x.

BTW, I am old enough to remember the sign off in the 60's and the words that they put on the bottom of the screen.....
Yeah, sure you do. :cuckoo:

Your convenient self-serving anecdotal evidence you plucked from your ass does not make an Internet hoax a reality.

So? What was Naomi selling, moron? Holy fuck but are you ever dense. Keep on loving yourself some "gubermint", ya commie POS........but bear this in's not gonna be the utopia that you think it will be.
Shrieks the demented psych patient who thinks everything he sees on the Internet is real. :cuckoo:

Shrieks the leftard that believes in his corporate "gubermint" and that it has never committed atrocities against the very people it was suppose to's not me that has a few screws loose, moron.
Sadly, your dementia worsens. Where did I say the government never did that?

I didn't. You're just so fucking insane, you think I did. :cuckoo:

Just like you did when you thought I denied there were subliminal messages in that video. :cuckoo:

All the while the Internet hoax you idiotically believe is real remains a hoax.
BTW, I am old enough to remember the sign off in the 60's and the words that they put on the bottom of the screen.....
Yeah, sure you do. :cuckoo:

Your convenient self-serving anecdotal evidence you plucked from your ass does not make an Internet hoax a reality.

So? What was Naomi selling, moron? Holy fuck but are you ever dense. Keep on loving yourself some "gubermint", ya commie POS........but bear this in's not gonna be the utopia that you think it will be.
Shrieks the demented psych patient who thinks everything he sees on the Internet is real. :cuckoo:

Shrieks the leftard that believes in his corporate "gubermint" and that it has never committed atrocities against the very people it was suppose to's not me that has a few screws loose, moron.
Sadly, your dementia worsens. Where did I say the government never did that?

I didn't. You're just so fucking insane, you think I did. :cuckoo:

Just like you did when you thought I denied there were subliminal messages in that video. :cuckoo:

All the while the Internet hoax you idiotically believe is real remains a hoax.

Not a hoax and you don't have the balls to admit it......

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